I woke up a bit after 3:00 AM to day and before I went back to sleep somewhere after 6:00 I wrestled with a problem. Maybe someone out there can help me.
all have an a sound that rhymes with the a in cannon and battle.
So why does wash have an a sound that rhymes with bottle and waddle?
I gotta get some sleep tonight.
Leave it to you to ponder the the deeper mysteries of life, 40 ::) :o
It rhymes with squash too Forty, mebbe that's cuz if ya sqash somethin an git it on yer clothes then ya gotta wash em!
I hate when my mind gets stuck on some trivial crap like that and won't shut down so I can sleep. I almost wish I hadn't given up drinking...but I ain't going back there.
Forty, That's a lot of information to pass through my feeble mind this morning. I didn't get much sleep last night either. I always put on some war movies on my 5 disc DVD player and that puts me right to sleep.
IT'S Enghish...don't need no stinkin reason .... RE -son a is silent :o
Quote from: Major 2 on November 26, 2009, 08:12:07 AM
IT'S Enghish...don't need no stinkin reason .... RE -son a is silent :o
me thinks Forty Rod, makes these post just to stir the pot some....
What is the definition of the word to end the puzzle? What is the point? Illuminate us on the end game an mebbe help will come.
Or we'll just turn this thead into the usual firey pit.
Or try this...
Vash may refer to:
•"VASH", an acronym for a class of high performance submersible marine vehicles: Variable Attitude Submersible Hydrofoil, first examples are referred to as "Bionic Dolphins". Patented in 1992 by Thomas Rowe; U.S. pat.5237952. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bionic_dolphin
•Vash (Star Trek), a corrupt archaeologist on Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
•Vash the Stampede, the main character in the anime Trigun
•Vash, one of the younger gods in David Eddings' The Dreamers (book series)
•vash (ваш), the plural form of "yours" in Bulgarian, Russian and other languages
Geez, I gotta do everthin around here.
The point is that there ain't no point...and no end until my mind gets focusing on something else.
what was that just run thru here?
Quote from: Forty Rod on November 26, 2009, 11:53:10 PM
The point is that there ain't no point...and no end until my mind gets focusing on something else.
Look, a SQUIRREL!!!!!
Quote from: Daniel Nighteyes on November 27, 2009, 09:37:44 AM
Look, a SQUIRREL!!!!!
Quote from: Forty Rod on November 26, 2009, 11:53:10 PM
The point is that there ain't no point...and no end until my mind gets focusing on something else.
If there aint no point what is your mind tryin ta figger out. All we know is ya got a list a words that ryme alphabeticly but not oll foneticaly ;D If some president hadn't written oll korrect nobody would be sayin OK er okey dokey these days.
Quote from: Leo Tanner on November 27, 2009, 12:21:15 PM
If some president hadn't written oll korrect nobody would be sayin OK er okey dokey these days.
Actually -- and all kidding aside -- there is good evidence that "O.K." comes from the Choctaw exclamation
hoke! (pronounced ho-KAY), meaning good or very good. Before he became President, Andrew Jackson spent many years in command of forces in the Southeast. The Choctaw were consistent allies,particularly against the Creek Nation and later the British. Ol' Hick'ry spent a lot of time with Chief Moshulatubbee.
Hoke! was one of Moshulatubbee's favorite expressions, particularly when he was thinking, pleased or happy. Jackson also began using the word, although he pronounced it as "okay!"
When Jackson became President, he took the word with him to Washington, and from there it entered common English usage.
We now return you to our regularly-scheduled foolishness.
The Army also used it for "zero killed" when retuning from a mission. Likewise they would say 3 K or what not.
Quote from: Daniel Nighteyes on November 27, 2009, 02:25:16 PM
Actually -- and all kidding aside -- there is good evidence that "O.K." comes from the Choctaw exclamation hoke! (pronounced ho-KAY), meaning good or very good. Before he became President, Andrew Jackson spent many years in command of forces in the Southeast. The Choctaw were consistent allies,particularly against the Creek Nation and later the British. Ol' Hick'ry spent a lot of time with Chief Moshulatubbee. Hoke! was one of Moshulatubbee's favorite expressions, particularly when he was thinking, pleased or happy. Jackson also began using the word, although he pronounced it as "okay!"
When Jackson became President, he took the word with him to Washington, and from there it entered common English usage.
