I have thought about doing this for a while.
Over on "The High Road" there are OFFICIAL threads for the different models so I am going to do the same thing here.
Many of us like to show off our pistols and this will give us a place to do so w/o "hijacking" our pards threads ;)
Rules are simple with "no axe grinding" taking precedence, followed by "stick to the topic" (no other models posted, please), then if you want to stray off topic, please search for like posts and/or start one of your own.........
Thanks, HH
Here is my abbreviated model ;)
Well, I'd post some pictures; but they've apparently changed Photobucket and I can't get anything to work on it.
Yep, Photobucket has really changed and I'm to lazy to read the directions. Hope this works. On the top is a Pietta with steel backstrap and trigger guard that I shortened to 6 inches. On the bottom is a Colt.
Nice Larsen!
It's always great to see originals do you shoot this one?
Haven't shot this one. Back in 1961 when the Civil War Centennial started we shot a lot of originals as there weren't that many reproductions around yet.
OK, Here are some of my '61s
Top pair - Ubertis
Middle pair - Piettas
Bottom pair - 2nd Gen Colt's
Nice Fingers!
I am on the lookout for a 2nd Gen Colt 1861 for a conversion project.
If anyone knows of a used one for sale, let me know!
Picked this one up for $95. several years ago:
Looks like a Pietta with a "Legal Defender" ring and a cut off "sheriff" fluted cylinder.
Am I close?
Quote from: Hoof Hearted on November 20, 2012, 06:00:02 PM
Looks like a Pietta with a "Legal Defender" ring and a cut off "sheriff" fluted cylinder.
Am I close?
It is a Pietta, and I'm pretty sure the cylinder has bee turned down at the crown, not sure of the ring, but it was a professional job of converting. Cylinder is chamber bored for .38 Spec., but the barrel is still .375, so I use home loaded BP rounds with 148 gr. hollow based wad-cutters. No problems. ;)
Here is an 1861 that I built for myself last year...........
It is a Pietta with all the bells and whistles!
R & D gated conversion, Kirst ejector (blended in), barrel lined to .357, checkered hammer, all Italian markings removed.
That is a real "beauty". You did a great job on it. I guess the one you are doing for me we will have to call the "beast".
Quote from: RebHolister on November 24, 2012, 02:05:39 PM
That is a real "beauty". You did a great job on it. I guess the one you are doing for me we will have to call the "beast".
That just depends on how you want it done!~
What is it my sign say's?
Oh yea:
I offer Three kinds of service:
You Can Pick Any Two
Good service Cheap won't be Fast
Good service Fast won't be Cheap
Fast service Cheap won't be Good
But you know I love ya!
I pick good, cheap, and slow!
Pictures will be coming.
Here is a Kenny Howell built 1861. It came into my posession in a trade off the SASS wire a few years back and haad been used HARD and repaired buy someone with hams for hands.........I tightened up the arbor and made some other necessary repairs but have left it alone for it's unique "charm" ::)
This pistol was a FREEBIE ;D
Of course it looked like a freebie also......I'm not sure the previous owner (who was a friend) had any idea that you need to clean a BP pistol after firing or they will rust!
I used a Kirst ring and the cut off fluted cylinder and then left the rammer off and filled the latch dovetail for the "gunsmith conversion" look.
Quote from: Hoof Hearted on November 28, 2012, 08:20:29 AM
Here is a Kenny Howell built 1861. It came into my posession in a trade off the SASS wire a few years back and haad been used HARD and repaired buy someone with hams for hands.........I tightened up the arbor and made some other necessary repairs but have left it alone for it's unique "charm" ::)
man everytime you show a picture of that gun it gets me lathered up, its got that well used looked but thats what i like about it
A couple of Cimarron's 1861's.
This one was at Shot Show when I snapped a pic. I think the grips are Tru-Ivory:
I've posted pics of this one a few years ago. I happened to be at Cimarron when this one arrived from Uberti. Besides being a beautiful pistol, the noteworthy thing about this is that it is a miniature! With nothing else in the pics to give a frame of reference, you wouldn't know it!
Here is my pair of 1861s. Bought years ago to replace a pair of originals I had been using. A collector wanted the originals more than I did so I used some of the money to by these Ubertis.
These, although not fired of late, remain my favorite revovlers.
Quote from: StrawHat on January 02, 2013, 11:05:59 AM
Here is my pair of 1861s. Bought years ago to replace a pair of originals I had been using. A collector wanted the originals more than I did so I used some of the money to by these Ubertis.
These, although not fired of late, remain my favorite revovlers.
That looks like an 1851 snubbie to me............
Quote from: Hoof Hearted on January 02, 2013, 05:44:51 PM
That looks like an 1851 snubbie to me............
Hmm, I suceeded in posting the wrong photo, perhaps this is a better photo of my 1861s.
