Cas City Forum Hall & CAS-L

Special Interests - Groups & Societies => Spencer Shooting Society => Topic started by: Two Flints on March 17, 2005, 04:37:43 AM

Title: SSS Posse Now Has 898 Members! Welcome New Member: *Rmagedn1*
Post by: Two Flints on March 17, 2005, 04:37:43 AM
Hello SSS,

This is the current membership!  (

PLEASE DO NOT POST ANY MESSAGES HERE.  Email me at  or send me a Personal Message by way of Cas City if you have any questions or concerns.    Thanks for looking!

Two Flints

Gunner #1
Long Haired Mike #2
Trapdoor Billy #3
Two Flints #4
Steel-eye Steve #5
Chipola Kid # 6
Harve Curry #7
Charlie Harsbro #8
Hendrick #9
Pinchony Creek #10
Chili Mac #11
Captain John Jarrett #12
H.P. Kid #13
Stumpy Ryan #14
Longcolt #15
5 Bullets #16
Mogollon Mike #17
Agitatin' Irvin #18
Purgatory Pete #19
Cpl. Henry B. Tolate #20
US Scout #21
The Californian #22
Shameless Womanizer #23
Hooter Hunter #24
Half Dome #25
Mustang Gregg #26
Pvt. Perry #27
Capt. Morgan Rum #28
Rotten Belly #29
No Cattle #30
Steve Sullivan #31
Major #32
Roscoe Coles #33
SmokeDawg #34
O.T. Buchannan #35
Jellico Kid #36
BobNSSA #37
Buck Stinson #38
Steel Dust Dan #39
Boss Hoss Fly #40
Rancocas Kid #41
Dutch Hannigan #42
Tuolumne Lawman #43
Judge Hemp #44
Black Magic #45
Happy Trails #46
Trailrider #47
Steamboat Jack Maybe #48
Sgt Buck #49
Fighting Bob Evans #50
Doc Cable #51
Abanaki #52
Hobie #53
Arizona Trooper #54
Pick Kimbel #55
Copperhead Dave #56
clydou #57
Hawk #58
JoeB #59
Irish John Byrn #60
French Jack #61
Squatter  #62
Hard Mouth  #63
Chance  #64
Dino in Rino  #65
Ryder747  #66
Fox Creek Kid  #67
Story  #68
Grizzly Bear #69
Scattered Thumbs  #70
Tommy4toes  #71
Walta44  #72
Huckelberry    #73
Colonel Moultrie  #74
Greg Edington  #75
Poney Racer  #76
Spencer McCarty  #77
Longshot  #78 
Hell-Er High Water  #79
BobM  #80
Jim  #81
Ed, 1st Va. Cav.    #82
MtMarfield  #83
Bruce    #84
grapeshot          #85
bushwackbill  #86
Texas Sarge  #87
Joss House  #88
Double Barrel Farrel  #89
Black River Smith  #90
Sgt. Drydock  #91
Yankee Bandit  #92
Toballes    #93
Backstrap Bill  #94
Last Cigar    #95
Bluesuit01    #96
Dakota Widowmaker  #97
RFD  #98
Highpower  #99
St. George  #100
Choupique  #101
Major Matt Lewis  #102
Rattlesnake Jack  #103
Barbarossa  #104
hawkeye  #105
Alex  #106
Wagon Wheel  #107
Colt Fanning  #108
Oregon Bill  #109
Major231  #110
Repeater  #111
Caleb Hobbs  #112
Citizen Kane  #113
Ed Clintwood  #114
Snapshot  #115
Apache Jack #116
Trooper Lennox  #117
Dodge54  #118
Rattler  #119
Geo    #120
Red Coneston  #121
Hoot-3rd Ga    #122
Cinch Ring Sam  #123
Cap'n Redneck  #124
Coffee Break  #125
Crooked Creek Kid  #126
Cannon Fodder  #127
Texas Bill  #128
Loco Smith  #129
Pinkerton Agent  #130
Mike Union Guards  #131
Texas Highlander  #132
Gotzguns  #133
Martin Pauley  #134
Wes Tancred  #135
