Are you a Ruger shooter? Do you think that
Rugers Are the Toughest Sixguns? Do you want to be one of the noble RATS?
Then put your request here, and if you shoot the Holy Black through those tank-like firearms, say so and become a
Please include your state, country or territory.
Guess that makes me a DIRTY RAT. ;D ;D
Howdy, El Paso Pete! I've updated the list so DIRTY RATS will be in bold text.
Pick ME!! Rugers only 5 years and counting. ;D I wanna be a RATS dadburnit!!
Whooo doggie, John Boy does such a fine job of welcoming new WartHogs, I don't know if I should even attempt to follow his example!
Besides, how do I say that Stagecoach came riding in on his horse? But he did, and he loves his Rugers, so welcome to the RATS hole, Stagecoach! You are RATS # 107!
No, I'm not warming up for an opera!! :P I shoot my Rugers at every match. No better gun was ever made. It'll outlive me grandkids, I'll wager. Count me in. Low down, gamey RAT reporting for service!
Ya know, ole IROT said "ME" so many times, it started to sound like he was squeaking like RATS! Welcome to the Hole, Irish Red O'Toole, you've got number 108.
Back on the SASS Wire, Tres Equis tossed in his name, with a plethora of fine, sturdy Rugers, so he gets #109!
I wanna be in with RATS!
I got me 7 an' countin'
As IROT said, "No better gun was ever made."
I see you got me down as one of the RATS already.
Thankee, Miss Annie! ;D
Rugers huh? That's what I use. Guess I'm a RAT, and an occasional Dirty Rat.
Well, I guess that I'm a RAT. I've got 3 Blackhawks, 4 Vaqueros, A P-89, A P-90, A P-91, A P-93, A P-95, and A P-97. Gotta love those Rugers. I carry the P's on duty as a Deputy Sheriff In Texas.
Yup! You can count me in.
As I wandered home, three new RATS scurried up to the Hole.
Welcome Doc Shapiro, Texas Lawdog and Rio Del Rio!
Yee Hawwww! Another SOCIETY to join in to. Count me as a "Dirty Rat", 'cause my Roogers is in .44-40, and I'm gonna shoot the Holy Black in them. Iffn ya'd be so kind as to set me up wit some number, thanks.
And so, The Hairy Man gives himself a birthday present and becomes one of the DIRTY RATS, number 113!
Thanks, Miss Annie. Now, when somebody calls me a "DIRTY RAT", I can just grin, and say "YEP!".
Cuz, can ya change me to a Dirty RAT? ;D
Happily done, Cousin Slim!
Thank ya, Cuz. (http://www.frontierspot.org/images/smiles/hug.gif)
I have 8 Roogers. ;D My wife has a pet rat, she might as well have two. ;D
And so, Fallingblock's wife now has two RATS in her home. Welcome to the RATS Hole!
Welcome to the RATS Hole, Trailrider, and #119 is yours! It looks like you have a lot on your mind about the Rugers, how about opening some new threads so folks can discuss them? I'd split them off, but I don't know what subject headers you'd use.
Again, welcome!
My "Bakers Dozen" of Single Action Rugers is as follows:
O.M. Bearcat
O.M. Single Six 9-1/2" fixed sights
O.M.Super Single Six 6-1/2"
N.M. Super Single Six 9-1/2"
Flat Top .357 4-5/8"
N.M. Blackhawk .357/.9mm 6-1/2"
N.M. Blackhawk .45/.45acp 4-5/8"
N.M. Stainless Super Blackhawk 5-1/2"
N.M. Super Blackhawk 10-1/2"
.44 Mag Bisley 7-1/2"
Vaquero .44 Mag 4-5/8"
Vaquero .44 Mag 7-1/2"
Bisley Vaquero .44 Mag 4-5/8"
I am guessing that these might qualify me to be a RAT!
I reckon Arabela Kid is, indeed one of the RATS. He'd be a Mega-RATS if there was such a category, but he gets #120!
I also got a request via email to add Raisin River Ron to the list, and his number: 121, is also posted for all to see.
Welcome to the RATS Hole!
Sign me up!
I gotta be a RAT!
Howdy, Sod Buster!
Do you shoot Rugers? Do you think Rugers Are the Toughest Sixguns? Tell us what you've got and I'll put your name on the list. We can call it an early birthday present. ;) Whoops! I just looked at the clock, it's your birthday, now! So... put em up, put em up!
Yes'm I got Rugers. I think they are the best. ;D
I got 7 Rugers so far:
1 - 7-1/2" Bisley Blackhawk - 45LC
2 - 4-3/4" Vaqueros - 45LC
1 - SingleSix -22LR
1 MKII Auto pistol
1 MK4NRA Auto pistol
1 SP101 in .357
YUP.. ya caught me. It is my birthday. Maybe I will go to the Gun Show today and pick up more!
And so, it's done. Happy Birthday, Sod Buster, you are RATS #122!
I'm hoping to get to the show on Sunday.
May I go packin' with the Rat Pack???
Two Vaqueros SS w/4 5/8 barrels in .45 L.C.
One New Model Single Six in SS w/ adjustable sights.
I here by and publicly profess that I Doc Workday am a DIRTY RAT ;D
Quote from: Ornery Orr on February 12, 2005, 12:30:21 PM
May I go packin' with the Rat Pack???
Two Vaqueros SS w/4 5/8 barrels in .45 L.C.
One New Model Single Six in SS w/ adjustable sights.
Of course you can, Ornery! Welcome to the RATS Hole with #123! Are you going to drag that Surly brother down here with you?
Quote from: Doc Workday on February 13, 2005, 01:34:14 AM
I here by and publicly profess that I Doc Workday am a DIRTY RAT ;D
Then tell us what Rugers you've got and are shooting, Doc, and you'll be added to the list. Sheesh, can't just wander up to the Hole and say you are, ya gotta back it up!
2- Vaqueros SS w/4 5/8 barrels in .45 L.C.
1- Custom blue with a hard chromed frame 4 5/8 45 L.C.
2- SS Bear Cats in 22
I have had many Rugers thru the years I miss my P-85 the most :'(
Aw, Doc Workday, be happy, you are DIRTY RATS! number 124!
Howdy Miz Annie
I shoot Ruger Old Model Blackhawks .357 Mag with 4&5/8ths barrels...Oh Yeah, I have 5 of them
;D ;D ;D
I also have a 3 screw .22 Single Six and a "Liberty" Model Super Single Six.22 that I use in side matches and I still have my New Model .45 Blackhawk that I started CAS with. Oh and I can't forget my .30 Carbine Blackhawk that isn't SASS legal... :'( I think that's all of them...for now.
Update 8/17/2019
I have since added 2 .45 Colt Vaqueros 4&5/8ths barrels and 2 .357 Bisley Vaqueros with 5&1/2 inch barrels.
Sold the .30 Carbine and the .45 Blackhawk.
I would like to join this exclusive club.
Have two Vaqueros SS in .45 colt
(and a 10/22)
Lefty Isacs
Welcome to the RATS Hole, Major Sterner and Lefty Isacs!
I'd hand over your badges, but, well, we are RATS, not badgers!
Count me in. I got a pair in .45, blued, 5.5" barrels. ;D
You are in and counted, Sisquoc, as number 127!
Welcome to the RATS Hole!
Got 2 more local Pards who ain't into computer threads, but wanna join RATS. Can you assign 'em some numbers?
Tin Star Tim .44 K-Vaqueros
Commissioner Gordon .44 Super Blackhawks
Gladly done, Mustang Gregg! Please tell them that Tin Star Tim has # 128 and Commissioner Gordon is #129!
Also, for folks finding this page from the RATS website, they have to join CAS-City to post their requests. The link to joining is found at the top of this page.
Well, I've got a pair of stainless Bisley Vaqueros in .45 Colt, one 5 1/2", and the other 4 5/8", both with pearl type grips on them. I shoot Gunfighter and switch between them and a pair of Schofields that are also .45 Colt.
Count me in. 6 Rugers and counting.
Grizzly Clark
SASS #29594
Sign me up Annie but I'm only a part time Dirty RATS since I shoot both smokeless and occasionally Black.
Two gray RATS and one polka dotted one ( ;D ) scurry up to the RATS Hole to get their numbers, Rugers at their sides.
Welcome L. G. # 130, Grizzly Clark #131, and Missouri Marshal #132!
Sure glad this is a big hole. The RATS pack is growin' fast. ;D
Well, once you get through the hole, you get to the warren. After that, you'll find RATS infesting every shoot!
I too would like to be Included as a "Dirty Rat" as Black Powder is my Game and a Ruger is what I own. It is Nickel Plated .45 Cal. with Pearlite Handles.
I guess I am mostly a RAT, not full blooded but mostly RAT. Everynow and then long lost cousins of RATS come forward and demand a little attention, but mostly it is the RATS that dominate the firing line.
Guess I'm a RAT too, but I'm a Baby rat since I shoot the Ruger .32 H & R New Model Single Six, so please include me in the RATS nest!
I reckon I'm a RAT too! Got me a "Rat Pack"... 4 and counting. Matched pair in stainless, with 7.5 inch tubes, with stag horn grips, 5.5 inch Bisley, blue/cc with white pearl grips and a stainless Birds Head with 3.75 inch tube with ebony wood grips. All Vaqueros, all 45s. So many Vaqueros... so little time.
Wow, it's been a busy evening, here at the RATS Hole!
CanChaserKate, you're number 133, and we'll turn your name to black once you start shooting at matches!
Sheriff A.E. Moses steps up and claims number 134. (His other revolvers are jealous and wannabe Rugers, but alas, they will never be anything but the lonely church mice relatives.) ;D
Tricky Trina thinks she is a baby rat, but RATS are RATS and she's in at number 135!
Danny Bear Claw wanders up, bringing a full RATS pack of his own and gets number 136!
And then Delmonico happened to mention to me that he has a customized Ruger that he can shoot, even with severe carpal tunnel. He's not only RATS # 137, he's the RATS Camp Cook!!
Welcome to the RATS Hole, folks!
I always thought 32's were mouse guns. ::) As some gun writer said years ago when you do around 1250 fps with a 120 gr bullet it's a Mighty Mouse gun. ;D ;D ;D I've had it since 89, 5 1/2" SSM. Uses most of a case full of H110 and a Lyman 311316 with a funny little copper piece on the base. Tain't quit "Old West" but I can fill a pot with it. ;D And it makes me feel more secure than a Teddy Bear when I sleep in my soogun. ;D
That's Fine; Much Obliged, Annie.
Annie darlin',
Seein' how yor the "Wagon Master" on this thread, reckon I could get 'board befer it leaves camp? Ah been shootin' them dang tuff Roogers fer 30+ years.
Howdy Annie ,
I would be might less grouchie down in the RATS den. I got me my Ruger 44-40's stuffed with WARTHOG loads. I'ld be down right honored to put a RATS number in my signiture line.
Dakota Sharp Shooter (who will be waitin' patiently fer Darlin' Annie to give me a number)
And so, D.R. Greysun ambles up to the RATS Hole, bearing with him over 30 years of wisdom in shooting Rugers. The secret password is whispered into his ear, along with the number 138.
Then along comes Dakota Sharp Shooter, risking life and limb and membership in the Grumpy Old Farts With Guns, by being less grumpy by shooting WARTHOG Rugers. Since it is his risk to take, Dakota gets # 139 and slips into the RATS Hole.
Count me in the RATS--I have a dozen or so, all .45's!
Annie Darlin, I said I'ld be a lil less gumpy >:(It's kinda like -40 degrees is a lil less cold than - 50. Accordin' to ma kids, I'll still have enough grump to go around.
Dakota Sharp Shooter(who still gots enough grump fer ta be a GOFWG)
Sign me up, it's all I shoot for pistols
Two new pards wander up to the entrance to the RATS Hole, seeking admittance. Both are loyal Ruger shooters. Come on in, Dusty Wheeler, with number 140, and Trooper Steve, an RO whom I love to make grin on the shooting line, with 141! Welcome!
Well, guess who picked up a stainless Vaquero in .45 and a Special edition MKII.
The MKII is a Salute to the NRA's Foundation's William B. Ruger Endowment.
So, we just can't hide the fact that we are RATS from now on.
Marshal and Marshal'ette Halloway.
Dear Marshal and Marshal'ette Halloway:
The RATS are honored to count you among the membership with numbers 142 and 143.
Thank you again for providing a home for us.
Guess I fell in the hole as well, NRV in .45 Colt, ORV same caliber, but for sale. If this NRV works out as well as it looks they'll be more.........Buck 8) ;)
Four-Eyed Buck wanders around a bit, then finds his way to the RATS Hole and stumbles through, bearing the number 144!
Welcome, Buck!
Annie Lee,
Count me in!... I've got a New Vaquero and three Old Armies...
Faden Fast
I sure would like to be a RAT. . .I carry a Ruger but it's not the six shooter type. Maybe if I load 5 rounds instead of 10 and leave the chamber empty in my Ruger P95?
Maybe load up my rounds with the Holy BP???
Ok, ok, I'll just have to file my infernal taxes and buy me a new Rooger when I gets my tax returns.
Your Pard,
Ol 'Satch (that wants ta be a RAT)
Faden Fast, come on it! You are counted as number 145!
Ol 'Satch, the RATS aren't limited to Cowboy Action Rugers. For those who love their non-CAS Rugers, RATS means Rugers Are the Toughest Shooters! So, you are a member of the RATS with number 146! But that shouldn't stop you from getting that new Rooger. ;)
Welcome to the RATS Hole!
Thank you, Miss Annie Lee
Buck gets #144? That's gross er that was a gross of Rats. ;D
Annie darlin'.
Thank ye kindly.
Quote from: AnnieLee on February 17, 2005, 09:54:04 AM
And so, D.R. Greysun ambles up to the RATS Hole, bearing with him over 30 years of wisdom in shooting Rugers. The secret password is whispered into his ear, along with the number 138.
I do for a fact have "
1-38" ;D, 3-44's and a 22!
AnnieLee, You have two #92's listed on the RATS list. I believe that I was there first. Would you please edit. Thanks in advance......Siesta
have not been on the boards for a while, I too want to be a rat!
I am a RUGER's fan. BIG fan. I actually have a RUGER car plate, RUGER keychain, shirt, etc.
I not only think they are tough little guns but I believe RUGER really supports our sport.
I'm a RAT~! :)
My apologies, Siesta, for the oversight, and to Bob Ed Pain, for I had to change his number to 147. :(
It's good to see you, Reelfoot Regulator? What Rugers do you shoot? Let us know and I'll put you on the list!
Knuckles, it's great that you have all the Ruger's accessories, but do you have any of their firearms? Speak up, tell us!!
Annie Lee,
Thank you kindly!... (Tipping my hat...)
Faden Fast
SASS # 16610
RATS # 145
Ms. Annie Lee, would you please add me to the list. I have rugers all over the house and I shoot the 38/357 pair every weekend.
Thank you for your time Ma'am.
And so, Big Shooter Mike ambles up to the RATS Hole to clunk down his tanker revolvers, laying claim to number 148. Welcome, Mike, you RATS!
And somebody get Reelfoot and Knuckles back here to tell us what they shoot before they scurry away!
I sent ya a PM this AM, but I fergot to ask a question on Ruger models.
Oh well, I'll PM ya this PM.
Make mine a Dirty RAT, please! ;D
I'd love to, Ringo, but first, you gotta tell us what Rugers you are shooting!
Fess up!! ;)
<Ringo sidles up and whispers into AnnieLee's ears. Instead of murmuring sweet nothings, he tells her that he's a shootin' a Ruger Vaquero 357, 5.5" SS with BP loads. AnnieLee smiles at the Soot Lord>
Welcome to the DIRTY RATS, Ringo, you are number 149!
I'm shooting two different Vaqueros.
One is stainless, Ruger Vaquero, 5.5" barrel, .357/.38 with Faux Ivory on the hogleg.
The other is a color-case, Ruger Vaquero 357/38, 5.5" with Colt handles.
I shoot Black Hills .38.
My wife, Skylark, shoots a matched pair of Ruger Vaquero Bird'sheads in .38 too!
However, she's out of the game for a while since we just has a matched pair of twin boys in December. :)
Annie Lee, I shoot Two 4/5/8'' Blued RV's in 45 colt with brass grip frames. About 50-50 between black and smokeless
Knuckles scurries back to the RATS Hole, weighed down with all his Ruger accessories and sons named Bill and Ruger, thereby claiming number 150!
Then Reelfoot Regulator wanders up to the Hole, showing us yet another of the Polka Dot RATS, unable to decide if he is a Soot Lord or a Heathen, combining the best of both worlds and snatching up #151!
Welcome to the RATS Hole!
And just for those Polka Dotted Rats, here is a new graphic for you!
Reckon I should get a number. 2 RV's in 44Mag, 2RV's in 45 Colt, 2 New Model Blackhawks in 357, 3 Old Model Blackhawks in 357, 2 357 Flattops, 1 Flattop 44. Hopin to aquire a couple of 3 screw Single Six's for the boy.
RATS are us. Thanx Annie! (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v469/DRGreysun/Cowboy%20Stuff/033102shoot_1_prv.gif)
*Thunk* *thunk* *thunk*....
< AnnieLee looks to see what the sound is, coming from the door to the RATS Hole >
*Thunk* *thunk* *thunk*....
< Her eyes widen a little as she sees Phil Yerhans taking out his Rugers and placing them on the table for all to see, and the sound continues >
*Thunk* *thunk* *thunk* *thunk* *thunk* *thunk* !!
My oh, my, twelve trusty Rugers! Phil, you need Morehans! Bundle those babies up and come on in, you are RATS number 152!!
Count me in! I'm BRAND NEW to this sport, but I carry two .357 New Blackhawks - and I won't settle for any other brand...
Welcome, Pete Starr!
Welcome to the realm of Cowboy Action Shooting!
Welcome to CAS-City,
Welcome to the RATS with number 156!!
Happy to have you here, and hoping you have a great time,
I thank you kindly! I'm looking forward to getting outfitted and involved!
I would like to be a RAT. I have been called many things in my life, but RAT has such a nice ring to it.
Well, howdy, Peacekeeper and Jon Spurlock!
Becoming one of the RATS is easy, just tell us what Rugers you shoot!!
Well, come on in, Peacekeeper, and welcome to the RATS, you have number 157!
What Peacekeeper said, only mine are Bisleys. ;D
Thank you, Jon Spurlock with the Bisleys! Welcome to the RATS, you have number 158!
Many thanks. ;)
<Two more potential RATS wander up and whisper in AnnieLee's ear. She gives a listen, then grins>
Come on in, GopherGrease, with number 159, and welcome Little Spec with #160!
Vaquero is mexican for Horsemen heeeeey thats me Dos eqques (2x) ;D 45.lc
Yep, that's you, Litl Rooster, and now you have RATS #161! Welcome to the RATS hole!
I have 4 matching Bird's head vaquero's in Stainless Steel. Does this make me a "shiny rat?"
Just got my second Ruger.
First is a SBH Bisley .44 Mag 7.5"
And now I got a SS Vaquero 5.5" .45Colt
So Yep I would like to be a RAT 8)
'Tis only fitting that two new RATS be inducted into our nobel society while I am sitting in a room not far from the biggest mouse of them all, who wishes he could be among the RATS!
Congratulations Iron River Red, you have the nice shiny number 162 and for you, Hylander, there's number 163!!
Welcome to the RATS!
Can I be a member??
I don't consider it my cowboy gun, though.
Howdy, Trinity!
Your Ruger doesn't have to be for CAS. You just have to love it and clean it and cherish it and shoot it. ( I was going to say that in general, treat it like a girlfriend, but that "shooting it" thing blows that all to heck.)
Welcome to The RATS with #164!
Glad to know there are lots of RATS out there. I've been shooting nothing but RUGERS for the last several years, so that makes me a RAT, too, if you'll be so kind as to let me in. And I'm fix'in to become a DIRTY RAT, too!!
Marvin Hughes
SASS Life #44047
:D Sign Me Up.
Long time Ruger Shooter.
Waiting for my NV.
Have 2-357 SS Vaq. 2-.45 SS Vaq. 2-.32 SS VAQ, 2-.457 SS ROA Smoke Generators..
1-bearcat SS .22 (Won't mention the semi auto's)
Wrangler Red 28281L
< The peep hole opens and the tip of a RATS tail shows under the door>
Well now, we have two new folks who say they are Ruger shooters. Well, put 'em up, tell us what you've got! Are they Vaqueros? Bisleys? 22-45s? Whatcha got?
<The tail tip twitches, waiting for an answer>
Annie,..............Can I be a RATS too, ;D.............I don't use these all the time .................
Ruger Vaqueros, SS, 5.5", 45 Colt...............
Oh, my. Look at those beauties!!
<As he stands before the door to the RATS Hole, SGT John Chapman can feel the tail growing from his hind side. The door is opened and Sgt. John slips in with #165>
Welcome, Sgt. John!
Marvin Hughes and Wrangler Red, you don't have to post pics (though we like looking at them), just tell us what you've got!
<The door swings open>
Thank you, Wrangler Red, you have #166! Also, One of those DIRTY RATS snuck up to whisper in my ear. SixPak, you've got #167!!
Come on in and welcome to the RATS Hole!
Ya'll mean to tell me that there's some other brand of pistol at there for CAS. Shucks, I put one of my triple load early morning wake up rounds in one of them dinky Colts and cylinder came out kinda oval shaped after I fired it.
I guess four Rugers and (one clone for a back up) in the gun cart makes me a RAT
Rebel Morgan,
Yup, a RAT you be!
More'n qualified to be here.
PS: Hey Annie, I'm finally back in town.
Thanks again for all the moderator work, Sweetie!
Yep, Rebel Morgan, you are RATS #168!
Thanks for the polite and gentle nudge, MG! :-[
Me too! Me too! I want to be a RATS. I am even a dirty RATS sometimes. Lets see, I have 2 Blackhawks, 4 vaqueros and 2 ROAs. And those are just the ones that are mine :o ::) :o ::)
Mebbe when I grrow up I'll be a DIRTY RAT, but for the time bein', I'm hopin' you folks'll let me be just a plain ol' RAT?
< The peep hole opens and a pair of bright, beady eyes view the two standing at the door to the RATS Hole>
Come on in, Jessie Lyn, you are RATS # 169!
<Jessie Lyn slips in through the crack in the door, but it is slammed shut before Capt. Hamp Cox can enter>
I mean.. please tell us what wonderful, beauteous Rugers you shoot, Capt. Cox, then you can get in the door.
YIPEE and I get to be a dirty rats 2marro. COUGH COUGH COUGH
Quote from: AnnieLee on April 14, 2005, 03:10:31 PM
< The peep hole opens and a pair of bright, beady eyes view the two standing at the door to the RATS Hole>
Come on in, Jessie Lyn, you are RATS # 169!
<Jessie Lyn slips in through the crack in the door, but it is slammed shut before Capt. Hamp Cox can enter>
I mean.. please tell us what wonderful, beauteous Rugers you shoot, Capt. Cox, then you can get in the door.
Thought a picture was worth a thousand words. Guess you didn't see my post in your
Pics from the Rat Pac? Check 'em out. I have those two, a pair of blue in .357, and a SBH.
Quote from: Capt. Hamp Cox on April 14, 2005, 10:21:08 PM
Quote from: AnnieLee on April 14, 2005, 03:10:31 PM
< The peep hole opens and a pair of bright, beady eyes view the two standing at the door to the RATS Hole>
Come on in, Jessie Lyn, you are RATS # 169!
<Jessie Lyn slips in through the crack in the door, but it is slammed shut before Capt. Hamp Cox can enter>
I mean.. please tell us what wonderful, beauteous Rugers you shoot, Capt. Cox, then you can get in the door.
Thought a picture was worth a thousand words. Guess you didn't see my post in your Pics from the Rat Pac? Check 'em out. I have those two, a pair of blue in .357, and a SBH.
<Grovels appropriately as the door swings open>
Ah, yes, I saw those beauties with the stag grips! My apologies, Capt. Cox, please come in with number 170!!
Welcome to the RATS!
Annie can i be a RATS i have 6 Vaqueros 1 Blackhawk had Rugers all my life am 62 now. ;D
Of course you can, Narvous! Age makes no difference, all Ruger lovers are welcome. Come on in, you are RATS #171!
Sorry i allreading am one i am #54 :-[
So i dont #171
Oops! :-[
And I am usually pretty good about checking, first!
Aye, you are #54 Narvous!
Rugers is all that I own (save a couple of Remmies). I guess I am deep down inside a RATS! ;D
Howdy i got 4 rats around my waist, Iam a rat for sure---- Ferral Shot
The peep hole opens then slams shut, then the door creaks open just widely enough to admit two new RATS:
Come on in T. Two Dogs with number 171 and Ferral Shot, #172!!
Welcome to the RATS Hole and to CAS-City!
Count me in since I have two braces of the Rugers one is BCH 5 1/2"RVBs in 357 Mag and the other is SS 4 5/8" RVs.
Annie you know I got Rugers. Two Vaqueros, two bisleys!
So put me down!
And so, two potential RATS saunter boldly up to the door. Maddawg White scurries through the door bearing RATS #173.
Then she takes a long look at the next person. "Hmm. A R.O.B. RATS, the founder, no less. About time you showed up, DeadRinger!" With a wink, he gets #174.
Welcome to the RATS Hole!
Much olbiged! Proud to be a ROB RATS!
I'm a RAT and a GOFWG >:(so I'm in.
Sign up Lumpy Grits too, he's a GOFWG :( and a RAT too.
Thanks Annie Lee
Ima, looking forward to being called a RAT, this time, Schofield
Quote from: AnnieLee on February 08, 2005, 01:13:14 PM
Are you a Ruger shooter? Do you think that Rugers Are the Toughest Sixguns? Do you want to be one of the noble RATS?
Then put your request here, and if you shoot the Holy Black through those tank-like firearms, say so and become a DIRTY RAT!
I would love to join the RATS. but cant figure how to use this darn forum....how the heck does one reply or post?
Quote from: Ima Schofield on May 05, 2005, 01:12:54 PM
I'm a RAT and a GOFWG >:(so I'm in.
Sign up Lumpy Grits too, he's a GOFWG :( and a RAT too.
Thanks Annie Lee
Ima, looking forward to being called a RAT, this time, Schofield
Howdy, Ima! Just one quick question: Do you shoot and love your Rugers?
Quote from: Sierra Slim Jim on May 05, 2005, 03:30:33 PM
I would love to join the RATS. but cant figure how to use this darn forum....how the heck does one reply or post?
Howdy Sierrra Slim Jim! I'd be glad to help but it doesn't look like you are having any problems! If you click on the "quote" button, it'll include the text of the message you are viewing in your reply. If you don't want to quote, just click on the reply button!
In the meantime, do you shoot and love your Rugers?
Quote from: AnnieLee on May 06, 2005, 10:47:23 AM
Quote from: Sierra Slim Jim on May 05, 2005, 03:30:33 PM
I would love to join the RATS. but cant figure how to use this darn forum....how the heck does one reply or post?
Howdy Sierrra Slim Jim! I'd be glad to help but it doesn't look like you are having any problems! If you click on the "quote" button, it'll include the text of the message you are viewing in your reply. If you don't want to quote, just click on the reply button!
In the meantime, do you shoot and love your Rugers?
I presently own and love 2 Vaqueros of the .357 variety....stainless with buffalo horn grips from Eagle grips....no photos, but trust me....they are quite nice....also had lighter springs installed so I could actually shoot the darn things.
Well, come on into the RATS Hole Sierra Slim Jim, you're #175!
And you are doing fine with the posting, you just have to remember to add your text after the last "/quote" thing.
Howdy, Ima! Just one quick question: Do you shoot and love your Rugers?
Of course I do, I wouldn't ask to be called a RAT if I didn't! ;D
Now do I get a number?
Quote from: Ima Schofield on May 06, 2005, 10:49:34 PM
Howdy, Ima! Just one quick question: Do you shoot and love your Rugers?
Of course I do, I wouldn't ask to be called a RAT if I didn't! ;D
Now do I get a number?
Yep, you do! Come on in, Ima, you have number 176 and Lumpy Grits has 177!!
Welcome to the RATS Hole!
Well count me in , i'm new but i sold my beretta 40 & picked me up nv45 with elk grips on the way & sport a ruger hitch cover & decal on that ol pick up truck, besides i kinda feel like a rat need verification.
Well I've been shooting Rugers for about 7 years now and I own a Gp100 .357 and a Vaquero .45 and I love em both.
I reload for them both and shoot as often as possible, and alot of folks call me a RAT!, (j/k), lol
I wanna be a RAT too! Actually I'd love to shoot a few!
And remember "Always drink upstream from the herd."