We now return you to our regularly-scheduled foolishness.
A funny ( to me ) little aside , with due respect 40Rod...I had a roll in a film once where I had to ad-lib some lines..It was Historical piece set in the Seminole War.
I used "OK" later thinking I had use non period verbage , I cringed. Research showed it was period and somewhat popular to utter " OK " as I had :)
Quote from: Leo Tanner on November 26, 2009, 10:36:14 PM
What is the definition of the word to end the puzzle? What is the point? Illuminate us on the end game an mebbe help will come.
Or we'll just turn this thead into the usual firey pit.
Or try this...
Vash may refer to:
•"VASH", an acronym for a class of high performance submersible marine vehicles: Variable Attitude Submersible Hydrofoil, first examples are referred to as "Bionic Dolphins". Patented in 1992 by Thomas Rowe; U.S. pat.5237952. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bionic_dolphin
•Vash (Star Trek), a corrupt archaeologist on Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
•Vash the Stampede, the main character in the anime Trigun
•Vash, one of the younger gods in David Eddings' The Dreamers (book series)
•vash (ваш), the plural form of "yours" in Bulgarian, Russian and other languages
Geez, I gotta do everthin around here.
And like you always do you messed it up big time and I have to fix yer mess. ::)
VashVash is vhat Slim and other people in Visconsion do vith their clothes vhen they is dirty. ::)
Quote from: Delmonico on November 28, 2009, 08:59:48 AM
And like you always do you messed it up big time and I have to fix yer mess. ::)
Vash is vhat Slim and other people in Visconsion do vith their clothes vhen they is dirty. ::)
Not all of us, just the Scandahuvians. ;)
Quote from: Silver Creek Slim on November 28, 2009, 09:03:01 AM
Not all of us, just the Scandahuvians. ;)
But that is the clue to 40's problem, see every dang group of folks who wandered here, has added their words to the language, so it's a mixed up mongrel language. Plus folks were doin' that before the English brought the language to America.
Quote from: Delmonico on November 28, 2009, 09:23:38 AM
Plus folks were doin' that before the English brought the language to America.
Excuse me, but many of the early settlers (such as my own great-great-etc-grandpap) were
Irish (and
Scotch Scots), not english. And the english had outlawed Gaelic, so they were forced to speak this language.
And it's still used pretty much as it was when them folks got here, and closer in accent, up in the hills of Tenn.
So if you want purity in our native language, come to the South!
But JD wern't the first English settlers so called Gentleman? They found out the cound not make it on their own so they called up the others to do the work they wouldn't do. ;D
"course in a few years the folks showed up in Plymouth and they talk way different up there. Course there were French and Spanish he before the English and added their words in time. ::) "course there was no hope, folks kept showing up and adding words or were drug here in chains and added their words. Some of them brought a plant that gets sticky and slimy when cooked, next thing you know they are callin' clay types that get real sticky and slimy, gumbo. Guess they could have called that clay okra. ;D
Quote from: J.D. Yellowhammer on November 28, 2009, 09:58:40 AM
Excuse me, but many of the early settlers (such as my own great-great-etc-grandpap) were Irish (and Scotch), not english.
I strongly suggest that no one should ever refer to a native from Scotland as "Scotch." They'll tell you right away that Scotch is the distilled beverage; Scots are the people.
Quote from: Daniel Nighteyes on November 28, 2009, 10:09:46 AM
I strongly suggest that no one should ever refer to a native from Scotland as "Scotch." They'll tell you right away that Scotch is the distilled beverage; Scots are the people.
Oh no! That was a terrible gaffe! And me own mum of Scottish blood! :o :o :o Thanks fer the correction!
Quote from: Delmonico on November 28, 2009, 10:06:15 AM
But JD wern't the first English settlers so called Gentleman? They found out the cound not make it on their own so they called up the others to do the work they wouldn't do. ;D
typical of the English....
Hell, when they fought against our Revolution they had to hire Germans!
Quote from: Delmonico on November 28, 2009, 10:06:15 AM
Guess they could have called that clay okra. ;D
That's some nasty stuff.... :P
"Nuther example is a guy at work, from Illinois, gets up-set when I say Ill-a-noise, says it's Ill-a-noy. Well been callin' it Ill-i-noise afore he was a wet spot on a mattress or a back seat.