Lowdown Highwall  #136
Geezer  #137
Rancid Roy  #138
Tubac  #139
Bead Swinger  #140
Red Leg  #141
Frenchie  #142
Laredo Les  #143
Captain Tanglefoot  #144
Filthy Lucre  #145
W.T.  #146
Amos Dumas  #147
Gentleman Shaw  #148
Pvt.  Bill  #149
Sgt Major ODonnell  #150
Nowonder_1999  #151
Dai.S.Loe  #152
Matt45  #153
Ssgt Billy  #154
Crazeyiven  #155
Marshal Don  #156
Pvt Greg  #157
Four Sixes  #158
Spence      #159
Deadeye Don  #160
Waxahachie Kid  #161
Ndnchf  #162
Will Ketchum  #163
45Lcolt  #164
SpencerSporter  #165
Cooleemee Edd    #166
Appalachian Ed  #167
Gimpy Gus  #168
Panhead Pete  #169
Tom    #170
Trooper Ellis  #171
Edgy Tom  #172
Mossyrock  #173
Swedeman  #174
Houston 1852  #175
Gus Hall  #176
2 Hatchet  #177
Dusty Tagalon  #178
Four Eyes Henry  #179
General Lee  #180
Jacob M. Geise  #181
Black Powder Only  #182
72nd Indiana  #183
Longhornboot  #184
Civil War Guy  #185
YoungbloodSpencer  #186
Capt Clancey Mitarwan  #187
bobdp  #188
John Morton  #189
Grouchy Spike  #190
SQQ  #191
1816flintlock  #192
Trader Ted  #193
Pizen Switch  #194
Big Goose  #195   
LibbyEW  #196
Xwingnut  #197
C.M. Roy  #198
Lost Creek  #199
Jobe Holiday  #200
Bad Ramon  #201
Scarwolf  #202
SD Kid    #203
mrlute50  #204
Brett Dixon  #205
Moosehead  #206
Six Shot  #207
Sgt Tater  #208
HorsePen Henry  #209
Railroadguns  #210
Cowtown Scout  #211
Minerotago  #212
12th Illinois  #213
Sureshot  #214
IrishDragoon  #215
Sagebrush Burns  #216
Walkinboss  #217
Preston County Rider  #218
Sharps4065  #219
Jimbo  #220
Sea3po  #221
Curly LaGrande  #222
Headstone  #223
R-71    #224
DM3280  #225
Shamrock John  #226
Marshal Harpoluke  #227
French Shooter  #228
Badlands  #229
Scooter  #230
Sgt Dutch  #231
Herbert  #232
CCIT1999  #233
BoonieRat  #234
Randall  #235
Copus  #236
SGT John Chapman  #237
Chris Wildhunter  #238
AzJoe  #239
Jake Jones  #240
ducklakedave  #241
KCSO  #242
Saltbush  #243
Krkey1  #244
Willie Dixon  #245
3KY  #246
LHawk1970  #247
Georgia Redleg  #248
jologist  #249
Hambone  #250
(  WOW! WOW!
(    250
Rabs  #251
Old Confederate  #252
acro2eaa  #253
pbs1  #254
medbill  #255
Jake MacReedy  #256
jreb  #257
Henry Fardan  #258
Jeff  #259
ridgerunner57  #260
Shoots2 the right  #261
dlalewand  #262
John Smith  #263
Whitney Phil  #264
El Supremo  #265
Mpaczyns  #266
Wadd Watson Elis  #267
Youngblood  #268
ottorighi  #269
Capt Texas Elliot  #270
Rebel Dave  #271
El Tigre  #272
Caddy28  #273
Bumpas Bob  #274
Shenandoah  #275
Charlie Bison  #276
Lumpster  #277
Vive Valeque  #278
Kropatchek  #279
Preacher Clint  #280
Reb (gevens)    #281
Kennesaw  #282
Festus03743  #283
Perry Owens  #284
Jbar4ranch  #285
Regret Chancy  #286
Captmack  #287
Okla Tom  #288
Old Blue  #289
pburkeinc  #290
akienow  #291
Grogan  #292
Spencer Braafladt #293
dbar1918  #294
58cal    #295
Seamus  #296
shortround  #297
Horserider Blue  #298
56/50 Iron  #299