And so, two new shooters sauntered up to the door of the RATS Hole.
Brothers, aye, they had to be, their gait was just too similar.
And look at them, both wearing those wonderful Rugers!
Come on in Spitn Lead, you've got number 178, and Sixshooter_45, you're number 179!
Welcome to the RATS HOLE!
Great pic, Sixshooter, thanks!
I knew it, i am a rat i have been ratified !
thank ya darlin. ;)
Thx for the welcome Annie Lee, I just received my Buffalo horn gunfighter grips in the mail. I won them on e-bay but they were made by Eagle Grips and were new to boot.
Gotta love the $32.00 savings, lol
They look nice!
Sign me up Annie,
I gots me a real nice Rooger Blackhawk with pewter grips in .45LC in Stainless Satin Finish!
Much obliged, BW.
Well sign me up. I've been shooting Rugers since 1975, Blackhawks, Super Blackhawks, Vaqueros, and all the others in their lineup. Had Colts too but Rugers are the ones I always come home to. I've only shot the blackpowder in their Old Army but am about to try it in the 44 Vaquero. Does that make me a wanna be Dirty Rat?
The RATS Hole was busy overnight, RATS scurrying left and right to join another organisation of Ruger shooters.
Two new pards stepped up to the door, tapping for admittance.
Welcome Badlands Walker, founder of PWDFR! You are RATS # 180!
And there I spy a piebald member of the RATS, sniffing at the Dark Side! Welcome Rev Willy Duncum with number 181!
Come on in and stay a while!
I have 4 Rugers: a Single Six (3 screw) .22/.22mag, a Super Blackhawk, and 2 .45 New Vaqueros. sign me up.
Thanks a bunch!
The spy hole in the door opens and two beady eyes peer out.
"Well, I'll be, a new member of the RATS! Come on in, Kananaskis Kid, you're number 182!
"Welcome to the RATS Hole!"
Sign me up, I love my Rugers. ;)
Annie Lee,
Thanks for the invite Darlin'. I guess they were so upset over there at the SASS Wire about my PWDFR Posse, they suspended me! They claimed it was for other infractions, but it never happened until the PWDFR posts. Anywho, I'll do as ya suggested & post on here where I should have stayed the whole time!
Much obliged,
Quote from: Blondetta on May 25, 2005, 06:32:43 AM
Sign me up, I love my Rugers. ;)
<The door swings open wide>
Come on in, Blondetta, you are RATS #183! Welcome!
Well I guess you can sign me up as just a plain ol' RAT!
Oh heck yeah, I've been a Ruger man since Daddy let me shoot the family .22.
Long live RATS!
Bad Hand
Late one evening, there came a scratching and a clawing, then a BANGING at the door to the RATS Hole. The peep hole opened and a voice said: "Waddya want?"
Lo and behold, three pards stood there, Rugers in hand. "We wanna be RATS!"
And so it was that G. Springer Wills came to be known as RATS # 184, Bad Hand Dan as RATS # 185, and Kool Hand Kel ( who had whispered from a dark corner) became RATS # 186!!
Welcome to the RATS Hole!
Annie, sign me up please. I'm shooting to .357 Vaqueros. I've had many other blackhawks in the past.
Parson Oneless
Sign me up for RATS, have quite a brace of them
All for now JD Trampas
GOFWG #100
Later in the day, there was more banging on the door.
"Wahhhht?? Doncha know I'm tryin' to nap?"
The banging continued, more vehement.
"Go away, I gave at the office. No solicitors. We paid our bills!"
The banging stopped, only to be replaced by the sounds of cylinders spinning as though checking for high primers.
The door to the peep hole flies open.
"Oh!! Why didn't you say so?" The beady eyes took in the new pards, the fingers tapped quickly to add to the list and the door swings open.
"Well hey and howdy Parson Oneless, you have number 187! And JD Trampas, look at you with number 188!! Welcome to the RATS Hole!"
Big Ruger Fan wants IN!
Quote from: Badlands Walker on May 31, 2005, 08:41:50 PM
Annie Lee,
Thanks for the invite Darlin'. I guess they were so upset over there at the SASS Wire about my PWDFR Posse, they suspended me! They claimed it was for other infractions, but it never happened until the PWDFR posts. Anywho, I'll do as ya suggested & post on here where I should have stayed the whole time!
Much obliged,
Howdy Badlands,
I heard what happened to you at SASS from Slim Silver. Sounds like that moderator overthere is acting heavy handed. That's a shame since I thought we were all supposed to live by the Cowboy Way. Sounds like he lost his way, especially when anyone posts anything about you and it goes away in about 60 seconds.
Parson Oneless
Parson Oneless and Badlands Walker, I understand your concerns, but this is a forum to praise and discuss our wonderful Rugers. Please keep the other conversation to PMs?
Yep, I'm tsking...
There was no tapping on the door, no light banging, just a single, loud **WHOOMP** that caused the door to the RATS Hole shake on its hinges. The door to the peep hole flew open.
"Well, I'll be, a BIG Ruger fan. Come on in, D'Ranged, you've got number 189!"
Quote from: AnnieLee on June 03, 2005, 08:53:09 PM
Parson Oneless and Badlands Walker, I understand your concerns, but this is a forum to praise and discuss our wonderful Rugers. Please keep the other conversation to PMs?
Yep, I'm tsking...
Sorry, sorry, I will comply with your every request.
Parson Oneless
This first pistol I ever got was a Ruger Single Six. I was in 8th grade :-) And I have a safe full of Rugers now, so I guess ya can sign me up as a RAT! Soon to be a DIRTY RAT...
Ya got room fer one more ? Gots me 5 of then there fine Roogers. Would'nt shoot nothin else.
Missouri Bountyhunter
The wagon is loaded with the supplies and she is just slipping into her nightshirt for some sleep before heading out to the match in the morning when the door to the RATS Hole starts thumping.
"Dagnabbit, go to sleep! Go shoot your Rugers in the morning! Let me get some rest!!"
But the thumps continue.
"All right, all right, keep yer drawers up, I'm coming!"
The peephole opens and her grumpiness vanishes as she spies two new RATS at the door.
"Chick Brewster, you've got number 190, and let us know when you slip over to the darkside so you can be a DIRTY RAT! Missouri Bountyhunter, yer # 191! Come on in, grab a corner and a bunk for some shut eye, we're shooting tomorrow! Welcome to the RATS Hole!"
AnnieLee, sent you a message, let me know
All for now JD Trampas
JD, even RATS make mistakes, including the two of us! Nice to know you really want to be one of the RATS! You are still #50.
In the quiet of the night, while taking care of chores, a quiet man leaned to whisper into the listkeeper's ear. She gave a nod and scribbled in his name.
Welcome to the RATS, The Raven, you are number 188!
Thank you Annielee, it is hard getting old I guess, still feel young, sometimes any way, I guess you got my message, sent you another one, disregard that one, lol, ;D ;D
All for now JD Trampas
Howdy. I shoot them roogers, .45 flavor. Usta wuz a smokeless warthog, now I guess I'm a dirty rat (but it's 777, so it cleans up easy) LOL.
There came a scritching at the door to the RATS Hole. The peephole opened and beady eyes looked around, but all that was seen was the darkness of black. The peephole started to close, but was flung back open with a hefty kick from the outside. The eyes searched more carefully, then the door swung open.
"Well, it's about time, Adirondack Jack, one of the DIRTY RATS! It's about time you showed up, come on in and welcome! You have number192!"
Ms AL,
I'm already a PWDFR. Can I be a RAT too? I own a bunch of them Rugers and thats all I shoot at SASS matches.
Of course you can, Big John Denny, Ruger lovers are Ruger lovers! Welcome to the RATS Hole, you have number 193!
Been a RAT since I picked up a used Single Six flattop in 1976. Blackhawks in .357 and .44, Vaqueros in .45, Standard Model .22s, #3s in .22 Hornet and .45-70, M-77s in .30-06, .270 and .308 have followed (and come and gone), but that 9 1/2" flattop will have to be pried from my cold dead fingers. Where do I sign up?
Powder River Parson
The person outside the door seemed weighed down as he tapped at the door to the RATS Hole. The peephole flew open.
"Waddaya want?"
Without saying a word, the pard opened his duster. What rode inside that duster caused the listkeeper to gasp.
"Holy Tamoley, lookit that mess of RUGERS!! Come on in Powder River Parson, you are RATS number 194!"
I started shooting CAS with a pair of Colts, 1 2nd gen in .45 and a 3rd gen in .45, but finally decided to go Old Model Rugers for dependibility and four click actions. Never looked back since and have expanded to the point I have 7 Old Models I use for Black Powder, and other classes, and four of them are certified Warthog specials. I've put their pic's on the pic's thread so now will join up.
The man walked up, set up a table, displayed all his wonderful Rugers to the world, then tapped on the door to the RATS Hole. This time, the peephole didn't open, the door did.
"Come on in McLintock! Gather up all your fine firearms and come in, you are RATS #195!"
Quote from: Parson Oneless on June 03, 2005, 08:40:35 PM
Quote from: Badlands Walker on May 31, 2005, 08:41:50 PM
Annie Lee,
Thanks for the invite Darlin'. I guess they were so upset over there at the SASS Wire about my PWDFR Posse, they suspended me! They claimed it was for other infractions, but it never happened until the PWDFR posts. Anywho, I'll do as ya suggested & post on here where I should have stayed the whole time!
Much obliged,
Howdy Badlands,
I heard what happened to you at SASS from Slim Silver. Sounds like that moderator overthere is acting heavy handed. That's a shame since I thought we were all supposed to live by the Cowboy Way. Sounds like he lost his way, especially when anyone posts anything about you and it goes away in about 60 seconds.
Parson Oneless
Sorry AnnieLee, I thought I did this in a PM. Been awhile since I was on CAS City & I guess a blundered!
Annie, sign me and my 32 Rugers up!!
Come on in, Kate, you have number 196! Welcome to the RATS Hole!
Annie Lee,
I truly wants to be a RAT. It seems to me that the pistola choice for SASS is a no-brainer when you haz a RUGER to pick from. Priced rite, keeps on tickin, TANK TOUGH!
I likes 'em!
The knock came at the door to the RATS Hole and the peep hole flew open.
"Waht? What are you doing here? Yer too cheerful, too happy to be one of the RATS."
The listkeeper started to close the peephole, but the man moved in and put his "mean face" on.
"Oh! Oh my! Well, that's different!"
The door swung open.
"Come on in, Sweettooth Wally, you're RATS number 197!"
I got the crazy urge for still mo' RUGERS!!!!! I needed a fix!!!
So I ordered 2 more K-Vaq's .44's w/4.62" bbls. Consecutive serials, of course.
Now I gotta place fer them Qualite birdhead gripframes!!
Russ T. Spittoon has already scrimshawed the panels!
Hear that, Rock Creek Critter? I'll be a-needin' that double-Holliday rig real soon!
Mustang (Gunfighter) Gregg
Shootin' RUGERS! Built in the USA! ;D
PS. Dang, I'm a-chompin' at the bit a-waitin' fer that FED EX truck to show up.
Count me in. Ive shot single sixes for years. Tuesday I pick up my vaquero. Darned waiting period. >:(
with 4 pair better count me in..yeeeeee--haaaaaa
Wandering in through the back door after a wonderful day of shooting her beloved RUGERS, the Listkeeper hears a knock on the door. The peephole flies open.
"Are you here to clean my firearms for me?"
She spies the two men outside.
"Dern. But, it's the next best thing, two new RATS! Come on in, Gryffon2004, you have number 198! You too, Doc Wheelock, you're number 199!
"Welcome to the RATS!"
I reckon I'm a "Dirty Rat" as I shoot ROA's.
Wes Virginian
::) Welcome Wes you missed a good ky state shoot .
hope to shoot with you soon
There's a knock on the door and the list keeper moves to answer it. Giving a wink to Prairie Rat, she takes a look to see who is out there.
"My, my, what have we here? Member number 200? And one of the DIRTY RATS no less!
Welcome to the RATS Hole, Wes Virginian, come on in!
Well, to be honest I owned two Ruger .45 Vaqueroes at one time. A 7.5 inch, Blued model and a White Micarta gripped 5.5 inch, blued model. I sold both to get a pair of Uberti's
Never had any trouble with the RV's, it's just that they didn't fit my temperment.
Oh yeah! I used to have three other Rugers as well, My first was a Security six in .38 Spl, a .357 GP100, and a NM Blackhawk in .45 Colt. All three went for other cowboy guns.
RATS? Three .22 Single Sixes, two Bear Cats, two .357/9mm Blackhawks, two .44 mags ORV's, and two .45 Colt BHV's. Does that qualify for membership, Annie??
Gee, been called a lot of things, but never a RAT. Just checked my gun safe and counted 15 (was 14 found another) Ruger Single action pistols. I probably have more hidden away I forgot. That does not include Ruger rifles or semi auto pistols. Do I qualify?
Gold Canyon:
You more'n qualify!!! :o
You can be a RATS posse member, fer sure!
You might even be a Ruger Distributor.(???) ;D
No distribution, only consumption. I made the mistake early in my lifetime selling guns when I thought I needed the money. Won't do that again, missed every single one of them.
All the knocks, kicks, and bangs on the door to the RATS Hole weren't ignored, they simply weren't heard as the list keeper was out, drowning out the sounds with the ***BOOM***s of her Rugers.
Eventually, the peephole opens.
"What's this? One of the "used to be" RATS? Pish and posh, you know you want to own a Ruger, Bushwack Bill, yer number 201."
The teeny eyes move on to the next pard, then blink.
"Eleven Rugers, Judge Bart Rose, and you ask if you are qualified? Oh, please, stop teasing. Yer number 202."
The eyes move on again, then stop, back track and become huge.
"FIFTEEN?!? Fifteen Rugers? Holy Tamoley, Mustang Gregg has to come up with some kind of title for you, Gold Canyon Kid. Maybe something like "Lord of the RATS" Dang, that's a lot of Rugers. Did you check under the seat cushions of the couch for more of them? Yer number 203."
"Mustang Gregg, please tell Mustang Gary he's in, with number 205. If he changes his name, we can fix it on the list.
"Uncle Chan, you posted, are you gonna join up?
"Come on in gents and welcome to the RATS Hole!"
Howdy AnnieLee
West Longer here and I would like to be a RAT.
I picked up my second Ruger 45LC 5.5 Stainless with Ivoy grips to match my other Ruger which has a 4.58 barrel.
I sure like how they handle my WartHog loads. Cant wait till my next shoot too show them off. ;D
So can I be a RAT. Can I? Can I? Can I? ;D
Quote from: West Longer on July 09, 2005, 01:48:37 PM
Howdy AnnieLee
West Longer here and I would like to be a RAT.
I picked up my second Ruger 45LC 5.5 Stainless with Ivoy grips to match my other Ruger which has a 4.58 barrel.
I sure like how they handle my WartHog loads. Cant wait till my next shoot too show them off. ;D
So can I be a RAT. Can I? Can I? Can I? ;D
Hello anybodies around? :o Hope I didnt offend you RATS by requesting membership! ;D
The peep hole doesn't open but the front door does.
"Oh, dear, you've been standing out there a long time! My apologies, West, I didn't see your original post. Please, come on in, you are RATS Number 205! Welcome!"
Thank ya AnnieLee
I'll try and do the RATS proud! ;D
Welcome. West!!
Glad to have 'nother RAT 'round!
Thanks Mustang Gregg. 8)
Well Annie I guess you better count me as a RATS. I just counted and found that 20 of them Rugers made a home at my place. :-\ ;D. Tomorrow I'll have to see if I can find them all.
The listkeeper is roused from her drowse by a banging on the door.
"Hang on, I'm coming!"
The peephole opens. "Whaddya want?"
Her answer is the resounding thump of no less than 20 magnificent Rugers for her to see.
"Oh, MY!
"Come on in Henry Logan, you are RATS number 206! And welcome to CAS City!"
Afternoon Annie. Thanks for the gracious welcome. # 206 is a fine number. ;D
Had myself 2 sets of Vaqueros - a blued pair for smokeless and a stainless pair for shooting BP (the ss made clean-up a little easier). Now that I'm looking to get back into the CAS game, I'm not looking at any other sixgins but Vaqueros.
Count me in!
At the knocking at the door, the peephole opens. A bright and beady eye looks out and scans the petitioner, then the peephole slams shut and the door opens.
"Oh no!! It's a poor, lonely, NAKED member of the RATS!
"Hurry and come in, Ciego, you're among friends and when the time comes, you'll be out shooting Rugers once again. You're number 207!
I would be much appreciative if you could add me to the list.
Howdy Chantry,
Welcome from another "Modern" RATS member
Quote from: Chantry on August 02, 2005, 06:33:33 PM
I would be much appreciative if you could add me to the list.
Howdy and welcome to CAS City, Chantry!
Just one question for you:
Do you own and shoot Rugers?
Quote from: AnnieLee on August 02, 2005, 09:50:38 PM
Quote from: Chantry on August 02, 2005, 06:33:33 PM
I would be much appreciative if you could add me to the list.
Howdy and welcome to CAS City, Chantry!
Just one question for you:
Do you own and shoot Rugers?
Yup, 3 .44's and 2 .38's, plus a couple of non cowboy .22's.
On seeing Chantry's collection of Robust Rugers, the peephole closes and the front door opens.
"Come on in, Chantry, you are RATS number 208! Welcome to the RATS Hole!"
Quote from: Major E A Sterner on August 02, 2005, 08:47:21 PM
Howdy Chantry,
Welcome from another "Modern" RATS member
Hi Major,
Missed you at the MA/CT/RI Championships last weekend. It was a good shoot. I saw a number of Circle K members there (Saloon Shot, Anabelle & Rowdy, Peddler Jack, Lonestar Jake and probably some more)
Managed not to drop anything this time either ;D
If you ever get a chance wander on down the CT Valley Bushwhackers shoot. They put on a pretty good match.
My Bisley Vaquero is Ruger Number Three.
First 2, both gone:
Single six (3 screw, never even contemplated sending back)
Blackhawk Convertible .38WCF/10mm
The peephole doesn't open at the knock this time, instead the door swings wide. The listkeeper grins and gives the man a wink.
"Come on in, Plainolddave! You have RATS number 209! Welcome to the RATS Hole!"
Annie Lee could you please add me to your RATS list. I have four Rugers two in .45 and two in .38
In the midst of unpacking, doing laundry, and trying to get the sand out of unmentionable places, the listkeeper belatedly hears a knocking on the door. The peephole flips open, then quickly shuts. The front door opens widely.
"Well, hey there, Bitterwheat! Sorry, I was away from the RATS Hole for a bit. But I'm back and come on in! You are RATS number 210!"
:)Thank ye kindly Miss Annie, I consider it an honor to be a RATS member.
Well, Annielee, you know I gots a whole bunch of Roogers. And you know I only shoot on the Darkside. So that would make me a Dirty Rat, now wouldn't it????
The Listkeeper is awakened from a good sleep by the sound of big boots kicking at the door. Grumbling, she makes her way to the peephole and opens it, to see the chest of a person. "'Bout time he showed up," she mumbles and opens the door. And there he stands, kinda towering over her, with that long, red-haired braid hangin' down his back, his teeth showing in a soot-faced grin.
"Was there ever any question? Shooting those fine Rugers and having flames coming out the ends of them, and stinking me out at the loading table with the stench of chicken farts? Couldn't sign you up without you asking, though. Yep, yer one of the DIRTY RATS if there ever was one. Come on in, Linc, you're number 211! Welcome to the RATS Hole!"
She cranes her neck to try to look beyond him. "Where's Beth?"
If it is ok to be a Norwegian RAT I`m in. 5 Bisleys, 4 of them are vaqueros, all in 44.
Charles Quantrill
I gots 3 of em. I don't shoot the Black stuff.
Charlie ;D
I would love to be a rat. I have shot Rugers since I started shooting Cowby.pleeeeeeeeeeeeease can I be a real rat. ;D
While the Listkeeper was away, a clamor started outside the RATS Hole. One by one, three new Ruger shooters showed up and banged on the door, one of them coming all the way from Norway! At long last, the Listkeeper comes home and throws open the door.
"Well, hey and Howdy, look at the new crop! Charles Quantrill, of course you are welcome and you have number 212! Dang, another Charlie, but with a different last name... sure you aren't brothers? Welcome Charlie Montana you are number 213! And sure you can be one of the RATS Mama Missalot, you have number 214!!
Welcome to the RATS Hole!
;D 8) I'm #213. WOW I couldn't be more excited. (Well, maybe a little.)
Charlie :D
Aye, Charlie, #213. 13 is a lucky number if you are Irish, so #213 means you are twice as lucky!
Now somebody needs to design us RATS a badge.
Charlie #213
Quote from: Charlie Montana # 16369 Life on September 03, 2005, 11:17:14 AM
Now somebody needs to design us RATS a badge.
Charlie #213
Badgers? We don't need no steenking badgers, we're RATS!
Oh, wait he said badges! Oops!
Haven't given much thought to badges because we've wanted the group to be cost free to the RATS. But if you feel strongly enough about it, how about starting a new thread and letting the other RATS chime in?
Quote from: Montana Darlin on September 05, 2005, 02:51:46 PM
Well, that's all well and good, Montana, but do you own Rugers? Do you think Rugers are the Toughest Sixguns?
Tell us what you've got!
YES!!! YES!!! Tell us. Tell us. :o :o :o :o
There is nothing better than Rugers !! I have two 44's and two 45's. I want to be a RAT. Sign me up please.
~ Cowlick
The peephole slides open and two bright, beady eyes take in the person standing in front of the door. The listkeeper's gaze takes in the two pair, both starting with the fearsome 4, and the front door slams open.
"Dang, not just a Ruger lover, but a WartHog Ruger lover!! Come on in, Cowlick, you're RATS number 215!! Welcome to the RATS Hole!"
Can I get in..? I own a couple of 45's (the old ones). Working on a "travel kit" i 357 (the new ones..)
They don't se much blackpowder, so I guess I would only be a RATS.. ;D
The peephole opens briefly, then slams shut as the door is flung open.
"Siringo! A pleasure! Of course you can be one of the RATS! You have number 216! Welcome to the RATS Hole, come on in!"
How do AnnieLee,
I shoot a brace of stainless Vaqueros in .357 and don't plan on changing. Figure I will add more to the collection though. Rekon that makes me a RAT?
Please consider me for a RATS membership. I currently own two 7.5", blue/black, Ajax aged Ivory grips, Old Armys with .45LC R&D conversion cylinders; two 4-5/8", blue/fake casehardened with wood grips, .45LC Vaquero Bisleys (full-size); and a 7.5", squareback trigger guard, satin stainless with wood grips, .45LC New Model Blackhawk (made in 1979).
After 7 hours of nervous anticipation, I thought I'd add that I also shoot trap with a Ruger Red Label 12 ga O/U, 30" barrels and carry a Mini-14 in a bullpup stock as a constant companion.
Dry Wash:
A bullpupped Mini-14 sounds like a real sweet companion.
Keep her warm, Pard. Feed her 5.56 mm often.
Mustang Gregg
Mustang Gregg,
Mine was built using one of the Muzzelite stocks. They feel like a Toy's R Us toy, but make a really compact 27" package and with RamLine plastic magazines, it is very lightweight. I would rather have a 7.62x39, but I have this one and will probably hang on to it as it is (visually) well worn from use and wouldn't bring much on the market.
As I am new here, I have no way of knowing how many times it has been addressed already, but I could not help but notice your 'more than casual' resemblance to a certain, turn-of-the-century American Hero... My compliments!!!!
Ya, know Drywash, I heard that once before. ??? ???
Glad to have you as one of us RATS!
Annie Lee has been real great & takin' care of assignin' us numbers.
Mustang Gregg
The listkeeper peeks out the window and watches the gentlemen standing around and talking awhile. Laughing to herself, she opens the door.
"You gonna stand out there all weekend, or come on in? Slim Silver, yer RATS number 217 and Drywash, don't point that thing at me, it might go off! Yer RATS number 218! Come on in and welcome to the RATS Hole!"
I have two hand fulls of Rugers, sign me up if you don't mind. Also a proud member of P.W.D.F.R. and the Society of Unique Double Deulist Shootists. ( S.U.D.D.S. )
Wily Yankee SASS #63066
S.U.D.D.S. #161
R.A.T.S. ???
Miz Annie Lee
I'm a wee bit upset Lass! We have shot together on multiple occassions my hands proudly holding my Rooger Bisley Vaqueros and you have not invited me to join your esteemed organization.
Lucky Irish Tom
Warthog on occasion
The listkeeper hears thumping at the door and opens the peephole to peer outside.
"Is that whining I hear, from a Ruger lover? Tsk tsk, Irish Tom, I should make you stand out in the cold while I welcome Wily Yankee to the RATS!"
The peephole closes and the front door opens.
"Wily Yankee, you are RATS number 219! Come on in, welcome to the RATS Hole!"
She opens the door wide enough for Wily to scurry through, then stares at Tom.
"We don't do much recruiting, Irish Tom. Mustang Gregg kinda figures that if folks love their Rugers, they'll find us eventually, just like you did!"
She stands silently for a moment, then winks and opens the door for him.
"Come on in, RATS number 220, and welcome!"
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
As Wily scurries thru the door, he thanks Annielee, then off he goes to fight for Truth, Justice and RATS!
Thanks again,
Thankee Annie, gotta go work on my BP loads now so's i can become a Dirty Rat! ;D
Is there room for one more in the RATS nest? Sign me up, please!
Old Grouse SASS #62334 POWDFR #46
Sign me up as a RATS gunslinger, are the 32's called mouse guns ;D ;D ;D If Ruger had made revolvers when Patton was around he'd would have had one for sure. How do I know that ? Well, the General did love tanks ;D ;)
Old Grouse and El Deguello, there are only two criteria for becoming one of the RATS, you have to think Rugers Are the Toughest Sixguns and you have to own one!
Looks like you have the first part covered, but you haven't told us what Rugers you own! So tell, tell!!
Howdy AnnieLee, My moms name was NancyLee, she went home in 88. AnnieLee made me think of her.
About them Ruger's that are built like tanks; have brace of 4 3/4" Blackhawk's in 38/357 in standard finish, well worn blue (looks black to me). A brace of SS, 5.5" Ruger Bisley's in 38/357 and a brace of Davidson's Ruger Vaquero, 4 3/4", SS in 38WCF that came with an extra .40S&W cylinder.
It don't count, but I'm thinking on a brace of New Vaquero's also in SS and 38.
Long live the Ruger.
;D Gosh yall, I am brand new here and do't know what I am doing yet. I want to get started into Cowboy Shooting. I am just grazing around to see and learn and already I find out that I's a......
....RAT..... I have a 44 mag Ruger Blackhawk with 10" barrel. One older rifle, 30-40 Craig model 1898. Looks like I need to spend a buch of MONEY (that hurts). I plan to go see a few shoots bafer I do any turnin loose of coins. I am also 61 years old, Electrician Computor Tech. and live in Lewiston, Idaho. I do not really have a alius as yet. My real name is Gary Bauer. YEP I are a city slicker fer sure. Any hoooo, been lookin round an see a few good lookin CowGirls and some fine jents in here. HODY TO YU ALL
Howdy, Boon!
Our're in real good company here!!!!
Sound like a Ruger shooter too. We'd best take ya into our gang.
If ya don't have enough guns to go shoot a match, go anyway. There are always some Pards who would love to lend ya a gun or 2. We're a friendly bunch who loves to help out new Pardners get started.
BTW: I'm kinda a .30-40 Krag nut too. Check out the profile picture at the left.
Mustang Gregg
SASS #38345
NRA Lifer
GAF #64
Thanks: preciate the knowledge yall got..been lots of help just graxin round here
After a long weekend of shooting her Rugers, the listkeeper is sitting in the backroom, a towel and cylinder in her lap, the scent of Break-Free heavy in the air as she hears the banging on the front door. Setting down her cleaning rod, she gathers up the stuff in her lap and looks through the peep hole. The peephole closes almost immediately and the front door opens.
"Well, howdy, El Deguello! You and I might have relatives back on our family tree someplace, NancyLee is a fine, fine name. And lookit your Rugers! Yep, you're one of the RATS, and you have number 221! Welcome and come on in!"
She then turns and nudges Mustang Gregg aside to see Boon. ( It's a gentle nudge since he is the founder and all, and deserves some respect...)