(What's that you say, use the preview button, well, okay.)
I'm purchasing an all steel 61 conversion with a 5 1/2 in barrel, that I think one of y'all did.
I haven't seen it, but I trust the "old Coot" that I'm buying it from.
Might anyone fess up , and show any pictures?
Like, does it have a ring that folds out for loading, does it have an R&D drop in?
loading lever, or ejector?
Proud new owner and of course I couldn't leave em alone. Cut a nice .080" U notch sight in the hammer. I polished the internals, put in a wire bolt/hammer spring and some SlixShot nips. (Now) I found a lighter main spring that still busts caps. I reshaped the end of the rammer for balls. I removed the painted on stock finish and refinished in oil.
Picture was shot with a Sony Camera set on Toy creative mode. It's supposed to mimic cheap throw away plastic lens kids cameras. Well, maybe. I like the effect for classic guns.
1861 Navy Richards-Mason Conversions, chambered for .38 Long Colt, built by Kenny Howell of R&D.
(http://i856.photobucket.com/albums/ab128/seth_hawkins/Colt%201861%20Navy%20R-M%20Conversions/1861ColtNavyRichards-MasonConversions00.jpg) (http://s856.photobucket.com/user/seth_hawkins/media/Colt%201861%20Navy%20R-M%20Conversions/1861ColtNavyRichards-MasonConversions00.jpg.html)
(http://i856.photobucket.com/albums/ab128/seth_hawkins/Colt%201861%20Navy%20R-M%20Conversions/DSCF3862.jpg) (http://s856.photobucket.com/user/seth_hawkins/media/Colt%201861%20Navy%20R-M%20Conversions/DSCF3862.jpg.html)
(http://i856.photobucket.com/albums/ab128/seth_hawkins/Colt%201861%20Navy%20R-M%20Conversions/DSCF3860.jpg) (http://s856.photobucket.com/user/seth_hawkins/media/Colt%201861%20Navy%20R-M%20Conversions/DSCF3860.jpg.html)
(http://i856.photobucket.com/albums/ab128/seth_hawkins/Colt%201861%20Navy%20R-M%20Conversions/DSCF3858.jpg) (http://s856.photobucket.com/user/seth_hawkins/media/Colt%201861%20Navy%20R-M%20Conversions/DSCF3858.jpg.html)
(http://i856.photobucket.com/albums/ab128/seth_hawkins/Colt%201861%20Navy%20R-M%20Conversions/DSCF3855.jpg) (http://s856.photobucket.com/user/seth_hawkins/media/Colt%201861%20Navy%20R-M%20Conversions/DSCF3855.jpg.html)
1861 Navy "Richards" Conversions, chambered for .38 Special, stamped as being built by Navy Arms.
(http://i856.photobucket.com/albums/ab128/seth_hawkins/Colt%201861%20Navy%20Richards%20Conversions/DSCF3896.jpg) (http://s856.photobucket.com/user/seth_hawkins/media/Colt%201861%20Navy%20Richards%20Conversions/DSCF3896.jpg.html)
(http://i856.photobucket.com/albums/ab128/seth_hawkins/Colt%201861%20Navy%20Richards%20Conversions/DSCF3891.jpg) (http://s856.photobucket.com/user/seth_hawkins/media/Colt%201861%20Navy%20Richards%20Conversions/DSCF3891.jpg.html)
A group photo: 1861 Navy "Richards" Conversions by Navy Arms (ASM), an 1848 Baby Dragoon with an R&D conversion cylinder, an 1860 Henry converted to .44 Henry Center Fire, engraving by Ken Hurst, and a Randall Skinner with Sambar Stag handle and Damascus steel blade. Leather by Jim Simmons.
(http://i856.photobucket.com/albums/ab128/seth_hawkins/CAS%20Guns/Seth00.png) (http://s856.photobucket.com/user/seth_hawkins/media/CAS%20Guns/Seth00.png.html)
1861 Navy Richards-Mason Conversions, chambered for .38 Long Colt, built by Kenny Howell of R&D.
Nice set Seth!
I have one like that built long ago...........How old are yours?
Regards, HH
Old. I don't know the exact date of conversion. I bought them used and Kenny wouldn't provide any help with dating them.
Quote from: Seth Hawkins on October 20, 2013, 02:44:57 PM
Kenny wouldn't provide any help ........
Been there, done that!
I gotta take some decent pics of my '71's. They put the Howell conversions to shame. ;)
Hi Gent`s ,
like to share C&B Uberi Navy 1861
Bought him used for around 150 Bucks and like him much
Don`t know exactly when he was made but seems to be in the 1980th
hereby some pics with my Holster and some Cartridges and the Navy
Cheers Klaus
"Replica Arms Inc. - Marietta Ohio" marked Uberti, man'f 1970. Appears to be unfired.