(  WOW! WOW!
(    300

AMiller  #300
Rifleman  #301
Capt'n Jack  #302
CrossdrawNJ  #303
punkinball  #304
devisser  #305
The Reverend  #306
Smokie  #307
TimBen  #308
f2504x4  #309
peepaw  #310
Col. Will B. Havoc  #311
SDbrithehunter  #312
Dana  #313
knightmare  #314
nactorman  #315
Shakey Merlot  #316
Windy City Joe  #317
Triple W  #318
Lanore01  #319
Rickesp  #320
Phil S  #321
rhatman1  #322
Steve B  #323
T. MAC  #324
Jan Buchwald #325
van2smith  #326
Lonesome Henry  #327
Bob S  #328
Branchwater Jack  #329
Shifty Jack  #330
Long Juan  #331
Dale Spencer  #332
JoeReb  #333
Stanforth/Fester  #334
Gunner1  #335
hooey  #336
Texian  #337
CWBuff  #338
Chris  #339
rjstewart2004  #340
Shekatagani  #341
Leef  #342
Bernie  #343
billings  #344
Sac River Mike  #345
Dagmar  #346
Bummer 1864  #347
Dogeater  #348
Spencerjoe  #349 
Badlands Beady  #350
Sean Thornton  #351
Hombre  #352
savage fellow  #353
Tumbleweed7  #354
Torsion  #355
Diamond Curly  #356
W.R. Wood  #357
Jack Wagon  #358
npm5063  #359
cbhuppert  #360
DaninMI  #361
5judge  #362
fiftyfiverifle  #363
Robert  #364
FireFighter317  #365
Bigkabuka  #366
azlarry1063  #367
indie arms  #368
L4aeronca  #369
JimsJunk  #370
Vettime82  #371
Jim Bob  #372
wormey  #373
dbar1918  #374
ByeByeGuy  #375
Antique  #376
Mdog  #377
rbaker106  #378
captaindf  #379
Fist full of 45s  #380
Cantineflas  #381
Lord150  #382
Andrew6thCav  #383
Maximvs  #384
Medicine Bear Charlie  #385
rkuntz  #386
jca  #387
Sweetwater Jack  #388
padoug  #389
Caliche Clay  #390
royke  #391
Mike Johnson  #392
TomS  #393
Spadegrip  #394
Saggo  #395
Mustang65  #396
smd189  #397
Capnball  #398
springensie  #399
Low  #400             