"Howdy Boon! Gregg is right, you don't have to be an active Cowboy Action Shooter to be one of the RATS. You just have to own and love your Rugers. You'd still have fun if you went to some local matches, the pards there would help you any way they can. Meanwhile, come on in, you are RATS number 222! Welcome!"
wy thank yu AnnieLee...I accept yur making me number 222 is there anything I need to do. Like a fee or what not to join yur RAT group. I do intend to go to a shoot this month and also to our local gun dealer who is a member of sass and willing to help me out. My e-mail is
gary.bauer@potlatchcorp.com contact me anytime. I love talkin Guns. My wife is a ballistics tech. here in Lewiston. They produce the Speer / CCI amunition. She shoots aroung 2,000 rounds each day so stated she probably will not shoot but might go just fer the enjoument of watchin.
thanks again fer all yur helpin me on learnin
Glad to have ya, Boon! There's no fee nor any badges for the RATS. All it takes is owning and loving your Rugers! There's also a "newbie" forum here on CAS City that is full of information for shooters new to CAS. If you have questions, I'm sure you can get help there. Dang, it is cool that you are married to a lady who makes ammo. I bet you always make sure to stay on her good side!
;D Hy pards,
May I be part of the "Rats"?
I've two Ruger Vaquero Bisley.......................And I really love them, the "best" revolver made!!
The peephole opens, then slams shut. The door quickly flies open and Kaboom Andy is hugged by the listkeeper.
"Howdy, Andy! I was hoping you'd show up. Come on in, you are RATS number 223! Welcome to the RATS Hole!"
:D Ty pards..................
Wahl....shucks.......Ah gess ah bin wona themthar RATS fer a long tahm!!
Mah furst ayleyess was "Big Rat David-98 Pounds", wen ah was just neehi to a puppydawg.
But now ahm a-shootin' a pare a Staneless Vakweros, so ah gess ahm wonna y'all in spirit.
But ah aint never bin durty....ah take a bath wonsamunth, even ifn ah don't need it.
Last-laugh Easton
Guess Tres Pinos and I have been RATS for a while and didn't know it. Can we come and play with all the other RATS and if so, how do we go about signing up?
Querida & Tres Pinos
I need to be a Dirty RATS member too. Please add me to the list. This is all Lady Prospectors fault.;)
The drumming at the door brings the Listkeeper to the peephole and a beady eye peers out for a moment before the door swings open.
Querida, all you have to do for joining is come up to the door and show us what Rugers you own, shoot, and love, just like Last-laugh Easton just did with his Vaqueros! Come on in, Last-laugh, you are RATS number 224!
Blondetta? Is it true? Have you given in to the Dark Side? Are you now an illustrious member of the Soot Ladies? Say it is so, and I'll put your name in bold!
Irish raps lightly at the door, he is there to proclaim that he has forsworn the heathen smokyless powders and will only shoot the Holy Black through his beloved Rugers. He beseeches the listkeeper to embolden his name to proclaim to all that he is a Dirty Rat!
To the almighty Listkeeper, Tres Pinos and I, Querida as we knock on thy honorable door, do humble ask that our names be embossed with the other fine RATS as we will always and only shoot Rugers. Tres Pinos shoots 45 Ruger Bisleys and also has a pair of 44-40 Ruger Vaqueros. I shoot 38 Ruger Bisleys and also have a pair of 38 Ruger Blackhawks. There has never been a finer gun as Ruger.
Querida & Tres Pinos
"Irish Tom, having foresaken the heathen smokeless and fully embraced the Holy Black, you are now one of the DIRTY RATS!! You keep the same number, but can now use it in bold, befitting your stature among shooters.
"Querida and Tres Pinos, a couple tied together in many ways and also joined in your love of Rugers, please, come on in! Querida, you are number 225 , Tres Pinos, you are number 226! Welcome to the RATS!!"
We be thankin the mighty Listkeeper. We will strive to make the RATS proud!!!!!
Querida & Tres Pinos
Well I guess I might qualify, got me an Old Army and just put my money down on a pair of 45 Colt Birdshead grip Vaqueros.
The listkeeper peers through the peephole. "Well, howdy, Doc Evie! Seems you are wavering about wanting to join the RATS. From the looks of it, you've got and love Rugers, so would you like a number, the secret handshake and a key to the door?
:D Sounds great.
I really find them (Rugers) to be the most reliable jobs I have. Sure wish Ruger could make an open-top with as just as much reliability and I would be absolutely 100% Ruger revolver.
The front door swings open.
"Come on in, Doc Evie, you are RATS number 227!!" The listkeeper leans over to whisper, "we don't really have a secret handshake, but no one knows that, so we have a secret non-handshake!" More loudly she continues, "Welcome to the RATS Hole!"
Thanka kindly
I also need to be a DIRTY RAT , BP only. I ruger bisleys in 357. Thanks BC
The sun is shining on the alley this Saturday morning, revealing to the Listkeeper a man covered in soot and wearing a gigantic grin. The door to the RATS Hole swings open with a creak.
"Good morning Brack Cornett! Welcome, you have number 228 you DIRTY RATS! Come on in!"
Ha ha! Dirty Rat - well I guess I might sort of qualify - I use a substitute though - 777. Love BP but the subs make it so much better. The only time I use that French stuff is at the indoor range since they have a thing about ventilation and obscuring the other lanes.
All, I shoot two Bird's Head Ruger Vaqs, SS, 5.5 inche barrels and they are by far the finest handguns I've owned or shot!!! They are the sherman tank of the handgun world! I'd sure like to join this auspicious society!!!!
Uncle Chan
Guess I found a place I belong!
When shootin' ca'tridge, I'm a RAT, and most times a Dirty RATS.
I shoot 2 Ruger large frame Vaqueros, blued/cch 5-1/2" .357
They've got:
Free Spin Pawls
Powers Hammer and Trigger (gotta love that half-cock notch!)
Widened Rear Sight groove
Radiused Cylinders
11 Degree Forcing Cones
Wolff Springs
Crescent Ejectors
real sweet action jobs
unfortunately I shoot so slow that it's all wasted on me. But they sure are nice :D
Also, I've got 2 Old Model Blackhawks, .357 4-5/8" that are a joy to shoot,
and an Old Model Blackhawk, .357 6-1/2" that just graces the safe right now.
My first pistol was a Ruger 89 9mm.
I've had (and wish I still had)
2 Bisley Vaqueros .45 5-1/2" (1 stainless, 1 blued)
2 New Model Blackhawks 5-1/2" .45
1 New Model Blackhawk (stainless)
1 Ruger Flat-top
Can I join???
Oh yeah, today's my birthday! I'll meet y'all over in the saloon for a drink :P
Ah, Monday, when the drudges go back to work and the leisurely nap in hammocks on a cool Fall day. But the Listkeeper must tend to her duties, even on pretty days. On hearing the knocking, the peephole flies open.
"Doc Evie! But you are already in! Did you lose your keys? And look at you, did you fall down or something? How did you.. oh, that's not grime, thats SOOT!! Yes, of course you are one of the DIRTY RATS!."
The door opens as she laughs and Doc Evie scurries past her.
"Uncle Chan, what a pleasure! Please come in, you are RATS number 229!"
"And McCandless, why would you creep down the alley on your BIRTHDAY?? What's that you say? You want to be one of the RATS and took time out on your special day just to join?? Well. Humph." The Listkeeper looks him up, then looks him down, ponders a bit and humphs again.
"Well, you see, we had a double tap a while back, where one of the early RATS forgot and signed up twice. I'd stuck a place holder on the list, not wanting to adjust anyone's cherished numbers. Seems to me that giving you that number would make a nice birthday present. So, come on in McCandless, you are RATS number 166!!
"Welcome Uncle Chan and McCandless to the RATS Hole!"
Thanks Annie for putting me on the list. I will make the RATS proud. I will also spread to the world that RUGERS are the toughfest and built like tanks. Thanks, BC
Well I guess I qualify as a RAT. Both me and ole LIll E. Pond have been shootin' Vaqueros since day one...about 12 years ago. Between us we have 5 of them. Lill E. has two stainless 5-1/2s and I have one stainless 5-1/2, one stainless 7-1/2 and one stainless Bisley Vaquero. I hate cleaning guns that's why stainless. :)
Rugers are the best...PERIOD!
At the knocking on the door, the Listkeeper opens the peephole. A pair of beady, bright eyes take in the burly man.
There is a pause, then the peephole closes and the front door opens.
"Well, Dorado Slim, looks like you and your lady qualify to be members of the RATS!" She adds a mumble under her breath, "I should have gone with stainless, that derned fake case coloring draws rust like bees to honey!" Then she raises her voice once more. "Come on in, you are RATS number 230, and the fine Lill E. Pond is RATS number 231! Welcome to the RATS Hole!"
Well that's mighty kind a ya Annie...thank ya!
Heya, Annie:
I ain't really deserted ye. I been outta town again. An' I got home to find the well was runnin' dry (we reckoned). But it was a bad pump. Got it pulled & now waitin' on a new one ta show up at the Mercantile.
You're doin' a mighty fine job keepin' them RATS in order. You gots RATS numbers higher than I could possibly cypher. Kinda like my scores when I go shootin'.
Much obliged,
Your Pard,
I'll tell ya, I'll bet if you added up all the Ruger shooters in CAS you'd find about 75% of them using Rugers....wait that sounds like Yogi. You'd find about 75% of CASers using Rugers...that's better.
I wouldn't take for my Ruger vaqueros best dadblame six guns made.
They are realy bad guns that work all the time and don't brake down(where's the fun in that ???). Thats why I have decided to free the world of them!!!
And buy them all for my self ::)
2 x Old vaquero 4 5/8" .45 colt
2 x Old vaquero 4 5/8" .44-40 (for the holy black)
1 x Blackhawk 4 5/8" .44 mag
1 x Super blackhawk 7'5" .44 mag
I wanna be a dirty rat!
In exile in Texas
The peephole opens and the listkeeper looks outside then laughs. A moment later, the door opens.
"Oh, my, lookit this, one of the DIRTY RATS has shown up! Welcome Soldierboy, you are number 232, come on in!!"
Soldier Boy:
Real nice passel of Rugers there, Pard! ;D
If'n ya ever get outta exile there in Texas, come on up to Ft Flat Water, NE.
We know what to do wit' them EVIL RUGERS!!!
Vaqueros count 6
Bis Vaqueros count 6
Blackhawks count 3
Mustang Gregg
(Holed up at Ft Flat Water)
For those RATS who'd like to read the tale (tail) of our newest DIRTY RATS click here:
It is the wondrous tale of a stalwart RATS who takes on the Ogres.
Well Annie I am sure I would make a pitiful RAT at the moment owning only one of those Fine Ruger revolvers. But if you'd be so gracious I will be a good RAT soon
First and only Revolver
1 Ruger New Model Blackhawk 4 3/4" Blued .45LC
The door to the RATS Hole flings open.
"Dang, I'm sorry, Poeticcowboy! The Listkeeper has been slacking. She must be ill or something. Anyway, there's nothing to feel pitiful nor ashamed of having a single Ruger, we all had to start someplace! You are now RATS number 233!! Welcome to the RATS Hole!"
Thanks AnnieLee I mhope the list keeper is better this week
;D Welcome, Poetic Cowboy.
We could use some of poetry to show this RATS hole some class.
Not that Annie ain't classy.
It was 1730 hrs on a dark, moonless night. We were working PMs out of the West side. Outside Annie's door we stood, my partner to one side and I to the other. Knock, knock, knock. "Sheriff's Department, ma'am. We have a search warrant." my partner announces. Inside there's a rustle of papers and footsteps approaching the door. "A warrant, for what?" Annie demands. "Possession of dangerous firearms, ma'am." I say. "Lemme see your ID." Annie says through the peephole. We pop our creds and the door opens. "I can assure you Deputies, there's no dangerous firearms on the premises." Annie says standing there in her "Ruger's Rock" t-shirt. "Really. Our CI tells us you're holdin' some very dangerous firearms; ma'am; specifically a Colt, a Cimarron and a Beretta." "Absolutely not, deputies. You see, ever since I met my Rugers, I've left the others in the dust and I'll never go back." "Never, huh. Not even for a Peacemaker, firin' Lightning ridin' Thunderer in a Stampede?" I snap. "Deputies, since I met Mr. Ruger, there's only one lawman for me and it's a Sheriff; hard as stainless steel, white pearl handles, limited numbers and chambered for .45s." Annie professes." " Wadda ya think partner?" "I say we obviously have the wong address on this warrant. This girl knows quality firearms. Wada you think?" "Works for me. Sorry to bother you, ma'am. Obvioulsy outdated intel." That's OK, deputies. Stop by anytime. We're in a city jursdiction and I always prefer the company of Sheriffs." "Why's that, ma'am." I ask. "Well, bein' a cowboy mounted shooter, a Single Peacemaker just doesn't do it for me. I like things that come in pairs...like Sheriffs...Ruger or otherwise." The door closed, the lock fell and from behind the peephole, all that could be heard were footsteps walking away and the faint sound of a dispatcher's voice; "Copy that, David 6. We'll show you 10-6 until further."
It's not a poem but it should qualify us for membership as a couple of Dirty RATS! We really do shoot Ruger Sheriffs; four of them.
My dear AnnieLee ;) I would like to join the honorable roles of the DIRTY RATS. BP is the only way to shoot 45LC Vaquaros ;D
Dear Miss Annie! I just joined SASS a while back My first cowboy guns are in the mail! RUGERS!
Please add me to the honer roll, let me know my number, I'll proudly display it! Rascal Ralph.
Oh yeah!!!! I'm a Rat :o...... Ruger Shooter, I have four of them. 45LC and 357Mag. Two in modern and two in traditonal. I also shoot all with that soot stuff.........so I'll be a dirty rat too...... :-[
GOFWG #286
SASS #68277
Thanks Annie,
Pappy Morgan
Yes Annie Lee I am a proud owner of five Fine Rugers from downunder, two N/M Vaqueros in 357, two Blackhawks in 357,two Old Army's with 5.5" barrels and a blue Old Army target model with factory brass back strap.
Can I join RATS
I'm a RAT..... I'm a RAT... Just picked up two NRV's in 357. Add that to the SSS I bought in 1969 and the 44 SBH in about 1978.... Hmmmm..... been a RAT for a long time and never realized it....
We been a might busy in the RATS Hole. But you new Ruger RATS will be posted up on the forum afore the week is out!
Wit' numbers & all. Jus' takiin' a bit of cypherin'.
Much obliged,
Mustang Gregg
Feller RATS:
I just got word from "Cousin Vinny" that he would like to be a RATS member too. He has distinguished hisself with some new stainless Rugers.
He is now proudly on on our RATS of Honor.
I have also added the name of Mike Clement to the space for RATS who have gone before us. He was the most avid "RUGER-ONLY" shooter we have ever knowed here. He also had the largest collection of early Blackhawks & "200th Year" versions we have ever seen.
Mustang Gregg
Yeaaaahooo or as we cajuns say Aiiiieeee! I would like to be a RAT, Please consider my request. My first six-shooter was/is a Ruger single six Bisley in .22 caliber stainless 4 5/8" barrel my second was/is a Vaquero OS (Old Style) .45 cal stainless 5 1/2" barrel jest like Roy and/or Gene, my third is a .45 Cal Blued Bisley 4 5/8 " barrel I am also the proud owner of a Winchester model '94 "Trails End" in .45 Cal. Yessir, I'm almost thar all I need now is a period shotgun and a place to shoot---I'm not really looking I'm not really looking for a shotgun now as I have to "recover" the money spent on the '94 before seeking my final gun
A big ol' CAJUN COWBOY WELCOME to Cyrille! Glad to have ye here, Pardner.
You got some mighty fine shootin' irons there.
An' you have now got the RATS number of 242!
Mustang Gregg
As a fairly new addition to CAS and SASS I'd be plenty proud to officially join the RATS. My first new guns purchased to play are a pair of 357 Vaqueros! Eventually I hope t become a dirty rat, but for now I am just smelly!
I still wanna be a RAT, can i, can i please!!!!!! Musta got missed at the page turn.
Quote from: Cyrille on February 07, 2006, 08:40:12 PM
Yeaaaahooo or as we cajuns say Aiiiieeee! I would like to be a RAT, Please consider my request. My first six-shooter was/is a Ruger single six Bisley in .22 caliber stainless 4 5/8" barrel my second was/is a Vaquero OS (Old Style) .45 cal stainless 5 1/2" barrel jest like Roy and/or Gene, my third is a .45 Cal Blued Bisley 4 5/8 " barrel I am also the proud owner of a Winchester model '94 "Trails End" in .45 Cal. Yessir, I'm almost thar all I need now is a period shotgun and a place to shoot---I'm not really looking I'm not really looking for a shotgun now as I have to "recover" the money spent on the '94 before seeking my final gun
"Never apologize Mister; it's a sign of weakness" Capt. Brittles (John Wayne) In She wore a Yellow Ribbon
I wanna be a RAT too! Mah poppa's a RAT calls hisself Cyrille (without milk) an ah'm Philip thas wit one (1) L y'u kin contact me @ Cyrille's email, rlaiche@cox.net. I have joint ownership in thet Bisley vaquero in .45 4 5/8 blued version thet Poppa tole y'u about so I'm hopin thet thet makes me qualified.
Philip ::)
"The worse, I was aiming at the horse" Britt {James Coburn} "The Magnificent Seven"
;D Cyrille:
I got ye down a coupla days past. So you are in.
Numba 242 if'n I can recollect an' cypher rightly.
Welcome into the RATS pack, Pardner!!! ::)
Mustang Gregg
I'm a dirty stainless RATS....
;D I'm addin' ya to the list, Surly Bob. See the RATS gang below.
SAY-----Ain't ye got a brother that does some cowboy shootin' too?
Mustang Gregg
Since I like cheese and shoot Ruger Vaquero, Vaquero Bisley, Blackhawks, Super Blackhawks, Old Model Blackhawks and even one of them thar new fangled auteematic Ruger pistols, I shirrley want to be a RAT. Why, I even smell the part. :(
Sig-ned sinseerlee,
Natchez Nick X=his mark
Natchez Nick:
I'll have you on the Roll of RATS yet today!!!
See the list below.
Welcome, Chessy Pardner!!!
Mustang Gregg
I'm shootin rugers I want to be a rat,please
as one who owns and operates several of the good old heavy duty vaqueros i too would enjoy being a rat. if you please.
wolfcamp hill
;D Glad to have ya,Wolfcamp Hill. You are in the gang now! Check the RATS list below!
We like them BIG OL' VAQUEROS too!
Interestin' alias, there, Pard! care to elaborate?
I dont get to be a rat?
Sure you do. I put your name in last Tuesday. Check the RATS list (down a couple of threads).
Are you a DIRTY RAT by chance?
Thanks ;D ;D
Sign me up, hope I'm 250 thats what I'd like to get down to
Snak Eyes
Snake Eyes,
I'm just under 250# myself & oughta be a might "smaller".
'Ceptin' my damn gunbelt would fall off'n my butt.
You be #250.
Mustang Gregg
Well, my first pistol was the Ruger GP 100 in .357. I still have that baby. My Vaquero is in .357 also, and the only smokeless round shot through it was from the factory test fire. The rest of the time it has been all Black. So I guess that would make me a Dirty RAT.
May I come into the RAT hole? :)
SASS # 40704
;D Beth:
Gotcha down as a DIRTY RAT on the Honor Roll (Hole).
You're #251.
Lincoln County in which state?
Count me in. I burn powder thru my Old Model Blackhawk (.41 mag) as often as possible. Gotta love these ole tanks.
JPMcCoy aka Amos McCoy from Mississippi
I'll getcha in the RATS-Roll right away!
Glad to have you in our outfit. ;D
Mustang Gregg
Are ye burnin' BLACK powder in yer Blackhawk?
All vaquero, all the time....for the last eight years. If that don't make me a rat, well then, I guess I'll just have to eat dirt and wonder why!
And oh yea........Bisley, darlin....thats how I float my stick.
Jest yestad'y I ordered me two, count'em two new [old style Rugers] one a Bisley(blued,casehardened,4 5/8" barrel and th other stainless w/a 5 1/2" barrel. Now both me 'n mah son will hav a brace o' Rugers 'n a model '94 Winchester ta use when we go ta our 1st Cas/ Sass match this fall. Ah'm verrry close ta findin a 'pet load fer both th Rugers 'n th '94 come fall, 'God willin' we'll be ready.
Two thangs Ah'm courious, 'bout thoughDoes anyone know of an area in LA (Louisiana, colse to the New Orleans Area thet one kin shoot th Holy Black? I hev looked 'n found only 'indoor' shootin ranges there usta bee a place down river frum me but Katrina took care o thet. 'n another Ah herd thet Cas/Sass hed a two gun competition i.e. rifle 'n one revolver, Ah looked in the SASS book but couldn't find it any information would bee apprecated.
;D Howdy, Ringo.
I'll have ye down in a matter of minutes.
Been off'n the computer a-castin' 'bout 500-some 1# ingots.
That got stopped short since it started lightnin'-thunderin'-an' rainin' ice pellets.
Terrible weather to melt lead in!!! >:( >:( ::)
Welcome to the RATS!
Mustang Gregg
Howdy Pards!
This here is Sacramento Johnson knocking on the door of your club, sportin' a brace of old model mighty Ruger Vaqueros! Sold my uberti colt clones, schofields, and remmie! Nothing like an OM Ruger Vaquero!
Sacramento Johnson:
I feel that way 'bout them ol' model Rugers too. ;D
In fact that's all we shoot here at our ranch.
Guess it could be a Mustang Ranch. :-\
Mustang Gregg
PS Your name should appear down a couple of posts on the RATS Roll.
Rugers are the best! Here is mine:(http://img20.imageshack.us/img20/5884/allhandguns1wj.th.jpg) (http://img20.imageshack.us/my.php?image=allhandguns1wj.jpg)
(I don't know how that Smith and Wesson got in there.)
Gunman 42782 (hope I got all them numbers right):
I will have your name put on the RATS Roll of Honor shortly!
Mustang Gregg
Well I am new here and just starting this type f shooting but all my shooting irons are Rugers. Now for a rifle
You're IN!! ;D
You more'n qualify wit' all them Rugers.
Ye be #256!
As a fairly new addition to CAS and SASS I'd be plenty proud to officially join the RATS. My first new guns purchased to play are a pair of 357 Vaqueros! Eventually I hope t become a dirty rat, but for now I am just smelly!
I was jest wonderin if you could change my RAT moniker from RD to Redbank, my O-fficial alias
You are now officially REDBANK in the RATS. ;D
At 22:00 on th 22nd, no less! ::)
Welcome, Pard!
Where ye from?
Mustang Gregg
Mustang Gregg,
Thanks for your help on the other forums. I think we are catching the remains of that snow storm you had several days ago.
I digress. Hey, if you cant beat em,join em!
My original SASS guns are two Ruger Blackhawk Convertibles in 45lc/45acp in ss. One is 51/2 and the other is 71/2.
Cannon Fodder
Thanky kindly there Mustang Greg! I hail from South of the Mason-Dixon line from a grand metropolis called Red Bank, South Carolina!
PS: Love that TR outfit!
Quote from: Joyce (AnnieLee) on February 13, 2005, 09:21:32 AM
Aw, Doc Workday, be happy, you are DIRTY RATS! number 124!
Thanks Annie we miss you :'(
Yes ma'am! Count me in!
Yes I want to be a member of RATS:
I have and do own many versions of Ruger Firearms,my latest acquisition was a pair of
Blackhawks in 45 lc W/ 4 5/8" barrels and they are great for cowboy action shooting.
Dr.Cletus Pineboxx SASS# 69152
Linn K & Rtardie:
Sound like a mess of Rugers there! ;D
I'll getcha in the RATS Roll shortly. ::)
Welcome !!!
I've been called a "dirty rat" all my life...never knew how prophetic it was.
Please sign me up. I have five Vaqueros. Now if I can only grow three more arms!
Buffalo Jerky:
I will have you up on the RATS Roll right shortly. ;D
I am usin' my lunch break to wind up some NCOWS fellers on another forum. ;D
Mustang Gregg
"I'd rather shoot Rugers than discuss research.
My job is mainly historical research---So I take a break by goin shootin'."
Sign me up pard .... I gots 5 of them ROOGERS & I loves 'em !!
Yusta B:
You are now in the RATS as a life member.
See the RATS Roll a couple of posts down.
What all do ya shoot?
Mustang Gregg
All SS, 2 - 5 1/2", 3 - 4 5/8" , 1 Norchester , 2 Baikals and a Marlin Cowboy Comp. All 45 LC ( I needs them big boolits fer the added chance of a hit !!
i think rugers are the best six-gunson earth! i don't shoot black powder, El Paso (RATS# 1) Pete told me and my name is marki and i am from colorado! :)
Colts are historical, but Rugers fill my holsters at the firein' line.
Sign me up pronto, please.
Quote from: Dick Dastardly on April 07, 2006, 08:12:13 PM
Colts are historical, but Rugers fill my holsters at the firein' line.
Sign me up pronto, please.
And since you shoot the Holy Black, you qualify as a
Welcome, welcome, Ruger-shootin' Pards!
You will be on the RATS Roll of Honor with the hour!
Quote from: Marki on April 06, 2006, 09:09:06 PM
i think rugers are the best six-gunson earth! i don't shoot black powder, El Paso (RATS# 1) Pete told me and my name is marki and i am from colorado! :)
my alias is really straight shootin' marki, the rest is right and now i shoot black powder so i am a dirty rat!
;D Sign me up! Now I am Buck Snaked RAT! Whoo Hoo!
Count me in as a Rat !!!
Whats my number ???
OK, after many years in SASS shooting conversions and just recently GW IIs, they finally made a Vaquero to fit me. I had one years ago and never had anything against it, It just didn't feel right. I looked for RNVs before I bought my GWs but didn't find any. At the last Bristol Wi shoot, I won a pair of 4 3/4" blued .357 RNVs. I just got to shoot them at my first match of the season. FANTASTIC. I am definitely one of the RATS now. Sign me up.
Please sign me up as a RATS member. I'm using Super Black Hawks and Bisleys, but trying out Bisley Vaqueros. All 44s with 250 grains of lead 'cause I'm also a WARTHOG!! There's a Marlin Cowboy in 44 on my saddle and a 50-90 Shiloh Sharps to "go way past yonder."
Hey-Hey-Hey! WELCOME!!!
Four more RATS to post! I'll have ye on the RATS Roll of Honor purty quick!
Check the long list below.
BTW---You're all life members too. :D
Ho MG,
I'm glad ya signed up EDK PDQ. Ain't often ya get RAT shootin WH loads and a 50-90 too. :o :o ;D ;D
If'n we could get EDK ta shootin BP, we could make 'im a Dirty RAT. Can't get much better than that. ;D ;D
RAT #265 Dick Dastardly lives here in Wisconsin (WI) just below the glacier. He must have lots of Rooger stock or he loves 'em. Every time ya get near 'em he starts talkin 'bout his Roogers. It ain't easy turnin 'im off.
Would you change 173 from Maddawg WHite to Blackey Cole. I changed my alias last year about this time. I just kniticed that it had my old alias. Also, I'm from NM.
I have 5 SA, 1 DA, and 1 SemiAuto from Ruger. Mine are 4 Riger Bisley Vaqueros 2 in SS and 2 in BCH all with 5 1/2" barrelss in 45LC. One is a Single Six 22, the Da is a Redhawk and I think the Auto is a KP-95DC.
Yup, it will be done!
Thanks for the update!
Sign me up! Two Vaqueros since 1995 and some non-cowboy Rugers too. This place looks like the place to be...
Easy Aces Ed
EASY----EASY----EASY, Easy Aces Ed!!! (That's quite a handle!)
I'll have you on our RATS Roll of Honor shortly!
Welcome to the Ruger Gang!
Mustang Gregg
Deal me in, boys and girls. I love sixguns of every make and model, but the ones I shoot the most are Rugers. I've been shooting a pair of .44-40 Vaqueros since I got started in cowboy action shooting seven years ago. I also get out to the range with my Single Sixes, Mark II, .44 Bisley, and Blackhawks every chance I get. I have one of the .357 Flattops that came out last year and really enjoy shooting it. The local gunshop is waiting for it's allocation of the new .44 Flattops, and my name is at the top of the waiting list.
Like I said, they're all good... Colts, S&W, USFA, Ruger, and the rest. I just end up shooting Rugers more than all the others put together. I guess that says something.
Crooked River Bob
Crooked River Bob:
I gotcha down as #192 on the RATS Roll.
Ye don't shoot BP, per chance?
You wrote the Glossary of Sweeps, didn't ya?
Mustang Gregg
O.k., I'm a fairly new SASS member and am in the process of gathering my irons for shoots. However, my carry gun has been a Ruger P95DPR. I've had an Old Army, blued in 7 1/2 for a while that I love to shoot; and I just bought a New Vaquero for the cowboy action shoots.
Do I qualify to be a RAT??? ;D
Wildcat Montgomery
Oh, Yea!!