Worse thing is he's done been educated, gots him some degree in ag bizzness, but he ain't smart like a lot a folks I know that has them in that. See he's the Tack Dept manager and don't know they are shaps, not chaps. ::)
Besides that he "interned" on a ranch in Texas when he was in college. Never heard of anyone else internin' on a ranch, 'cept maybe an accountant. ::) Or at least anyone else who would call it that.
Don't matter, if he don't want me to call it Ill-i-noise then they need to pass a law to get rid of the S. ;D
Quote from: J.D. Yellowhammer on November 28, 2009, 10:15:53 AM
That's some nasty stuff.... :P
Both the clay and the so-called food.
Quote from: Delmonico on November 28, 2009, 10:27:45 AM
"Nuther example is a guy at work, from Illinois, gets up-set when I say Ill-a-noise, says it's Ill-a-noy. Well been callin' it Ill-i-noise afore he was a wet spot on a mattress or a back seat.
Worse thing is he's done been educated, gots him some degree in ag bizzness, but he ain't smart like a lot a folks I know that has them in that. See he's the Tack Dept manager and don't know they are shaps, not chaps. ::)
Besides that he "interned" on a ranch in Texas when he was in college. Never heard of anyone else internin' on a ranch, 'cept maybe an accountant. ::) Or at least anyone else who would call it that.
Don't matter, if he don't want me to call it Ill-i-noise then they need to pass a law to get rid of the S. ;D
Then what are we gonna do about Are-Kansas and their spare s? ::) ;D
There's worse riddles, tho. My wife ain't from hereabouts (she's foreign born). A coupla nights ago she asked me a question that took me back to 1st grade or so, and for which I never heard a satisfactory answer: why is Kansas City in Missouri (or Missoura)?
Quote from: Forty Rod on November 28, 2009, 10:44:54 AM
Then what are we gonna do about Are-Kansas and their spare s? ::) ;D
Cans-us, don't see no spare s. ;D
Quote from: Delmonico on November 28, 2009, 10:27:45 AM
Besides that he "interned" on a ranch in Texas when he was in college. Never heard of anyone else internin' on a ranch, 'cept maybe an accountant. ::) Or at least anyone else who would call it that.
you been hidin' under the chuck box too long......there's a big world out there past the field's of maise (some call it Corn)......cross the digital divide and you will see...yep they intern now on ranches...Security guards with college degrees. Got to be a computer genius to run a backhoe these days. loosen your hatband a notch "grasshopper" and you will be enlightened
Quote from: litl rooster on November 28, 2009, 11:17:28 AM
you been hidin' under the chuck box too long......there's a big world out there past the field's of maise (some call it Corn)......cross the digital divide and you will see...yep they intern now on ranches...Security guards with college degrees. Got to be a computer genius to run a backhoe these days. loosen your hatband a notch "grasshopper" and you will be enlightened
OK, should have stated this better, if you were the manager of the tack dept of the largest western store in Newbrassky and was tryin' to impress these cowboys from out in the Sandhills would you say "worked on a ranch" or "interned on a ranch?"
Trust me them cowboys get a good laugh out of the "cowboy" up-stairs and tell me about it when they're down here buyin' neck-rags and Ian Tyson music. ::) Don't know if it impresses the horse yuppies, they don't come down and talk to me much. ;D
Quote from: Delmonico on November 28, 2009, 11:38:03 AM
Don't know if it impresses the horse yuppies, they don't come down and talk to me much. ;D
No doubt they're sceered of ya! :o ;D
Quote from: J.D. Yellowhammer on November 28, 2009, 11:07:16 AM
There's worse riddles, tho. My wife ain't from hereabouts (she's foreign born). A coupla nights ago she asked me a question that took me back to 1st grade or so, and for which I never heard a satisfactory answer: why is Kansas City in Missouri (or Missoura)?
Kansas City is in Kansas too. They built the place an then drew the state line right down the middle. Only the very northern part is divided by the river, the rest of it aint. Just a boulavard ta tell you which side yer on.
