I'm always searching for old photos with Henry Rifles.
Not easy, i found more pics with Spencers than Henrys.
Here are some pics i found in books or on the web.
If you have other photos of Henrys, please add them.
Thanks for posting! I love the pictures.
Three pics more.
I have several on my work computer I'll share :)
Your # 7 in you first post , is Luther "Yellowstone" Kelly seated on the right....
the last is the men of the 7 Ill. Infantry.
Thanks for posting the Henry photos... I really enjoyed each picture.
Here is a photo from the old days in British Columbia. Judge Begbie was the first judge in 1858 and sat until a month and a half before his death in 1894. He held a similar role to Judge Parker in the Indian Territories. Here he is with a group ??(while on court circuit.)?? Begbie is the bearded gentleman in tall boots sitting on the right. The fellow with the bowler in the center holds a Henry. I see at least two ML SxS shotguns.
PS: I looked up the archival source. The photo appears to be reversed in the book I scanned. The photo is titled "A group of colonial officials at rest during hunting..." at Grouse Creek. About 1870. The one with the Henry is Governor Frederick Seymour.
PPS: To narrow it down further, Seymour succeeded Sir James Douglas a Governor in 1864. He died in June of 1869.
P.S; 29Jan11; I found further info on this photo. It was taken in The Cariboo during "The Grouse Creek War" in 1867, specifically, early in August. There was a public "meeting" in Richfield, now known as Barkerville, concerning an appeal to Judge Begbie over a disputed mining claim. Ironically the cases was decided against a party who had lobbied for a chage in the Gold Fields Act that now acted to his detriment. The threatened breach of the Queen's Peace was averted.
The soldier in the 8th photo w/ the Henry is Lt. Fred Beecher whom the infamous Battle of Beecher Island is named for. ;)
Thanks for the pic, Sir Charles .
The problem is, when i search for pics with an Henry, i find out that most of these Henrys are 'Improved Henry Rifles'.
Like this one.
First-Red-Feather-of-the-Wing,Nez Perce with Henry Rifle
But it is an 'Improved Henry'.
When you read the books of James Willard Schultz or Finn Burnett, they call an Improved Henry never a Winchester 66.
They wrote:.... he had a Henry Rifle. But what kind of a Henry?
Nice pics....
A little surprising to see how many of these, according to the position of the followers, are....empty.
Here is one and close up
Quote from: Loophole LaRue on November 29, 2010, 11:44:18 AM
Nice pics....
A little surprising to see how many of these, according to the position of the followers, are....empty.
I change one of the pics.In the last one( of the first post ) you can see now, that the Henry is loaded.look at the position of the follower.
Thanks for the pic Major 2.
Is that a sling on the Henry?
It is :)
Here is another pic of Luther Sage 'Yellowstone' Kelly, taken by Stanley Morrow.
I think he is wearing the same clothes at in the pic no.7 from my first post.
It looks to me, that at the buttstock is a sling swivel. I didn't know a 66 with a sling swivel.
So it could be the Henry from pic no.7.
I've seen that RR photo before & always love it!! Notice the dog atop the woodpile who turned its head during the exposure.
Thanks for the photos. I like that old RR photo too, I have it in one of my RR books.
In a slightly similar vein, have you ever come across a photo of an iron framed Henry with a casehardened finish, rather than a blue finish?
Quote from: Driftwood Johnson on December 04, 2010, 03:06:55 PM
Thanks for the photos. I like that old RR photo too, I have it in one of my RR books.
In a slightly similar vein, have you ever come across a photo of an iron framed Henry with a casehardened finish, rather than a blue finish?
It might be hard to tell in an old B&W photo. After a bit of age casehardening takes on a silvery finish. I don't know how long that takes.
Will Ketchum
Excursion to the 100th Meridian, October 1866. Commissioners and Directors of the U.P.R.R.
#6 of the gentleman in the mechanic's cap with his arms folded resting on the muzzle of his Henry has me curious as to the type of revolver on his hip. There may be a bit of stretching in the image, but that holster sure looks to have been made for a long barrel.
Nice pics, Lonesome. Thanks.
Kind of interesting on how many are holding loaded rifles. Most appear empty, but a few are loaded to the gills.
Deadeye Dick
Quote from: Driftwood Johnson on December 04, 2010, 03:06:55 PM
Thanks for the photos. I like that old RR photo too, I have it in one of my RR books.
In a slightly similar vein, have you ever come across a photo of an iron framed Henry with a casehardened finish, rather than a blue finish?