Ya do!!
Quote from: Mustang Gregg on April 21, 2006, 01:18:50 PM
Oh, Yea!!
Ya do!!
So, how do I get that official, assigned RAT number?????
Blue Skies and Smooth Trails,
Wildcat Montgomery
You got one, Pard!
I recolllect puttin' ya down as RATS #271 (I think) a coupla days back.
We best check the RATS Roll of Honor. It's down a coupla threads.
I wanna be a "Dirty Rat"!
I'm making the switch to the sooty side. Just wait'n for the proper A-cout-tree-mints to arrive from UPS, Fed-Ex and USPS. I shoot 45 colts, Win 92 original in 38-40 and a 12 ga. double.
Can I be one? Can I play to? Huh? Huh? ;D
Olin & Buck:
Gotcha in.
Wecome to the RATS hole!
Keep reading the RATS forum & occcasionally there is some good stuff.
We might even get the decal thing together soon.
??? Could I become A Rat. Iam already a desert RAT!
Hi Yall I just got a pair of .32 cal single six with Bilseys grips so maybe i'm a RAT or at least a MOUSE. Texas Butterbean
I'm a RAT. My favorite gun is my .357 Ruger Vaquero.
Sorry you guys!
I was off'n the computer these last coupla days.
We are in a recruitin' push on my military side.
So I been ADSW a-runnin' the M-16 rifle range.
I'll getcher names on the RATS Roll of Honor.
Do any of ye be DIRTY RATS???
Mustang Gregg
No not a dirty RAT as of yet but maybe one day.........
Texas Butterbean
Got my New Vaquero Saturday and already shot 350 rounds of the holy black. Sign me up as a DIRTY RAT.
350 rounds of BP??
Yup, thats DIRTY!!!
Are you already on the RATS Roll? Or new?
I don't recollect your alias!
Sign me up Pards!
Old faithful Vaquero .45lc
Gotcha in. See the list below!
Much obliged!
An honorary RAT, my Momma would be so proud.............
Ruger Shooter Here, love my Rugers, Have 14 and counting.
Sign me up!
Buckaroo Bubba
You're in!
Glad to have ya. Come here often. We're all RATS at heart!
Count me in as a Dirty RAT....shooting 45's and the young'uns are shooting 38's, all RV's (older model) and all are shooting strong.
I'll put ya in the RATS Roll right shortly!
Welcome Pard! Let's make them Rugers smoke & hear some clangs!
Ya gotta hear 'em, 'cause ya cain't SEE 'em through all that smoke! ;D
Mustang Gregg
Please sign me up, I got 7 roogers,4 of em omv's . I havent been to the darkside yet but Im own my way.
Latigo Evans:
I'll getcha entered shortly!
Welcome to the RATS!!!
Mustang Gregg
sign me up! aint none better than a ruger!
8) I'll be on this ride.....
and Doc Shapiro should be listed as "OFFRAT"~~~"One Famous Fast RAT"
I'd like to help out in this fight so sign me up as I aint no sodbuster.
Quote from: Johnny Dingus on July 01, 2006, 06:39:55 PM
I'd like to help out in this fight so sign me up as I aint no sodbuster.
Well I am a Sodbuster and I have lots of Rugers. I even shoot the one true gunpowder out of my Vaqueros.
Might as well sign me up as a dirty rat, got the press set up to load BP loaded up about 100 yesterday and today, my Vaqueros and me shot all them now I got to load some more.
Quote from: Sod Buster on July 01, 2006, 09:09:01 PM
Well I am a Sodbuster and I have lots of Rugers. I even shoot the one true gunpowder out of my Vaqueros.
Well Sod Buster if n you shoot Rugers I'd be mighty proud to be a shootin with you.
Sorry, RATS Pards!
I have been off'n the computer for over a week, a-movin' my in-law's household stuff out to Elko, NV.
THEY'RE NEXT!!!! ;D ;D heheheheheheh
I'll getcha all put on the RATS Roll soon, I promise!
Mustang Gregg
SASS #38345 Life
GAF #64
I just bought two Ruger New Vaqueros, I'd like to be considered a RAT, if I may..
You're on the ROLL of HONOR.
I recollect you are #287.
Glad to have ya!!
Well it just so happens that I shoot a Ruger also.......so I am in. "PALS"
Joey Guns:
You are gonna be RATS #288 for LIFE!!!.
No charge!
Are ya a BP shooter?
Where are ya from?
Welcomin' ya to the fold!
Mustang Gregg
RATS #000000
SASS #38345 L
Quote from: Mustang Gregg on July 10, 2006, 09:51:11 PM
Joey Guns:
You are gonna be RATS #288 for LIFE!!!.
No charge!
Are ya a BP shooter?
Where are ya from?
Welcomin' ya to the fold!
Mustang Gregg
RATS #000000
SASS #38345 L
Well I am new to the Cowboy action shooting. I have always been in love with Western movies and collect guns that I like. I did not know about SASS and others till watching the Cowboys shot on the outdoor channel. Now I am hooked. I have found a SASS affil. club in my area and have been talking with them about meeting and really getting into it.
I live in Pearl River, Louisiana and my first cowboy action pistol is a New RV .45 long colt.
I have a couple of Winchester 94s in my collection but working on getting a 73
I picked up a sweet NV stainless 5 1/2 sunday and it great shooter out of the box. Now I gotta find me another one.
You are RATS #289.
Howdy, ladies and gents. Recon you can count me in as an official like RAT. Got me two of em, a Vaquero with 4 5/8ths barrel and a New Vaquero with a 5 1/2 barrel. Love em both. Hard to beat a Ruger for out of the box shootability and long term reliability. Always on the lookout for a new one if the price is right. I'm guessin that with the New Vaqueros the prices on the old models will get more and more "right". Glad to be here and in such august company.
3-Legged Pete:
You will be RATS #290. I'll getcha on the RATS Roll soon!
Good to have ye. Ya didn't say where you're from.
Gee...I shoot Rugers with both smokeless and black. So does that make me a RAT and a DIRTY RAT too?
(can I be a RAT???)
Why-Yes it does!
You are a DIRTY RAT now.
Check the honor roll.
Missed sein' ya at HOW this year, we had to cancel out. >:(
I'm sorry you couldn't make it. We had way too much fun. I'm saving up for next year now. It was a HOOT.
I should have looked at this a long time ago.. I have 6 todate and looking for more.
I have seven at this point and allways looking for a new one.
I also have taken alot of deer with them and killed a few 1000 Targets. ;D
Six Mile & Roon Dog:
Welcome, newest RATS!!!!! ;D ;D ;D!
You will be installed in our RATS life member honor roll.
Mustang Gregg, when you get back would you kindly change my status(#161) to Dirty Rat...............Thank you
I have owned (since 1976) a .22 Ruger SA marked "Made in the 200th Year of American Liberty". I'm new to CAS, have a .32 H&R Ruger that I loan to Sinister Sue McCord for her to shoot SASS (she also has a .32, birdshead), and a .45 Ruger Blackhawk that I plan to match with another-un and shoot Modern and B-Western.
I want to be a RAT! ;D
Judge Jake
Own an Old Army and Blackhawk now. Guess that makes me a RAT.
Judge & Tommy:
I'll getcha entered lickity split!
Welcome to the outfit.
Quote from: Mustang Gregg on August 17, 2006, 06:31:40 AM
Judge & Tommy:
I'll getcha entered lickity split!
Welcome to the outfit.
Delighted to be a RAT! ;D
Judge Jake
I'll not say how many of the finest Six guns are hideing in my safe but I am a RATS kind of guy.
Sign me up and someday when the better half isn't looking I count them!
Most treasured is the LAST COWBOY 45LC Birdshead SS.
Best shooter is the 5 1/2 Bisley 45LC/ 45ACP SS.
Loved em since 1982 when I got my first Blackhawk 44 Mag 10" for shooten Sillywets.
Does one Ruger make me a RAT?
I bought a well worn .357 Balckhawk a few years ago at a gun show (traded a .303enfield rifle and some cash for it) I had wanted one for a while. When I started to reload .357/.38 the Ruger was the first gun I fired any of the rounds in. I knew this was the strongest gun I had.
It still functions perfect and will remain one of my "cowboy" guns for a while.
It isn't a colt or clone but it was never intended to be.
long live the RUGER!
Howdy, Haymaker!
I'll getcha on the RATS Roll directly.
Bein' from Bellwood, I reckon I musta run into ya afore now. Where do ye shoot at?
Mustang Gregg
Howdy mustang,
I actually live just south of Columbus and have been a member of the Columbus Rifle Club for about 10 years now. Our range is NW of Columbus next to the loup canal.
We shoot cowboy guns the first and third Friday evenings each month until winter.
OUr club actually supports many different types of shooting.
Okay, Pard! I have shot at your range ('bout 3 times back in 2002?). Shameless & Tim Star Tim came over too.
Since I work 100 miles from the house now, I don't have any free time on Fridays, no more. But we're gonna try again. Are you shooting in Oct & Nov? Email me your phone no.
BTW: You're on the RATS Roll now.
Mustang Gregg
.44 Gunfighter
Sign me up!
New to CAS. Got a pair of NV's in 38/357 last month and have put about 500 rounds through each. Best shooters I've ever had. Both shoot so well can't tell which is which unless you look at the serial numbers. How many other makes can you say that about?
(Sort of a WET RAT, being from the Orygon coast an' all.)
Got ya enrolled there late last night, Muskrat. ;D
I recollect you're RATS #301 as a LIFE membership with NO dues.
My first pistol was a Ruger bought back in 66 at the exchange in Alaska. Guess I have been a RATS for a long time and did not know it. Currently have 14 or so and have let go probably close to 65-70 during my lifetime, rifles, pistols and revovlers. For some reason as much as I like a Colt style gun I have never kept one for long while I just love to keep hold of my Rugers. Wish they made an open top. Maybe a 44 special.
THanks for forming a club I can enjoy as much as SASS.
New Guy checking in. Have two, both OM .44, one blue 7 1/2 and a bisley 4 5/8 stainless.
Carolina & Willie:
We just got back home from a trip to Iowa. :o
But I'll getcha in the RATS Roll later today.
I promise! No charge!! ;D ;D
BTW: Ya didn't mention if's you was Ruger BP shooters (DIRTY RATS) or where ya hail from. Lemme know! I'll post that too.
Georgia here!
Please add me on as a RATS member.
I've got five of 'em... three 45's and two 357's. Mighty fine wheelguns!
Howdy again,
I done forgot to tell you that I'm livin' right now in PA.
Oh, and I'm not Dirty as yet! ;D
Take care!
I'll getcha in the outfit shortly!
Thanks fer the info.
Where do ye shoot in PA?
I just got back from there!
Howdy Mustang,
I shoot with the River Junction Shootist Society in Donegal, PA, just outta Pittsburgh to the east on the turnpike.
Where were you in PA? Anywhere in the southwest part?
I'm about 10 minutes from the ball fields in downtown Pittsburgh.
My thanks for adding me to the group!
Naw, Pard:
We was a might further east.
I was on temporary duty at Ft Indiantown Gap near Harrisburg.
SASS: Shot at Westshore, Thurmont (MD), Ickesburg, Scafferstown, Jefferson, York, a coupla others. Even a coupla clean GF matches!
Well, hope to bump into ya someday!
Coffee's on me.
I thought there was only one kind of RATS, a dirty one. Shoot nothing but BP in them Rugers and they love it. Run all day and shoot clean matches also.
CLF - who loves the smell of GOEX in the morning ;D ;D
Checking my registration, I also reside in NC, Raleigh to be precise.
Are you close to where the big fire was? ???
Am from Wisconsin and just purchased my 2nd Ruger, have a New Vaquero model and a Old Vaquero model, and shoot both out of the box just fine.....
Smokey Three Toes
Welcome to the RATS Outfit. ::)
You are now a paid up life member!
Feel free to post any Ruger stuff ya want to.
A lot of the Pards around these parts are pretty Ruger-smart.
Mustang Gregg
OK Mustang Greg, I have now gone over to the darkside. I have shot my first full match with black powder. I have been converted.
My RATS number is 181 Rev Willy Duncum, however, my name is Rev Willy Dunkum with a k. I must have wrote it down wrong when I registered as it has it as Duncum also. Sometimes I think its dumkid instead. :D
Love the clouds of smoke!
And by the way, you may add ILLINOIS to my place of residence.
Got it, Rev, Willy!
I'll do it directly!
Much obliged fer the heads-up!!
Your Pard,
Mustang Gregg
Howdy, Mustang Gregg,
As you know, I've been lurking around here for awhile. Well, lurking between here and the Barracks! ;D Been shooting Rugers in CAS for about 18-19 years now! What calibers, you ask? Why .44's, of course. Both .44-40 and .44 Extra Long Russian (that's .44 Mangle-em loaded to .44-40 specs). If I run low on .44-40 ammo, I just change cylinders in my Vaqueros and grab the matching rifle, an' go!
Interesting thing... I have my .44 Mag. dies set up to not quite full length resize the brass using an RCBS carbide sizer die. Works fine in my Vaquero cylinders and in a Rossi Puma (old model)! But try to chamber those rounds in a .44 Mag Flat Top, and they won't go! :-\ Have to FL resize the brass to fit in the Flat Top! Go figure...
Please sign me up as a "RAT(S)".
I reckon Annie musta put you down last year. I think you are #119. I don't recollect puttin' you in.
But you definately ARE a RAT(S) for sure. With all that .44 power! YEA!!!!
Thanks, Pardner!
PS We are gonna try to get to Denver in a month or so. I'll give you a call!
I am new to the forum, and shoot Cowboy Fast Draw, but I use, and prefer Rugers.
I got your name in the RATS Roll of Honor.
Welcome!!!! :o Where ya from?
I have been a Ruger shooter for many years, A Bi Centennial model 22 was my first hangdun. Sold it to feed children after a few years. Owned lots of Ruger rifles (currently have a 77Mk2 which started as a 308 and is now a 220 Swift) and also had a 45ACP Ruger.
My SA shooting started with a 44Mag Vaquero some years ago (the one in the pic) and it did full duty with all manner of full loads for a couple of years before I picked up the NMSBH in the photo. Both great guns.
I had a 7.5" Bisley BH, but didn't like it as it chopped up my big hands, I still have the scars.
When the Govt banned my 45ACP Colt Commander,
I went out and bought a new Colt 1911 in 38Super (they banned the short bbls and big calibres, except for Cowboy shooting and silouette) and a sequentially numbered BHs convertibles in 45Colt/ACP. I haven't got a photo yet of them but heres a couple of me shooting them. Dang it but that Texas star kept dodgin!
I'm also in the process of deciding whether to buy two new Vaqueros in 45 (someone said they make them in sissy calibres as well) or two clones in 44/40 or 45Colt.
4 Fingers:
Wow! Yup, you ARE definately a RAT(s) qualifier.
Nice pictures too.
You are now posted in the RATS Roll of Honor.
WELCOME to the outfit, Pardner!
Let us know where you hail from.
PS-----Sissy calibers? :o :o heheheh
I'm from Australia, in the state of New South Wales, at Bathurst we like to think of it as the home of motor racing in Australia, we have 'The Mountain', Mount Panorama which is a really tough tight track with big straights up and down the mountain and at the bottom accross the pits, with some diabolical bends at the top, one scary track. We also have the big racing museum here. Mt Panorama also has one other feature, there is a range stuck on the side of it ;D. Unfortunately, they don't do cowboy, but I also shoot at a really good range about 60 miles away, which shoots cowboy.
We are about 120 miles west of Sydney and about 60 miles west of the Blue Mountains.
Lots of good hunting around here.
Cheers, Mick.
Sissy calibres: anything that starts with a number smaller than 4!
By the way do I get a number or have I just been stuck straight on a wanted poster?
Ya got a number.
But I don't rightly recollect what it is now.
I have 2 older model Vequaro's in 45 long colt. Aint a better pistol on the market! both for rugedness, durability, reliability, and SAFETY!!!!!!(remember the ol transfer bar????) and with a little work very accurate!!!!!
Easy to work on and clean, even if your a Dirty Rat!
So, I intentionally acquired Rugers because of all of the above. A little heavy, but what the hay, I like my 2 buddies, Peat and Repeat.
I wanna be a Rat!!!!!!!!!
Welcome in, Pappy:
You ARE a RATs. Conga-RATS to ya.
Thanks. for signin' up.
Mustang Gregg
Howdy Gregg and All the RATS,
I'm a big Ruger fan. I've got 14 of um, 2 RV SS .357Mag, 2 RV SS .45LC, 2 50th Aniv BH .357Mag, 1 50th Aniv BH .44Mag, 1 SBH .44Mag Buntline, 2 10/22 .22LR, 1 Race Rifle 10/22 .22LR, 1 10/22 .22WMR, 1 M 77 MKII .223, and 1 Deerfield Carbine .44Mag. Do I like Rugers? Well, I'm not sure yet, I'm just trying these out to see if Ilike um. :D
I'm from central Florida, and I shoot S.A.S.S. with the Hatbill Gang in Titusville, Fl.
I wanna be a RATS.
I also shoot Black Powder blanks at balloons from horseback with CFCMSA.
So I guess that would make me a Dirty Blankity Blank Rat.
Definately RATS material.
You're IN, DDD.
Finaly got time to come to the City, now need to get a RATS membership. I shoot the SS RBVs in 45.
I gotcha in a coupla days ago.
See the RATS Roll a post or 2 down.
I guess I be a RAT... Ruger Bisley Vaquero .357 Mag. Ruger Bisley Single Six, .22 LR.
J. J. Ellerd
I'll getcha in yet this afternoon. I been busy & away from a computer this week.
Let us know where you're from, fellow RATS Pard.
OKIEDOKIE ;D I WANNABARAT! Them Roogers are the best...got me a closet full but my 2 favorite are my RNV's, 5 1/2", CCHB, in 45LC...Most fun I've ever had with my duds on :o
Sign me up, please. Just paid for a pair of SS 4 5/8", .45 RNVs with consecutive serial numbers. I will pick them up on Tuesday.!! ;D
Rawhide & Will:
Gotch in!!!
Welcome to the RATS outfit.
We talk Rugers & CAS here.
I reckon you'll like it in these parts.
Post anythin' you like about Rugers.
Rawhide---Where 'zactly is Apache Jct? We go to AZ often.
We will again in April.
But we won't make Winter Range. >:(
Quote from: Mustang Gregg on December 15, 2006, 09:38:52 PM
Rawhide & Will:
Gotch in!!!
Welcome to the RATS outfit.
We talk Rugers & CAS here.
I reckon you'll like it in these parts.
Post anythin' you like about Rugers.
Rawhide---Where 'zactly is Apache Jct? We go to AZ often.
We will again in April.
But we won't make Winter Range. >:(
Thank ya kindly fer the welcome! Happy to be a RATS.
Apache Junction is 30 miles due east of Phoenix, and about 15 miles east of downtown Mesa. If you're gonna be in the area, give me a hollar and we'll try to do a meetin'. It'd be nice to meet someone else from CAS City!
i have only one firearm and that is a Ruger super black in .44 mag and that alone is what insoired me to get int ocas
You're in now!!!
Where ye from?
i am from the atlanta way. wow now that i have reread my last post and i am awake let me clear some things up i have a super black hawk and when i get a pic i will post it.
Quote from: Deadeye Doug on December 01, 2006, 11:38:20 PM
Howdy Gregg and All the RATS,
I'm a big Ruger fan. I've got 14 of um, 2 RV SS .357Mag, 2 RV SS .45LC, 2 50th Aniv BH .357Mag, 1 50th Aniv BH .44Mag, 1 SBH .44Mag Buntline, 2 10/22 .22LR, 1 Race Rifle 10/22 .22LR, 1 10/22 .22WMR, 1 M 77 MKII .223, and 1 Deerfield Carbine .44Mag. Do I like Rugers? Well, I'm not sure yet, I'm just trying these out to see if Ilike um. :D
I'm from central Florida, and I shoot S.A.S.S. with the Hatbill Gang in Titusville, Fl.
I wanna be a RATS.
I also shoot Black Powder blanks at balloons from horseback with CFCMSA.
So I guess that would make me a Dirty Blankity Blank Rat.
Quote from: Mustang Gregg on December 02, 2006, 08:59:20 AM
Definately RATS material.
You're IN, DDD.
Howdy Mustang Gregg,
Deadeye Doug here. Thanks for making me a R.A.T.S. I never did get a membership number. I looked in my profile and I didn't see one there. If you have membership numbers,would you let me know what mine is?
Thanks and Happy New Year.
Deadeye Doug R.A.T.S. # ???
A.K.A. Deadeye Doug Dalton S.A.S.S. # 65449L
I recollect you are around #312. I put you in just afore I left for OR.
But I will check the RATS Roll of Honor thread. Ain't you there?
Whoa Mule! I didn't know I could be a rats AND a dirty rats, Now that's just the rats A_ _ I mean (behind) the horse of course. I wanna be both, shucks I can't wear them out either way so make me official
Highridge Drifter:
Good to hear from you. You're now an official Dirty RAT. Fewer of them kind around.
Welcome into the outfit. We don't want no Ruger shooters left out inna cold.
Look at the Honor Roll post below for your alias.
I am honored to request membership in RATS. I make particular note that the late great El Paso Pete is a charter member. Since I shoot only Holy Black and since I shoot only Rugers for all my SASS main match pistols, I am making my request to be a DIRTY RAT. Please accept my application to your distinguished group.
I figgered you was already a member. But I will get your name amoung the elite RATS shooters. In bold too, since you are a real DIRTY RATs.
Thanks for the heads up on El Paso Pete. I will note his passing in the record.
Much obliged,
Sorry DD---I can't put you down twice as much as I'd like too. You are #265 already.
Twice as dirty with them BIG LOOB BOOLLETS??? ::) ::)
New to Postin but I wanna be a RATS!! Being those are the sixguns that I own. Im from SE Pennsylvania!
You are now a paid-up LIFE member of RATS. Congarats!!!! You are #318!!!
Let us know how your Rugers work out for ya.
What model & caliber ya shoot?
Thanks, That was fast! I have 3 of the Old Model Vaqueros, all in 45LC.
1- 4.75 in in brushed stainless
1- 4.75 in. in blued/cased
1- 5.5 in. in blued
So far working out good. Im looking forward to having time to go out this year and shoot. Im a cop in a small town outside Philly. The last year and a half we have been short staffed. Being Civil Service, it takes divine intervention to have a meeting to have a meeting, to have a meeting about being short, etc etc etc etc. All is good now and Ive got vacation time to use.
Heya, Rosco!
Ya know, I'm civil service too. DOD employee.
But today I am off work out running errands.
I start a new position tomorrow that is only 10 miles from the house.
So I'm pretty pumped up about it.
Nice collection of Ruger-Iron you got there. Hope you get to shoot plenty this season.
Hope to run into you later this summer. I will be in PA for 7+ weeks going for training.
Mustang Gregg
Gunfighter with .44's
Thanks Mustang Greg,
Makin' those that have rode on ahead of us purple on the list is a nice thing to do. We honor them all.
P.S. I'll keep on doin' my part to bring more pards to the BOLD black print. . . .
I am honored to request membership as a Dirty Stinking RATS. Since I shoot only Holy Black and since I shoot only Rugers for all my SASS main match pistols, I am making my request to be a DIRTY RAT. Please accept my application to your distinguished group.
Gun E Bear
Gun E. Bear:
Nice alias. But now you ain't a Bear....YOU'RE NOW A RATs too!!!
Welcome, to our outfit, Pard. We are all Ruger smokers here.
Ckeck the list to see what your no is.
I am most definitely a RAT, and would appreciate being added to the list. While I have a few other sixguns, my go-to guns are all Rugers, even my USPSA and ICORE guns. Lately, I've been using a pair of stainless New Vaqueros that I love dearly.
Lincoln County
Quote from: Joyce (AnnieLee) on February 08, 2005, 01:13:14 PM
Are you a Ruger shooter? Do you think that Rugers Are the Toughest Sixguns? Do you want to be one of the noble RATS?
Then put your request here, and if you shoot the Holy Black through those tank-like firearms, say so and become a DIRTY RAT!
Got 6 .45 vaqueros (a pair each of the standard barrel lengths) a .357 stainless blackhawk and a fixed sight SS single six convertible , also 3 77MKII rifles . I'v been a Ruger fan since the first three screw I bought back in 1967. Nothin better on this earth! I'm a RAT! Even been a Dirty Rat a few times. Count Me In! Oh, and I... I like Rugers Too.
I'm on duty in VA this week. And have a poor internet connection.
But I'll getcha on the list soon.
I have a Ruger Old Army on order. Gonna get a conversion cylinder too.
This gun combines the best features of the Remington, the Rogers & Spencer, and the Colt.
The 5.5" version is a hoot!
P.S. I own other guns too :-)
I don't recollect your handle in the RATS Roll---But you will be soon.
WELCOME to the outfit, Pard!
Thought I'd finally chime in here and be recognized as a RAT. ;D
2 old model Vaqueros & 1 Blackhawk. All .357
also a non CAS sp101. :o
While a long time user of Ruger for all guns including centerfire rifles ,semi auto pistols and revolvers( blackhawks, security six,and gp101), I just picked up a nice pair of 5/12 vaquero's for CAS. Please include me in RATS.
Henry & Jim:
Gotcher alais's now! YOU ARE RATS!!! I mean that in a good way! ;D
Welcome home! See the "big" list on the RATS Roll of Honor post.
And please post often! We love to hear from ya'll & get questions & comments.
Mustang Gregg
('nother Ruger lover)
i was once part of the rats but didn't log on fer a long time... i liked to join back up!
An Old three screw RAT
Straight Shootin' Marki:
I looked through the Roll & never seen your name. I don't recollect ya. Maybe you were workin' with Annie Lee.
i dunno how, though. Since the thread shows your post as post no 1.
I'll getcha in there directly. Same to you, AZ lightnin' Jack. I do kinda recollect your handle, though.
We'll getcha both logged in at #325 & #326. An' if I need to edit it, you'll get lower numbers.
Welcome to the RATS outfit, fellers.
Hey Straight Shootin' Marki:
Is 'zat you at RATS #264?
I see here's a Marki from CO already registered as a RATS member.
yah... thats me... could ya change it to Straight Shootin Marki? and is there a badge now?
Same person, huh? Hard to tell when the aliases get swapped. :o
Is that your official SASS alias? ???
I'll getcha changed.
No badges. Annie Lee Independent & I pondered long & hard on this when we started the RATS outit. We reckoned since there are no dues---then no badges. I have actually looked into badges & had a sample made up. It is pretty cool, but I have got no approval from Ruger yet if'n they would allow us to use the EAGLE like I done.
If we did start a RATS badge system, we would attach our own self-purchased (from Ruger products) EAGLE seal.
PM me your email & I'll attach a pic of the sample badge.
Quote from: Mustang Gregg on February 01, 2007, 06:15:29 PM
Same person, huh? Hard to tell when the aliases get swapped. :o
Is that your official SASS alias? ???
I'll getcha changed.
No badges. Annie Lee Independent & I pondered long & hard on this when we started the RATS outit. We reckoned since there are no dues---then no badges. I have actually looked into badges & had a sample made up. It is pretty cool, but I have got no approval from Ruger yet if'n they would allow us to use the EAGLE like I done.
If we did start a RATS badge system, we would attach our own self-purchased (from Ruger products) EAGLE seal.
PM me your email & I'll attach a pic of the sample badge.
well i have always been straight shootin marki... just not my wire name... now it is... maybe you could tell people how to make a badge... but you can email me at straightshootinmarki@yahoo.com
Just picked up Ruger number 6 last week, can I join?.
I'll have you two in afore the sun comes up. I promise ya!
Can I toss my name into the ring too????????????
I just love them tanks aka rugers. ;D
and yep i shoot that smokey stuff out of em too ;D
just picked up another ruger today. my first ruger old army. ;D
now i gots to get another bullet mold, the .454 rnd ball wont work gotta get .457 rnd ball mold.
and i gotta make a new holster for it too...
Welcome, Knucklehead:
I'll getcha in the RATS Roll soon. Even in bold since you're a Dirty RATs.
Mustang Gregg
Count me in ;D
You're in!
Welcome to the RUGER Outift!
Look for your alias on the RATS Roll of Honor (below).
Mustang Gregg
Been a Ruger owner for some time although it was a MkII government target .22. It has always been my favorite gun, just for accuracy, quality, dependability, etc. Mainly because it is cheap to shoot and easy to introduce youngsters and newbies to shooting sports alongside my good ol' model 60 Marlin.
Picked up consecutive NV's 5 1/2 in 45. CC/BB this evenin'
Will you put me down for DIRTY RAT duelist?
