I have close to 50 Postell bullets in .459 for my Pedersoli Rolling Block, and would like to know who ships small (50) amounts of brass casings so that I could load these Postells>
Thanks for your help ...
I know Buffalo Arms sells brass by the "each", but believe you will find the cost per piece to be better if you get larger quantities (100 or more) regardless of where you you find them. It is always good/prudent to have a few extra casae anyway.
Cabelas remington 50 each $42 but back ordered
Midway usa sells remington and starline in 20 and 100 increments
Winchester 50 or 100
Hornandy in 50 dealer price is more than cabelas remington.
All are back ordered right now.
Natchez Shooting supply appears to have best pricing but are out of stock at the momement.
Last time I was in my cabelas and sportsmans warehouse they had remington in stock at about $47 If you are in an extreme hurry PM me and I can get it and ship it Bad news is tax will be about 4.50 and prolly 6 for shipping.
Midsouth had nickel plated in stock
Powder Valley is out of stock but I'd check with them and see when they're getting more in.
Check your local stores, most brass from winchester or remington come in 50 ct bags.
Quote... would like to know who ships small (50) amounts of brass casings so that I could load these Postells>
Order just 50 - don't anneal or nick the mouth on one ... now you have 49. Also Ellis, hope you know and understand the drop in accuracy with fireformed brass that shortens after repeated firing
Buy a 100, anneal them - fireform them and you'll be good to good for a substantial time period ... that's if you don't shoot 100 reloads a week
First, though I hate to mention it, I am in my 'Golden Years' and on fixed income. I can afford 50 casings Feb 1st when I get my check .... no more!
Secondly, I have 44 Postell .459 Dia. .45-70 bullets .. so I can afford to 'anneal or nick' a couple of them.
Thirdly, although I feel the Postells will be my bullet from now on, I am not totally convinced... so I don't want to build too many of them ...
Quote from: john boy on January 22, 2012, 03:32:13 PM
Also Ellis, hope you know and understand the drop in accuracy with fireformed brass that shortens after repeated firing
Will full length sizing materially grow them or is more of a fire shorten, FL size and regrow to more or less orginal lenght after 1st FL sizing? Shot high power and shouldered cases grow every time they are fired and resized until brass thins enough in front of the head one gets an incipient case separation, or you end up with a 45 extremely short piece of brass and the need to bust out the ruptured cartridge case extractor. Been there done that.
WWE, put a WTB in the classifieds over on the SASS Wire. That's what I did and and got new Win for $40 a bag delivered within hours.
Sent WW a PM offering him 50 of the new brass I ordered off the wire for the $33 cost I got them for plus shipping est 3 -4 bucks