(  WOW! WOW!
(    400

Illiana Rifle  #401
GouldNash  #402
CWCollector  #403
Rusty Bull  #404  +  In Memory of . . . :'(
EssGee  #405
Our Son  #406
justforthefunofit  #407
wild willi  #408
Jeb  #409
Tarpon007  #410
Overload Killkenney  #411
cptsreynolds  #412
Alabama Red  #413
Railman1959  #414
gundogman  #415
Tito  #416
Zar55  #417
rugman  #418
Bear Flare  #419
Spencer_Carbine1860  #420
Old Marine  #421
Cigar Man  #422
Mad Sweeney  #423
jTex  #424
Sandy Forsyth  #425
One-eyed Jim  #426
Cross Draw Dave  #427
Jim77            #428
Cox0103  #429
Sharps1863  #430
Shawnat  #431
Wolflobo76  #432
SteveK  #433
Taw  #434
Gradoon  #435
Rhadosevich  #436
d-hutton  #437
Kennesaw  #438
Cape Coastie  #439
Trooper Bill  #440
Pitspitr  #441
jukebox78  #442
RTHawk1  #443
Balmsan  #444
Sgt Norm  #445
jng  #446
Walter  #447
Sgt John McAfferty  #448
Iron Mike  #449
rbertalotto    #450
Ibgreen  #451
EKJ  #452
WCR  #453
Beaumont  #454
zayde13  #455
jonesboy  #456
Slashhavoc  #457
Bolt Action Viking  #458
Pub  #459
Cheaty  #460
coolblue360  #461
Mannheim Bob  #462
the kernel  #463
powder pounder  #464
MikeCalvert456  #465
Squarehead1  #466
Pierre  #467
Lt Augustus  #468
TN Shooter  #469
Wil O.  #470
Corporal William Kuhlig  #471
paledun  #472
JtKret  #473
Duke Canon  #474
Hopalong Strong  #475
Atlanta Gray  #476
NarrowBoater  #477
Krusty  #478
TNSharps55  #479
daleraby  #480
womensoldier  #481
Carrs Creek Kid  #482
jimbo m  #483
Wild William Dog  #484
Bodie Main  #485
Eggman  #486
dfitchtx  #487
Irish Bob  #488
Calif Wyatt  #489
Branman  #490
Smith693  #491
Metcatant  #492
Old Second Dragoon  #493
Big Whiskey Jim  #494
Iris-Marigold  #495
Pakm  #496
Aldo  #497
Scroggwe  #498
Perseo  #499
Old Ranger  #500
JonnyB  #501
TheRev  #502
Denis  #503
TwoGunPete  #504
FrontierWest  #505
Kswei  #506
srgarver  #507
Pete64  #508
Fred  #509
ShilohDiver  #510
Flatts  #511
El Tio Loco  #512
PQVarus  #513
ml3rivers  #514
Robus  #515
rgh  #516
Snidervolley  #517
Smittyc7  #518
Whiptail Moses  #519
Fireman  #520
ShawnHoag  #521
HogCoach  #522
Cattleman77  #523
Deadeye Will  #524
Trail Dawgy  #525
Flinter  #526
Springfield49  #527
JOMRD  #528
Bulldog4570  #529
Treebeard  #530
Ken H.  #531
Spencer Fan  #532
Troy Township Kid  #533
davej7806  #534
Widow Maker  #535
Rick/PA  #536
Len  #537
46 Rimfire  #538
Cowboy Jared  #539
Celem  #540
Che'  #541
JWoody  #542
Ken S  #543
Edgalaxie  #544
Cavalry Cowboy  #545
Georgia Reb  #546
Merle  #547
TunaSmoke  #548
Little Phil  #549
Freek  #550
Blair  #551
Chas_Marshall  #552
Cal 100  #553
JSMosby  #554
Devinpa  #555
Southpaw Rooster Cogburn  #556
Thump82  #557
Winchester1890  #558
The Cold Lake Kid  #559
Webbm  #560
Glacier  #561
Boss Melton  #562
drm2m  #563
dsaylor  #564
Fall River Kid  #565
Copperhead  #566
Mor-Kik  #567
Wolf Killer  #568
Barry526  #569
Snowdrifer  #570
The Pathfinder  #571
tbucks59  #572
Coal Creek Griff  #573
MDtroopa  #574
Modeltgary  #575
1gewehr  #576
JSpencerman  #577
Jim W  #578
Walksfire  #579
Stanjone  #580
pacinpreacher  #581
VMI Cadet  #582
SpenceMack  #583
Hatfield  #584
MikeUrbas  #585
Treacherous Hoss  #586
Fine Gachette  #587
Stongbow  #588
jjort  #589
John M. Priest  #590
Pete-o MSU  #591
J.HowardCycles  #592
Old Vagabond  #593
Trappercnc  #594
diezmansh  #595
Eagle423  #596
Gburcalow  #597
South Platte Red  #598
DW135O  #599
The Edumacator  #600