Dirty Dan:
I'll getcha on the RATS Roll---errr---DIRTY RATS. Welcome, Pardner.
Have fun with them .45's.
Mustang Gregg
Proud new owner of consecutively numbered NRV's in .357 SS with 4 5/8" barrels!
Awesome guns!
RAT #, please!
Picking up a Ruger New Vaquero for the first time about six months ago is what finally pushed me into CAS. Count me in as I have one and am waiting to get a match for it (stainless, 5 1/2 inch barrell in .45) so I can finally shoot at CAS meets.
Captain Lee:
You are now officially a RATS member. A lifer too. No charge!
Welcome aboard! :o
Right Cheer!
I'm wantin' to be a Rat, and have a Blackhawk strapped on as we speak!
New to the Forums, and glad to meet chew One and All.
Marshal Mims:
I'll have ye on the RATS Roll of Honor just as fast as ye can draw your Blackhawk. :o
Errr----Well----Probably not. I can only type with my trigger fingers. ::)
Welcome to our outfit, Pard! Glad to have you!!!!!!!!
Mustang Gregg
I wanna be a RAT!!! Not a dirty RAT mind you, just a RAT. Got some Rugers and always want more. My fingers are tickling the Buffalo Horn grips of one right now!
Tim Burrattler:
Conga-RATS! You now are one! #336 to be exact!
Glad to have you.
You're welcome to ask questions, make comments, help other Ruger shooters, start theads & get real Ruger-Social around here.
Mustang Gregg
Howdy Annie Lee,
Please sign me up to the RATS group. I currently have a dozen or so, plus/minus.
Thank you.
Surprising Smith
Rope Burn City Bounty Collectors #1
North o' the 48th
Surprising Smith:
Annie has gone. But I can help you with the sign up.
You are now an official "RATs". See the post below with your number.
I'm new to town but I been packin me two k-super's for several years, no better six shooter made.
It'd be a genuine honor to be among your ranks in the rats.
By the way my name is Marengo Bob
a good day to you
Marengo Bob!
Hey, Pard, you're now an official RATS Life Member (#338).
Don't send any dues. Just frequent this forum---Give Ruger advice---Ask Ruger questions----Welcome aboard!
Mustang Gregg
I'm in. I have 2 Old Armies and a Blackhawk (not to mention the GP, MkII's and 10/22's).
This is a great group.
Howdy Mustang Greg,
I belong to BOLD and BOSS I might as well sign up for this fine outfit as I shoot some of them Rugers sometimes.
2 Triple screws
2 .22 convertibles
2 Vaquero Bisleys
more to come!
Sign me up please. :D
I have a pair of the New Vaqureos that were engraved from them. Sign me up.
Hey, please sign me up!
2 Single Sixs (6 and 71/2)
2 Vaqueros (SS 5.5 .357)
1 P95
1 1022
1 GP100
1 Blackhawk SS (1976) W/ 9mm
1 Super Blackhawk SS (1976)
1 Mini 30 SS
1 Mini 14 SS Ranch
1 77 (.270)
I think that's all for now.
Grapevine Jimmy
SASS 73935
BOLD 809
I got 5 RATS living in my safe, we all love each other and are expecting more to move in. Put me on your list. (3 FINGER RAY)
Six new RATS for the Roll of Honor.
Lifers too!!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
I'll getcha posted as soon as I can!
Got a bunch of 'em and don't need much of a reason to get more.
Deputy Cuny
I'll getcha on the RATS Roll pretty quick, Pard.
Welcome on in. ;D ;D ;D
Check out the other RATS threads. We talk about all things-Ruger.
If ye got any good Ruger info, please feel free to pass it on!
Add me to the list also!
AZ Slug:
You're in, Pardner!
Are you from AZ?
Hope so. I put that down.
Mustang Gregg
Tried posting earlier but it didn't seem to take. So, I would like to join up with your outfit if possible. I love my Ruger new model Vaqueros (got three pairs). Don't shoot any of my other model six guns since buying my first ruger.
Stonewall Jake
Howdy Mustang, I wanna be a RAT!
Sign me up. I have a mini-30, 2 CCH 4-5/8" 357's and 2 consecutive numbered SS 357's w/ 5-1/2" barrels, and 1 Single Six 22LR/MAG.
Pacific Northwest Territory (WA)
Please sign me up for rats. been shooting them for a long , long time. ;D Thank you for being here.....Badeyebob P.S. I like your idea of the badge. will be getting one soon....
Please sign me up as well. I've had a Super Blackhawk in .44 mag for years and just got a Vaquero this weekend.
Dear Mr. M.G.
What's this about a badge (Badeyebob's post) I've heard nothing about a badge being offered as of late.
I think Mustang Gregg is offering one now.
See this post:
Hi Pard,
Sign me up, Ruger Vaquero in .44
Horse Creek Henry SASS 74751
Northernmost California
New RATS members:
Stonewall Jake
Kiowa Jack
Sabino Bob
Badeye Bob
Horse Creek Henry
You are now full fledged life members at NO cost.
i just got a high gloss vaquero so i guess i want to be in rats
You're now in.
Me too, mee toooo!!! Sign me up, pleeeeaaase! ;D ;D
(This post makes more sense if you read it out loud like a three-year-old kid) :D :D
Makes real gooooooood sense to me, AR Deadeye!
YOU ARE IN!! Welcome.
Sign me in! I shoot a Vaquero .45 mostly with black powder so would that make me a Dirty Rat?
Ned Christy
Ned, You are officially a DIRTY RATs now!!
Glad to have ya!
Sign me up, a pair of old model vaqueros in 44-40 (wish they made the new models in this caliber).
Pls sign me up!!!!! Yes I am a DIRTY RAT 5 OM Flattops in .357, 6 OM 30 Carbines, 2 OM Single Sixes, 3 NM BKH, 1 ROA, and 1 Mark II ;D
Howdy, Gus!
You are definately RATS material.
You are in!!!!!!!!!!
Count me in. RAT I be. Started my shooting as a child with a Single Six. Just bought a new model Vaq and put another in lay-away.
I say thankya.
Glad to have ye on the RATS Honor Roll. You get full lifetime membership. NO CHARGE! You're free to come & post anythin' ya want about Rugers or ask questions to the RATS Pards. Add pictures if'n ye want, too.
There is also the RATSonline.org website that you can check out. It is still under construction. But I try to get some done on it ever' week. :o :o
Mustang Gregg
Please sign me up. Yesterday, I put down money and filed papers to buy a New Vaquero in .4LC. Ir takes about 8-10 days to get the purchase approved by the Md State Police, so now I'm in a holding pattern ;D
Tionesta Toby:
You will be a RATs before you get your Vaquero! 'Cause RIGHT NOW you are a member! WELCOME!!!
Check the RATS Roll of Honor for your alias.
Sign me up pard. I have a pair of stainless NRV's in .45 cal.
You betcha. Your are now officially RATS member #361.
Great to have ye! Where ya from?
Mustang Greg:
I am in central Iowa near Des Moines.
Thanks for the membership.
Hi Gregg
I have only shot Rugers regular at CAS matches (Wild Bunch excluded). Started with a 5 1/2'' SBH & a SBH Bisley, swithched to a pair of regular SBH's. Then A pair of BCH Bisley Vaqueros in 44 Mag ( these have been converted to regulars), next a pair of stainless 38/40-40S&W, and lastly a brace of BCH 44-40's. All the Vaqueros are 4 5/8ths bbls. One of the regular SBH's still dose duty as a long rang side match pistol (my son keeps winning, and beating me with it).
So Sign me up. ;D
Mosquito Jack
P.S. My wild bunch gus are a S&W 1917 army and a real 1911 (Colt) both over 89 years old. If I could figure out how to shoot Rugers I would. :)
Mosquito Jack:
Welcome to the Ruger outfit at CAS City. ;D
You are now a lifetime member (for free). No dues to pay. ::)
Yup, no Rugers allowed at the Wild Bunch matches.
But it looks like you got a brace of GREAT eligible guns to use there.
I guess I'm a RAT & a DIRTY RAT as well. I shoot a pair of Ruger Bisley .45LC and a pair or Ruger Old Army's as well. Sign me up!
We can sure put you in.
But what is your alias? Outhouse Outlaw?
We will put ya down with that handle.
Welcome to the outfit!
Still accepting applications? I've been shooting my Birdshead Ruger Vaqueros in SASS for a couple of years now... They are .45 Colt, one SS, the other case hardened and blue. They are also shot warthog with Schuetzen Ffg, a lubed wad (load 'em all the same), and a 200 grain big lube bullet......
Heck, yea! You are now the newest LIFE member of RATS.
Welcome in!
I recollect you will be #364.
;D Guess that would make me a dirty rat as I shoot those Roogers with Frontier loads.
Jailhouse Jim
Howdy, Jailhouse Jim.
I got ya down as a Dirty RATs. Your number is #365.
Welcome to our outfit. ;D
Thank you sir and am proud to be a member.
Jaillhouse Jim
Howdy from across the pond,
I shoot ROA'S in CAS, guess that makes me a Dirty Rat, can ya sign me up.
Ned Pepper GB
Howdy, Ned:
You're now one of them DIRTY RATS!
Glad to have ya!
I would like to get sworn in if I could.
Got me my NM Vaquero in .357
AND just got me a not so cowboy NM Blackhawk in .30 carbine.
You are duly sworn in our posse now.
Lucky guy to have one of them .30 Carbine Rugers.
I guess That I am going to break down and ask for entrance. I just swapped off my brace of ASM '73's for a New Model Vaquero, so all of the CAS pistols sport the Eagle ;D
BTW I am an occasionally DIRTY RAT (usually when we do not have Extreme fire danger ;))
I figgered you had already joined us by now. Welcome aboard!
You're RATS #368!
10 Wolves 5 Shooter:
Good to have you.
You are now on the RATS Honor Roll!
Been a long time RAT. Sign me up!
Shot Hat:
You are now OFFICIALLY a RAT(s).
Your name will be posted with the other proud members.
Would be proud to be a RATS member. I've been shootin' Rugers for over 20 yrs.
9.5" Super Redhawk
4 5/8" Vaqueros 44 cal (2)
6.5" Single-Sixes 22cal (2)
and numerous Ruger rifles!
just throw me in with the rest of the " Dirty Rats" 38-40,,,44-40,,,full loads all the way!!! That's what I'm talking about. YEH!!!
Isom Dart
SASS #8096
M.T. & Isom:
Your names will shortly be among the names of other RATS of the honored in the RATS Hall of Fame.
Welcome, Pards! ;D
As my current CAS hoglaw is a Ruger Blackhawk and my home defense gun is a Ruger security six and my fun gun is a new model single six I definately like Rugers. So please sign me up to be a rat.
Elmer Watson
Life Member NRA
BOLD #864
Already done it off'n the PM you sent me. See the RATS Roll.
What is the story on the "Elmer Watson" alias?
Best sign me up too. First handgun I shot was a single six, owned first ruger (10/22) at the ripe age of 15, and the first handgun I bought was a Super Blackhawk. My first set of CAS guns were .44 Vaqeros and between my wife and I we have owned 16 ruger handguns and still counting. Looking forward to my newest set, .45 New Vaqueros around the first of next month. I shoot only BP so I guess that makes me a Dirty Rat.
Add me to the RATS Posse, Have owned several Rugers, including the New Vaquero I currently own and in the process of buying another.
Johnny Hondo
SASS # 72372
Howdy to the newest RATS members!>>>>>>>>>Texas John Critter & Johnny Hondo.
Come back to the forum often. We speak Ruger here!
Sign me up , please! I have a 7.5 SS and 5.5 blued Vacqueros in .44m. - Pete
Just bought a .45 New Vaquero to start with and hopefully i can pick it up soon, the short term ATT will go through this week if the stars are in alignment.
Slim & Billy:
You are now officially the newest RATS of the day!!! ;D Welcome!
Come here often with your Ruger comments, stories, questions.
Mustang Gregg
Sign me up.
Is 'zat your only alias? ??? ;D 'Cause I recollect you are already #133.
If not....then I will getcha in the RATS Roll directly.
I am a Ruger shooter and would like to sign on with fellow RATS if they'll have me.
El Rinche
SASS 76822
BOLD 867
El & Oscar:
You are now officially RATS (among RATS). And lifers, too. WELCOME!!!
Howdy MG.....can't tell you how many RUGER pistols and rifle I have....please sigh me up! I need another stink'in badge!!
Limpin' Leroy
You are in the outfit now.
Go 'head & count up them Rugers.
Welcome, Pardner!
MG I've shooting Rugers for years, like Irish Red Otool said they will out last me for shure. COUNT ME IN.
10 Wolves 5 Shooter:
Gotcha in already. I recollect you are #369.
I think you posted some Ruger stuff.
So I put ya in the outfit.
Thanks MG, I didn't know you put me in already. #369 sounds like a goooood # to me. Talk to you later.
Shoot Straight
Reckoned you'd like that no.
Add me in too. ;D ;D ;D
Howdy, Doc!
You are now a RATs member. A lifer, too! No charges!
I sent you a badge order form by email, Pard!
I love my RUGERS and shoot them every chance I get ! Does that make Me a RAT ?
Sorry, I been TDY for a few days. I'll getcha in tomorrow am.
I promise. ::)
I though it best to put ya in yet tonight.
We are off to MO tomorrow in a couple of OH-58's.
You are RATS #383. Welcome.
Count me in, What do I need to do
Red Creek Robert
Welcome to the RATS!
I guess you better add me too.. Been shooting SASS for 2 years now, and it's Rugers all the way, I shoot New Model Vaqueros in 45 and Old Vaqueros in 38...Never let me down, yet...
You're in, Marshal Sam Holland!!!
Welcome to the RATS outfit.
Well, I sure hope I qualify as a dirty rat. BPGF in a pair of 45 colt New Vaqueros that some wimpy 38 shooter wanted to get rid of.
I started with a P85 in my sordid past, ahem.
You are in!! For life---NO CHARGE!
As the person before me I started with the upgraded P-85 the P-89. I found that I liked the revolvers a lot better. I hope that you don't hold that against me and will let me join. My match revolver are OM Vaqueros SS in 45 colt.
I would love to become a DIRTY RAT!
Just beginning to shoot BP in two Ruger New Vaqueros in .45LC - and I LOVE them.
Howdy Folks!
I wanna be one too! I might be a dirty rat though - I was shooting Holy Black in my Stainless .45 OMV's at Westmatch, and now I've got a brand new pair of NMV's being tuned and then they go play with BP too!
Sure would admire to ride with this brand some . . . .
OT Eyes, Big Matt, Shadow:
You are now official Ruger RATS. ;D Check for your numbers on the RATS Roll of Honor post.
It sounds like you all have a fair passel of Rugers!
Sorry I didn't get back to you fellers any sooner. :o I was mil TDY in TX.
Howdy MG!
Thanks Pard - appreciate it big time!
I started with Ruger's way back - mid-70's - and never left. Longed for the other gal for a while - but now that they've come out with the NMVs, there is no reason on God's green earth to ever dally . . . . .
I'll be posting pix and bio's of the pairs soon, and sending off for the badge of honor even sooner . . .till then -
Ride safe!
Reporting for duty!
I shoot a Ruger New Vaquero 5-1/2" .45 Colt.
Schofield Kid
Schofield Kid: :o
Now there's a name for a RUGER SHOOTER!!!
Oh well, welcome to the RATS, SK!
PS: If Ruger didn't make such damn-fine revolvers, I'd be shootin' them big Schofields in CAS, too.
Wish S&W would make some more! :-[
Sign me up! I am a RAT too! Not a Dirty RAT yet but that may be coming in the future! ???
Four Eyed Floyd:
You are in the RATS now, Pardner. #391, I recollect!
Let us know when you go all the way with BP! It is a BLAST!!
Can I be a RATS member too? If numbers matter, I am up to 19 Rugers currently! 3 rifles and the rest are single actions.
Sure you can! You already are one!
Lots of Rugers there! Shoot BP in any?
I don't shoot the evil black in my guns yet. I am hoping too soon though!
Would like to become a dirty rat (or mouse) with my shiny stainless ivory gripped Single Six in 32 H&R Magnum. Experimenting with holy black loads in 32 S&W Long case.
(2) New Vaqueros in 357mag
(1) Bisley Single Six
(1) Blue Single Six
I'm a RAT
I will getcha entered on the RATS Roll of Honor yet tonight sometime.
I have been down due to a back surgery/recuperation. :o
I want to be a rat too. I bought my first 22 single six Ruger in July 1967 and I am still shooting it. I just bought a pair of New Vaqueros in SS 38/357 cal. They shoot great. I also had a Ruger P 89 stolen in Corpus Christi, Texas, this summer, serial number 310-33041 Please notify your local law enforcement people if you happen to run across it. I have now shot CAS twice and I am hooked. I just wished I could have done it 30 years ago. It is far more interesting that punching holes in paper targets
TX Gilhooley:
You are now a RATs member. No dues-----No kiddin'!
Just a nice forum that talks Rugers & CAS.
Welcome, home!
Tomorrow is the last shoot of my first year as a CAS shooter, and I'm looking forward to, and planning for, next year. Among those plans is being listed as a RAT - but can I have it both ways? I have one set of Vaqueros I use for smokeless, and a second set for BP. I've been alternating every other match - last Sunday was smokeless, tomorrow is BP. Each way has its own attractions, and I will be shooting both for sure next season. I'll let you decide how to list me, if you will!
Your Obedient Servant,
Count Sandor
I will put ya down as a Dirty RATs, Count. Though you look pretty clean & proper by your picture!!!
Nice outfit!!!
Welcome to our gang!
Mustang Gregg
Maybe you can take me in as a RAT member. Maybe one of few from Norway.
I am shooting 2 new vaquero -45
1 super blackhawk 44 mag
1 357 GP100
Dilligence Driver:
You will be shortly!!
Hope all is well & gun-happy in Norway!
Velkommen, Venn!!
Count me in, I picked up my Ruger today. ;D
Jersey Jones (NJ)
Please add me as a RAT.
Red Dog Don (CA)
Better add me as a "DIRTY RAT". Two RNVs and just got the last set of SS ROAs I could find!
I WOULD LOVE TO BE A RATS MEMBER!!! My OMV is the best gun I have ever owned, plow handles and all. The narrow frame is not for me, and fixed sights are a must. It makes one handed shooting feel as natural as kissing a perty gal. I also have to give praise to Ruger's invention of the transfer bar. What good is it to carry a sixgun when you can only feed in 5 rounds to be safe?
I have been a RAT since 1972, please add me to the list.
Below is the nefarious Rancid Roy with his matching pair of 7 1/2 inch Ruger Vaqueros with faux checkered ivories.
Quote from: Joyce (AnnieLee) on February 08, 2005, 01:13:14 PM
Are you a Ruger shooter? Do you think that Rugers Are the Toughest Sixguns? Do you want to be one of the noble RATS?
Then put your request here, and if you shoot the Holy Black through those tank-like firearms, say so and become a DIRTY RAT!
I figure I qualify. I met Bill when I was 8 or 9, and the first guns I bought were Rugers. Haven't shot a CAS match with anything else. I do dabble with clones of percussion COLTS, but I will always have a a Ruger (or 10) in the collection. I would be pleased if you added me to the RATS list.
Howdy to:
Jacob Jones #398
Red Dog Don #399
Outrider #400
Leo Tanner #401
Rancid Roy #9??
Doc Arroyo #402
Welcome to the RATS outfit. I put all of your names on the RATS Roll Of Honor.
You ALL most definately qualify!!! At the ends of your posts, I put your RATS numbers.
Rancid Roy, are you the NM Rancid Roy that Annie put in back about #9?
Mustang Gregg
A RATS Badge is a great idea. Count me in as a Dirty Rat.
You're now a RATS rat. Glad to have you....DIRTY TOO!!!
Puttin my name in the hat just seemed like the thing to do. Actually seeing it on the roll felt real good. I just had to take the rig to the range today and put about 100 through the Ruger alone in honor of this occasion. I had nothing but good hits with it all afternoon. Thanks fer adding me to the books.
No problem at all, Pard.
Feel free to come here & post anythin' you like about Rugers & CAS here. ;D ;D ;D
100 rounds, huh? Makes me free humbled. I only shot 20 outta a .308 this afternoon.
It's zero degrees here & kinda cool to shoot much.
Yup, tween me and Lil we went through a box of .357, a box of.38, the two rounds I had in my watch pocket and one from the rig as well as a 20 box of .30-30 through Marline. I don't know how many .22's the kids shot but the box is much lighter than before. Weather was hazy but not freezing. It makes the muzzle flash really show in those conditions. We were up to our ankles in brass by dusk. A VERY good day! Thanks again for the warm welcome.
Here's the little schafers from that day. My girl is handling the Winnie, but if you look close the camo stock rifle on the bench is also a Ruger (10/22). Semi auto, but still a Ruger. The boy loves it!
Well I should be a RAT now. Just bought a New Vaquero.
Dead Eye Dave:
Yup, you are in, for sure. What caliber is your NM?
Welcome to the RATS Outfit, Pardner!
Quote from: Mustang Gregg on January 24, 2008, 04:55:03 AM
Dead Eye Dave:
Yup, you are in, for sure. What caliber is your NM?
Welcome to the RATS Outfit, Pardner!
Thanks you sir. The calibre is .45 LC. My favorite. I have 5 pistols in that calibre.
Sign me up!!! Been shootin' Rugers for years.
I use two OM stainless 4 5/8" Vaquereo's in .357/.38 for smokeless shooting.
And two NM blue 5 1/2" Vaquereo's in .45 for The Holy Black.
Got my eye on some Old Army's once I find a little more gold dust layin' around.
You're in now!!!
Check for your name on the RATS Roll!
Wanna join too, nothin finer than a day of cowboy action shooting with my partners and my Vaqueros. Liked them so much bought two for my sweetheart, now shes shootin too.
Dealin Lead
Dealin Lead:
Glad to have ye aboard! You are #406 on the Roll of RATS!
What's your gal's alias? She can be #407.
Mustang Gregg
I only got 11, but I'm planning on gettin' a few more.....how many before I qualify? :-\
Wish I had the ones I traded off back...and I will have similar models back again soon... :(
I wonder if my lady, Sister Sue, qualifies, she just started shooting and collecting a few months ago, she has a little pair of .32 birdshead ;)
I may only be a little, "dusty-gray" cause I've only shot APP...but it was so-o-o much fun.. ;D.
I want to be a RAT.
The first handgun I ever bought was a 22 cal Ruger Convertible. Now I shoot a brace of 45 LC. Love every minute of it. :)
Muley, Sister Sue & Mild Will Cheatum:
You are all in the RATS Posse now. You more'n qualify!!
No dues & you're life members, too!
Welcome, Pards!!!! Check the RATS Roll of Honor.
Mustang Gregg
BTW: Annie Lee has passed from our posse. So I do the chores these days.
Howdy Mustang,
My gals alias is Tahnimara (Lonely Wind) 407 would be great.
Dealin Lead
BTW: Where are ya from?
I'll put that on the roster too.
Mustang Gregg, Please sign me up. I've shot Ruger's for years. My first Ruger was a single six convertible that I purchased about 43 years ago. I presently own a Blackhawk in 41 mag., a Mk. 512 22LR, four Model 77's in 22LR, 17 HMR, 22 Hornet and 243 Winchester and I have a 357 New Vaquero on order. Should be here Tuesday. I am looking forward to shooting the New Vaquero in holy black as well as smokeless. Guess you could say make me a Dirty Rat. Looking forward to being a member of your honored society of Ruger shooters.
Deadeye Dick
I'da swore you was already a member. But I can't find your name. ???
You got a load a Ruger iron to blaze with there. Enjoy! Especially the black powder!
Mustang Gregg
Thanks Mustang Gregg. By the way you can show me from Oregon.
Deadeye Dick
4 Vaqueros, 2 Black Hawks and a Single Six.
Grey Beard
Howdy, GB:
You are now #412 (life) RATS member.
Is that the Union jack in your picture?
Are ye from GB???
Mustang Gregg
NV 5 1/2 SS 45 - New Member
Super Blackhawk 7 1/2 SS 44 Mag - Been with me since 1980
Single Six Blued
P89 DC 9mm
10-22 SS
Red Label
I'd say I have faith in the red bird wouldn't you... ;)
Quote from: Mustang Gregg on February 12, 2008, 09:16:35 AM
Howdy, GB:
You are now #412 (life) RATS member.
Is that the Union jack in your picture?
Are ye from GB???
Mustang Gregg
Yup it's a Union Jack but I'm from Saskatchewan Canada and shoot cowboy action out of the Prince Albert and Candle Lake clubs.
Welcome to the outfit. You are #413!
Mustang Gregg
Thank ya kindly...Just didn't seem right to be callled anything else..
Here's a quick one for you...
Wife bought me an AWA colt clone...beautiful case hardened, blue/black barrel hard rubber grips...
I shot it a few times..ran to the first gun show I could find and swapped it out for my RNV...just couldn't stand being untrue ;)
Quote from: Hank Rugerman on February 14, 2008, 10:24:49 PM
Thank ya kindly...Just didn't seem right to be callled anything else..
Here's a quick one for you...
Wife bought me an AWA colt clone...beautiful case hardened, blue/black barrel hard rubber grips...
I shot it a few times..ran to the first gun show I could find and swapped it out for my RNV...just couldn't stand being untrue ;)
Mustang Gregg, Please make me a dirty rat.
Deadeye Dick
Quote from: Hank Rugerman on February 12, 2008, 08:15:49 PM
NV 5 1/2 SS 45 - New Member
Super Blackhawk 7 1/2 SS 44 Mag - Been with me since 1980
Single Six Blued
P89 DC 9mm
10-22 SS
Red Label
I'd say I have faith in the red bird wouldn't you... ;)
Add 1 more RNV 5.5 SS 45 to the list...got em both now... :D
New guy here.......Dirty Rat Apprentice! ;D New to BP, but it just doesn't feel right with nothin' but!
NMV 4.625" Barrel, .45 Colt Blued
NMV 5.5" Barrel, .45 Colt Blued
Other Tools....
Mark II Target Competition Slab side
Nice passel of Ruger Iron.
You are in the RATS!
Dirty too!
I luv my Roooooooooogers
You can sign me up. I love my rugers. I love shooting them.
You are on the RATS list now. Welcome!
Keep them Rugers "warm". ;D ;D
Howdy Gregg,
I've been shootin' SASS with Rugers since 2005. Can ya' sign me on with the RATS? I'm interested in a badge too. I downloaded the order form and I'll send it along with a check for $85 Does the RUGER RED EAGLE pin come with it?
Six Shot 8)
Six Shot:
You are now entered. You are full-fledged RATs.
Yup, it is the RED eagle.
The best picture of the badge is on the thread that says something like----We said we'd never do it, but---
I have 3 OMV. 2 .45's, 1 ,44-40. 4 5/8" SS all 3. I'd like to join the group. Real proud of them all. ;D
You do qualify to be a RATs for life.
You're IN!!
West Fargo (aka Wes Flowers) is our most recent RATs.
I'll wager some of the RATS have had his excellent 'Ruger-Tunes".
Quote from: WV-2wolfs on March 01, 2008, 09:13:50 PM
I luv my Roooooooooogers
I want to be a Rat.I have 6 Ruger pistols and hole bunch of Ruger long guns.
Just started shooting the Cowboy action and never met a better bunch of people.
WV-2 Wolfs:
I thought we already had you on the RATS Roll. OOPS!! ::)
You are now RATTed-in! #420, I think.
Thanks.It feels good to be a Ruger Rat.
My first three guns were Rugers. I'm a long timey RAT.
Now I'm looking for 2 Old Model Vaqueros (OMV) to continue the tradition. Blued or Stainless (prefer SS), 4 5/8 or 5 1/2 (prefer 5 1/2.) A SoCal F2F transfer through an FFL would be very much the preferred solution.
May I please join? I have two OMV's in Stainless, 4 5/8" barrels, 44 mag.
CF & HK:
Glad you are RATS now. Lifers, to boot!!
Please add me to the list of RATs. I've been a Rugerite since my first Ruger Super Blackhawk .44 Mag in 1980. Since then I've gone small (.22 Bearcat- Old Model), retro (Flattop .357 Mag) and now CAS with a set of stainless New Vaqueros in .357, 5.5 inch.
Howdy Pards: I'm RAT now, just got be some of them New Vaqueros in 357, 4 5/8 inch. Also got a bearcat I've had a long time. 8)
Ramblin Ron & Silver Goat:
I added ye both to the RATS Roll of Honor.
Glad to have you, Pards.
Where are you from? I'll post your states.
Wouldn't you know it? I've got a New Vaquero and a Super Blackhawk. Do you consider me a RAT? ;D
Sure we do.
