I was watching an old U-Tube which had Bottom Dealing Mike explaining how to load .
In the video he really liked the Lubracisor ...
But I could find no information on the item in the Midway Catalog or on the internet.
So I can surmise only one of three things:
1.) The unit is no longer made
2.) I had so badly mangled the spelling that it would not be recognized
3.) The speaker had mispoke the name and it made any research untenable.
I think I found my error ... it was a LYMAN 450 .... now the Lyman 4500.
So now it looks like another think for my 'wish list' ... sigh
Been kinda following your exploits on here - didn't realize you had ventured into casting yer own bullets yet. Good idea, 'specially if you plan to shoot many.
I'm still using a lyman 45 lubrisizer.You can find those alot of times for 10 or 15 dollars. The biggest problem with a lubriszer is the size dies and top punches you buy, those add to the expense fairly quickly.
I don't know how many cartridges you're shooting, but you may want to consider either simply panlubing and shooting as cast , or pan lubing and running the bullet thru a Lee size die.
Ranch 13 handed out some good advice. I'd save my money for other things. Hell I've got the Lyman 450 and it's sat idle for several years now cause I do just what Ranch stated.
Quote from: Ranch 13 on January 23, 2012, 08:49:31 AM
I don't know how many cartridges you're shooting, but you may want to consider either simply panlubing and shooting as cast , or pan lubing and running the bullet thru a Lee size die.
That's how I do it.
So for pan lubing a large, multi-groove bullet it seems you would need at least a half inch or more depth to your molten lube. That seems to rule out purchased lube because of price as one would need many pounds of the stuff for say a 9x12" pan.
Do all you guys make your own?
Nope buy it in bulk, it's cheaper an more useful that way, you can shave chunks off the block to put into a lubrisizer or melt it down using double boiler and pan or dip lube.
I gave up pan lubing very quickly. I TRIED IT ONCE...! I use a Lyman 450 for spg and an RCBS for smokeless lube, but not for rifles. For rifles I do not size at all, and instead of pan lubing I pinch off a bit of spg about half the size of a pea or so and rub it in to the grooves with my fingers. It doesn't waste time either as I do in front of the TV which is a mindless occupation anyway.
I got some beeswax from a local bee keeper for $3 per pound, some mutton tallow from Dixie Gun Works. Kinda fun to make kinda stinky too. There numerous recipies. Look in dark arts for lubes.
Ranch 13 published a table with lube contents in a thread about a month ago. Great stuff cant find it right now.