My CVA 1861 kit gun. This was started 30 years ago, left in finished. I was gifted the piece in the original packing box. I completed the piece.
I call it my "RAT ROD 61"
I am looking for a 1861 Navy conversion revolver in .38. I have an Uberti RM 1860 Army with 5 1/2 barrel in .45 colt new in box I would trade. I have it listed in the classifieds.
My pair of 1861 RM Conversions in .38 Long Colt cal.
They are my main match pistols since 2018.
The one with the silverish grip frame is a 2nd gen Colt, the other a 4-screw frame Uberti.
Long Johns Wolf
I started out with an EMF Heritage 61 Navy London Model, and the Kirst was fitted, and the barrel bobbed to 3"
The Cyl. & barrel were hot salts blued...
Later, I also had a 51 barrel lined & blued.
The downside was the cost, I have more outlay in the gun than a Factory conversion.
But at the time, the conversions were not made, so all was well in Whoville :)
Very nice, Major,
And I like the holster, too.
Long Johns Wolf
Oil am looking for a 1861 RM conversion in 38. I have a Pietta Remington 58 with Kirst drop in cylinder and BP cylinder from trade.
There is no such thing as an 1861 Richards-Mason conversion. Neither historically nor has any manufacturer ever reproduced one. Closest you can get is with the Type II in .38. And that will not have the correct barrel shape for a R-M '61. The large underlug portion of the barrel would need to be shaved down to make it look right.
I have edited the posts where photo bucket has deleted your photo(s)
and shamelessly posted their flag to advertise...
It's bad enough PB over casts the photos that they have charged you for...
PB can't delete your photo(s) and expect free ride on my watch!
Quote from: Long Johns Wolf on December 03, 2023, 05:26:02 AM
My pair of 1861 RM Conversions in .38 Long Colt cal.
They are my main match pistols since 2018.
The one with the silverish grip frame is a 2nd gen Colt, the other a 4-screw frame Uberti.
Long Johns Wolf
Long Johns, who made those conversions? I assume they had to shave the bottom of the barrel?
:) Sorta Confused Maybe ;)
It's entirely true, Neither Colt, nor ASM, nor Uberti ever built an 1861 Richards - Mason conversion. Just didn't happen. However:
Based on previous, it may well be Pappy is actually looking for an 1861 Richards Conversion. Now it gets a mite "gray." Colt never built 1861 Richards Conversions. Uberti never built 1861 Richards Conversions. Armi San Marco did. Sorta. Almost, Real Close. What ASM called their "1860" wasn't. If you look close, no stepped cylinder. The ONLY thing distinguishing the gun as an 1860 are the 1860 Army Pattern Grips. Straight unstepped frame. unstepped cylinder, and an 1860 pattern barrel assembly. Pull the 1860 Army Grips, swap in a set of 1851 Grips and you have an 1861. Or, at least as close as you're ever going to get in this day and age.
Just my take.
I posted an update to this subject up in the Classifieds.
I posted an UPDATE to the UPDATE on the Classifieds thread.
i believe in the movie Josey Wales, the beginning where Josey picks up pistol put of the ashes, its a 1861 conversion!
Thinking about buying a 1861 Navy colt. I am thinking about buying kirst conversion cylinder and ejector in 38 special. Which brand would you go with, Uberti or Pietta.
:) PAPPY ;)
Hands down, No Questions Asked. "PIETTA" There are far fewer problems in setting up a Pietta than Uberti. You don't have the atrocious Barrel to Arbor fit problem, Pietta has a redesigned Hand Spring that is basically bullet proof. Pietta now has a new and improved lighter Main Spring (I think in Percussion also). Did I mention I'd recommend Pietta?? Yes. Pietta :D
PART TWO: Instead of fighting with all sort of "period correct" (I hate that term) healed bullets and little short cartridges, just shoot regular 38 Special cases with 148Gr Hollow Base Wadcutters. I shoot Hollow Base Wadcutters thru my .375 Bore conversions with fine accuracy ;)
Problem with Pietta it has 8 in barrel. The original 1861 navies were 7 1/2
The Ubertis are closer to originals and some say better finished out. The short arbor is easily addressed. It seems that might be the better choice. You can order Wolff reduced tension main springs and better (won't break) Wolf reduced power trigger/bolt springs from Midway.
:) REALLY?? :(
The big Bugg-a-Boo is over a half inch of barrel?? One can't even "see" that difference at 6 feet. Trade off correct Barrel to Arbor fit, Better Hand Spring, Better Main Spring for half inch of barrel just seems silly. Pietta may need to have the Bolt fit to Cylinder though.
Well, I happen to know the EMF Pietta 61 Hartford had a 7 1/2" barrel because I still have the 4 7/16 " off cut from this snubby 3"...
