Is it true? Is the Brotherhood defunct? Say it isn't so!
respectfully, a prospective Brother
`Friad so pard fer some reason or `nother jest seemed ta dwindle.
A reel shame too as there aint enuf Forums dedicated to the one true powder made from Gods own given ingredients,
Still, who knows mayhaps it can `rise agin` bit like the ole Phoenix
Paladin (What likes bein a MDA ;D ) UK
Then what is a snarky blackpowder shooter to do in the name of fraternity!?
Quote from: ConfederateNorth on February 25, 2013, 06:39:19 PM
Then what is a snarky blackpowder shooter to do in the name of fraternity!?
I guess its up to a couple of prospective new shooters of the wholly black to raise that Phoenix out of the ashes.
Maybe we start a post conataining a roll and dig through the forum and figure out who should be on it. Maybe someone with admin rights can pin it to the top.
I'ge got a few hundred rounds of the heathen stuff to use up and then I plan to go to the real stuff.
Well, I for one am willing to take the oath...
Quote from: ConfederateNorth on February 28, 2013, 04:03:16 PM
Well, I for one am willing to take the oath...
Same here. I did find a "Roll" type post but can't add us to it.
I loaded some 12 gauge brass with the good stuff last night and I'm about to head out and make smoke. :D
Is there anything more fun than making big clouds of smoke?
Ho CN `n TC...
Glad ta see some fight`n spirit pards, I fer one would love ta see Shots... `reignited` ;D
Any more `riginals wanna come back on board `n see iffn we can make this ole Phoenix fly agin.
Paladin ( what admires CN `n TC`s fervor :D ) UK
I'm still here and willing. Nothing but the Holy Black touches my smokepoles.
Paladin UK
Blackpowder Burn
Tyrel Cody
Surely there are more!
Other than wax for fast draw the only thing I shoot is the Holy Black.
Front stuffer
Cap and Ball
BP cartridge
and adding soon black powder shotgun.
I think we tried to go too fast. Started with a seal and then instantly went to different levels and layers based on different criteria. Probably just need to stay more focused on the "Holy Black"
I only own the one gonne that uses the Holy Black so far, but I'm selling off the modern contraptions I own to fund a brace of cap and ball revolvers. I do my own leather work, made myself a set of spurs and pushrod, and plan to continue to make my own gear.
As such, I would see myself counted as a Brother Artisan upon taking up the Black Covenant.
ConfederatNorth; It sounds like you qualify as requested. The Covenant is basically self-administered as there are literally thousands of us , all around the world that follow the creed of the Holy Black. You are welcome to the brotherhood.
Then count me proudly as a Brother in The Order.
I raise a "huzzah!" to you, my Brethren.
Fer TWB...
Yep it certainly `took off` at a rate of knots!!
And I agree, the main only thing we should have been concentrating on is how to further our knowledge and understanding of the True Propellant.
Mayhaps this time around....? :D
Paladin (Whats goin shoot`n in the Morning ;D ) UK
Spent the afternoon working up a BP load that will shoot a good pattern in my Stoeger coach gun; which is now designated to only shoot the real stuff. Count me as a brother artisan too! :D
First time my son,8 , had seen black powder was today. The first shot I heard him yell "AWESOME!", followed by "Wow th smells awful"; guess BP odor is an aquifed scent.
All I use is the Holy Black. With nearly two dozen C&B revlovers.
Quote from: tyrel cody on March 10, 2013, 11:59:59 PM
First time my son,8 , had seen black powder was today. The first shot I heard him yell "AWESOME!", followed by "Wow th smells awful"; guess BP odor is an aquifed scent.
Nothing beats that beautiful cloud of smoke. It won't take long and your son will think the smell is incense. :)
TWB says...
QuoteIt won't take long and your son will think the smell is incense.
Yup add the delicate aroma of `Ballistol #5` And ya got yerself heaven :D
Paladin (What lurvs The HB ;D )
Quote from: Paladin UK on March 16, 2013, 02:38:32 PM
TWB says...
Yup add the delicate aroma of `Ballistol #5` And ya got yerself heaven :D
Paladin (What lurvs The HB ;D ) UK
Not a bad way to woo the ladies either. When drinking my early morning BP tea, I put a little behind each ear. Gotta dang near beat the ladies off with stick. ;)
Sadly, most of my old westiness gets an eye roll from the missus. She puts up with a lot.
Quote from: Paladin UK on March 16, 2013, 02:38:32 PM
TWB says...
Yup add the delicate aroma of `Ballistol #5` And ya got yerself heaven :D
Paladin (What lurvs The HB ;D ) UK
I don't mind the smell of real BP; but I think I'll pass on the Ballistol cologne.
I agree, Tyrel - but I do use Ballistol Moose Milk. I just hate the smell.
I PREFER to use Hoppes #9 PLUS BP cleaner & lube, but it's harder to find & more expensive, at least the few places where I have found it.
