Anyone use these dies for 45 Schofield?. I have a set of RCBS Cowboy at home. but I'm far away and need something inexpensive to load em up.
The only issue you may have is crimping the case. If the Lee dies are short enough you should not have a problem. If you have access to a .45 ACP seating and crimping die it would work. I undstand being away from home and not having your toys at hand.
Thanks Joe,
Actually, I do have a set of 45 acp dies with me too.............
.45 Colt will work, but y'know Lee does make .45 Schofield dies.
I use a set of Lee.45 auto dies to loas my Schofield rounds. Only has a taper crimp, but that hasn't been a problem so far. I use the 30-40 Krag shell holder.
I forgot about the shell holder. The shell holder for the .44-40 works as well. The 45 Colt will not.
30 - 40 shell holder hmmmm good to know. I did pick up a 44-40 shell holder last night. I live in Houston Texas, but on assignment in Saskatcheuan Canada. I can get supplies, but the selection is limited.