Speakin' of the Scotts-Irish, they are the original rednecks, another abused word. See they were mostly Presbyterians, clergy wore red collars instead of the Cathlic white, so they were rednecks. Then it became a word to desribe folks who worked outside and sunburned their necks. When I was in HS, a redneck was someone who hated long hairs, blacks and other minorities, now it some cuddly poor folks from down sourth that folks make bigoted jokes about in an era I'm not allowed to tell jokes about other classes of folks. ::)
Quote from: Leo Tanner on November 28, 2009, 12:45:30 PM
Kansas City is in Kansas too. They built the place an then drew the state line right down the middle. Only the very northern part is divided by the river, the rest of it aint. Just a boulavard ta tell you which side yer on.
Which brings up another mystery of life:
Why did the chicken cross the road (to the MO side)?
So she could tell the little girl and dog, "Dorothy, you ain't in Kansas anymore!"
Sorry, I'm a little giddy. We got a knock on the door and there was a fedex guy, needed a signature. I was
positive it was my long lost Rodeos. Who else would deliver on a Satuday,
and need a signature!? So my wife and I got over the box, slowly opened it, and it was a g.d. iron casting pot I ordered a few days ago!!! :o >:( :o I'm still calmin' down...
JD, someone's gonna be very disappointed that the box did not contain your guns.
So, for them folks from Rogers an' Little Rock an' other places in Clinton's home state, it's not gonnas get anyone's dander up if I say AR-Kansas, with an boldly pronounced S on the back end? HMMMM? :o
(Sorry. The devil made me do it.)
Quote from: Forty Rod on November 28, 2009, 02:03:13 PM
So, for them folks from Rogers an' Little Rock an' other places in Clinton's home state, it's not gonnas get anyone's dander up if I say AR-Kansas, with an boldly pronounced S on the back end? HMMMM? :o
(Sorry. The devil made me do it.)
Don't ferget Connect a cut. Or Rhode I's Land.
Quote from: Delmonico on November 28, 2009, 11:38:03 AM
OK, should have stated this better, if you were the manager of the tack dept of the largest western store in Newbrassky and was tryin' to impress these cowboys from out in the Sandhills would you say "worked on a ranch" or "interned on a ranch?"
those guys and gals would know even if he stated neither
Quote from: litl rooster on November 28, 2009, 03:14:32 PM
those guys and gals would know even if he stated neither
You mean the bird skin boots, the George Straight hat and the Cactus brand rope shirt wouldn't fool them? ::)
I'd rather have a rope shirt than a rope neck tie.
Quote from: J.D. Yellowhammer on November 28, 2009, 11:07:16 AM
There's worse riddles, tho. My wife ain't from hereabouts (she's foreign born). A coupla nights ago she asked me a question that took me back to 1st grade or so, and for which I never heard a satisfactory answer: why is Kansas City in Missouri (or Missoura)?
'Cause dey done built Kansas City Kansas first, an' didn' like de way it turned out, nah. So dey crossed de river ta Missouri an' started over... :D
Quote from: Delmonico on November 28, 2009, 10:06:15 AM
Some of them brought a plant that gets sticky and slimy when cooked, next thing you know they are callin' clay types that get real sticky and slimy, gumbo. Guess they could have called that clay okra. ;D
Y'all just don't know how to cook okra. Yes, it gets sticky and slimy if you
boil it, but so do some cuts of beef. Both the word and the food "gumbo" are derived from an African name for okra -- Yumbo. Nearly any good gumbo contains okra.
Speaking of which, I'm getting ready to make my Holiday Gumbo. I derive the stock from the carcass of the Thanksgiving turkey, and make the roux with butter. And it gets even better from there.
The pods themselves are often called gumbo and some folks cook up the turkey frame. ::)
BTW it is I-oh-way, not I-oh wa, got several Ioway Indone friends who know the right way to say it. Course Grandma Carman was from that state also and said I-oh-way.
What about pa cons or pee cans?
Quote from: Texas Lawdog on November 29, 2009, 03:58:20 PM
What about pa cons or pee cans?
I thought they were pee-cons, not pa-cons or pee-cans. A pee-can sounds like a cheap chamber pot. ;D
I'm one of them folks that get irritated when folks pronounce the "t" in often. Websters finally gave in and shows boths ways now but when I was kid it had ta be off-en. It's supposed ta be like potpouri.
You may ask, "Leo, why do ya even give a dern?". Well, when yer taught diction by a big fat caddilac penguine with a yardstick the stuff just sticks with ya. Them things hurt.
(Delmonico makes a note to take his yardstick when he finally gets to meet Leo.)
