I have been researching my ancestors in Pendleton County W.V. (Va, before the later unpleasantness with the North.)
Seems My Great Great Grandfather and his father and Brothers made and sold Black Powder near the Mouth of the Seneca River is said county, for years before my Great Gr4andfather was born. It was Jacob Harper and his sons. Jacob's son Jesse is my Great Great Grandfather.
Fun facts that you learn when researching.
No wonder I got into BP in the late 60's!
Welcome aboard. I don't have too many famous ancestors. One was a notorious bootlegger in Butte, Montana. They never could find her still til a couple of revenuers got her drunk and she showed them how she hid it in an abandoned mine shaft. Butte is honeycombed with mines & test holes. This is a great forum.
"Bout time, Charlie. We been waitin' for you. ;)
Took awhile to notice Charlie. Over 13 months!? And you were such a regular when I joined cascity.
HST; Welcome, and we'd like to hear a bit more regular from you.
Welcome Charlie, glad you stopped by. When my ancestors immigrated from Europe they wound up in Logan Co. West Virginia. I like researching into family background and discovered my Granddaddy was involved in the Matewan Strike. Been trying to find out more but no one in my family seems to be talking too much.....? Best To You, Navy Six