DJ, here is a pic of the Henry Rifle sn.2 .
It's just one of three known existing examples having case-hardened iron frames.
There is a Brass frame Henry Rifle with the sn.2 too.
A pic from the Iron Frame Henry Rifle sn.157.
and a pic of the Henry Rifle sn.155
Another pic of Luther S. Yellowstone Kelly with his Henry Rifle.
Lonesome - where did you find that picture of Kelly? Never seen that one before.
Quote from: shovelhead on December 23, 2010, 01:33:15 PM
Lonesome - where did you find that picture of Kelly? Never seen that one before.
Cowan's Auction.
http://www.cowanauctions.com/auctions/item.aspx?ItemId=76145 (http://www.cowanauctions.com/auctions/item.aspx?ItemId=76145)
Hey Lonesome
Thanks so much for the photos of the case hardened iron frames. I can't see much of the case hardening, but I will take your word for it. At least I know now that my Uberti case hardened 'iron frame' is kind of authentic.
Quote from: Driftwood Johnson on December 23, 2010, 01:51:59 PM
Hey Lonesome
Thanks so much for the photos of the case hardened iron frames. I can't see much of the case hardening, but I will take your word for it. At least I know now that my Uberti case hardened 'iron frame' is kind of authentic.
DJ, only the Henry sn.2 has a case hardened iron frame. It's not my word, but the word of the late Les Quick.
The two other Henrys are for comparison only.
Excellent and interesting pictures... However, have any of you noted how carelessly their firearms muzzles are pointed?
Fewer lawyers??? ::) :o ;)
Also notice where some of the followers are positioned. Some of those are loaded ::)
Thanks to shovelhead, i got a better pic from Yellowstone Kelly with his Henry Rifle.
In the third photo, you see a guy who's all decked out in studio props for the photo. New hat, shotgun chaps, new holster and a cartridge belt that looks like it's full of large caliber rifle ammunition set in wide cartridge loops. Great photo with a lot of cool stuff. It also looks like the glass plate negative may have been reversed when the photo was printed.
Quote from: Lonesome Henry on February 15, 2011, 12:34:31 PM
Thanks to shovelhead, i got a better pic from Yellowstone Kelly with his Henry Rifle.
great picture of yellowstone kelly. after studying this picture closely, it looks to me as if he has two knives in that knife sheath.
is that what it looks like to some of yall?
Quote from: buckskin billy on February 21, 2011, 02:35:37 PM
great picture of yellowstone kelly. after studying this picture closely, it looks to me as if he has two knives in that knife sheath.
is that what it looks like to some of yall?
Yip, looks as if he has two knives in that sheath.
In the top picture of post #26, the Henry appears to be a carbine.
The Crane, Sioux indian
Quote from: Lonesome Henry on October 19, 2011, 10:43:23 AM
Do you know if these are Civil War time photos or post war? Those are great. Our 1st Sgt of our reenactment group has a Henry and also plays the banjo.
Quote from: Sean Thornton on October 19, 2011, 11:36:09 AM
Do you know if these are Civil War time photos or post war? Those are great. Our 1st Sgt of our reenactment group has a Henry and also plays the banjo.
Sorry Sean, i don't know.They are both from the new
book: Volcanic Firearms.
The 1st Sgt.( Cavalry ?) looks very young to me.
I would think the son of the 1st Sgt. in a child's uniform. Seen photos of Officers with their son dressed like them in a uniform. A 1st. Sgt. could get away with that probably. Or maybe a photo studio with props?
Some where there are pictures of my son at age 12 wearing an original 1890s 1st sgt.'s uniform.
Fine Porcupine and Plenty Antelope, underchiefs of Gros Ventres, 1872, Fort Berthold
A pic taken by Stanley J. Morrow, Miniconjou Sioux
51st. Illinois Infantry at Lookout Mountain,1864
I think, quite certain, the left guy( sitting ), is holding a Henry Rifle.