And for the record, it is a pick-up, a truck is a somewhat different critter and to call a SUV a truck is a mortal sin. ::)
Quote from: Delmonico on November 29, 2009, 04:36:56 PM
(Delmonico makes a note to take his yardstick when he finally gets to meet Leo.)
Just remember Del, ya gotta dress-up in a penguin suit. Else ya might get arrested for illegal carry of a yard stick!!! ::)
Quote from: Russ T Chambers on November 29, 2009, 04:44:09 PM
Just remember Del, ya gotta dress-up in a penguin suit. Else ya might get arrested for illegal carry of a yard stick!!! ::)
Mine says Hy-land Lumber Company on it, don't need no permit for it. ;D
Hey, I let the penguines hit me cause God was watchin an all. You on the other hand have no such pertection. That an I was a kid then, aint sure I'd let a penguine whack me these days.
Wish I coulda found an original clip, but these kids did good ceptin for they didn't get knocked down the stairs at the end...
The things you miss out on, by not attending a Catholic school!
Oh, you missed a bunch. Be glad you did. (tip, don't crawl over the pews when at a Mass).
I interrupt this bull session to bring you some vitally important news:
Pee-can is the yankee-trying-to-sound-southron pronunciation. The correct, Southron pronunciation is pa-cahn.
I feel qualified to speak on this--My grandfather, then uncle, ran a Jazz Feed Store in Opelika for a good deal of the 20th century. One of their busiest businesses was cracking pecans with a several-ton pecan-cracking machine. It was a beast. Every winter the family looked forward to huge bags of fresh, cracked pecans. I miss them days.... Hell, I miss the store and the smell of sawdust and saddles and the cotton warehouse in the back....
Quote from: J.D. Yellowhammer on November 29, 2009, 08:50:29 PMPee-can is the yankee-trying-to-sound-southron pronunciation. The correct, Southron pronunciation is pa-cahn.
Absolutely. Some of the world's best pa-cahns come from orchards in Mobile and Baldwin Counties in Alabama.
Oh, Delmonico, don't ever try to cook with the wood from a pecan tree, unless you've got a ton of it and three helpers to tend the fire. That stuff burns FAST, and doesn't generate a whole lot of heat.
<--- Learned this the hard way in the aftermath of Hurricane Frederic in 1979.
JD's right on the pronouncing pecan, JD, we had about 55 pecan trees on one of my Granddad's pastures, we had a family of Indians that would pick on shares every year. we'd have a shaker come in and shake the trees so all the nuts would be on the ground, Grandma would take them over to Muskogee and sell all but about 200 pounds, she'd have them cracked and we'd have pecans all the next year. sure was good.
my Mom worked at a cotton company for several years, I always liked going to work with her and going back in the grading room, that cotton smelled good.
Quote from: Ozark Tracker on November 29, 2009, 09:14:18 PM
JD, we had about 55 pecan trees on one of my Granddad's pastures, we had a family of Indians that would pick on shares every year. we'd have a shaker come in and shake the trees so all the nuts would be on the ground, Grandma would take them over to Muskogee and sell all but about 200 pounds, she'd have them cracked and we'd have pecans all the next year. sure was good.
Man, that's heaven, OT! :D fresh pecans, pecan pie...mmm mmm... And the smell of the cotton... My grandad's store hadn't changed at all since about the 1930's. As a kid, when we'd drive down to Opelika, I'd spend all day in there pokin' around. Had some fascinatin' stuff on the shelves. And in the warehouse. My uncle would hang out back there with a .22 rifle loaded with ratshot, to shoot the rats as they ran fer cover. I never could get my parents to let me take up rat huntin'. Probably why I'm so screwed up today. 8)
Mr. Nighteyes, you're sure right about that. I've never had pecans as good as those Alabama ones. ;D
yep cuz a pee- can is what you take to the sleepn' chamber at night
Some the folks and North Carolina call them pee cans too.
Quote from: J.D. Yellowhammer on November 30, 2009, 06:09:46 AM
Man, that's heaven, OT! :D fresh pecans, pecan pie...mmm mmm... [<snip!>]
Mr. Nighteyes, you're sure right about that. I've never had pecans as good as those Alabama ones. ;D
My wife's sister sends us a tin of freshly-shelled Baldwin County pecan halves every year about this time. SWMBO uses 'em to make pecan pies, which we then take to dinner parties, give as presents to neighbors, and etc. (Of course, we keep one just for us.)
