Cas City Forum Hall & CAS-L

Special Interests - Groups & Societies => RATS => Topic started by: Mustang Gregg on February 24, 2007, 05:42:41 PM

Title: Said we'd never do it-RATS BADGES?##Price increase##
Post by: Mustang Gregg on February 24, 2007, 05:42:41 PM
When Annie Lee & I started this Rugers RATS thing, we parleyed & pondered long about RATS badges.  
We decided it would be a royal pain.  So we said RATS membership is for life & FREE.  No charge---No Badges.

But after the RATS Outfit caught on---I had a couple made up (one for her & one for me) as Christmas presents.  Sadly Annie passed away just before the two badges were done.

I am ponderin' gettin' RATS badges made again.

Please let me know who would be interested in a badge.  The charge would be $95.00 as long as the builder will still do 'em.  The logo (enameled Ruger Eagle) is done here at the shop.  Ruger gave me permission over the phone to do it.

So RATS Pards who are interested----contact me here on the forum.  If we have enough interest---It'll probably happen.

Here's what they'd look like.  
"RATS POSSE" or "DIRTY RATS" on top line.  
"YOUR ALIAS" on bottom line.
"YOUR RATS No" on bottom point.

Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS Badges????????
Post by: Will Blastem on February 25, 2007, 05:36:54 PM
I think it's a GREAT idea ;D ;D ;D

I'd wear one proudly.
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS Badges????????
Post by: Dakota Dan from OZ on February 25, 2007, 05:48:14 PM

Yes, I'll wear one here Downunder as a Proud Ruger owner  8)

Dakota  8)
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS Badges????????
Post by: Texas Lawdog on February 25, 2007, 06:08:03 PM
A RATS Badge is a great idea.  Count me in. I would be proud to display my loyalty to Ruger.
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS Badges????????
Post by: Lucky Irish Tom on February 25, 2007, 08:13:15 PM
Great idea Gregg! I'd like to own one.
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS Badges????????
Post by: knucklehead on February 25, 2007, 10:55:49 PM
I want one too.

would it possible for em to say "diry rat"? ;D

if you do make these available, will the red ruger pin be included with the badge ready to assemble or would each person have to provide their own ruger pin?
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS Badges????????
Post by: Mustang Gregg on February 26, 2007, 02:01:14 PM
I have a bunch of the RUGER EAGLE  enameled centers on hand (maybe 10 or 15). 
If we do this, I'd just include them in the first batch of badges (until they run out).  So they would be free to the first wave of RATS badge owners.

As far as the DIRTY RATS engravin', I'll have to check. 
I don't know if they would hit me for an extry engravin' charge or not.  ???     ???     ???

I will just leave this post open & see what kinda response we get.
Then if we get a lotta requests, I'll give out my address to send checks to.
Delivery time was 8 weeks one the first order. 

Mustang Gregg
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS Badges????????
Post by: Tricky Trina on February 26, 2007, 02:15:10 PM
I'd go fer two since me and the hubby both be RATS and friends of Annie's.
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS Badges????????
Post by: Roon Dog on February 26, 2007, 04:24:30 PM
I would sure like one to!! ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS Badges????????
Post by: Mustang Gregg on February 26, 2007, 04:49:40 PM
NOTICE!   Dated August 2016.

Email me for a pre-made order form.  
I reckon I have the details figgered out now.

Email address:

Or better yet:  
Here (below) is an order form to print off & mail!

There is a problem communicating with the CAS City server computer.  
I can modify the address, but cannot modify the price.  Anyhoo, the price is now $95.00 each including the shipping.
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS Badges????????
Post by: Mustang Gregg on March 26, 2007, 09:49:37 AM
I have made a correction:
Please make the checks to just "GREGG CLEMENT".

My mistake.

Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS Badges????????
Post by: Dr.Cletus Pineboxx on April 16, 2007, 11:28:12 AM
Hey Mustang:
      I would surely be a gettin one of them there badges if'in ya made them up.

                                                                       Dr. Cletus Pineboxx :)
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS Badges????????
Post by: Mustang Gregg on April 16, 2007, 11:50:04 PM
Dr. Cletus Pineboxx:

There have been several ordered so far.  I expect the first shipment to get to me by early May. I got home from Tucson & Tombstone the other day & I have several more letters with orders to process.