In a letter to the President of the New Haven Arms Company, John H. Ekstand, Ordnance Sergeant for the 51st Illinois Infantry writes that he would like to get more Henry Rifles and that the Henry Repeating rifle is a "hobby" of his. This letter is dated November 2, 1863. "I take the liberty to inquire about your Rifle, as I have been an owner of one of them a long time, and through my agency twelve of them have been bought in the regiment and many more would have been bought had I been able to get them in any place, and if I do get any the price is very much increased. In the 51st Illinois it is many that will buy them, and the brigade and division both requested me to write to you for information and a price list and the different kinds made, and how many we can get, or when, and express charges from the factory to Stevenson, Alabama, and if we cannot get some good globe sights or if any telescope sights are made, and their cost. I have took pains to command, and also to bring them through. We have now four months pay due us and the boys will have the money ready to send by express to you when we can know how many we can get. We used your rifle in the Battle of Chickamauga with good effect, and it is undoubtedly the best gun in the service, far superior to the Spencer rifle or any other rifle, both here and in Europe, as I have served a long time in both armies; but better sights ought to be made for so good a rifle. I received ten rifles from Bowen in Chicago, but could not get any more just now. Cannot any heavier guns be made to order, or different calibre? Excuse my many enquiries. Your rifle is my "hobby" so the boys say, and I like to be able to give them all the information possible, and get as many Henry's rifles in the Army of the Cumberland, so we could drive the Rebs from Chattanooga, so we could get something to eat.
Quote from: Lonesome Henry on November 18, 2011, 07:59:16 AM
51st. Illinois Infantry at Lookout Mountain,1864
I think, quite certain, the left guy( sitting ), is holding a Henry Rifle.
In a letter to the President of the New Haven Arms Company, John H. Ekstand, Ordnance Sergeant for the 51st Illinois Infantry writes that he would like to get more Henry Rifles and that the Henry Repeating rifle is a "hobby" of his. This letter is dated November 2, 1863. "I take the liberty to inquire about your Rifle, as I have been an owner of one of them a long time, and through my agency twelve of them have been bought in the regiment and many more would have been bought had I been able to get them in any place, and if I do get any the price is very much increased. In the 51st Illinois it is many that will buy them, and the brigade and division both requested me to write to you for information and a price list and the different kinds made, and how many we can get, or when, and express charges from the factory to Stevenson, Alabama, and if we cannot get some good globe sights or if any telescope sights are made, and their cost. I have took pains to command, and also to bring them through. We have now four months pay due us and the boys will have the money ready to send by express to you when we can know how many we can get. We used your rifle in the Battle of Chickamauga with good effect, and it is undoubtedly the best gun in the service, far superior to the Spencer rifle or any other rifle, both here and in Europe, as I have served a long time in both armies; but better sights ought to be made for so good a rifle. I received ten rifles from Bowen in Chicago, but could not get any more just now. Cannot any heavier guns be made to order, or different calibre? Excuse my many enquiries. Your rifle is my "hobby" so the boys say, and I like to be able to give them all the information possible, and get as many Henry's rifles in the Army of the Cumberland, so we could drive the Rebs from Chattanooga, so we could get something to eat.
That is a super find. Where did you find the picture, I have seen the letter by Ekstrand before. Thanks
Quote from: Sean Thornton on November 19, 2011, 10:35:50 AM
That is a super find. Where did you find the picture, I have seen the letter by Ekstrand before. Thanks
Hi Sean,
scroll down to the 10th row.
ww.51illinois.org/pictures51st.html (http://ww.51illinois.org/pictures51st.html)
It's too bad this old thread died and as well most of the splendid photos erased as it was fantastic. :'(
Fox Creek Kid, here they are. ;D
Old Henry aka Henry4440 aka Lonesome Henry
Ok one more. ;D
Back from the dead!!! Some really rare photos in this thread!!! Thanks, I thought this old thread had been purged.
Sgt. Gilbert Armstrong, 58th Indiana Infantry
I like the one with the arizona native
Post #51 is obviously a staged studio prop photo, but it's good one of a Henry. ;)
Should be safe now Kid...I made it a sticky :)
Quote from: Old Henry on March 06, 2016, 09:24:49 AM
Col. George Washington Kirk, commander of
3rd North Carolina Mounted Infantry,Union,with his father Alexander, standing, and his brother John, at left.The Third Mounted Infantry was organized under Col. George Washington Kirk in February 1864.
Quote from: Major 2 on March 30, 2016, 04:30:55 PM
Should be safe now Kid...I made it a sticky :)
Great!! Thanks.
Two new photos with Luther Sage 'Yellowstone' Kelly and his Henry Rifle
These photos are from a series of images staged by S.J. Morrow of the famed frontier scout, Luther "Yellowstone" Kelly, including a mock fight with an unidentified Indian. ( post 21 and 30)
And a new pic. The first 400 Henry Rifles had no lever latch. And i can't see a lever latch. ::)
Prairie Chicken
U.S. Interpreter & Ambulance, Comanche chief Cheevers (left) and Tabenanaka (right) and wives visiting Creeks at Okmulgee, Sept 1875."