Funny thing. The more pies we give away, the more invitations we seem to get... ;D
Quote from: litl rooster on November 30, 2009, 06:41:41 AM
yep cuz a pee- can is what you take to the sleepn' chamber at night
Used to be that's how you could tell rich folks from poor ones: rich folks had a canopy
over their bed, poor folks had one
under theirs.
Quote from: Daniel Nighteyes on November 30, 2009, 10:06:54 AM
My wife's sister sends us a tin of freshly-shelled Baldwin County pecan halves every year about this time. SWMBO uses 'em to make pecan pies, which we then take to dinner parties, give as presents to neighbors, and etc. (Of course, we keep one just for us.)
Funny thing. The more pies we give away, the more invitations we seem to get... ;D
Let me know when the tin arrives. I'll get the invitation in the mail. ;)
lR, the rich people had "Chamber Pots". ;D
Still on SIL's unit, had to take mine in. Wife is suffering from cyber withdrawal, she doesn't like the mouse on this one. ::)
Currently 37 here, cloudy and windy.
When I filled Sandy's feeder Saturday, there was a nice smaller deer track just below the pole on THIS side of the fence. Seems they've gotten used to the shed being there........Buck ::) 8)
We have a hybrid version of the word pecan. Don't say pee-can an don't say pa-cahn. We say pee-cahn. All I know is that I'm looking forward ta some pralines this holiday. I can eat them things like no tamarra.
Quote from: Leo Tanner on November 30, 2009, 12:27:05 PM
All I know is that I'm looking forward ta some pralines this holiday.
All right then, how do ya pronounce
that one? pray-leens, pray-lines, prah-leens, and so on...?
Quote from: J.D. Yellowhammer on November 30, 2009, 12:47:41 PM
All right then, how do ya pronounce that one? pray-leens, pray-lines, prah-leens, and so on...?
Quote from: J.D. Yellowhammer on November 30, 2009, 12:47:41 PM
All right then, how do ya pronounce that one? pray-leens, pray-lines, prah-leens, and so on...?
It's prah-leens, and we bring back a whole bunch of 'em every time we visit our family members down along the central Gulf Coast.
Well at least we don't say worsh when it's meant ta be wash.
Quote from: Daniel Nighteyes on November 29, 2009, 09:10:24 PM
Oh, Delmonico, don't ever try to cook with the wood from a pecan tree, unless you've got a ton of it and three helpers to tend the fire. That stuff burns FAST, and doesn't generate a whole lot of heat.
Well unless I have a load shipped in, it ain't likey to happen. ;D
BTW for dutch ovens black walnut sucks also. Good stove wood but because of the oils in it, it burns from wood to ash with few coals.
Quote from: Leo Tanner on November 30, 2009, 04:55:22 PM
Well at least we don't say worsh when it's meant ta be wash.
Been talkin' to my wife I see. ::) She always says ink-pen also, guess any of them I've seen either have ink in them or have run out.
I had a friend that used ta say "close the lights". Didn't see a door on em so I just turned em off.
My wife likes to say "Flip off the lights". I have found that raising my index finger to them doesn't seem to have much of an effect!
I was talkin' to the boss one night, they called 10 minutes till close, told him I had to go "dump" my computor. Scared him till I told him it was a term I invented for shuttin' it down. ;D
Quote from: Delmonico on November 30, 2009, 05:59:22 PM
I was talkin' to the boss one night, they called 10 minutes till close, told him I had to go "dump" my computor. Scared him till I told him it was a term I invented for shuttin' it down. ;D
So when it crashes, it's takin' a dump. Course, down here we say it sh_t the bed. Same difference, I guess. ;D
Quote from: Russ T Chambers on November 30, 2009, 05:22:52 PM
My wife likes to say "Flip off the lights". I have found that raising my index finger to them doesn't seem to have much of an effect!
Wrong finger Russ. Try the other one.
Quote from: Delmonico on November 30, 2009, 05:05:01 PM
Been talkin' to my wife I see. ::) She always says ink-pen also, guess any of them I've seen either have ink in them or have run out.
I guess she don't want you to hand her a pig pen or a saftey pen.............
now go worsh yer hands and flip off the lights!