If ye want one, there is an order blank on the 1st post.  Please use it.  I can't do it by email or phone.

Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS Badges????????
Post by: Mustang Gregg on April 18, 2007, 01:01:43 PM
We got the first 3 badges in.
They are:  Knuckelhead, Calamity JoAnne & Will Brigand.
I will attach the Ruger eagles & ship them out tomorrow.

EDIT:  Eagles are on & they will go out on the mornin' Phony Express (US Mail). 

Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Mustang Gregg on July 10, 2007, 08:32:39 PM
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: WHSKYRUNER on July 14, 2007, 11:05:49 AM
What's the charge? And where do I send my gold dust/
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Mustang Gregg on July 14, 2007, 06:12:21 PM
I recollect it is $95.00 delivered.  
See this same thread above for the order blank.
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: NMOutlawCuz on August 05, 2007, 08:17:18 PM
Will send mine in as soon as funds to do so are obtained.
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Doc Burns on September 05, 2007, 06:54:03 PM
Sent you a pm because I can't download the form.
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Mustang Gregg on September 05, 2007, 10:43:10 PM
I will send you a form by email.
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Mustang Gregg on December 17, 2007, 10:08:14 PM
I just found out that the badge manufacturers' price went up in January and so did  USPS & UPS.   >:(

Damn it!  They upped the shipping and the badge prices on me again.  
They say it is because of the metals markets & fuel surcharges.  >:(

I will modify the order form to reflect $85.00 total cost, instead of $75.00.  :'(
Let's just make the change effective on 01 FEB 2008.
EDIT..EDIT..EDIT..EDIT..August 2016The price is now $95.00 and I'm still losing money.

Manassas Jack, I will honor your order with the older price.  And any others that get to me before the end of the week.  8)

Your Pard,
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Limpin' Leroy on January 15, 2008, 03:46:49 PM
Howdy MG......well I've been ponderin' this badge order form and even through I was able to do it at least once (I have my badge!!) I just can't seem to be able to get back there.  I am at the "we said we'd never do it again,but...." page, from the top all the way down to the bottom where it say 'here is an order form to print & mail!'..........but I just cain't find it!!!!!!  Best of luck on your current duty assignment...............and yes my badge did arrive BEFORE Christmas!!.....................take care...........Limpin'
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Mustang Gregg on February 05, 2008, 10:45:21 AM
Manassas Jack:

I just got your order.  The process will begin today.

BTW:  The badges will have to go up to $85.00 to break even.  Yours will be fine, though, Bob!

Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Mick McCrady on March 04, 2008, 05:48:53 PM
Howdy MG,

I'll take one too!!!!!  Downloaded the form and after you email the go ahead, I'll mail you a check for $85.00.  I am also a member of "ROBS".  It was started a couple of years ago called the "Royal Order of Bisley Shooters."  Thanks again for the interest in Ruger Shooters.

Mick McCrady
Tincan Sailor
Trusty Shellback
Vietnam 65-66
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Mustang Gregg on March 06, 2008, 09:14:52 PM
Sounds good, Pard. 
Send the order form.
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: manassas jack on March 12, 2008, 01:27:50 PM
I just got my Badge ;D Looks good. Thanks Mustang 8)

Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Mustang Gregg on March 12, 2008, 01:32:34 PM

Glad ya like it.
We RATS do think they are pretty cool.

Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Mustang Gregg on March 31, 2008, 08:47:36 PM
Six Shot Steve (one of the DIRTY RATS) :

I got your letter & order today. 
It will be made up ASAP.

Mustang Gregg
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Mustang Gregg on August 13, 2008, 01:02:57 PM
The price had to go up a might for both the badge (material, they tell me) AND the shipping cost.  Go figure!
Anyhoo, the latest deal is $85.00 to your door.
Evidentally the website or the CAS City site still shows the old price.  And I have updated it several times.  >:(
Actually, I lose money at $85.00.

Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Angel_Eyes on August 24, 2008, 09:25:06 AM
I would love one of those but could you get it to the UK? and where do the enamel centers come from?
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Mustang Gregg on August 25, 2008, 06:53:01 PM
I'm sure it could be sent.
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Angel_Eyes on August 26, 2008, 05:57:48 AM
 Colonel MG, If you can work me out a price inc shipping and a method of payment then count me in please and I will supply address details on request. (I'm getting excited now!!)
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Mustang Gregg on August 26, 2008, 06:49:56 PM
Sent you a PM.
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: judge squarely on December 21, 2008, 02:19:20 PM
I think it is a great Idea!!! add me to list of guys that one to wear one
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Mustang Gregg on December 24, 2008, 10:42:03 AM

Look closer to the top of this thread.  I think there is an order form you can print off & mail in for a badge.

Warning---Them badges have gone up in price a little $$$.
I recollect they are about $80 or $85 now.

We haven't made one for a couple of months.
If you're interested, let me know.

Mustang Gregg
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: HERBIE T. TOAD on January 23, 2009, 10:40:05 AM
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Mustang Gregg on February 11, 2009, 07:45:03 AM
I thought I put your alias in a couple of weeks back.  ???
Guess we best check.

Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Mick McCrady on February 12, 2009, 01:46:39 AM
Howdy MG,

I'd like one of them Rats Badges.  I think I'm on the list.  Kan't remember the number.  It's # 34

Info:    Mick McCrady

email me at the form(can't download) and where to send the gold and it'll be out when I get it.  Thanks

Mick McCrady
SASS 30504

P.S.- I do have a ROBS badge-Royal Order of Bisley Shooters.
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Mustang Gregg on February 12, 2009, 02:12:43 PM

All of the info is earlier on this same thread.  Just read back near the front.  There is an order blank that can be printed off.  Please use that form.  I cannot take an order on the phone or on an email.  I need it in your writing.

I'll try to send you a PM soon.

Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Pokey Packrat on March 17, 2009, 07:30:44 AM
 Mustang Greg, I'm just wondering if you recieved my Badge order, and if  an availability time is possible, no hurry, just anxious,

Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Mustang Gregg on March 20, 2009, 07:49:39 AM
Good timing, Pokey!
Check the other thread.
It was sent yesterday on my lunch break.

Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Smoky Jolena on April 12, 2009, 04:04:38 PM
I am a down and dirty RAT and might have to pay on layaway but i would LOVE one badge like the one pictured.
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Mustang Gregg on June 15, 2009, 01:55:14 PM
Isom Dart:

I shipped BOTH of your badges yesterday on UPS insured. 
Keep an eye out.

Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Marshal Big Daddy Jenks on July 15, 2009, 12:36:21 PM

Signed up today for the RATS Posse. Are the badges still avaliable, if so how much and what is the space limit in the bottom line
where one's alias is printed? I have the order form just needed these other questions answered. Thanks for your time and assistance.
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Mustang Gregg on July 17, 2009, 06:53:55 AM
20 or 21 spaces, they tell me. 
They said they can go smaller, but the lettering will be shortened a might.

Note that the order sheet ain't up to date.  I gotta email Marshal H about that.

Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: yeti76620 on July 22, 2009, 12:36:21 PM
Quote from: Marshal Big Daddy Jenks on July 15, 2009, 12:36:21 PM

Signed up today for the RATS Posse. Are the badges still avaliable, if so how much and what is the space limit in the bottom line
where one's alias is printed? I have the order form just needed these other questions answered. Thanks for your time and assistance.

Hey there Marshall Big Daddy Jenks,

Be SURE ya have the correct order form, if it's going to Malcom, NE your's is wrong!  I kinda ran into that myself.
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Click-Bang on July 29, 2009, 01:15:13 PM
Sign ME UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'd like being a RAT ;D
I'd like a badge too!!!
Just let me know where to send the Gold

Click-Bang 74323 Life
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Mustang Gregg on July 30, 2009, 04:54:07 AM

Check earlier posts in this badge thread. 
There should be a post with the order form attached to one of them. 
I hope you can get the updated order form.  Sometimes it works.  ???

Or PM me.

Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: yeti76620 on July 30, 2009, 01:50:44 PM
Quote from: Click-Bang on July 29, 2009, 01:15:13 PM
Sign ME UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'd like being a RAT ;D
I'd like a badge too!!!
Just let me know where to send the Gold

Click-Bang 74323 Life

Click Bang,
I just tried the Lt. Col.'s quick link and it came up the old address in Malcolm, NE on my machine NEEDS TO GO TO the Table Rock, NE address or it'll end up where mine landed: In a pile of non-forwarded letters.  I'm a thinking that 'ol MG misses Malcolm or just likes road trips!! ;D ;D :D :D ;D

Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Marshal Halloway on July 31, 2009, 09:58:56 AM

Here is the updated order form in a PDD version. Got this from Mustang Gregg this AM.
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Mustang Gregg on July 31, 2009, 11:27:10 AM

Can you modify it to the new address & new prices I emailed you?

Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Marshal Halloway on July 31, 2009, 11:48:50 AM
Quote from: Mustang Gregg on July 31, 2009, 11:27:10 AM

Can you modify it to the new address & new prices I emailed you?


The PDF:

should have the updated address and price you sent me:

Gregg Clement
R.A.T.S. Badge
PO Box #A
Table Rock, NE  68447
$70.00 + $15.00 (shipping) = $85.00 per order.

Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Mustang Gregg on July 31, 2009, 01:15:08 PM
Thanks, Marshal.

Seems the link still brings up Malcolm, NE.

I wonder what's going on.

Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Mustang Gregg on August 18, 2009, 10:10:55 PM
Rev S. Dawg:

Your badge turned out fine!  It will be shipped to you in a couple of days.

PM me with your address.  I left it at work,   ???

Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Mustang Gregg on August 26, 2009, 04:38:33 PM
Rev SD:

Did they badge get to you yet?  ???
I shipped it (insured) on Saturday on USPS.

Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: yeti76620 on August 29, 2009, 08:00:37 AM
Quote from: Mustang Gregg on August 26, 2009, 04:38:33 PM
Rev SD:

Did they badge get to you yet?  ???
I shipped it (insured) on Saturday on USPS.


Lt. Col. Sir,

I just got back from the Prairie last night and my Technology falls off the edge of the earth out there.  So I'm regretting that I'm just now letting you know that I received that   :o "Star plucked out of the Sky"  :o  this past Wednesday.  I hope the late word didn't worry you too much!  :-[  The name font size is larger than I was prepared for 'cause of the Alias  length.  I'll be a rutt'n buck wear'n this fine piece lett'n all know that I shoot the  the TOUGHEST Hand Guns around!!!!  The R.A.T.S. Posse "Rev. Sassquatch Dawg" #480 badge has arrived and is of the finest quailty!!  THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO Lt. Col.!!!!  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Mustang Gregg on August 29, 2009, 09:46:59 PM

You're very welcome!
Glad ye like it.

Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: yeti76620 on September 12, 2009, 05:56:51 PM

Had the last shoot of the year at "The People's Republic of Boulder, CO" today.  I proudly adorned my blouse with the awesome R.A.T.S. Posse badge for all to see.  There was a bunch of very impressed Pards who have never heard of RATS; henceforth, I was very informative; hopefully, you get a little busier from some of my posse here in the Colorado Territory.  Dang the is a rightly handsome badge!!!  HooooRaaahhhh   ;D

Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Lightin' Larry on September 15, 2009, 01:28:50 PM
Just bought a pair of matching New Vaquero's Beadblasted Stainless from Long Hunter and would be proud to wear the RATS badge.  Will send form and a check.
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Mustang Gregg on October 20, 2009, 04:28:46 PM
Montana Wind:

Your RATS Posse badge left here today on FedEx Air.
You should see it soon.  8)

Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Montana Wind on October 23, 2009, 09:03:45 PM
Howdy MG,  Just to let ya know I got my RATS badge today.  It sure is a beaut, can't wait to show it off.  Thanks MG

                                                                                                  Montana Wind
                                                                                                  RATS #496
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Mustang Gregg on December 07, 2009, 12:39:43 PM
To Montana Smoke:

Your badge has been ordered today & will be shipped Priority. 
Let's hope that the Christmas crunch don't hold it up much.

Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Mustang Gregg on January 03, 2010, 03:30:39 PM
MT Smoke:

It is done and I sent to you last week on USPS insured.
Hope you like it.   8)

Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Victor Vaquero on January 06, 2010, 01:25:51 PM
Can someone tell me what RAT stands for? Whats the current price with shipping to 98271?
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: yeti76620 on January 06, 2010, 02:33:21 PM
Quote from: Victor Vaquero on January 06, 2010, 01:25:51 PM
Can someone tell me what RAT stands for? Whats the current price with shipping to 98271?

