I took my two new Hartford guns out Sunday & did some shootin'. The EMF Winchester Carbine jammed on me twice in about 30 rounds. Is this normal for a new gun, cuz it is very stiff & I did try some rapid fire with the lever action & thought perhaps I didn't get the cycle complete before pullin' the trigger, thus causing the jam. Is this possible or should I have the carbine looked at?
Much obliged.
In what way did it jam?
Both times, the shell got caught going into the chamber when I quick checked the lever.
Ya talkin' a '92?
Yes Sir. It's an EMF Hartford 1892 Carbine in .45LC
A '92 has to be treated like a hard-ta-please woman. Ya gottah slam it 'round.
Ya look at the one I used ta use yer gonna see the lever is bent. I retired the thing. Others are easier to get along with..
So it's typical of this model? Should I have it looked at at a gunsmith or just break it in first?
Shoot a few more boxes thru it before ya take it to a smith. Work it like ya mean it.
Ah yes! Rifle Jam! It's great on toast in the morning!
(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v660/BadlandsWalker/image64yx.gif) "Now that's funny"!
Quote from: The Concho Kid on September 20, 2005, 12:43:55 AM
(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v660/BadlandsWalker/image64yx.gif) "Now that's funny"!
Winchester Rifle Jam is the best with the most flavor. Colt and Remington are ok, but Winchester is much gooder!
(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v660/BadlandsWalker/hapydanc.gif) You said it pard!
Have a Winchester in 357 da 92 likes to cycle at a certain speed any faster or slower it jambs. :-[
Quote from: Arcey on September 20, 2005, 12:01:30 AM
A '92 has to be treated like a hard-ta-please woman. Ya gottah slam it 'round.
Ya look at the one I used ta use yer gonna see the lever is bent. I retired the thing. Others are easier to get along with..
Arcey didn't really say that, did he? Did he?
< Reaching for the skillet>
Never tried beatin' on one with a skillet, Annie. Might werk but I'm thinkin' it could be hard on the wood. That'll be a shame 'cuz they're prolly the best lookin' rifles out there.
I agree! I think the 92' is the finest lookin' cowboy rifle there is! ;)
CK, I'd try running that thing a little more. Short stroking a '92 will result in a jam. Try to get used to the works a little more and see if it doesn't work in a little. If not, Nate isn't too far away from you..........Buck 8) ::) ;)
Reggie here! I say, old chaps, my toast is up. Would one of you be so kind as to pass that jar of Rifle Jam?
(I'm sorry fellers! I couldn't let "Rifle Jam" go by without making a few funnies!)
Quote from: The Arapaho Kid on September 20, 2005, 11:12:19 PM
Reggie here! I say, old chaps, my toast is up. Would one of you be so kind as to pass that jar of Rifle Jam?
(I'm sorry fellers! I couldn't let "Rifle Jam" go by without making a few funnies!)
Too many puns N Ya'll be doomed to eternal Punisment. heh, Heh, HEH! :D
Quote from: Marshal harpoluke on September 21, 2005, 01:30:23 AM
Quote from: The Arapaho Kid on September 20, 2005, 11:12:19 PM
Reggie here! I say, old chaps, my toast is up. Would one of you be so kind as to pass that jar of Rifle Jam?
(I'm sorry fellers! I couldn't let "Rifle Jam" go by without making a few funnies!)
Too many puns N Ya'll be doomed to eternal Punisment. heh, Heh, HEH! :D
Puns are excellent for breakfast with butter and Rifle Jam on them! ;D
Quote from: The Arapaho Kid on September 20, 2005, 11:12:19 PM
Reggie here! I say, old chaps, my toast is up. Would one of you be so kind as to pass that jar of Rifle Jam?
(I'm sorry fellers! I couldn't let "Rifle Jam" go by without making a few funnies!)
I'd prefer the Pistol Preserves.
Ah Yes! Pistol Preserves. I've heard of those, but have never tried them! May I presume that .45 would have a stronger flavor than say a .32-20?
Quote from: The Arapaho Kid on September 21, 2005, 09:22:15 AM
Ah Yes! Pistol Preserves. I've heard of those, but have never tried them! May I presume that .45 would have a stronger flavor than say a .32-20?
Oh, most definitly! The .45 has a little more "kick" to it! ;D
You guys are killin' me here! (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v660/BadlandsWalker/89.gif)
I think I just discovered the problem... there's no bullets comin' out!
Hey Arapaho Kid!
Iffens you want to try something with some real kick to it, give the "Shotgun Jelly" a shot!!
(tee hee hee!!) ;D :D
How's about some good old fashion Derringer Jelly?
Quote from: The Concho Kid on September 21, 2005, 12:58:15 PM
You guys are killin' me here! (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v660/BadlandsWalker/89.gif)
Well...you started it with "Rifle Jam" I couldn't let that one go without havin' a little fun with it!
You is right pard! I guess I should have said "Rifle Jammed". ;) :D
Quote from: The Concho Kid on September 21, 2005, 02:31:20 PM
You is right pard! I guess I should have said "Rifle Jammed". ;) :D
"Malfunction" woulda worked too and I can't do a durned thing withn that!
I do not know we use to get a lot of laughs out of parachute malfunctions
Old Top
Quote from: Old Top on September 22, 2005, 11:43:33 AM
I do not know we use to get a lot of laughs out of parachute malfunctions
Old Top
Well...There's that old joke about this:
Private Perkins: "Sergeant...what do I do if my parachute malfunctions?"
Sergeant Rock: "Turn it into Supply and get another one!"