Don't mind me, I'm just fixin the scrolly thing on the confuser. 40's threads seem ta work tha best. There is no ryme nor reason but it works everytime.
No RHYME, either.
"Why's ever'body always pickin' on me?" My name ain't even Charley Brown.
Quote from: Leo Tanner on November 30, 2009, 10:04:51 PM
Wrong finger Russ. Try the other one.
I thought this was a family board? Just keepin' it cllean! ::) ::) ::) ;D
Quote from: J.D. Yellowhammer on November 30, 2009, 09:34:43 PM
... down here we say it sh_t the bed. Same difference, I guess. ;D
Once shut, can the bed be reopened? 8)
Quote from: Forty Rod on December 01, 2009, 12:57:32 AM
No RHYME, either.
"Why's ever'body always pickin' on me?" My name ain't even Charley Brown.
You just coast along with that an don't mind ma spellin.
Coastin'...an' coooool. 8)
See now, I thought you'd a tolt me "Don't talk back". :D
Yakety Yak?
Izzatt Yakety Sax's brother?
Eggs Sackly!
Like Eggs Benedict...another great alias for someone. ::)
Quote from: J.D. Yellowhammer on November 30, 2009, 09:34:43 PM
So when it crashes, it's takin' a dump. Course, down here we say it sh_t the bed. Same difference, I guess. ;D
It just means its Smurfed up. (We're not allowed to use the F word on the Lab Board so we say Smurf, another blow to the language.) ;D
Then there are always the old Battlestar Galactica, and those great replacements "Frack, and Faldercarb".
Whilst we're discussing foibles of the English language, can someone explain why we hear of sodomy, but never hear of gomorrahmy?
Kind of twin cities of sorts, but one gets famous and the other is almost forgotten. Doesn't seem fair, somehow.
Quote from: Forty Rod on December 01, 2009, 06:37:46 PM
Whilst we're discussing foibles of the English language, can someone explain why we hear of sodomy, but never hear of gomorrahmy?
Kind of twin cities of sorts, but one gets famous and the other is almost forgotten. Doesn't seem fair, somehow.
Oh hush up and don't be usin' my wife to season yer food. ;D
Quote from: Forty Rod on December 01, 2009, 06:37:46 PM
Whilst we're discussing foibles of the English language, can someone explain why we hear of sodomy, but never hear of gomorrahmy?
That can be cured, you know. Big shot of penicillin in the but-tocks.
and it Smurfin' Hurts!
Quote from: J.D. Yellowhammer on December 01, 2009, 06:58:41 PM
and it Smurfin' Hurts!
So if you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn?
Quote from: Delmonico on December 01, 2009, 07:05:25 PM
So if you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn?
I don't know, but it sounds dirty. :o ::) 8)
Quote from: J.D. Yellowhammer on December 01, 2009, 07:14:16 PM
I don't know, but it sounds dirty. :o ::) 8)
Wanna see a dirty picture?
you're too smurfin' funny!!!!!!!
::) ::) ::) ::)
As far as the Sodom thing goes how do you think the three Davidson brothers feel now that everybody referrs to their creation as a Harley? There was only one dude named that in the outfit and aint none left.
Quote from: Leo Tanner on December 01, 2009, 08:26:24 PM
As far as the Sodom thing goes how do you think the three Davidson brothers feel now that everybody referrs to their creation as a Harley? There was only one dude named that in the outfit and aint none left.
Well they should have not let him put his name first then. ::) Was three against one after all. But one the other hand Harley flows off the tongue better than Davidson. ::)
Quote from: Forty Rod on December 01, 2009, 06:37:46 PM
, but never hear of gomorrahmy?.
isn't that them little wrapped leftover deals ya get at the japaneese steakhouse ::)
Quote from: litl rooster on December 01, 2009, 10:59:07 PM
isn't that them little wrapped leftover deals ya get at the japaneese steakhouse ::)
This may be way south of good taste but I had some wasbi an boy did ma keyster hurt the next day. Guess I got gommoramized.
Leo, You should had a couple of scoops of ice cream after the wasbi.
Quote from: Texas Lawdog on December 02, 2009, 12:15:45 PM
Leo, You should had a couple of scoops of ice cream after the wasbi.
I'll remember that next time.
You don't eat it, you sit on it.
An Ice Cream Sammich shaped like a Donut!