Then I also sleeved ,357 the 51-barrel shown with here.
Gary Barns fitted the Kirst and 51 barrel and did the internals, defarbed and nitrate blued the parts...
I notice the Pietta 4-screw version 1861 is on sale at EMF for $284.75
Quote from: Coffinmaker on January 07, 2024, 10:02:41 AM
:) REALLY?? :(
The big Bugg-a-Boo is over a half inch of barrel?? One can't even "see" that difference at 6 feet. Trade off correct Barrel to Arbor fit, Better Hand Spring, Better Main Spring for half inch of barrel just seems silly. Pietta may need to have the Bolt fit to Cylinder though.
Definitely not a big deal for Coffinmaker, the Hacksaw King. You'd probably cut off 3 or 4 inches, anyway.
:) BINGO!! ;D
:) Additionally ;)
If we take a peek. It will become obvious over the last several years the Importers and the manufacturers have been steadily reducing the number of model varations offered as well as the number of models. The reduction in demand has brought about this result. Sad, but unavoidable.
An Idea just sparked!! (Oh the Pain) Stay Tuna
AWRIGHTY Pappy. Here's a thought for ya. EMF - PIETTA - 1862 NYMP .36. If memory serves, that gun is built on the 1851 Navy frame. Has the correct 1860 pattern barrel in 36 and "should" accept the Kirst .38 Konverter and Ejector assembly. Without the fluted 1862 cylinder, it's a dead ringer for an 1861. The only Oopsie is the barrel. It's only Five and a Half inches. Still about Two Inches too long for me, but HEY -- It's shorter than an 8. Nickel Grip Frames to boot. Hummmmmmmmm
I shouldn't have gone looking. Daggie Nabbits, now I'm thinking about another pair of Conversions. Actually, 5 1/2 inch barrels "could" be fun . . . . . . Piggy Bank. Must find my Piggy Bank > > > > >
Quote from: Coffinmaker on January 08, 2024, 11:15:07 AM
I shouldn't have gone looking. Daggie Nabbits, now I'm thinking about another pair of Conversions. Actually, 5 1/2 inch barrels "could" be fun . . . . . . Piggy Bank. Must find my Piggy Bank > > > > >
Why not? You could always cut them down... ;D
Or buy mine :) complete as shown.
* 2 lined barrels for .357-38 special 3" and 7.5
* Gated Kirst
*and the Holster
Quote from: Major 2 on January 08, 2024, 12:38:18 PM
Or buy mine :) complete as shown.
* 2 lined barrels for .357-38 special 3" and 7.5
* Gated Kirst
*and the Holster
If I remember the 7.5 barrel was a 1851 . I want the 1860 army style
I cut the 61 barrel to 3" Avenging Angel. it was 7.5 " OEM From EMF
I later acquire a new 51 barrel and had it lined .357 as well and the gun sort of dual barrel dual roll piece.
I suppose one could acquire a 61 barrel as well... having three barrels. :-\
This is my pseudo-1861 Richards-Mason. It was an 1860 Type II in .38Spl that I fitted a Navy grip frame and factory pearls to.
Here's an early Cimarron ASM Navy.
This weird thing is a CVA/ASM Navy with the Legal Defender conversion and a non-functioning ejector.
2nd Gen Colt 1861 Navy RM conversion in .38 Long Colt for comparison.
Barrel was cut to 6" to make it a bit faster on the draw.
Long Johns Wolf
Quote from: Long Johns Wolf on July 06, 2024, 01:41:11 AM
2nd Gen Colt 1861 Navy RM conversion in .38 Long Colt for comparison.
Barrel was cut to 6" to make it a bit faster on the draw.
Long Johns Wolf
Yes, Sir.
This is its Nedbal-Uberti twin.
Note 4-screw frame.
Long Johns Wolf
Six inches looks good on those.
:) Graveyard :D
Your pseudo 1861 is just too kool. I really like the barrel at the Ejector Housing as well. The gun just looks "right" and well balanced ;D
Quote from: Coffinmaker on July 07, 2024, 09:44:19 AM
:) Graveyard :D
Your pseudo 1861 is just too kool. I really like the barrel at the Ejector Housing as well. The gun just looks "right" and well balanced ;D
Thanks! I originally wanted to reshape the barrel lug to mimic the 1861 R-M's but that never happened. Sorta got attached to it the way it is. I know it's a little beefier and heavier than a real `61 but I really like it.
Quote from: Graveyard Jack on July 08, 2024, 05:07:14 PM
Thanks! I originally wanted to reshape the barrel lug to mimic the 1861 R-M's but that never happened. Sorta got attached to it the way it is. I know it's a little beefier and heavier than a real `61 but I really like it.
Me, too. :) And anyway, reshaping the barrel is way above my pay grade, and the ejector would still be wrong for a R-M.