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CAS TOPICS => The Powder Room - CAS reloading => Topic started by: Pappy Myles on July 30, 2012, 02:33:48 PM

Title: Lee 45 colt dies for Schofield Brass.
Post by: Pappy Myles on July 30, 2012, 02:33:48 PM
Anyone use these dies for 45 Schofield?.  I have a set of RCBS Cowboy at home. but I'm far away and need something inexpensive to load em up.
Title: Re: Lee 45 colt dies for Schofield Brass.
Post by: Tascosa Joe on July 30, 2012, 03:56:01 PM
The only issue you may have is crimping the case.  If the Lee dies are short enough you should not have a problem.  If you have access to a .45 ACP seating and crimping die it would work.  I undstand being away from home and not having your toys at hand.
Title: Re: Lee 45 colt dies for Schofield Brass.
Post by: Pappy Myles on July 30, 2012, 04:02:44 PM
Thanks Joe,

Actually, I do have a set of 45 acp dies with me too.............
Title: Re: Lee 45 colt dies for Schofield Brass.
Post by: Drydock on July 30, 2012, 05:11:00 PM
.45 Colt will work, but y'know Lee does make .45 Schofield dies.
Title: Re: Lee 45 colt dies for Schofield Brass.
Post by: pony express on July 30, 2012, 06:06:22 PM
I use a set of Lee.45 auto dies to loas my Schofield rounds. Only has a taper crimp, but that hasn't been a problem so far. I use the 30-40 Krag shell holder.
Title: Re: Lee 45 colt dies for Schofield Brass.
Post by: Tascosa Joe on July 31, 2012, 07:58:22 AM
I forgot about the shell holder.  The shell holder for the .44-40 works as well.  The 45 Colt will not.
Title: Re: Lee 45 colt dies for Schofield Brass.
Post by: Pappy Myles on July 31, 2012, 08:35:54 AM
30 - 40 shell holder hmmmm   good to know.    I did pick up a 44-40 shell holder last night.    I live in Houston Texas, but on assignment in Saskatcheuan Canada.    I can get supplies, but the selection is limited.