I'll getcha on the list tomorrow!
Hope you don't mind if I add my request to be a RAT to the list. I've got a pair of New Vaqueros (now that i've figured out how to put 'em back together...). .357 with 5.5" barrels. Still smokeless, but smoke coming soon. 8) (practicing for smoke)
Rat me, por favor!!
Sixgun & Jethro:
You are RATS now. OFFICIALLY, that is.
Welcome to the outfit.
Mustang Gregg
Mustang Gregg, I would like to be considered for a RATS membership.
Howdy, Back 40:
You are now in the outfit.
;D Please sign me up for RATS. I purchased my first ruger in 1976. I now have five. All great guns.
;DSign Me Up as RATS I have 8 of them ::)
Biermeister & Long John Beard:
Good to have you on our team.
Please sign me up at a member of RATS. Been armed with Rugers for a very long time.
They never let you down. SASS #70572
Best thing about bein a RAT is there ain't no physical down at the MEPS station ;D
Haven't been asked ta pay no dues yet either--it's the perfect club!!!
Yup, Leo:
No dues & you can be a LIFER, too.
Put me up there, too. Just shot the heck out of some 20 oz. bottles with my Vaquero and still love the heck out of it.
Put ya in yesterday.
Look for a reply to the PM's too.
I think you can put me on the list.Got my first Ruger today.
It's an Vaquero in .45LC.
You are now a RATs.
Oooo, nice mother of pearl grips, there!
OOO! :)
Can I be a dirty RATS?
I used to shoot Holy Black and substitute propellants through my .41 mag Blackhawk, as well as my cap&ball replicas, and various longguns.
Right now I'm waiting for my .44 Super Balckhawk to clear the FFL (june 12th).
You are in now.
Thankyou kindly!
I'll have to post some pictures after I break it in with some jacketed and then dirty it up some with the Holy Black! ;D
Quote from: Mustang Gregg on June 02, 2008, 07:20:02 PM
You are in now.
Um, so now I have a number?
Where do I find it???
I just got my 3rd Ruger so I guess I should be a member. These are great pistols. I have a Montado, an NMV, stainless with a 4 5/8 barrel and just got a NMV, colour case hardened 7.5 inch barrel. Man Cowboy guns are fun.
Why, you ARE a member. You're RATS #404.
Recollect when we signed you up in late January?
Whoops! Totally forgot! ??? Embarrassing for sure. Well anyway I LIKE RUGERS! LOL Woo Hoo!
Yup, Dave!
We all love them Rugers around here.
I can see you you'd wanna join up twice! ;D ;D
HAHAHA. As I said i just bought my 3rd one today. 7.5 inch barrel case hardened frame. It looks great. Now I just have to shoot it. Maybe tomorrow.
Got my first when I was 13. I'm 49 and have 7 revolvers now....all Rugers. I don't call them clones. They're improved models and I know they are the toughest. My heavy 250g 45 loads scream out a 5.5 inch barrel at 1350 f/s . That is a lot of energy for a 45 and approaches .454 levels. Still very manageable with a heavy OMV. I love them! ;D
You are qualified as a RATs. So you have been assigned #435.
Howdy ya'll, just picked up my 1st pair of Vaquero's. 357's with 4 3/4" barrels, case harden and blued.
Shoot them for the 2st time last weekend......sweet ;D
JP Riley
SASS 74339
I gotcha down as the 436th RATs member.
Quote from: Austin Justice SASS #68709 on September 10, 2006, 01:17:11 AM
I'll not say how many of the finest Six guns are hideing in my safe but I am a RATS kind of guy.
Sign me up and someday when the better half isn't looking I count them!
Most treasured is the LAST COWBOY 45LC Birdshead SS.
Best shooter is the 5 1/2 Bisley 45LC/ 45ACP SS.
Loved em since 1982 when I got my first Blackhawk 44 Mag 10" for shooten Sillywets.
I just went through the list and still do not see me listed as a life member.
Guess I'll need to double up on the dues to make it in to the greatest group of gun owners I've found.
Hope my timing is right to get #450 as I'm kinda partial to things that start with 45!
So I guess that this means that I'm a Dirty Rat ;D and the Missus is a sometimes Dirty Rat ::) .....
We have six RVs..... 4 of 'em are 7.5" blues and two are 5.5" SS Bisley's.... The Missus claims the Bisley's and 2 of the blues...
I'm sitting on a pair of SS .45's, While my dad just got a pair of cch .45's!
I shot my first match with them straight out of the boxes and have already shaved time off my best match!
Awsome shooters!
I would like to join up and be a RAT. My Vaquero Bisley and Birdshead Vaquero setup are what I plan to stick with. Regards, Al
You are all RATS now.
Sorry it took so long.
There have been a lot of death/health/injury issues in my wife's kin.
And now I will be headed for CA on firefighting (CH-47) mission.
Quote from: Mustang Gregg on July 08, 2008, 09:24:08 AM
You are all RATS now.
Sorry it took so long.
There have been a lot of death/health/injury issues in my wife's kin.
And now I will be headed for CA on firefighting (CH-47) mission.
If it's Northern Cal yer headed for I'd be glad ta buy ya lunch. We need you guys somethin fierce.
Leo T:
Yup! We have aircraft in Susanville & Chico at this time.
I am off for CA early tomorrow.
I wanna be IN RATS.
I got me a pair of 45's 8)
I thank ya Mustang!
Stay safe out here in Ca.
Looks like the fire near me will be contained today! Yahoo!!!
Where ya at Tanner? Gotta admit, the name called ma attention.
Central coast!
Dang fire was burnin close to one of the ranges I like...
Looks like I was a bit fast on the trigger... It's about 75% contained.
You are in now. ;D
Check for you handle at #441.
I want to join since I shoot Rugers in .45 lc birdsheads & reg. 8)
I thought you were on the RATS Roll already. ???
If you ain't, I'll getcha on board soon.
Hope to get out & shoot with you some time this summer!
She does have an early RATS number in her signature.
"The club so nice, I joined it twice" ;D
Good ta see yer back safe MG. I owe ya lunch :D
I accept that kindly lunch offer.
Where & when? ;D
Well, I guess now I'm a DIRTY RAT!!!!!!!!!!
Just went over to the dark side!!!!!!!!!!
I gotcha changed to DIRTY now. 8)
I got your email about the badge.
And I will check the current price of the basic badge & the individual engraving.
Reckon it might be a few bucks higher. ??? And maybe not. ???
Heck, I don't make anything on 'em anyway.
And if it runs a tad higher, you can pay me later.
Howdy MG! I need to be changed over to DIRTY Need to send you some pics too. Maybe I will get to that this weekend. DM
Security Six
Blackhawk 41mag
Blackhawk 45 Colt with 45 Acp
Single Six 9 1/2 inch barrel
Bisley .22
Redhawk in 44
Mini 14
GP 100
All owed and shot by me.....can I be in R A T S ?
You sure do qualify. ;D Got you on the list, Pard.
Chief RAT: Name Change Please!
I've received RATS #421 under the name Charlie Foxtrot.
Since then, I've joined SASS, but under the alias of Uno Mas. As in: "Honey, please, just one more gunsafe.
Please change the RATS #421 name to Uno Mas from Charlie Foxtrot.
Tan Queue
Proud RAT: 2 Ruger OMV Bisleys in .357!
Uno Mas #421
Uno Mas----Thou shalt be DONE!!
Sign me up. West just tuned mine up and I'm ready to shoot.
Welcome, Pard! You are in! ;D
Your number is #443!
What'd Wes do to your irons?
Quote from: Mustang Gregg on August 05, 2008, 02:50:16 PM
Uno Mas----Thou shalt be DONE!!
And lo.., I waz done!!!
Thank yea kindly.
Uno Mas
Count me in. Two Ruger New Model Vaqueros in .45 Colt with 7 1/2" barrels.
Love 'em!
--Ranger Dave
--Salem County, NJ
You are now a RAT(s)!
Keep in touch with Ruger info & questions.
Your Pard,
Mustang Gregg
Yep, thats me too!! I'm a Dirty Rat from England 'cos we are not allowed cartridges 'cos I might run amok!!
UK Shooter:
Yes, you're a RAT(s)...Possibly our first Brit-RAT, too.
Welcome! If you ever get over here to the states, Nebrasky in particular...You WILL be shooting my entire Ruger collection of CARTRIDGE guns. And even some custom Ruger 5-shooters in .480 & .454.
Welcome to our outfit, Pard!
Not bein able ta fire a hard caliber cartrige gun has ta be tough on a guy. You gotta take a little vacation over here and play with some brass!
Hey, don't get me wrong guys, I may be limited but I do have a Marlin .44 Mag carbine, (so accurate!) and a 12"barreled .44 Mag Taurus (sorry to have to mention it) so I do get some jollies out of my guns. You put it in front of me and I'll give it a whirl!! Don't care how big it is!! (Stop trying to make me jealous with all those big-bore pistols.) My Uberti Walker is no slouch either.(60 gr of black behind a .451 ball?)
Well, sign me up if there's more room...
I just picked up the first of two NM Vaqueros at the beginning of the long weekend and already have a couple hundred rounds through it. 4 5/8" stainless .357 shoots POA/POI with my loads. Very happy with it. Also brought out an old Redhawk .44 mag I've had for more years than I remember. Put a hundred full house loads through that as well.
Take care,
Buck Rawhide, CA
You will be installed shortly, Pard.
Glad to have ye!
Miss Annie Lee,
Since I am new here I would like to be a RATS Member also. I had a Uberti Cattleman and just couldn`t make it do right even after a complete spring and trigger job! Went to Gander Mtn. and trdede fer this here Ruger BH and 3/4 in. bbl. in SS and have been happy ever since! Gonna get me another one as soon as the Stage comes with my next Bank Draft!
So, if you would please - SIGN ME UP!
Eli Dead Eye
Yup, you're new here, Pardner. And you can be a RATs.
Gotcha down for #447. WELCOME!
Miss Annie passed away back a spell. :'( :'( :'(
I have been doing the moderating for the Ruger Lovers forum.
Good to have you on board!
Mustang Gregg
Mustang Gregg;
First I must apologize for not doing my homework. I offer my deepest condolences. I thank you for the opportunity to be a RATS Member. I will try to visit daily.
As I remain;
Eli Dead Eye
As of today, I'm a proud owner of my first Ruger Single Six....gonna be making a leather rig for it very soon.
I would love to be a RATS!! 8)
You are now a member.
Congrats on the Single Six.
When you get the leather sewn for it; Post some pictures!
Sign me up please.
Been shooting 45lc in Classic Cowboy going on two years wife also shoots 38's .
Shot Blackhawk 44 mag before Cowboying up. Ruger's are the best for this game. ;D ;D ;D
Thanks ,
James Henry Parker
Could I be RAT? I shoot SS Vaqueros and have a decent collection of Vaqueros / Blackhawks. They are part of real America: the Ford F-150 Pickup, Carthartt Jackets, and Ruger Single Actions!
Sabino Bob
Founding Member
Royal Order of Rugernians
Howdy All, I would like to become a Rat. Since reading a whole bunch on this site, I deceided that Ruger Vaquero was the way to go. Since you all say there the best. I just purchased a used Vaquero (old) 7.5" in 44-40. I'm already in the Spencer Shooting Society listing and need to signup in the BROW and 1860 HENRY. Shamrock John
James Henry Parker, you are now RATS #451.
Shamrock Bob, you are now RATS #452.
Sabino Bob, you are [still] RATS #349. We must've signed you up previously(?). ???
Welcome to the RATS Hole.
Let us know where ya hail from & whatcha shoot.
Sorry that I didn't getcha posted any sooner. I was at the ranch working on fence all weekend. And our old Westinghouse "crank telephone" don't work well with internet connectivity.
PS---YEEEEHAWWW on the F-150's, the Carharts & RUGERS!!!!....USA-USA-USA!!!!!
Howdy .
James Henry Parker from Philadelphia, Mississippi .Shoot Stainlless Steele 45lc's in 4 5/8 New Ruger Vaquero's, 1860 Henry 45lc ,and Hammered 12 ga Double in Classic Cowboy . ;D ;D ;D
Happy Trails
James Henry Parker
Hi Mustang, ??? You responded to Shamrock "BOB" "JOHN". I'm guessing a typo. Shamrock John from Schenectady in upstate N.Y.. ruger Vaquero in 44-40 to arrive in about a week. Is #452 correct for me? Thanks, Shamrock John
Well, I had it right on the RATS Roll.
Check that one out on the Roll thread to make sure.
Hi Mustang, :) All is forgiven. I can remember making a mistake once back in '63. The rear admiral said to raise my right hand and repeat after him. And I did. Keep the faith, Shamrock John
I must say I have come to admire the 20th century Black Powder ROA that "Bill Ruger" so diligently make happen...with designs of the Rem, S&S, Colt Navy Grip, and Ruger Blackhawk frame. What's not to like. I'm a Diehard 1858 Rem Man...and of course loved the ROA from the first shot. So not am I only a SCORRS, Darksider, sometimes a WARTHOG, and a Voy OLD COOT, I'm also now a "Dirty Rat"!!! Thanks for havin' me.
Smokin Gun:
You are now RATS #453. I mean Dirty RATS! Welcome in.
Post questions, pix, anything you want about Rugers & CAS here.
Used Rugers exclusively for SASS shooting, just bought a pair of 44/40 Colt clones, which I dearly love, but I find the trigger guard is a bit crowded for my big fingers, so it looks like I'll be dusting off the 45 Colt New Model Vaqueros and ratting on.
I would like to be listed as a DIRTY RATS.
Shoot OM Vaqs in .45 colt and ROAs chock full o 2f goodness.
I have tried (accidentally) to blow up those Vaqs and they wouldn't go, so I can testify first hand to their strength.
Reckon I qualify?
Jack Lee
Sure ye do.
You're in.
Check the RATS Roll!
Howdy Pard's, Crownover Rocks from the Texas Hill Country here. I'll step up and ask to become a member of the RATS Posse.
I shoot the old model Vaquero's in 45lc.......a couple of stainless and a couple of case colored blue. One of the blues is 4-5/8", the others are all 5-1/2"
When I started shootin CAS a couple of years ago, there was no question in which shootin irons I was choosin.
Crownover Rocks:
Nice alias, TX Pard!
Wish I'd thought of it!
You are now a RATS member.
#455, I recollect!
Guess I'm a Dirty Rat. 12" ROA's and sometimes 44 special.
Filthy Lucre Dammit from Cambria, Ca.
I thought-sure I'd had ya down already. But I reckon not. ???
Anyhow you're in now, ya DIRTY RATs !!
Hey MG, I need to be DIRTIED in the roster.
Thanks a bunch, and see you next summer hopefully, if not sooner. DM
Do you ever go as far east as Topeka?
Them CC Cowboys still shoot SASS all winter long, I recollect.
No, never been anywhere in Kansas, but Hill City/Millbrook. They shoot most of the winter at Millbrook, and do at Flatwater as well. Planning on going to the Flatwater December Potluck shoot, so maybe see you there.
My first buy was a Ruger single six. Really emjoyed shooting it. Cousin moved to the farm and needed something for protection out in the middle of nowhere, sold it to him. Really miss that lil shooter. Made it up by getting a NMV in 45lc. Saving up to get its twin. Plan on stuffin it with Black..... Love the smoke n boom
Two Rivers Marshal from Colorado
Two Rivers Marshal:
You are now RATS #458. Welcome in!
What outfit in CO are you close to?
I kinda alternate between Pawnee Station north of Ft. Collins and Pawnee Sportsmans Center out by Briggsdale. Both about 45 to hour drive.
I have 4 Ruger OMV and a SP101 Guess i qualify will post pics of them if someone tells me how.
Two Rivers:
Do they still shoot CAS at Ft Morgan?
No one seems to know for sure but seems to think so.
We go there quite a bit on other issues.
You are now a RATs member.
Feel free to post all ya want here.
Haven't heard of a shoot in Ft. Morgan. That would be about an hour east of me. If they are a shootin' wouldn't mind traveling a bit just to meet some new folks. (Seems everything is about an hour from me) Will ask around at the next shoot and see if anyone knows.
Merry Christmas to you and yours.
Count me in...
Three Fingers Tequila
Three Fingers Tequila:
You're now IN!
Sign me up! Just acquired matched OMV in 44-40 and yes, I'll be shooting BP in them. Also fitted a couple of Blackhawk cylinders in 44 Mag, so they are now convertible between the calibers.
Sounds like a great RV convertible combo.
You are now RATS-qualified & a life member.
;D I love Rugers. I shoot two. One in 357. and one in 45 cal. Soon to be two in 45 cal. Does that make me a big fat RAT?
Sorry I forgot to introduce myself. I am from maryland and do most of my shooting in delaware USA. Can I be a RAT ?
It does & you are.
I got your alias in there!!!
Welcome to the RATS!!
Just added Pokey Packrat of MI to the Roll.
His RATS # is 464.
Welcome, Pard!
Quote from: Mustang Gregg on February 19, 2009, 08:51:12 AM
Just added Pokey Packrat of MI to the Roll.
His RATS # is 464.
Welcome, Pard!
Mustang Greg, thanks to you and all the great Pards that reside here at Cas City, I'm now registered and trying to navigate around this new territory. Have alot to lurn, I have had 9 Rugers in my time and love em all. Hello to all the fellow R.A.T.S. out there.
Pokey Packrat
Glad to have ya here, Pokey.
I'm a rat, I got 4 of them pistols. I don't shoot nuthin else. ;D ;D ;D
You're in now! Where ye from, Pard?
Quote from: Mustang Gregg on March 10, 2009, 09:40:51 PM
You're in now! Where ye from, Pard?
MG I be from the great state of texas, in a little town called Pearland
Howdy from Ioway...
My Rugers named Chili & Cholula asked me to sign us up. I have given em a good home, shootem all the time, never cuss em and I clean em up when they are gettin dirty which isn't often with that new fangled smokeless gun powder. They are twin old model SS .45's with 5 1/2 barrels.
Please accept us into yore fine Society. I have promised Chili & Cholula that I will behave myself.
Chili Pepper Kid
Youll be a RATS member shortly. ;D ;D
If'n I can speed up this here computer, that is being seriously S--L--O--W tonight.
Well har's sum foto's of Chili & Cholula.
In their rig.
Chili & Cholula's new grips for Christmas
Cholula a shootin!!
and one last foto this is Chili & Cholula with their good friend "Company".
Chili Pepper Kid
Sign me up- I belong with all the other RATS - been shooting Blackhawks since in CAS since 1991 (or was it 1891?). Now using matched .44 Super Blackhawks. My first gun at age 14 was a Ruger- can't count how many I own- had everything else but keep coming back. Best made toughest guns on the planet- they never seem to break (fingers crossed now for this weekend!). Thanks! Yesiree Bob SASS 2048
May I please join up with this fine group of Ruger lovers ?
I shoot the Holy Black in my NM Vaqueros .. SS .357
BIG Boom LOTS of Smoke ....
Guess that would make me a DIRTY RAT !!! Cool !!!
Thanko Muchos
Tumbleweed Gordie
Greensboro, NC
Member of ONSP CAS
Yesiree Bob & Tumbleweed Gordie:
Computer glitches are over now.
You're now IN.
How do to you !
Thankee .. thankee .. thankee .. right proud to be here wid yaw
Iffen yaw don'ts mind .. wood yaw mind makin' my names shows up as a DIRTY RAT as I do mess with that Holy Black stuff in my Roogers.
Best of the fire to ya, :D
R.A.T.S. # 468
Yup! In BOLD BLACK letters.
Will do!
Jeez Gregg I just realized I never mentioned my conversion ta Dirty Rat a few months back. If ya get the chance please make the change.
I am a wannabe RAT
and definite Ruger afficianado
I will get your alias put in there directly!
Welcome to the RATS!
On your other post (badges) you said you are a DIRTY RAT.
So you must be a BP burner. I put you name in BOLD on the RATS Roll.
I love them Rugers so I guess I am a rat too
I wanna be a RAT (Charles Cougar Minzey) and I would be interested in a badge too I am a proud owner of both Vaquero and Old Army
C Minsey:
I am out of town & won't be on a computer for nearly a week. I'll get ya in then.
C Minzey:
You are now in the RATS! Welcome!
Share some Ruger experience on this here forum!!
Owning nothing but Single Action Rugers (MANY Rugers), please sign me up as a RATS member. :-)
Saint Louis Suomi
You're now one of them RATS!
Welcome kindly,
I'll jump in !!!
I shoot mostly smokeless BUT sometimes Black
I'm a long time Ruger shooter (Single Six, Blackhawks, and Vaqueros), so I guess I'm a RAT! Cordially, Cherokee Gunsmith, Texas.
sign me up been shootin Rugers for about 25 years now , use the alias "Pinto Jim" plz
Guess I'm a Dirty Rat in Ohio cause all I shoot in my RSBH is BLACK :oYa gotta love Dirty Rats and Dirty Women!!!!!!!!!!
Quote from: Bushrod on May 25, 2009, 05:15:05 AM
Guess I'm a Dirty Rat in Ohio cause all I shoot in my RSBH is BLACK :oYa gotta love Dirty Rats and Dirty Women!!!!!!!!!!
I shoot Black in my stainless Ruger Old Army & load Black into .44 magnum cartridges for my Ruger SuperBlackhawk Bisley.Nothing like the Smoke ,Bang, Smell, Fire. Ya gotta love it all.
New RATS Pards:
***Lone, Cherokee, Pinto, Bushrod & Odie***
I think I gotcha all in there now. Correctly, I hope.
Welcome to the outfit!!!
Stick around & add to the threads & post any questions or comments to the other Ruger six-shooter lovers.
Mustang Gregg
Yo there Lt.Col. Mustang Gregg & all RATS shooters,
I'm The Reverend Sassquatch Dawg from Evergreen, CO and my Cas City alias is Yeti76620. I've been skirt-en around this Forum for awhile and I'm ready to say that: I too LOVE my RUGERS!!!I have a pair of 357 MAG OM Vaqueros and I shoot them as hot as the speed limit allows me. I would not think of trusting any other firearm to push 158gr just south of 1000 fps in CAS then there are the "Super Loads" that thrill me. STILL TRUE & STOUT! May I be a member of the RATS too? ;D
A Brother At Arms,
I guess I may as well confess that I'm a RAT, too.
I started shooting SASS with my 19 year old Ruger Blackhawk and now have given up thinking about shooting with anything but a Ruger. 3Reds shoots with a matched pair of NM Vaqueros. I'll shoot my next match a pair of NM Vaqueros (not quite matching thanks to the demise of the CCH guns).
All in all, they have been very reliable. The one problem I had with my Blackhawk (screw fell off and went MIA) was quickly resolved by Ruger for free.
Yeti & Wandering:
I got you both in the RATS list now.
I checked on making the Reverand --------- alias on a badge. They said it could be done if we shorten the first part to REV..
Hey there Lt Col Gregg this is the Yeti inquiring if you got the Reverend's money order he sent last Tuesday for that fine badge? Just making sure all is good and nothing lost for all has its due time. Hopefully all is well with you and yours!
Nope! I ain't seen it yet. Did you send it to Table Rock, NE (right address) or Malcolm, NE (wrong address)?
I have been working with getting the damned badge order attachment to have the CORRECT price & CORRECT address. But it don't come through right on all computers. >:(
I will check & see if it is at the other address.
Did we ever get the number of letters shortened up okay?
Lt Col M. Gregg, The Reverend here. Well darn-it any way I got one of those forms with the incorrect address and it went on to Malcolm, NE. I really hope you can retrieve it!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o OH PLEASE PLEASE
I will be driving up there tomorow to check out the house. I will get the mail then.
Well sign me up on that RATS list . shoot nothing else, 38's & 44's
Marshal Big Daddy Jenks
Deadwood Marshals/Bayou Bounty Hunters
Bold #834
Bayou country...Louisiana????
You'll be signed up shortly, Marshal Big Daddy J.
I drove to Malcolm & I found a letter from Colorado in the non-forwarded mail. I reckon it is yours.
I am on mil duty this weekend, but will get it looked over & processsed next week, Pard.
Lt Col Gregg, I can't tell ya what a relief that news is. Take yer time as ALL IS GOOD!!!
Well sign me up, too. My two OMV's are gettin' itchy unload some lead on them targets.
I will have ya in there yet today!
;D ;D WELCOME!!! ;D ;D
PS....NOW you're in at #488. Keep them "big" Vaqueros WARM!!!
Much obliged Pards ...Glad ta be here.
This should get me in..... ;D
I haven't got a tat in over 15 years but that would be a good one. Just be easy with the red ink in the sun. It's got a habbit of fadin away fer some reason compared ta other colors.
Quote from: Rolan_Kraps on July 28, 2009, 07:17:59 PM
This should get me in..... ;D
Dang Rolan that's a beauty! Gotta Pard, Badlands Browning, who put on his fore arm the "Browning Buck" and it ain't near a hot as that bird!! Seems all my "tats" are in one form to another of a scare. I think it hurt way too much to scare that in!! :o I'll just admire yours. ;D
I thought Annie signed you up many moons ago.
But my memory ain't as good as it once was.
Let's check!
Please sign me up...I'd be proud to be a fellow RAT ::)
I'd also like to purchase the badge. Let me know who/ where to send the gold;
It's nice to be around another fire...
See ya Pards
I got your email.
You are now on the RATS roll of Honor.
Mustang Gregg
SASS #38345L
GAF #64
Thanks Gregg, just made out the check for the badge!! it'll be headed your way Monday. ;D
Talk to you soon.
Sounds good. We will get it processed ASAP.
Are you from Colorado too? 8) 8)
Sign me up too, I love my Rugers! ;D
Dirty Chris
Dirty Chris:
You are now officially a LIFE member of RATS. ;D
No dues, no newsletters, no credit card calls, etc.
Just stop by & read or post something once in a while.
Where do ye hail from?
Thanks for the welcome! I hail from central Ohio.
My name is Les and I'm new in this site and thought that I'd tell a little about myself. I retired as a police detective in a suburb of
Columbus 6 years ago and my wife and I retired to SW Florida. I've been shooting since I was 8 and became the proud owner of a new Daisy pump bb gun. A year later it was with a new JC Higgins bolt action 22 and the next a JC Higgins bolt action 410. Living on a farm in Central Ohio gave ample opportunity for shooting and hunting. And shoot, I did; a lot. When I was a teen, my father had a Double Nine revolver which we both shot a lot. This hooked me for life on single actions.
My first experience with Ruger was when I was at the CPD Academy and in the midst of firearms qualifications. CPD at the time was still using 38 revolvers as modern 45 cal double action semi-automatics were still a few years off. The department at that time furnished either Colt Troopers or Smith 686s both in 4 inch. Duty ammo was +P+ and the range was and still remains the largest indoor range in the world. All my shooting came in handy but I really didn't shoot as well as I thought that I should. I had started out with the Colt which the range instructors said really wasn't all that well made. I next tried the Smith and did a little better but not as well as I wanted. I had a Smith model 29 at the time in polished stainless with an 8 inch barrel. I asked but it was a no go for carry. The range instructors suggested a Ruger GP 100. I bought one in mat stainless and instantly added 10 points to my scores.The bottom line was that I ended up shooting a 96% and got a pistol experts badge.
Advance quite a few years later and I have my duty weapon from my retirement, a Smith 3913. For fun, I have a Ruger Single
Six 22 in stainless and a 4 1/2 inch barrel. For my upcoming 60th birthday my wife bought me a New Vaquero polished stainless
45 cal 7 1/2 inch barrel. It was really my only consideration. I'd like to get involved in cowboy action shooting at some point but
for now am just having fun getting the right equipment.
You're now RATS #491. Welcome!!
Get into the Cowboy Action Shooting and you will really appreciate Ruger six-shooters, for sure!
I thought I had signed up but don't see my name anywhere ???
Sign me and the wife Biggest Heart up, we shoot nuthin' but Vaquero's.
I shoot Original Vaquero's and Biggest Heart shoots the New-fangled Vaquero's.
Need info on the badges
By the way...My shootin' alias is Jack Houston
I thought you was signed up by Miss Annie Lee many moons ago too.
But don't fret...I'm putting your name in the RATS now.
And if I find you're already a member, I'll fix it.
Welcome, Pard!
I humbly wish to become a Ruger Rat! I own three ruger Vaquero's two in SS and one in CCH/blued all 5 1/2 barrels 357mag.
and I am buying a fourth one!
Man from Boot Hill:
I have you down as RATS #493.
Welcome to our outfit!
Which Boot Hill are you from?
Please let me be a RAT. I only own 4 Rugers, but it's still early in the day yet. I need to know how to order a RATS Badge. Thanks Pards, Montana Wind
MT Wind:
You qualify for the RATS Outfit just fine. ;D Glad to have you!