Welcome to the R.A.T.S. there Victor Vaquero,  you'll be poke-n 'round here and you'll run into the sign in thread and it is PROUDLY stated:  Rugers Are the Toughest Sixguns!

I'm pretty sure that the Lt. Col. includes ship-n with the price of that Really Fine Star from the Sky, but I'm reserving that to Mustang Gregg....our Lt. Col., .....bully.... ;D ;)

The order form is a page back....look for Marshal Halloway's post on this thread.

Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Victor Vaquero on January 09, 2010, 02:29:56 PM
How big are the badges & where do I pick up the Ruger emblom
and what size?
No one has answer my rats membership
request yet
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Mustang Gregg on January 17, 2010, 01:48:27 AM
The badge is 3".   
It has the Ruger eagle emblem on it already.


PS:  I have been on mil duty. 
So I haven't been able to get to the RATS forum every day.
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Boothill Bob on February 26, 2010, 02:50:03 PM
I want one, how can I get it????  :P
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Mustang Gregg on March 24, 2010, 07:27:21 AM
Boot Hill:

Did you get my PM?

Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: rebsr52339 on May 18, 2010, 10:19:37 AM
Is the info and address correct on the order form on page 1 OK to send a check and order a badge? If not, Email me and I will send it to where ever you say.
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Mustang Gregg on May 18, 2010, 11:24:18 AM
Email is on the way.
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Mustang Gregg on September 04, 2010, 07:43:07 AM
Lucky RK:

The badge is on it's way.  Watch your US Mail.  I sent it insured.
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Lucky R. K. on September 09, 2010, 08:28:17 AM
Badge arrived yesterday afternoon and it looks great.

Thanks for your efforts.

Lucky  ;D
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Jack N. Water on March 16, 2011, 08:20:15 PM
unable to make the RATS badge order form work    ???
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Mustang Gregg on March 25, 2011, 03:24:36 PM

PM me your email address.  I can send you the order form on a attachment.

Please decide very soon.  I leave for OEF in a couple of months.
That'd make it a year-long wait for a badge.   8)

Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Jack N. Water on March 25, 2011, 03:43:57 PM
PM sent

Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Mustang Gregg on May 01, 2011, 12:26:15 AM
Jack N. Water:

Your badge is on it's way to you!

Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Jack N. Water on May 01, 2011, 10:32:01 AM
Cant Wait. ;D   ......But I must     :'(
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Jack N. Water on May 03, 2011, 07:32:34 PM
Well, I guess I cant say enough about the badge so ill post up and let it speak for itself.  ;D
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Mustang Gregg on May 03, 2011, 09:26:32 PM
Glad you like it, Jack! 
It's pleasure to do them for Ruger six-shooter fans.

Mustang Gregg
(who a big fan of Jack and Diet Coke)
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Iron Horse Garrett on May 05, 2011, 07:58:52 PM
Truly would like to get one!!  ;D
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Mustang Gregg on May 07, 2011, 09:50:10 PM
Sorry.  There's no time to build one up for you now. 
I leave for Afghanistan this month.

Mustang Gregg
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: pinto beans on May 08, 2011, 05:58:23 PM

God speed to a safe return, keep your powder dry!!
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: yeti76620 on May 08, 2011, 06:09:01 PM
Quote from: pinto beans on May 08, 2011, 05:58:23 PM

God speed to a safe return, keep your powder dry!!

I also pray for your safe return back to NE and thanking you again as always for what you do here as the LtCol and to where ever you are sent to help protect our FREEDOM.  God Bless you and all of yours!

aka Reverend Sassquatch Dawg
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Mustang Gregg on May 09, 2011, 05:34:30 PM

Thanks for the well wishes. 
I reckon we can email and get internet when we're at the FOB.
So I'll keep ya all posted when I can.  And probably still moderate the RATS outfit forum.