I simply use it (Moose Milk) as a good cleaner/neutralizer (the water is the neutralizer) - I leave lubing to PROPER lubricants. And yes, the Hoppes mixed with BP residue stinks as bad as Ballistol; HOWEVER, to ME ... Ballistol stinks as soon as you open the can - the Hoppes doesn't smell bad until it mixes with BP residue!
But your mileage may vary ...
Add Swede to the list...
Making smoke is the only way to go!
Swede Olsson
Quote from: The Swede on October 31, 2013, 12:56:53 PM
Add Swede to the list...
Making smoke is the only way to go!
Swede Olsson
Welcome to the Dark Order, Swede.
This past weekend marked the SMVS's (the Scarlet Mask Vigilance Society - our local NCOWS club) first ever 2-day shoot & camping extravaganza ... but unfortunately, it was also our last shoot of the 2013 shooting season. (Our range is smack-dab in the middle of some of Indiana's best hunting areas and we didn't want to chance shooting a hunter, so Nov. 'thru Feb. we load our Black Powder rounds for NEXT season.)
My main reason for mentioning this is that as usual, I shot BP in all my bullet launchers! Nuthin' but the best!
Yessireee SHB, yer a true Sootlord pard.
Paladin (what also lurvs the TRUE Powder ;) ) UK
Let's see; compressed 3f loads in .44WCF, .45 Colt, and 12 GA (brass shells). Flintlock rifles in .36 and .50 caliber and a flintlock musket (Long Land Bess).
I think need to add my name to the list, count me in.
Yer in, Vern'. Check out the Plainsman Society as well as those other gunpowder friendly boards such as NCOWS that you already patronize.
I need a bit more info on your shotgun brass case load. Are you using compressed FFFg in that as well? You might consider FFg.
Quote from: Sir Charles deMouton-Black on November 06, 2013, 10:20:33 AM
Yer in, Vern'. Check out the Plainsman Society as well as those other gunpowder friendly boards such as NCOWS that you already patronize.
I need a bit more info on your shotgun brass case load. Are you using compressed FFFg in that as well? You might consider FFg.
Sir Charles,
My shotgun load is not compressed, should have mentioned that in my post. The load is 55 grains of 3f toppedby a card wad, followed by a Circle Fly lubed fiber wad. I use the same dipper to measure the shot and top off the shot with annother card wad. All is sealed with waterglass.
I use 3f because that is what I use in my flintlocks, this way I only have to keep one grade on hand. I prime my flinters with 3f as well.
The Plainsman Society looks good, I just may have to pickup a pair of 1860's and give it a go.
Vernon; Welcome to the Dark Order. 8) 8)
With your permission, Lords. I should like to start a coven(is that the proper term?) of the order up here in the frozen northern territory of Alberta, Canada.
Quote from: Edenchef on November 06, 2013, 09:16:11 PM
With your permission, Lords. I should like to start a coven(is that the proper term?) of the order up here in the frozen northern territory of Alberta, Canada.
I should think that Chapter would be more appropriate, but then I am rather new to the Order.
Here is the applicable clause from the Covenant;
"Members of any rank may be "at Large". This does not depend on the length of theyr gonne belt, but indicates that they practise the BLACK ART or the BLACK MYSTERIE as individual champions. Alternatively, members may arrange themselves as a HOUSE, or a COMPANY. A HOUSE implies a geographical entity, while a COMPANY may be devoted to a particular form of the BLACK ART."
Come to think about it, CHAPTER might be a better term than "House". Do we have to debate an amendment, or can I simply change it as I composed the whole thing with editorial assistance from my Sun&Air. Anyone have any other thoughts?
Sir Chas., I like "Chapter" better than "Coven." Altho' there is plenty of mystery surrounding the TRUE gunpowder and sometimes those of us who USE it, "Coven" sounds more foreboding and perhaps "witchy," than "Chapter.
To our pal "Paladin UK," thanks for re-affirming my sootiness status!
And for ALL of our fellow aficionados and supporters of the White Smoke,
Keep yer powder dry ! ! !.
"Coven" should apply more to the shooters of smokeleyless. Now there's witchcraft! ;)
Swede Olsson
OK since I even make my own Holy Black I should prolly make my mark someplace ;D
Count ma as the newest brother of the Sublime and Holy Order of the Soot!
I`m only too pleased ta `count ya in` pard
Lets welcome St8LineLeatherSmith to the order,
Looks like the ole Phoenix is risen yet agin!!
Ho SC Looks like we`d better get the roster updated!!
Paladin (what loves the HB ;D ) UK
Brothers, I confess that I have back-slid a whole lot since I bought these Nitro converted cylinders for my ROA's.
This was in a vain attempt to speed up and get competitive.
May as well have stayed with the Holy Black and confused the markers!
If I can find a buyer soon for these cyl's then 'I will be back!' (Oops, wrong film!)
You might want to add me to the roster as The Polygrip Kid since that is my alias, Leathersmithing is what the kid does at the State line ;D