The badge ordering info is in one of the first 3 threads here on this forum.
Welcome in, Pard!
Hey, :)
I'm new around here and I like to be a RAT. I'm just getting started and so far I've got a pair of SS 357 NMV's.
Welcome to the Rat Hole!. It is a great palce to hang out when you're finished the chores. Heck ...any time .
Thanks Dutchy,
It's great to be here! I'm just taking a break between chores ;), but I'll be back later.
I own 3 Old Model Vaqueros(2 in 45 Colt, 1 in 44 Magnum), an Old Model Blackhawk(being converted to 45 Colt), a Redhawk in 44 Magnum, Super Redhawk in 454 Casull, Old Model Single Six dating to 1955 in 22lr, and a 10/22 Target model. I love my Colts and Smiths, but they are not tougher than a Ruger.
Do I qualify?
How do I order the badge?
Quote from: LoneRider on August 14, 2009, 09:05:32 AM
I thought I had signed up but don't see my name anywhere ???
Sign me and the wife Biggest Heart up, we shoot nuthin' but Vaquero's.
I shoot Original Vaquero's and Biggest Heart shoots the New-fangled Vaquero's.
Need info on the badges
By the way...My shootin' alias is Jack Houston
Morn-n MG,
Looking over the posts and I seen that Lone Rider would like his wife, "Biggest Heart" in the R.A.T.S. Roll of Honor and I didn't see her added. I could be mistaken and I don't mean to butt in, just looking out for ALL my Pard's six and maybe a gander might need to be engaged. I could be wrong though. ;)
I would be much obliged if you can sign me up as a member of RATS. Shoot mainly Schofields or Russians but have 2 New Model Vaqueros and 1 Blackhawk in 357 mag and 2 New Model Vaqueros in 45LC. Prefer the Vaqueros for mounted shooting because thats one gun that is built strong enough that if I miss my holster and one hits the ground I can pick it up and its not broke just dirty. RELIABLE and Nearly BULLETPROOF!!! I would like one of those badges myself. Thanks, Regret Chancy
Hey Gregg, I just went out and got my mail...The Badge Is GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;D
I will wear it with pride!!!
Hope to meet ya down the trail.
Thanks for all your effort.
I am one happy RATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Glad ye like it. :D
They are nice, ain't they?
Welcome to the new RATS members.
Sorry, I ain't had time to say 'howdy' personally to ya all who've just come here.
We've had some family stuff going on here. ::)
We're glad to have you in the RATS Outfit.
Mustang Gregg
PS Just holler at me if you wanna become a RATS member, otherwise I may not notice. :-[ :-[ :-[
Please sign me up as a RATS. Rugers single actions I have: OM Single Six, OM Super Blackhawk with factory brass grip frame, OM 357 Blackhawk, NM Super Blackhawk, NM 45 Colt Blackhawk, a pair of Lipsey Ruger 44 Specials (4 5/8 and 5 1/2).
Tommy Reb
You wanna be known as Tommy Reb?
Welcome in, Pard! You are a RATs.
Quote from: tomclink on October 25, 2009, 11:27:46 PM
Please sign me up as a RATS. Rugers single actions I have: OM Single Six, OM Super Blackhawk with factory brass grip frame, OM 357 Blackhawk, NM Super Blackhawk, NM 45 Colt Blackhawk, a pair of Lipsey Ruger 44 Specials (4 5/8 and 5 1/2).
Tommy Reb
Welcome to the R.A.T.S. Tommy Reb! I've a curiousity, where do you Hail from? I know a Tom Clink.... here in Denver, CO, you by chance be him?
Reverend Sassquatch Dawg #480
Count me in "Rugers forever"
Can I be a "DIRTY RAT" ???? Just got myself a pair of 7 1/2" NMV in 45 ;D ;D ;D & love the DARKSIDE 8) 8) 8)
J Lyons & JD Lightning:
You're both enrolled in the RATS Rolll of Honor now.
Welcome, Pards!
My only match guns are NMV 45's ; does that qualify me to be a RAT :D
Now if only Ruger made a 45 cal. SASS/CAS legal lever action & a Coach Gun; I , like probably everyone on here, would be a TOTAL RAT ;D
I'm guessing that according to the RATS Roll of Honor; I'm to be #508
""I'm guessing that according to the RATS Roll of Honor; I'm to be #508.""
Why, yes, you are!
Well then count me in as #509. I shoot two NMV .45LC and love them in fact the more I shoot 'em the better they get. ;D
This little ol' organization is really growin.
Yup, the die is cast and we are rolling!
Darby Cowgill:
You ARE #509. Glad to have ya! ;D
How's that alias? Is that a surname?
Thanks glad to be here! The name is my SASS alias it's a combination of the grand parents names.
Howdy Mustang. I have a request from a shootin' Pard that wants to be a member of the RATS Posse. All he has ever owned are Rugers. His name is Montana Smoke & he hails from Ohio. Yes he's kind of like my brother. He doesn't have a computer. So if you could take care of this it would certainly put a big grin on his face. Thanks
Montana Wind RATS #496
Montana Wind:
I'd be right pround and glad to.
With a handle like that, he must be a black powder shooter, too.
Much obliged,
Mustang Gregg
Well if we can reccomend other shooters, can you add Lily Lockwood. She's my wife and she hates computors. Shure does love the Rugers though and can load an ROA.
Sure you can!
Much obliged, and I still owe you lunch from when you was fightin those fires out here.
Hey, that sounds real good, Leo!
You buy lunch and I'll stand the first and last rounds in the evening.
I did actually get back to Sacramento in a TDY once in 2008, but not since.
You're always welcome at the Double Arrow Ranch [or Wild West Arms], if'n you get to Nebrasky!
Mustang Gregg &
Calamity JoAnne
Well there is an honery old cook that lives out that way I've been meaning ta visit. We'll see what the summer brings.
Lt.Col. Mustang Greg,
May I request a favor from you, My Best Pard in the whole wide world just pass away some hours ago and I would appreciate it if ya would add him to the RATS wall of Honor as one of the deciesed members.
Pegleg Pete was a Frontiersman who shot the Ruger Old Armies with a vengeance out here in the Colorado Territory.
I put a post over on the Longbranch to tell a bit 'bout My Pard. No one knows why he died at this time but I was talking to him a few hours before that and he was complaining 'bout the lack of black powder smoke in his system.
Thank you Sir,
aka Arnold M. Kapushion II
Rev. Sassquatch Dawg:
I will proudly enter his name in BOLD and in purple.
Sympathies to his kin.
hello the camp; i shoot NMV a pair of them and i would like to be with the rest of the RATS around here, I'm theywalkamongus. ::)
They Walk Among Us:
You're now in the RATS outfit.
Thanks, Scouts are usually out front and alone so when we do come into camp to report it feels good to be with friends.
Theywalkamongus (Scout)
Quote from: theywalkamongus on December 04, 2009, 04:46:10 AM
Thanks, Scouts are usually out front and alone so when we do come into camp to report it feels good to be with friends.
Theywalkamongus (Scout)
Morn-n Pard,
Come sit by the fire and have a cup...It's hot. What ya pack-n on them sides? Free safe to clean 'em from that prairie dust if ya think they need it. Breakfast is near.
Lt.Col Gregg (Mustang) ;
A request for you Sr. would you/could you post my Alias as Theywalkamongus (Scout) as one word Sr.
It's a Chickasaw Indian name meaning the great spirits walk with us.
Thank you Sr.
Howdy all,
New to this here form, but heve been shooting a par of old Rugers [45 colt] dang neer 20 years.
Still ain't wore them out.Does that mean I am a Rat? maybe.
Ol coot
From the High lonesome
Ol Coot:
It does mean you're a RAT(s). Heck, If'n ya can't wear them .45's out in that time, they gotta be tough.
Welcome to our outfit.
You are #514, Pard!
Mustang Gregg
Mustang Gregg,
Think you for the welcome, I'll try to live up to being a Rat. ;D
High Lonesome Rockys
Ol Coot
;D I have a first generation Vaquero 45LC that I got in the early 90's. I'm gonna check out my first CAS shoot sunday. It will give me an excuse to buy me two new Vaquero's :P I'm from scary ;D Marysville, WA originally from NYC but don't hold that against me. Does that make me a RAT bast... :'(
I had you in a coupla days ago. ;D
I think I got your name off'n the badge thread.
So I went to my first shoot as a spectator. Was that alot of fun. I gots to get me some of them thar new vaqueros ;D
How big is the rat badge?
Thanks for the warm welcome :D
May I join in as a RAT? 8)
I shoot a Single Six 22/22mag and have my "eye" on a Vaquero .45lc
Mestiza Letty :)
PS I wanna be a Dirty rat too ;D ;D
You're in!!
Thank you Thank you 8) 8)
just today got pair nmv 5 1/2" blue 357mag
i'm a cowboy now to shoot ;)
Saltbush from Oz:
I'll have you in afore sundown!! ;D
Glad to have ye!
Subject: Dirty RATS
I'm having computer problem. :o
Whenever I light up your name to BOLD it, it lights up a bunch of other (non BP RATS). So I gotta work on this some more.
Please include me also. Been shootin Rugers for 40 years. Always been my favorite.
If you need me to provide a PM or e-mail addy let me know
Mesitza Letty
Nope, you don't have to if'n you don't want to.
We just use alias's & territories on the RATS Roll.
I would like to join this noble group of RATS
Everybody in this family shoot RUGERS:
Me: Reverend Lyin Kerrdawg TG Sass# 57116 (L) 2- SS 4 5/8 357 Ruger Birdsheads
1- SS 3' 357 Birdshead Sherrifs Model
Wife: Katie Holliday Sass# 57117(L) 2- SS 4 5/8 32H&R Mags Birdsheads
Both Grandkids 2- 4 5/8 357 Ruger Birdsheads
2-SS 4 5/8 32H&R Mags Birdsheads
Sorry, Pards!
I have been TDY quite a bit lately. And more soon.
So I have been getting behind on getting you all in as RATS.
But I reckon I have it up to date now!
Mustang Gregg
I'd be proud if you would include me in the ranks of the RATS. It's the only brand revolver we use. :) :)
Seeing how all i have for SAA guns are rugers, you might as well add me to the list. :)
Ozark & Iron:
I will have you in shortly!
Glad to have you in the RATS outfit.
Been shooting rugers for a while. Want to be part of this group.
So is you alias Smokin6?
Is that how you want to be entered in the RATS Roll?
I´m a RATS, I purchased two this year, I love them more than my wife (dont tell her) ;)
Yes Sir Mustang Gregg
You'll both be in there shortly, RATS Pards!
Oooohhhh Rahhhhh The RATS crew is turning into One Heck Of a Force!!!!
Beer for the Horses and Whiskey for the Posse for in the morning we will RIDE! ;D ;D ;D
Rugers BLAZE'N
I am definitely a RAT, count me in.
I'll getcha registered right after church!
Time change ya know! >:(
My Ruger is a Single Six .32 H&R Mag, with case hardened frame and faux ivory grip.
She may be small, but is no delicate flower and while there may be many like it, this one is mine.
It seems that even though this is a wonderful model, it was short lived.
I have had a few folks tell me it is to small. But then... how big of a caliber does one need to feel like a "real man"?
Along with my Ruger, you can see my faithful Ken Richards knife, which I have had at my side longer than I have had a wife.
I would like to be a part of any group that can appreciate the Ruger revolver, even if it isn't a "big gun".
Not only am I a RAT 5 times over but I'm a DIRTY RAT too.
Can I get in also?
Stubshaft & Two-Step:
Welcome to the RATS outfit! 8)
Mustang Gregg
Might as well as me to the list... ;) I'm carrying two Vaqueros in 45LC, 7 1/2". One NM, one OM. ;D
FSgt Yoak:
Is FSgt a USAF acronym? Does it mean First Sargeant?
BTW: You're in the RATS now.
You're right. I corrected it.. :)
And thanks
Hey, Pard! No problem. I was just curious. ??? ???
All of the services have different rank designations & different acronyms.
And they have changed over the years too.
Welcome to the RATS!! ;D
I would like to put myself up for inclusion in this brother (and sister) hood. I shoot 3 OMV, 2 in .45lc, one in .44mag.
I might as well jump in too. OMV in 45 Colt.
Glad to have you, Pards!
I'll getcha put on the RATS Roll today!
Just purchased my dream Ruger...a 44 Special Flattop...will probably be shootin both the black stuff and the smokeless so I guess that would make me a kinda dirty rat if you'll have me.
Thanks, and good shootin'
PS I hail from NW New Jersey
May as well sign me up. Now shooting a pair of NRVs from Long Hunter. I shoot BP, so I guess I'm a dirty rat! ;D Been called worse! :D
You're in!!
I'll make my mark on the dotted line "X". Shoot two Vaqueros, an OM 45 Colt blued and a NM SS 357, both 5 1/2". Like the feel of the OM the best. Also shoot an ol' 3 screw Super Single Six (1969) 22/22 mag, a Stand Model Mark I semi-auto 22 (1970), and a 6" SS GP100 357. Am in the buying mood and hunt for a Super Blawkhawk 44. Enjoy them Rugers, may someday shoot black in the Vaqueros, for right now leaving that to my C&Ber's and a '72 Open Top.
Crow Choker:
Interesting name! I'll wager there is a good tale to go with it.
Anyhoo--You're now in the RATS Outfit.
You definately have enough Ruger equipment to qualify.
I guess I've waited long enough to join. Been collecting and shooting Rugers sense 1957. Shoot a pair of old model Vaqueros in 44-40 in CAS and still use my engraved Blackhawk .41 mag. Have shot BP in them but do mostly smokeless now. My SASS # is 87007 and Alias is "Bowie Knife Dick". Application form on page one is not working so any more info you need just email me. Wondering if the info on the "RATS badge order form" is up to date. Would like to order one. Located in Mebane NC.
Bowie Knive:
You are now officially in the RATS Outfit.
Yes the .doc & .pdf on the bottom of the 1st page of the badge thread should come through correctly. The badge is $70 + $15 for shipping.
Just print it off---Fill it out--Send to me---I'll get started on it.
Well, since I've got 11 of the darn things, from old flattops to new flattops, to a new model and inbetween, I guess I'm RATS
;D AK Jack:
I'm a guessing you are from up North.
So I'll put ye down from Alsaka.
Yep. Them Flattops are COOL six-guns!
Welcome to the outfit.
Mustang Gregg
hi all im bob from norfolk nebraska this past monday i pick up my first set of new 45 ruger Vaqueros 7 1/2 this is my first set of six guns all the people i have talk to say ruger is the best so thats what im starting with
I'll put you down when I can get on another computer.
This one's scroll function goes spastic when I get on the RATS Roll of Honor.
So I'll get your alias logged in next Wednesday.
What handle do you want? Bob White?
Mustang Gregg
:D Yeee haaaa! Rugers are indeed the best. This is Leadbelcher, aka Bones MacCalder, from Florida. I carry a pair of .357 Blackhawks for SASS shoots and have a stainless SBH .44 for fun.
Count me in?
Would you please mark me down as a "DIRTY RAT". I currently own 5 rugers. Three are NMV Stainless, 5-1/2" in 45 Colt and two are Old Armies, Stainless 5-1/2". They all digest black powder very well.
I'm Lucky R. K. from East Tennessee. ;D
Bob W,
Lead Belcher,
Luck RK:
I'll getcha down on the RATS Roll shortly. I have been at Red Devil for the last coupla weeks.
Hi All,
Fairly new to CAS CITY and finally working my way down to this group.
Please add me to your RAT roster....I carry a pair of .357 blackhawks for SASS shoots
and have a few other non-CAS Rugers. Real solid irons!
Just recently joined this site. I guess I'm a RAT and Dirty RAT. Ruger's ARE toughest six guns
Cliff & Cal-
You're now in the RATS Roll of Honor!
Glad to have ya!
Sorry it look so long to post ya.
Computer got fried by lightning.
Please add me to the roll of BRATS....
Birdshead RATS, that is.
You are now RATS #579. Welcome in!
You don't happen to be a solicitor, do ye?
Im new to the site and want to join. I got a single six and currently trying to find a ruger new vaquero. anyone have one for sale?
I wanna be a RAT
Believe I'd like to Join this posse. Shoot OM vaqueros and NM as well. Hunt with a Blackhawk! All of em are 45s.
I've come back to Rugers! Please add me to the Roll! Just picked up a New Model Vaquero Sheriff's Model in .44 Special today...really cool revolver!
(Jake MacReedy, aka Ron Clark)
I wanna be a RAT!
The first gun I bought was a Ruger New Model Single Six Covertible in 1978. Still have it along with many more.
Presently I am shooting stainless Blackhawks in .38/.357, Old Vaqueros in .38/.357 and New Vaqs in 45 Colt.
Love them Roogs!
Deadly Dentist:
I reckoned we already had YOU (your handle) on the RATS Roll. ???
Well, we got Doc Deadeye, Doc Wheellock, Doc McGee & some other docs, I recollect. ;D
Welcome to the Ruger shooting outfit!
Glad to have ye!
Merry Christmas,
Mustang Gregg
Since I just bought two Vaquero's; I guess I am a RAT! ;D
Okay, Pard. You're now in the RATS Outfit!
I didn't try to spell your handle. I "copied & pasted" it. ;D
Merry Christmas,
Mustang Gregg
been using a pair of Rugers from day one and the wife has her own pair
Glad to have ye here.
I'll get your handle put on the RATS Roll directly!
I wanna be a RAT! OMV .44-40 and 2 .45s. Actually I wanna be a DIRTY RAT as I dabble in The Dark Art of the Soot.
Welcome, DWC:
I will put you on the RATS Roll directly.
And as a DIRTY RAT, of course!
Thank ye kindly
How about a Canadian Rat?
I'm a Dirty, Dirty, Canuck Rat at that.
Ruger new Vaquero's s/s - 45 Colt- 2 naturally
Security Six s/s, in good ole three 5 seven
How's that for a 1st Post!
Cigar Man:
I recollect maybe only one other Canuck RAT.
Glad to have another one!
Welcome in, Pard!
Mustang Gregg
Reckon I am a RAT so sign me up.
old model Ruger Vaquero in .45 LC with 5 1/2" barrel.
Not sure it counts, but 2 M-77s to go with it. :D
Hunt and shoot all 3 here in the hills of middle Tennessee!
I will get you on the RATS Roll today.
You have qualified as a Ruger guy, for sure.
I see you're in TN. So am I until tomorrow am (when our conference is over).
Mustang Gregg
Could I be a in RATS? I have a really awesome Ruger. Its a 1957 Tri-Color Lightweight Single-Six 22. I love it, and pretty rare. Lemme know if anyone else has one on here!
I will get you both on the list directly.
Welcome home!
Mustang Gregg
My main match six guns are a pair of Old Model Vaquero Bisley s in .38/.357 case colored with 5-1/2" blue barrels.
I'm told that they were made in 2004 which makes them among the very last of the Old Model s .
I'm lookin' forward to bein' part of the RATS . Where does a certified RAT trade for thier official patch, or badge, or whatever?
Cabalero Chuck:
I recollect you will be RATS #601 (if my memory is working).
The info on getting a RATS badge is one of the first three threads on this forum.
Welcome to our outfit.
Mustang Gregg
Pair of sequentially numbered stainless New Vaqueros in .357. 45/8" Shilen match grade barrels. Ron Power Colt grip frames. Ron Power hammer and trigger sets. Wolfe springs. Competitive Edge Gunworks custom cylinders. Buffalo horn grip panels. Built by Larry Crow of Competitive Edge Gunworks. These are my main match pistols and other than a lone Colt New Frontier .22 aquired somewhere along the line, Rugers are the only SA's I've ever owned. First new one was a Blackhawk in .30 Carbine purchased from a local sporting goods store the same year that caliber was introduced. Got a number for an old RAT?
Yep, Sunset Slim.
I'll put you in the RATS system soon.
Could I get on the list too?
First post here.
Shootin' a pair of s/s NMV's, .45lc, 5.5" barrels sporting Altamontbonded ivory grips, no action work done (yet!)
You're in!
I shoot Ruger Bisleys in .357 and 45LC for SASS and I CC a Ruger Birds Head 45LC with a Bisley Hammer. 8)
I guess I've been a RAT for 10 years or more. So sign me up.
I have three pair of main match guns.
Single Sixes in 32 H&R
OMVs in 44 Mag
OMVs in 45 LC
Cumberland Mtn John
I'm outta town with a different computer, but I'll try to get ya'll in there. ???
Sure add me to the RATS list... I like my Rugers and have two new .45 Vaquero Montado's coming in the next few days to take over main match duty from my EMF Hartfords. Currently have a Blackhawk 45LC/45ACP, LCR, 10-22, and a Mark II.
You're in!!!!
I don't shoot competition but I do shoot Rugers . . . does that qualify me to be a RAT????
I love my Ruger New Vaquero - have a blued 5 1/2" in 357 that I put a lot of 38 spls. through - mainly at paper plates, dead pop cans and a woodchuck once in a while - and I love everything about the "old west" . . . . .
When the New Vaquero gets too warm . . . I switch off to my Ruger Super Bearcat . . . one of the older ones and a sweet shooting little SA . . . . .
And if I'm feeling "real macho" . . . . I just might stoke up my Ruger SR9 . . . . . but still prefer the New Vaquero over everything else . . . .
I'm in southern Arizona during the winter . . . where I concentrate on making gun leather . . . both SA rigs and the more modern semi-auto holsters . . . in the summer, I'm back in Michigan from May thru the end of Sept . . . .
Soooooooooooooooooooooooooo . . . does that qualify me to be a RATS??? Thanks! :)
Can I get in on this?
New Vaquero "Case Hardened" pair of .357's
Shore ye kin!
Is your alias Aperdue?
Don't have an alias yet but I'm working on that ;)
Have a pair of Rugers and plan on getting two more. I'd like to be rat. Can I ? Can I? I live California.
Yes you can.
Mustang Gregg,
Could you please change #610 from aperdue to Waldo Bodfish? Thanks
I have always been a fan of Rugers. When I recently got into CAS, my first cowboy gun had to be a Ruger. I would be proud to be a RAT.
Your handle is now on the RATS Roll.
Glad to have you!
Mustang Gregg
always wanted to be a RAT, always gonna be a RAT, now hand it over! Bisley Vaquero 45, Bisley New Vaquero 45, GP100 .357, 22/45 and not stoppin' there...
Yup, I put you in a couple of days back.
Well folks, it seems as if I have degenerated from being the sixhundred and first RAT to being an honest to filthyest Dirty RAT.
I just came home from an auction here in my town and bought myself a new blued Old Army.
I know I shouldn't gloat and all, but I think a never fired Old Army for $275 is worth crowing about.
So what needs to be done to "dirty up" my listing in the roster?
What, maybe I gotta load this here Ruger and liight her off to start this dirtying up process....
I'll work on it from a different computer.
You can't modifly the RATS list with the one I'm using here. >:(
Bein' DIRTY is a GOOD thing. :D
I just registered a few minutes ago. I scrolled through all the different sections and couldn't figure out where I should introduce myself and to start asking questions but then I noticed the "RAT" section and this seems like the appropriate starting point.
I registered after Googling for "single action revolver forums" because I'm interesed in getting a gun or two in .45 Colt and have questions. Since I still have the stainless Ruger GP100 .357 Magnum I bought 15 or 20 years ago and the stainless
Ruger P97 .45 Automatic I bought about 10 years ago I figure I belong here. I should quickly add that of the many different guns I've handled and fired and purchased over the years .....Rugers are still the best bang for the buck in my biased and humble opinion.
Anyway, having recently gotten interested in the cowboy action shooting sport, I 've spent the past 4 or 5 weeks looking at .45 Colt clones from Uberti /Cimarron and USAF and EAA, etc. and decided I wanted a nickel plated .45 Colt in 5.5 inch. I don't know why but I wasn't really looking at Ruger until it suddenly hit me today that Rugers don't cost any more than these other clones and fact is Rugers are way ahead of these others in quality and safety features.....features that I've been accustomed to in my current Rugers.
So, now I'm pretty certain I want a "New Vaquero" in stainless, 5.5 inch, .45 Colt. It wasn't until today I stumbled across a comparison between the new and old Vaquero and that sold me. The polished stainless looks so much like nickel that I'm really happy with it's look too.
This long winded intro brings me to a question. I see on the Ruger Web site that they have a SASS version of the guns I want. The only difference is that these are sold in pairs for nearly 1600 bucks, they have the SASS logo on the grips and the hammers aren't as tall as on the regular gun. They look very similar to Bisley hammers which I've never been fond of. Is there any particular advantage to having this lower stumpy looking hammer?
PS I could get two non SASS versions which are identical in every way accept for the stumpy hammers and the goofy looking SASS logos for 5 or 6 hundred less......seems crazy to me to pay 600 more for funny looking hammers....what am I missing?
Firstly, the SASS logo is not goofy and since you have obviously not shot a SASS Ruger with a Montado Hammer you should not pass judgement on these fine cowboy guns. Secondly Bisley's are an easy shootin Six if you have short thumbs or shoot one handed.
And, pairs of Ruger SASS Vaqueros don't sell for 1600 bucks anyway so you should expect to be in the 1000 range. I shoot Bisley's in 357 & 45 and single six Bird Heads in 32 but i have not found any other of my fellow cowboy's iron's to be sub standard or any of their grip logos to be goofy.
Quote from: Jack N Water on June 22, 2011, 07:25:15 PM
Firstly, the SASS logo is not goofy and since you have obviously not shot a SASS Ruger with a Montado Hammer you should not pass judgement on these fine cowboy guns. Secondly Bisley's are an easy shootin Six if you have short thumbs or shoot one handed.
And, pairs of Ruger SASS Vaqueros don't sell for 1600 bucks anyway so you should expect to be in the 1000 range. I shoot Bisley's in 357 & 45 and single six Bird Heads in 32 but i have not found any other of my fellow cowboy's iron's to be sub standard or any of their grip logos to be goofy.
Well, thanks for the warm welcome.....I think. I don't know who managed to hack my post and express that stupid opinion about the SASS logo being goofy. Heck....that's absurd....it's obviously one of the finest looking logos I ever saw.
I'm 63 years old and sometimes wonder if I'm going soft and senile. At least I can thank God I don't have short thumbs or any other short parts.....like those people who need stumpy hammers on their shoot'n irons..... ;)
My OMV cost 500 used. The fresh off the line NMV was only 450. I chose the old one but that is because everyone has their own preference. I have big hands so it fits like a glove for me. That's me, some may prefer thinner grips and shorter hammers, that is them. When you purchase an extension of your hand do what feels right.
And welcome Mr. Fingers. I really don't have an opinion on the logo but I do love Rugers.
Quote from: Leo Tanner on June 23, 2011, 11:08:46 AM
My OMV cost 500 used. The fresh off the line NMV was only 450. I chose the old one but that is because everyone has their own preference. I have big hands so it fits like a glove for me. That's me, some may prefer thinner grips and shorter hammers, that is them. When you purchase an extension of your hand do what feels right.
And welcome Mr. Fingers. I really don't have an opinion on the logo but I do love Rugers.
Thanks LT. I really should handle the new and the old, with both style hammers, before I decide.
4 Fingers:
I put your handle on the RATS Roll this morning.
Mustang Gregg
Quote from: Mustang Gregg on June 23, 2011, 07:31:32 PM
4 Fingers:
I put your handle on the RATS Roll this morning.
Mustang Gregg
An honor, thanks Gregg.
Welcome to the RATS 4FingersI myself agree also:
Quote from: Leo Tanner on June 23, 2011, 11:08:46 AM
My OMV cost 500 used. The fresh off the line NMV was only 450. I chose the old one but that is because everyone has their own preference. I have big hands so it fits like a glove for me. That's me, some may prefer thinner grips and shorter hammers, that is them. When you purchase an extension of your hand do what feels right.
And welcome Mr. Fingers. I really don't have an opinion on the logo but I do love Rugers.
The Ruger SASS Six-shooters are a package of desirable features coveted by many SASS shooters developed over the history of SASS some of which you have noticed. I have opined somewheres 'round here that I'm a fan of this package if it was in the OLD MODEL 'cause the NM feels like a pocket pistol in my hands and it aint right for me.... :D
Long Hunter has a great deal on the SASS pair with all the work'ns done on 'em and they're in 45LC now! I'll recheck his sight and post here in modification fur ya!
Check Here!..... http://www.longhunt.com/ruger/ruger-sass-vaquero.htm (http://www.longhunt.com/ruger/ruger-sass-vaquero.htm) ;)
Welcome again!
I'd like to be included in the Rats Roll please. I'm from Kansas.
