I know there was a pistol shoot at the Jesse James farm in Missouri recently, but I was wondering if there was anything else available out there in relation to the Border Wars. I've been researching this period for quite a few years, and it would be a good fit for what we're trying to do with TAPS, but an Internet search didn't turn up any solid partisan groups. Or maybe I'm using the wrong search parameters. A revolver match similar to what I've read about at N-SSA shoots in the East would be a lot of fun. Anybody aware of a group or shoot (besides the JJ farm event) that portrays this period?
We are planning a PIG WAR shoot in Victoria BC to commemorate the San Juan Island dispute in the late summer of 1859. We will have to be imaginative as the only casualty was the said pig!
OH! Different border ??? ???
The event at the James Farm was 1860s. Not sure if it was post CW era or not. Havent been there yet. NCOWS will do
an occasional CW veteran shoot, but that is the extent of it, at least on the Kansas side. There is room for positive growth.
The shoot at the James Farm is kind of a hodge podge. Many cap and ball revolvers, but more single action colts in 45. I seem to recall there being a shoot in Kansas near where Wild Bill lived, it being the same time frame. Next week or so I will get some James farm pictures up.
Some photos would be great!
I'd like to see a border ruffian contingent within TAPS. I'd heard (probably on the NCOWS forum) that you could shoot either cap and ball or cartridge revolver at the James Farm shoot. I figured, considering the location, there had to be a few partisan re-enactors.
Try two Google searches I couldn't find a dedicated image page?
- Border Ruffians
- Jay-Hawkers
Border Ruffians and Jay-Hawkers could well be the most exciting pre-civil war event of our time period. In fact it could well be the most exciting re-enactment of today, considering the political implications, the accepted view and the reality of the time.
Of course the most accepted view is one of pro vs anti slavery. Yes even I accept that this was the strongest cry of the conflict and the most published reason for the Civil War. Racism is always an emotionally charged reason. For more than a few people that study this bloody time in American history, it becomes less about slavery and more about State Rights.
Having said that, one must be careful when discussing this event in history as it can cause an extremely high out put of testosterone and emotion even in this day and age.
So here is a clip from my second favorite movie on the topic - Ride with the Devil
In this scene the border ruffians are wearing blue coats to travel across Kansas to Lawrence, where they removed the coats before the attack.
The prince of pistoleers is the shoot that Mogorilla may be refering to. It was scheudled in conflict this year with the
James Farm pistol shoot. The prince of pistoleers is a SASS regional invitational shoot held at Powder Creek Gun Club
near Monticello, Kansas. Bill Hickocks first lawmans job was in Monticello, Kansas. Monticello is one of many subburbs of
Kansas City, Kansas. I attended the event this year with a new member. I think NCOWS will be holding their November
shoot at the Powder Creek Range as well. Any shoot at Powder Creek would have to be under the framework of the SASS
Club there or NCOWS.
As to a border ruffian shoot, I would prefer a plainsman theme of buff hunting, teamsters on the three trails (of which
Hickock was a teamser on) or sod busters.
Quote from: boilerplatejackson on September 21, 2011, 01:43:27 AM
The prince of pistoleers is the shoot that Mogorilla may be refering to. It was scheudled in conflict this year with the
James Farm pistol shoot. The prince of pistoleers is a SASS regional invitational shoot held at Powder Creek Gun Club
near Monticello, Kansas. Bill Hickocks first lawmans job was in Monticello, Kansas. Monticello is one of many subburbs of
Kansas City, Kansas. I attended the event this year with a new member. I think NCOWS will be holding their November
shoot at the Powder Creek Range as well. Any shoot at Powder Creek would have to be under the framework of the SASS
Club there or NCOWS.
As to a border ruffian shoot, I would prefer a plainsman theme of buff hunting, teamsters on the three trails (of which
Hickock was a teamser on) or sod busters.
Not sure and answering for someone is a great way to sound like an idiot, but what the heck. I think Caleb was looking at a group that fits a Border Ruffian, more than a type of shoot. Now I have stuck my neck on the block and gave someone an axe, perhaps Caleb will chime in. ;D
Oh you will find quite a following of Partisan Rangers within the Missouri CW re enactors Assn. One group in particular
that I am familiar with is Elliots Scouts of which Bob Green is in Command of. I will have to look up his eaddress if
your interested. The MCWRA has a complete list of its member re-enactors. Got to get to work, I will catch up later
this evening. This should give you something to google up in the mean time.
I guess ultimately what I'd like to see are different types of shoots to appeal to the different interests of the 1840-1865 time frame. What I've envisioned is an annual encampment and shoot where we can have a border ruffian contingent, buafflo hunters, settlers, Texas Rangers, Dragoons, Cracker cow hunters, etc. Assuming we can find the right location, it wouldn't be difficult to set up a revolver shoot for partisans fighters, a long-range (150 or so yards) buffalo shoot, maybe a woods walk for settlers with their shotguns. This is all a long way down the trail, of course, but if we keep our eyes on the horizon we can get there. We've just got to make sure we have fun along the way, because with jobs, family, and other commitments, this is going to take awhile.
Prince of the Pistoleers was it. Thanks!