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

NCHistory  #601
Marshal Davis  #602
CosmicArkie  #603
JMeizlik  #604
Doc Ray  #605
daveemrick    #606
John Morton  #607
Joe Lansing  #608
Pay Dirt Novelle  #609
oldfard  #610
Sfyanks  #611
Johnnydiamond  #612
mafteechr  #613
VikingDaunte  #614
The Irish Mick  #615
JCM1111  #616
VASpencer  #617
Powellyc1  #618
Thefergs  #619
Dan Koretz  #620
Shamrock John  #621
rob63  #622
Ndmbalmar  #623
Earresponsible  #624
Steved66  #625
FastTalker  #626 
SpencerJoe  #627
NWM Patriot  #628
Ecclectic Collector  #629
Injun John  #630
Old Eyes Bill  #631
Okefinokee Outlaw  #632
Garret              #633
BigLou13            #634
SlickSleeves  #635
Cannonman1  #636
Frank Morgan  #637
Good Troy  #638 
Eldorado  #639
Mountain Man  #640
Obwhan  #641
Commando223  #642
Cowolf  #643
Hammered Flat  #644
Sawboneto  #645
Vermontss  #646
Pete48  #647
abqblue    #648
McPheeters  #649
38OVI  #650
PB  #651
WHWolf  #652
1948panhead  #653
TroutBum  #654
Frank Morgan  #655
Tom Horn  #656
Unforgiven  #657
Cuthbert J. Twillie  #658
Harveyvol1  #659
Brian73  #660
v70r  #661
FinnO  #662
Civilwarguy  #663
djknoop  #664
McPherson  #665
Copcat  #666
Point Man  #667 
Steveo  #668
HughRKing  #669
GTBPappy  #670
GunBarrel  #671
Bullseye Baldee  #672
Jmiller  #673
mgmradio  #674
CarbineKid  #675
The_Number_X  #676
meromero  #677
CBL  #678
LISpencer  #679
slower than  #680
Pinfire  #681
Whyat  #682
Springfield Spencer  #683
tc432    #684
RONS  #685
richhack  #686
Mpdphil  #687
Monadnock  #688
MarkC  #689
MHenzler  #690
Dr Mike    #691
DustinW  #692
Wazoo9  #693
Civilwarbuff  #694
Wingate  #695
Berkeley492  #696
Teddydogno1  #697
Flintlock Hunter  #698
DPalmeri  #699
RedBob  #700
Crazy Uncle Jim  #701
Chandler  #702
Denver Dave  #703
BigR50  #704
Dolk  #705
Travis  #706
Jaguar  #707
Ruffdog18  #708
Sweeney  #709
Sixtus  #710 
mtgu3  #711
milsurpshooter  #712
MaxisBack  #713
Possumbreath  #714
Richhack    #715
Shodan  #716
1911Tex  #717
Kaos  #718
Presto25  #719
Montezuma Johnny  #720
Tommy Reb  #721
Sciacchitano  #722
Waybrooke1  #723
Morerams  #724
Harley_guy  #725
winchets  #726
Chunger  #727
Curtis264  #728
DPapp12  #729
Peachey Carnehan  #730
56-50Mike  #731
Phil from Ohio  #732
Marshall John Joseph  #733
Militaria-Books  #734
SteadyHabit  #735
BriMac21  #736
Laughing Terror  #737
Jabber  #738
Wolfdog  #739
Andybrown  #740
2flasargent  #741
427S0  #742
Rangermosby  #743
CaOH  #744
WDCalhoun2  #745
HartCJ  #746
Sedalia Dave  #747
Nosodak  #748
Boss541  #749
Kulik  #750
Lonesome George  #751
Horse Cavalryman  #752
Spyder  #753