Love the Rugers.
Suppose I'm a Dirty Rat
Two OMV's and blackpowder only (OK, 15 grs gamer loads)
BTW, I'm Dutch and shooting CAS in Holland and Germany.
Four Eyes Henry:
You are on the RATS Roll.
I cannot put your handle in bold from this computer.
There is a glitch in the system on some computers that I have tried.
But I will get to it when possible.
Mustang Gregg
Thanks Mustang Gregg,
BTW, the country code would be NL (Netherlands) not D (Germany) ;D ;D ;D
I will fix it when I can get on my own computer.
The RATS List has a code problem that I cannot overcome from this here MWR computer.
I'd like to be considered for the RATS!
I have 6 of the beauties currently! ;D
From Columbus OH
AZ Smith:
You're in now! Welcome!
My only question is----WHY OHIO???
Went where the work took me, then they went outta business! I'll make my way home eventually! ;D
They have this stuff called snow here and it lasts for months!
AZ Smith:
Be careful of that white stuff.
It can turn into ice and wreck your truck.
Good luck on making it back home to AZ soon.
Mustang Gregg
(temporarily away from home too)
Please sign me up. I am a long time Ruger fan and own over 20 of various models and calibers.
Red River Mac in Texas
Yup, signed you up last week.
I ain't had no time to reply here, though.
Been awful busy in Kandahar!
I've owned a Rugers since 1973. I've always had at least one. At present I'm down to 4, a 1955 Mark I Target .22, a P95 9mm, and a brace of .44 SPL Ruger Vaqueros in blued finish, 4 5/8" bbl and consecutive serial numbers courtesy of Lipseys.
Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Me too.
How did I miss this board?
Izzoquazzo & Snake (temmi):
You're on the list now. Welcome, Pards!
BTW: Annie Lee Independant and I started the RATS as kind of a joke association back in late '04.
But it has been a pretty successful & fun forum.
Mustang Gregg
Howdy... just found this forum! :D Sign me up!! I have 3 pairs and shoot the Holy Black in one set. Had me a pair of Open Tops, but sold them....loved my Rugers so much more. :-* All are 45's. The Bisleys are my favorites!
Miss Cubbie:
Hostage Killer?...heheheheh
You're now officially a RATs!
PS---I'll put your alias in Bold for BP when i get to another computer. I can't do it from this one.
May I jump in?
5 Ruger single actions, and a "few" of their modern contraptions as well! :)
Southern Illinois!
Bear Claw:
You are now a member.
Mustang Gregg
Hello, do you have any room for a Dirty Rat from Sweden.
All black trough my barrels
Last count was 12 Rugers - I hope that qualifies me for membership in this esteemed group. :-)
Located in between Saint Louis and Columbia, Missouri, good ole USA.
T.Two Dogs
Howdy - how do I go about signin' up as a Dirty RATS pard ???
GG ~ :)
I'm a New Rat and a Dirty Rat, which makes me a New Dirty Rat.
2 x Vaquero 44-40
3 x Blackhawk .357mag
-Pico Pistolero
Sure wud like ta be one o' them raucus Ruger Rats ! Sign me up if'n ya can. ;)
I got me 17 o' them thar Rugers an 8 of 'em are single-actions.....Vaqueros, Blackhawks & Single Six's.
Deadeye Dingus
Van Buren, OH
Don't wanna be left outa this! Rugers are the onliest thing this Rattlesnake cowboy hangs from his hips.
Rattlesnake Slim, SASS #91827
Lake Tahoe CA in the summer
Warm southwestern RV park in the winter
I would love to be a RAT. I have a SS Vequero in 45 colt, SP101 in 38 special, mkIII 22lr fluted bull barrel, and a left handed Clark Custom 10/22. Oh and I forgot my Mini 14.
Hey there.... gots me 2 ofem Ruger thumb busters..... and poss 2 more comin soon. i gots to learn to keepem seperated.
outa southeastern penn.
Count me me in. I have a safe full of Rats. (8) Vaqueros, mk 1-2-3's (6) 10/22's
Mini's M77's. Later
New members:
I will get all of you feller's aliases put in today.
Welcome to the RATS & Dirty RATS.
Mustang Gregg
I wanna be a RAT! Will my two Old Model Vaqueros in .45 LC admit me to RATdom? TIA!
Greg Harrod (AKA Grouchy Greg. SASS#71981)
Fredericksburg, Va.
Home club: Pepper Mill Creek Gang (www.northernvirginiagunclub.org)
I love rugers in any configuration. I have 10/22s, Mark I pistols, Blackhawks, single sixes and vaqueros. I will only shoot Ruger sixguns because I want them to last.
I would like to be Rat(s)
Etch my name on the wall, if you would please!
I love my Vaquero! I'll be picking up another in 2 weeks. Shooting .38 and 375 at present, but want to get a blued pair in .45 as well!
Love my Rugers!
- Ben Bitten
I got you all on the wall now!
Stay tuned for Ruger info, hints, history, pictures, and stuff like that.
Mustang Gregg
Howdy.... Can i join all you fine folks. Got 2 5 1/2 nw vaq 45s , and couple newer type guns. So can i stay...Can i Oh im outa SE penn
TO of PA.
You're in the RATS now!
Welcome to the outfit.
Guess I need to make it official and sign up with all of you like-minded compadres. Much as I love all good single actions, it is plain that Ruger makes the toughest guns out there. All American is the icing on the cake! I shoot the new fangled smokeless occasionally but my heart is covered in soot. I humbly apply to be a RAT and a Dirty RAT at that.
Lookin' forward to it.
Many thanks!
Michael Bigbear Lowe
Yohanaqua in the Cherokee Lands
Add my name to the wall. I've got a few Rugers.
Coastal South Carolina for the last 21 months.
Butte Bob:
You and Big Bear Lowe are IN! I haven't had time to get on the computer every day to answer each RATS personally. But I should be home from Afghanistan in 6 months. I'll keep up better then, I reckon.
Welcome to the RATS outfit.
Mustang Gregg
Count me in! 8)
You are in now. Where ye from?
Quote from: Hopalong Strong on October 18, 2011, 04:49:39 PM
I love rugers in any configuration. I have 10/22s, Mark I pistols, Blackhawks, single sixes and vaqueros. I will only shoot Ruger sixguns because I want them to last.
I would like to be Rat(s)
You been looking in my safe??? Actaully think I have a MK II vs MKI but why quibble rest is the same.
Can I join too? Half my guns are Rugers. ;D
. Ruger Mini-14 223
. Ruger 10/22 22LR (x2)
. Ruger Vaquero 357 Magnum (x2) [SASS]
. Ruger LCR 357 Magnum
. Ruger LCP 380 Auto
. Ruger 22/45 22LR
The Vaqueros are my favorite and funnest.
2 Vaqueros. I want to be a RAT!
I'll get ya both in right shortly.
Sign me up! Ruger's my ticket, won't own another brand o wheelgun. Just waitin for em to put out a lever action so's I cen complete the collection.
Almost forgot, I hail's from Houston MO, by way of VA, CA an NV. :'(
You are now in the RATS outfit!
Welcoming you warmly,
Mustang Gregg
I'm going to get a down-day here pretty soon. I will sit down and go through all of the posts and get your alias's and states (or provinces) and get them updated.
Sorry so slow.
Mustang Gregg
I just bought a New Vaquero in 45LC and will be picking it up in 10 days (California). Then I have to wait 30 days from today before I can buy another handgun. Doesn't matter to California that I already have a whole bunch of handguns, oh well. ::) By the way in addition fo the Vaquero I have: two 10/22s and a MarkIII Hunter in non CAS guns.
Pay Dirt Norvelle:
You gonna be a RATs.
I'm signing you up now.
Welcome to the outfit.
Please accept my application as a RAT and a Dirty Rat ;D. I received my 4 5/8 NV last week for my birthday. After shooting it, it has replaced my Uberti cattleman for around the farm carry. It shoots slightly low POA at 25 yards, but it's just a couple of inches. The center is right on. I like being able to carry 6 instead of 5. Although I love and shoot BP in most of my guns, including this one, I am keeping one snake load as the first up and 5 Hornady .45 leverevolution rounds next. It shoots really good with the Hornadys and I let my young nephew use them in a 92 carbine during deer season, so I have every confidence it will handle anything I will encounter here, four or two legs. (We just had a police shootout yesterday down the road of a meth lab these city druggies are bringing out here so I'm using it for self defense as well as pleasure while farming. Glock 22 when I go to town.)
I forgot, I live in Custer, Kentucky. Spent a while in Colorado and parts unknown....
Working on it!
;D ;D ;D
Do not think I ever tried to sign up.
Probably am an Old RAT. First ruger is a single 6 purchased summer of 71 after I returned home from Vietnam. Wanted a 44 mag but the only centerfire ruger in the store up in the bitterroot was a 30 carbine
2 SBH one 10 inch on Bisley
3 44maq vaqueros
2 NMV 45
a Second Single six
MKII Tgt 22
No.1-b 25-06
Having shot a few BP rounds from the NMVs maybe really a Dirty Old Rat
Somehow was never bitten with the bug to purchase one of the ruger center fire auto pistols. Perhaps my penchant for Wathers, Lugers and 1911s colored my judgement.
A model 77 and one of thier shotguns would pretty well complete the battery
I may need a stainless OMV 44 7.5 to give me a pair of each, blued and stainless.
Now that I have the BP shotgun loading thing firgured out may start shooting some FC
Cpt Dan:
I put you in a couple of days ago.
You're definately qualified to be a RATs.
Mustang Gregg
I would like to join the Rats. I worked all summer long when I was 14 o buy a single six. It's still my favorite Ruger I owm. Many Have past thru my hands but currently I own
.45 colt bisley 7.5
.45 colt bislet ss 5.5
.45 colt Vaquero 4 5/8
.45 colt blackhawk brass grip frame 5.5
.357 3 screw unconverted 6.5
.357 vaquero ss 4 5/8 for my wife
2 single sixes 4 5/8, 9.5
2 10/22's one for me and one for her
currently that's all I own but I love them Rugers and want plenty more ;D
Just PCSed in with a New Vaquero. Please add my name to the roster.
LT Cook
Dakota Territory
I will have both of you in soon.
Mustang Gregg
Please, add me to the list. Two New Model Vaqueros
It will be done!
Mustang Gregg
Would like to be a RAT. One so far NM vaquero .45c 4 5/8 barrel. Massachusetts.
I'll have you on the roster directly!
Welcome to the outfit! 8)
Just wondering how the back is doing? I know it can be a problem as I have had back surgery and it is no fun.
Pay Dirt:
I am going to a pain doc today. I'll probably get one of them shots in a big nerve (with steroid) and will feel better for a couple of weeks. We'll' soon see! ??? ??? ???
Thanks for checking.
Have a RATty, day, Pard!
Another RAT request here.
I've got two stainless New Vaqueros in .357 with 4.58" barrel, my wife is planning on two more for herself (blued) and my youngest son has a stainless NV as well.
We live in the Virginia territory for now but we're moving out to Wyoming eventually.
Oh boy! another RAT. We are going to take over the world! ;D ;)
You are a RATs.
Glad to have you in our outfit.
Shoot well. my friend!
You are now officially in the RATS Posse, Pard!
Post often!
Mustang Gregg
As a dirty rat??
Missouri Ozarks here.
Heck, yea!! You qualify!!
You're on the list!!
I'd like to be added too please... I can't let you guys have all the fun.
2 OMV's (1-case hardened, built in '93 and 1-SS, built '96), .45LC, 4 5/8" barrel.
Cool! I'll get your name on the RATS Roll asap. Is it Ed Bso?
Where do you hail from?
Welcome to the outfit!
Mustang Gregg
Mustang Gregg -
Thanks for the welcome!
I sent you a PM ;)
Cracker Cowboy:
I got it changed.
Sent you a PM, too!
Much obliged,
I would like to join to please.
I have a Ruger old army and a Vaquero Sheriffs model 45, and always looking for a good ole' Ruger. ;D
TX Slim:
You're in!
Check the RATS Roll.
I am a RAT at heart.
The first hand gun I ever bought was a Ruger Supper Black Hawk 44 mag.
This year of 2012 I have bought 9 new Rugers ;D
I'll get your name down on the RATS Roll as soon as I can.
Good to have you! ;D
Mustang Gregg
Will these work? ;D
Our place is in Kansas....it's not the butt end of nowhere, but you can see it from the front porch
Great! I'll get you on the RATS Roll ASAP!
Mustang Gregg
Please add Long Branch Louie from NC territory! Owned Rugers since the early 70's, they are well built, affordable and AMERICAN!
Well said, LB Louie!
You're now in the RATS!
Welcome, Pard!
PS Do you live near a river called Long Branch, by chance?
Hey all,
My first post here. I love my Ruger's. I do not have a 6 gun as of now but am looking at a Vaquero. I am in Ca. would like to be part of the RATS.
Thanks Jack
Well, now you are one!
Welcome aboard, Pard!
Mustang Gregg
Thank you!
Looking forward to learning about this new to me sport. I have always liked Ruger so was happy to find the Vaquero. None at the LGS so will have to order 1. Seems Ruger's are tough to get here. I have a 22/45 on order sense 6/12.
Thanks again.
Ruger shooter for ages.
Just saw this is where u sign up for RATS
Whiskey wants in! Northern California here. Sass#97496
Sign me up! I got my first deer hunting gun when I was twelve and have bought many ever since. Currently using a pair of SS Vaqueros for cowboy shooting; and just love em!
WJ & TC:
I will get you signed up directly.
Welcome to the RATS Outfit.
Mustang Gregg
Sign me up. I have 2 Ruger 45 Vaquero's. Northern California. Getting into SASS at the end of the year. Now what do these badges look like?
High Sierra
It will be done!
Look at the above badge post for images.
After years of shooting C&B revolvers I have taken recently to shooting BP in a nice pair of .45 Old Vaqueros.
Still need to match the grips. ;)
G'Day All, :D
Me to please,
Vaquero .44 Mag 7-1/2" X 2
Regards from Aus
I'll get you in real soon.
Mustang Gregg
I have a pair if gloss .45lc. I wanna be a RAT
It is done.
Please add me to RATS
Double Tap Taylor from CT
With two NM Vaquero 45 LC
I got into CAS in the early 90's with a pair of Vaqueros that I still have. More recently I bought a pair of Ruger Blackhawk Flat Tops for my wife in .44 Spl.
Does that make us a pair of rats?
Double Tap...I'll get you in asap.
Hardtack...I thought you are already a RATS member. I'll put you in if you ain't.
What's your wife's alias? And your territory too, please.
Been shooting only Rugers revolvers for the last 6 years (excluding cap guns).
Is it a coincidence that I've never been happier?
You decide.
Hope that I'm worthy!
Mule Ear MO
Gold Rush Territory
Why sure, Mule Ear! You're IN!!!
Happiness is a warm Ruger.
And to further expand on my last post (happiness is a warm Ruger)....My 6 month old Golden lab's name is RUGER!!!
Quote from: Mustang Gregg on April 01, 2014, 10:43:50 PM
Happiness is a warm Ruger.
More true words may never have been spoken! ;D
Great to be counted amongst such fine and distinguished folk!
Mule Ear MO
I'd like to sign up as well! Has this Single six since the early 80's. Just added 2 New Vaqueros to the stable!
(http://i975.photobucket.com/albums/ae234/Hatchetjack/imagejpg1_zps3e4b3cd6.jpg) (http://s975.photobucket.com/user/Hatchetjack/media/imagejpg1_zps3e4b3cd6.jpg.html)
I'll getcha in shortly.
I'll be a RAT! I am new to CAS and shooting New Vaquero's in .38 /.357. I love them!
Welcome to the RATS!
I shoot a pair of stainless Rugers. One New Vaquero and the second is a Montado. Please sign me Up.
Sure thing, Pard.
What is your alias?
Sign me up, Mustang Gregg! I need to be on the RATS roll when it's called up yonder! ;D
I've decided to join the list of the illustrious and benevolent RATS! (if you'll have me) I don't do CAS, but I do shoot a stainless New Vaquero.
Dan Gerous
I'd like to join too, I've got 9 Rugers including a ROA which I shoot both with the cap n ball and black powder cartridge.
Dan Gerous and John Smith.
I'll get you in today. Welcome to the outfit.
Mustang Gregg
Got a few Rugers and love them. Join me in. ;D
Done! Are you a Dirty RATS?
What state are you from?
Minnesota. What's a dirty Rat?
Dirty RATS shoot black powder in their Rugers.
I have 3 Blackhawks, 1 OM and 2 NM's, and an OM Single Six. Do I qualify? :)
Sure thing, KM!!
I though we already had you as a RATS Posse member.
But I didn't see your name on the RATS Roll of Honor.
So now you are!
Mustang Gregg
I think you're #717.
Cool, thank you. Have to build up some cash, get me a badge soon.
Howdy all!
Count me in. I have 2 SASS Vaqueros in .357. First hand guns I have ever owned.
Halliday Kid
SASS #100334
Halliday Kid:
You are now #718.
You'll like those Rugers!
I would like to enlist in your service to our beloved Rugers! I shoot them smokeless and dirty!!
Maj SH Long
Tri County County Cowboys
NRA Life
OK you will go down as DIRTY.
Especially with a name like that. :o ;D
Well, Thank you, Sir! Proud to be a "Filthy Rat" from Iller-noise who knows Nebraska well!
Maj SH Long, your 25 miles east of me, I'm in Freeport.
Quote from: King Medallion on February 16, 2015, 08:54:58 AM
Maj SH Long, your 25 miles east of me, I'm in Freeport.
Well howdy to you King Medallion!! What club do you shoot with? I am the match director for the Tri County Cowboys (TCGC) just outside of Polo. We shoot on the 2cnd Sat starting in April about 0900 or so. Come on down, will be glad to have you shoot with us. June's match will be a special GAF shoot.
I shoot with the Good Guys Posse north of Winnebego, tho I think most of them come down from Bristol. I was just at your fine range as a guest last month and it is a really nice range. I will try to get down there and look you up.
Quote from: King Medallion on February 18, 2015, 02:00:01 PM
I shoot with the Good Guys Posse north of Winnebego, tho I think most of them come down from Bristol. I was just at your fine range as a guest last month and it is a really nice range. I will try to get down there and look you up.
That is where I thought I have seen you!! I get over to the Good Guys when I can. I'm only 5 miles away, but being tied to Tri County I more often than not don't make it. Know most of the Cowboys who are on the board there.
Hello the Camp,
I reckon I ought to request permission to come aboard.
I've been shooting a Blackhawk in 45LC since 1977 when I was 14. I am getting a Vaquero Bisley in the same caliber, so am hoping I might be allowed to brief.
We can do that.
Is your alias Matt 45?
Mustang Gregg
roger that
Got it. You're in!!
Aye laddy... I guess that you can call me a dirty rat. Only shoot em' at deserves it though.
Shoot it in everything from my Vaquero's to my Old Army's. Someone complain once...didn't know who, cuzz of all the smoke. Couldn't identify him at all. ;)
You are in!!
I am going to go through the RATS threads backwards and find out the posters who are Ruger owners and make them RATS.
Mustang the Moderator 8)
I am the proud owner of several Ruger's. But my NV in 45 Colt are my favorites. I have joined a local Cowboy Club and have been practicing, but not competed yet. I need to go and shoot with them soon, hopefully by then I have a better shooting times.
Yep, Cinco!
Get all of the trigger time you can! Wear those Ruger out! Actually, that is almost impossible! ;)
You'll find the cowboy shooters are a great bunch to help you with the shooting techniques and shooting safety.
I have a pair of vaqueros in 45 LC, 44-40, 38/357, and 32 H&R, a pair of old 22 SA, and a10/22. Love em all. But the most fun is choking everyone with all the Soot. Black is where its at. ;D
You are in.
If shooten Rugers makes me a RAT. What does shooten Colts make me? Anyhow I'm from West Virginia where the Sun Shines in the sky and the Moon Shines in the basement. I love shooting Single Actions of all Brands.
I enjoy shooting .22 RF, .38 special, .357 magnum, 44/40, .44 special, .44 magnum, and .45 colt. My favorite, hard to say, but I'm leaning towards the 44/40 the older I become.
Shoot Safe, have Fun, try to take a new to shooting person with you when ever you can.
Randy Miller
I got you in the RATS.
Been shootin Rugers for bout 20 years from 38/357,41mag 44mag .45 colts prob my favorite now that I've entered the "DARKSIDE" Wish they would make NMV in 44-40 love making smoke and fire in South Western PA .
Ricochet James SASS# 92587
Ricochet James:
Welcome to our Ruger outfit.
I'll get your name posted in the RATS Roll ASAP.
I have a pair of New Model Blackhawks in .357 Magnum and a P-90 and a P-95 as well. The P models alternate as my daily carry pistols and the NMB's are broken out every time I head to the desert ranges for some fun.
(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v349/treadhead1952/th_EmRugerP90DC_013.jpg) (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/treadhead1952/media/EmRugerP90DC_013.jpg.html)
(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v349/treadhead1952/Firearms%20Projects/th_EMail357Ruger.jpg) (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/treadhead1952/media/Firearms%20Projects/EMail357Ruger.jpg.html)
Las Vegas, NV
Been shooting Single Six's, Security Six's and Blackhawks for many years.
What should we use for your alias?
What state are you from?
Mustang Gregg
We be proud to be R.A.T.S., all 45's.
Bar-B-Sue shoots a brace of SASS New Vaquero's & I light off a brace of 5.5" Blue Black SAA's
Steel & Sue:
You are IN!!!
I am a 'Relatively' new Ruger Shooter as I bought my First Used Ruger Revolver in late November 2015.
It is a New Model .22 CAL. Convertible Single Six that I had custom converted to a Center Fire Single Eight in .25ACP, and other Cartridges, with a 10-5/8" long barrel.
The end of June 2016 my Second Cylinder was finished by my gunsmith in ".250ALRM"; a .25ACP diameters "wildcat" of 1.250" case length. I also have some other 'Mildcats' I can shoot through this revolver now:
"6.35x26mmSR Stewart" of 1.020 through 1.056" case length, I currently am trimming to 1.055" in my experiments.
This is the same Case length and overall length as a .22WMR cartridge and also has the name ".25 Magnum Auto" and ".25MACP".
"6.35x28.6mmSR Stewart" of 1.125" case length. This is the Same length as the old .25 Stevens Rim Fire Cartridge.
"6.35x32mmSR Stewart" of 1.250" case length. the same case length as the ".250ALRM" but made from a 5.7x28mm Case.
All the 'mm' case designations are Made from Resized and trimmed 5.7x28mm FN once fired Brass.
All the "inch" case designation sar e made form Resized and trimmed .22 Hornet Brass (mostly new PPU brass).
So far I have loaded 50 grain FMJ and 63 grain Lead bullets ahead of BE-86, Power Pistol, Bullseye, Or Unique.
weakest fired to date is Factory Prvi Partisan 50 grain FMJ .25ACP, and the Strongest so far is 3.0 grains of BE-86 behind ^3 Grain Lead in a .25ACP case.
Left side of my Ruger .25ACP Single Eight, with Cylinder installed.
Right side of my Ruger .25ACP Single Eight with cylinder removed and Loaded with cartridges.
Close up of the Modified 8-shot cylinder. It is still marked as '22-MAG' though.
Eventual Plans is to have four separate Cylinders, one for each basic cartridge designation/case length.
I have not yet come up with a method to remark the cylinders in their actual Cartridges without the chance of distortion.
I also have a Stevens "Favorite" converted to Center fire and use a ".25 Stevens" barrel to 'plink' with .25ACP rounds.
I can fire 6.35x28.6mmSR Stewart in it if I down load to about Trans sonic Velocities (about 1124fps).
Best Regards,
Chev. William
Chev. William:
Well, that is interesting. :o
I like wildcatting too. Ruger SA revolvers are great platforms to build from.
You are now RATS member #736.
Thank you for Making me a Member of the R.A.T.S.
I hope to request a 'Badge' when I receive my Social Security Retirement payment at
the End of the month, provided I don't have a a Huge Utility Bill like I did last month.
Retirement is not Highly Remunerative it seems. No "work calls" from My Union for a
Month or more now, and I had to decline the last 'work call" s I am not up to hauling
4/0 Power Cable up ladders to the Permanent Overhead of Stages any more.
Moving it around on the stage floor is still OK.
Best Regards,
Chev. William
Look at the badge thread to find the badge order form.
It's usually the first or second one on the RATS forum.
I sent you a PM and an email also.
Quote from: Mustang Gregg on August 03, 2016, 08:22:54 PM
Look at the badge thread to find the badge order form.
It's usually the first or second one on the RATS forum.
I sent you a PM and an email also.
Thanks fo9r The pointer, I found it as an addendum to the tenth Post on The first Page.
I will fill it out, add a Check, and Mail it in.
Best Regards,
Chev. William
PS: Order with check out for USPS Mail Pick Up now, Carrier Due Tomorrow, Thursday, 2016AUG04. Chev. William
I am Now a "Two Gun Ruger owner" as I took Possession of a Used .32 H&R Magnum Ruger Single six complete with a Belt Mount Holster.
This Used up all the 'Discretionary funds' in the Month so I will not be able to try it out until possibly next Month.
This "Possession took place September 20th due to the Shop being closed between the 16th and the 20th due to multiple sick shop personnel
Just in time for my Birthday Anniversary on Sept. 21st, my 74th.
Also, my "R.A.T.S. Reserve" Badge Arrived and it looks GREAT! I am Planning to Purchase a Badge Wallet to carry it in, hopefully one that I can hang off my belt or a Pocket to display the Badge when appropriate.
So Far A Good Birthday for me.
Best Regards,
Chev. William #736 R.A.T.S. member.
Is it too late to jump into the RATS brigade? I reckon I'm just a Dirty RAT!
San Antonio, Texas!
Quote from: Chev. William on September 21, 2016, 11:35:45 PM
I am Now a "Two Gun Ruger owner" as I took Possession of a Used .32 H&R Magnum Ruger Single six complete with a Belt Mount Holster.
This Used up all the 'Discretionary funds' in the Month so I will not be able to try it out until possibly next Month.
This "Possession took place September 20th due to the Shop being closed between the 16th and the 20th due to multiple sick shop personnel
Just in time for my Birthday Anniversary on Sept. 21st, my 74th.
Also, my "R.A.T.S. Reserve" Badge Arrived and it looks GREAT! I am Planning to Purchase a Badge Wallet to carry it in, hopefully one that I can hang off my belt or a Pocket to display the Badge when appropriate.
So Far A Good Birthday for me.
Best Regards,
Chev. William #736 R.A.T.S. member.
The Badge Wallet to fit S&W Style #262L is now on Order from "Cops Plus" (www.copsplus.com) and expected in about four weeks.
I have also requested my gunsmith to try experiments with Ruger Single Six used Cylinders: a Blued 6-shot .22LR to be re-cut for .32Auto (~.337" body diameter) and a Stainless steel 6-shot .22-Mag to be Re-cut for .32 LC (the .318" body diameter ones).
If these come out well, then I will consider having the .32 H&R revolver reworked to work with the Modified .22 Cylinders (requires setting the barrel back to lengthen the forcing cone end and trimming the front of the .32H*R cylinder to work with the New forcing cone position).
My Hopes for the future on this .32 include eventual cylinders for some other CF versions of old RF cartridges of .318" body diameter such as the .32 Extra Short, .32 short, .32 Extra Long, etc.
That Stubby little .2 Extra Short might make a nice short range 'plinking' and target round.
Best Regards,
Chev. William
Signing in to be a Rat!...lol...Own a cuple, but the mainstay in a New Model Blackhawk in .45LC.
You are a RATs!
Welcome in!
I own 6 Rugers, would also like to be recognized as a RAT.
Take care
It is DONE, Rafe.
You are #738 now, Pard!
just curious,, what does ** behind a name mean ?
While Asking: there is also a "*" behind my Name. What does it signify?
Chev. William
Quote from: Isom on August 15, 2018, 12:16:58 PM
just curious,, what does ** behind a name mean ?
This was posted last year. Annie Lee was the founding member of RATs she has passed on since then. See memorial in Tall Tales section.
May I be included in the High Order of RATS? 2 Vaqueros, 1 Blackhawk and three .22s!
You are RATs #739!
I'll have you on the list in just a minute.
BTW, is that you in the pic?
LOL, no I just liked the gal with a Tommy Gun! I am a beat up old grouch.
Yakima Red present and accounted for.
44-40 Vaquero's every match for many moons. 6 other pairs. All use the Holy (real) Black.
It would be an honor to be a "Dirty Rat"
Colter's Hell Justice Committee
Powell, Wyoming
I thought you were already in the outfit.
But you are again.