In a earlier post, i ask some question about my OMV.
Here it is. I have this OMV Special Edition, the case coloring is coming off, Ruger fill fix at no charge, should I have that fix, or just sell it the way it is?
Thanks ACE
It is not like you have a 1st or 2nd generation colt there that "fixing" might reduce the value. If Ruger will redo the finish for free I think it is a no brainer. Have them do it. It will only increase the value of your gun.
Thanks Deadeye, that is what i wanted to here, i am going to send it off tomorrow.
I've never seen one that bad. I agree, send it ta Ruger.
Slim's right...That's the WORST I've ever seen the "case hardened" finish come off.
Let them fix it for you. I think they will stand the cost. At least they used to. 8)