Javatrader  #754
JBrownM1  #755
LondonArmoury  #756
nb.nagantsniper  #757
SpencerCurious  #758
SWVA1997  #759
AKLR  #760
dehavvilan  #761
Cumps Nephew  #762
JBrownM1  #763
ShootingSean  #764
Chadaz34  #765
Peter72  #766
Bear Tooth Billy  #767
AndrewC1963  #768
dklieberman  #769
Wilson@Franklin  #770
Farmer4  #771
RoosterG  #772
MWood  #773
Pepepotamo  #774
Old Pete  #775
DoneDusm  #776
Occams_Howitzer  #777
1st DC Cavalry  #778
beepo  #779
Trenches  #780
Nagloc68  #781
fsrmg1  #782
Texas Johnny  #783
Acorncwf  #784
Gun Baron  #785
Danzakreski  #786
umc1984    #787
Shortgrub  #788
Rwistrand  #789
Carl2465  #790
Trebor1415  #791
Leadville Bill  #792
hsd1899  #793
ldpfeifer  #794
Michaeldoc  #795
HamptonBogs45  #796
Lost Rebel  #797
bboy80601  #798
Mick  #799
Logangrimnar  #800
JollyGreen  #801
Fred111    #802
thespaniard  #803
gruby62  #804
Nevada Fred  #805
levers  #806
M1Swanson  #807
Hickory Mick  #808
cherrmann  #809
Tana62  #810
VTshooter  #811
Cole Forge  #812
Spencerhutc  #813
nagloc68  #814
WillyBill  #815
Hypnogator  #816
Ichetucknee  #817
Bucktail42  #818
dmahalek  #819
GABguns  #820
N8Gunner  #821
Alison  #822
Old Army Artillerist  #823
WhyMe74  #824
KenDudley  #825
Rebel One  #826
Double Dutch  #827
YWGSpencer  #828
Cockney Rebel  #829
Lexington1  #830
GABguns  #831
Sherman One  #832
Rapid Fire  #833
gwik430  #834
Knarley Bob  #835
EJLewis  #836
Fallon Kid  #837
Daryl Hallquist  #838
C.Note  #839
00-28  #840
2Horses  #841
ThreeOaks  #842
MinieBall  #843
LLM47  #844
Cunning1754  #845
6thMissp  #846
Cheyenne Logan  #847
Cavalrist  #848
Phillips  #849
Macon Due  #850
Oldguns52  #851
frimath  #852
cmick101  #853
OldChevy1  #854
Jimsjunk1863  #855
Forlornhope  #856
MIBearBait  #857
sbye  #858
SBuckles  #859
Yancy  #860
TheFrenchGunsmith  #861
Donl1  #862
Echoplex  #863
buckstix  #864
Shephunter  #865
Richard Schachtsiek  #866
Rube Burrows  #867
SgtMak  #868
Treeman  #869
Snowdrifter08  #870
Matthew Bowen  #871
Glorietapass  #872
Bucktail  #873
Apriestley  #874
Robert5656    #875
Unvanquished  #876
John Brooder  #877
DJHogan85  #878
Blueheeler  #879
AZ Hunter  #880
Cigar  #881
JollyGreen  #882
Chief Mac  #883
Pete Holland  #884
OldScout71  #885
Jeff Kraft  #886
KD  #887
Bullshooter  #888
SAD  #889
JSGWoodsman  #890
SpencerNerd  #891
tjiann  #892
ECO181  #893
ToppKatt  #894
PaleHorse6  #895
GrayGrinner  #896
kmalcolm12  #897
Rmagedn1   #898

[glow=red,2,300][/glow] :o
Title: Re: SSS Posse Now Has 221 Members! Welcome New Member >> Sea3po <<
Post by: Two Flints on July 12, 2008, 07:24:03 AM
Page 2:  Membership listing.  Thanks for looking ;D ;D ;D