Mustang Gregg
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Miss Cubbie on September 18, 2011, 06:27:00 PM
Prayers up for you to return home safe and sound.  Whenever it's possible, I would like to add my name to the waiting list for a Dirty RAT badge. Haven't ever met another RAT, but we signed up for Winter Range in 2012, so maybe I'll see some badges there. :D   Plan on shooting the BP night shoot.
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Mustang Gregg on September 23, 2011, 12:01:26 PM
I'll get your alias in BOLD soon.  I just cannot do it due to some dang glitch in this computer.
I know you wanna be a DIRTY RAT.  
BOLD works everywhere, except on the RATS list.   ???

Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Miss Cubbie on September 23, 2011, 01:54:10 PM
Thanks! I was asking about a RAT badge.....know it's gonna be some time before it can be done, but just wanted to put in my name for one whenever it's possible to order one again. 

Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Mustang Gregg on September 24, 2011, 07:02:56 AM
Just keep the order form handy and send it with a check next May. 
It will take just over a month to get one all done up.

Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Pay Dirt Norvelle on April 13, 2012, 12:56:25 PM
I have my order form and will keep it ready to be filled out when you get back. 
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Big Bear Lowe on April 14, 2012, 08:31:27 AM
Mustang Gregg,

I've got my badge form ready and a'waitin' your return.   Looks like a lot of folks do. I will probably hold off a decent interval and allow you to aclimatize to the homelands.  I appreciate your service and sacrifice and we look forward to having you home safely.  Take care old hoss.

Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Mustang Gregg on April 15, 2012, 08:14:27 AM

Contact me a few days after Memorial Day.  
I should be ready to get the new RATS or Dirty RATS badges going by that time.
They are worth the wait!!!

Much obliged for your patience.
Mustang Gregg
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Pay Dirt Norvelle on April 15, 2012, 03:06:29 PM
No problem on the wait.  You just back safe and sound.
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Mustang Gregg on June 06, 2012, 12:24:59 PM
I'm still on DEMOB. 
So it may be awhile.  >:(

Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: yeti76620 on June 07, 2012, 05:39:59 PM
Quote from: Mustang Gregg on June 06, 2012, 12:24:59 PM
I'm still on DEMOB.  
So it may be awhile.  >:(


Them "shrinkers" still pull'n sand outta Ye ol' head?.......  LOL........  ;D
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Mustang Gregg on June 09, 2012, 01:00:14 PM
Reverand Yeti and all:

Nope, I'm on medical hold for injuries from falling off a Chinook.  My vertibrae (sp?) are SNAFU. 
I have no idea when I will get released of get home.  ??? 

The WWA gunshop business is suffering from my absence too.  Dang, I get calls every day from guys who want reloading supplies, guns and ammo.

The RATS badges and Dirty RATS badges are gonna have to wait a spell too.  >:(

Mustang Gregg
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: HogDoc Olliday on June 14, 2012, 01:18:32 PM
I would wear it proudly!  :D
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Pay Dirt Norvelle on July 18, 2012, 06:22:50 PM
Just a question Mustang.  When do you think you will be able to get to the RATS badges or are the Doctors still keeping an eye on you?  :o
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Mustang Gregg on July 18, 2012, 06:56:34 PM
RATS Pards:

I am still in the Warrior Transition Battalion, but I have a bunch of "use or lose" leave that I have to burn before 30 Sep. 
So I will be at home enough over the next few weeks and be able to get new badges going. 
Go ahead and send them orders forms to me.

Mustang Gregg
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Pay Dirt Norvelle on July 25, 2012, 03:54:00 PM
That's great Gragg.  My order form and gold are on their way via Pony Express.  ;)
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Mustang Gregg on July 29, 2012, 07:44:15 PM
I just got badge orders from these RATS:

AMY OAKLEY               (R.A.T.S. POSSE)   562
C. O. JONES                (R.A.T.S. POSSE)   606
MISS CUBBIE               (DIRTY R.A.T.S.)    622

They will be processed ASAP!!

Mustang Gregg
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Pay Dirt Norvelle on July 29, 2012, 11:20:07 PM
 ;D ;D ;D ;D :D
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Mustang Gregg on July 30, 2012, 12:23:48 PM
We are running out of the Red Ruger Eagle medallions. 
I reckon we will have enough on hand now to make maybe 10 more. 

My supplier has dried up.  So I will be looking for a new source.

Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: yeti76620 on July 30, 2012, 12:52:47 PM
Quote from: Mustang Gregg on July 30, 2012, 12:23:48 PM
We are running out of the Red Ruger Eagle medallions. 
I reckon we will have enough on hand now to make maybe 10 more. 

My supplier has dried up.  So I will be looking for a new source.


OH BABY!.....  I was afraid this was gunnnnnaa happen......  I just LOVE this particular logo'd medallion, has the older Eagle with colorful enamel.  Been look'n for others like it and it's just awfully dry.....

The current lapel pin is nice but all bronze color with the single "R".

MG... do ye get ta keep that ChinnyNook ye stumbled offfah?

Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Miss Cubbie on August 03, 2012, 08:13:04 PM
Quote from: Mustang Gregg on July 29, 2012, 07:44:15 PM
I just got badge orders from these RATS:

AMY OAKLEY               (R.A.T.S. POSSE)   562
C. O. JONES                (R.A.T.S. POSSE)   606
MISS CUBBIE               (DIRTY R.A.T.S.)    622

They will be processed ASAP!!

Mustang Gregg

:D :D :D :D :D :D


Miss Cubbie
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Pay Dirt Norvelle on September 21, 2012, 11:12:11 PM
I received my R.A.T.S.  badge today and wow! it is great.  ;D  Only one problem, it looks to nice to wear.   ;)  I am just kidding and will be proud to wear it at our October shoot. Mustang, thank you for al the work you put into these. 
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Big Bear Lowe on February 12, 2013, 05:25:05 PM
Received my RATS badge(s) yesterday.  I couldn't decide which I wanted (mostly I shoots the holy black but confess that sometimes I backslide into the heathen powder as well).  Both badges are as slick as I had suspected and I am well pleased.  I will be a'wearin one or t'other whenever my Rugers roar.

Many thanks to Mustang for all of the work he puts into this endeavor.  He is a true gentleman.

Michael "BigBear" Lowe
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Mustang Gregg on February 12, 2013, 08:51:00 PM
Glad you like them, Mike.
I will put you down on the RATS Roll as a Dirty RATs.

Mustang Gregg

PS Gentleman??  I dunno 'bout that.
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Mustang Gregg on May 20, 2013, 12:07:01 PM
RATS Pards:

I just found out that I've lost money on the last few badges.   :o :o
I wish I didn't have to do it, but we have to raise the badge price. 
With the inflated material and shipping the price is now $95.00 each.

All options will stay the same and should be shipped to you within 35 to 40 days.

Please understand that it will take awhile to get new order forms made.  But the only change will be $85 is now $95.

Much obliged for understanding,
Mustang Gregg
[RATS Guy]
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Tommy Reb on May 20, 2013, 06:20:18 PM
Mustang Gregg, PM sent.  Thanks.
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Mustang Gregg on May 21, 2013, 08:35:54 AM

Your price will stay the same.  You got in just under the wire.   8)
Should be seeing your RATS Posse badge before the 4th of July.

Much obliged,
Mustang Gregg
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Wrangler Red on February 01, 2015, 05:56:23 PM
Are badges still available?  2/1/15
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Mustang Gregg on February 04, 2015, 10:01:02 PM
Yes, Red.
I just finished Barbwire Bill's.
I hope to get it shipped to him tomorrow.

Mustang Gregg
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Mustang Gregg on February 08, 2015, 07:46:11 PM
Barbwire Bill:

By the time you read this, you should have your RATS badge.

Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Chev. William on July 07, 2016, 03:01:23 PM
Quote from: Mustang Gregg on July 30, 2012, 12:23:48 PM
We are running out of the Red Ruger Eagle medallions. 
I reckon we will have enough on hand now to make maybe 10 more. 

My supplier has dried up.  So I will be looking for a new source.


Mustang Gregg,
It has been a long time since this post to the thread.
Have you had any Luck finding qnother source for the Enameled 'SR Logo"?
Best Regards,
Chev. William
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Mustang Gregg on July 07, 2016, 08:21:00 PM
No.  But I have one or two left, I recollect.  The rest are R only. 
I haven't made a badge in quite a spell.
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: King Medallion on July 07, 2016, 10:11:31 PM
How much are they now? Got a pic?
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Mustang Gregg on July 08, 2016, 03:12:37 PM
Same price (give or take $5.00).  I'll have to make a couple of calls to find out what the blank badges will cost me.
There should be a badge pic on one of the first posts on this thread.
I'm not on the computer with the images.

Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Chev. William on July 08, 2016, 11:35:15 PM
While you are checking on blank badges, would you look into a "Possy Reserve" or similar type?

I am old Enough that I would not feel 'right' in the 'Front Lines' any more.

Best Regards,
Chev. William
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Mustang Gregg on August 03, 2016, 03:38:58 PM
I sent an email and a PM.  Did you get them?
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Chev. William on August 05, 2016, 10:17:48 AM
Marshall Gregg,
Yes, i did but a "Work call that lasted 9 days over the Last Three weeks and entailed 9 and 11 Hour Work days delayed My Response.
Wednesday I set the response order with check out for USPS pickup on Thursday, and it was Picked Up by The USPS Mail Carrier in the afternoon, so it is "in The Mails" now.

Please Let me know when you receive the order and then please Let me know when the Badge is mailed?

Best regards,
Chev. William
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Mustang Gregg on August 08, 2016, 10:38:32 AM
Nothing yet.
Title: Re: We said we'd never do it, but---RATS BADGES????????
Post by: Mustang Gregg on August 08, 2016, 10:56:46 PM
It got here.  I sent you an email. 
Since I haven't heard back from you, I'm going to call.

Title: Re: Said we'd never do it-RATS BADGES?##Price increase##
Post by: Mustang Gregg on August 09, 2016, 02:00:29 PM
Damn!  I knew something didn't look right.
I just ordered the latest badge and the base cost is over $90.
I guess you must have looked at the .pdf showing $85.00 order blank (which I can't change on this website).

So all subsequent orders will be at least $95.00 for the RATS badges.

Title: Re: Said we'd never do it-RATS BADGES?##Price increase##
Post by: Chev. William on September 10, 2016, 11:09:29 PM
Mustang Gregg,
My R.A.T.S. Badge, #736, Arrived in today's Mail and it Looks GREAT!
Now i will get a 'Carrier Wallet' to fit it and I will be Proud to show It when at My Local Range with my Ruger Revolvers.
By the way, I am Buying a second 'Single Six' and it is a Used 'New Model' in .32 H&R Magnum that I will be getting a custom Cylinder made to fi tit for .32 Long Colt as an Alternative Caliber for it.
Thank You Again,
Best Regards,
Chev. William
Title: Re: Said we'd never do it-RATS BADGES?##Price increase##
Post by: Chev. William on October 28, 2016, 01:57:43 PM
My Ordered Badge wallet arrived Yesterday evening and I am Saddened to report that the 'cutout is slightly smaller than my Badge and will need to be Trimmed to allow a Fit.
This could be either a change in tooling by the Badge maker or an undersized punch at the Wallet Maker.
I will be Carefully trimming the "Cutout" by hand until my Badge fits it properly.

For what it is worth:
The Label on the Wallet 'Baggie" says: Strong Leather Co. Badge Shape 967, Double ID Badge Wallet with credit card slots, ID's are back to back, Black Leather,  item No. 79500-967, Max. card size 3" x 3 1/2", fits the following badges: Blackington B2517P, Badge height 3", width 2.69", badge shape 967 and an outline drawing that looks like the outline for the badge shape I ordered, 'Smith and Wellan #262L'.

Vendor substitution or Error?????
It does not matter as I can make it fit with some rework.

Best Regards,
Chev. William #736
Title: Re: Said we'd never do it-RATS BADGES?##Price increase##
Post by: Mustang Gregg on October 28, 2016, 10:52:45 PM
Just off the top of my head, they 9S&W Badge) are a model #262L. 
But I would check before I did any cutting.
Title: Re: Said we'd never do it-RATS BADGES?##Price increase##
Post by: Chev. William on October 29, 2016, 12:24:20 PM
Quote from: Mustang Gregg on October 28, 2016, 10:52:45 PM
Just off the top of my head, they 9S&W Badge) are a model #262L. 
But I would check before I did any cutting.

It appears that the "967" badge and the "262L" badge share the Outline but there MAY be a slight difference in Manufacturer's Punches involved.  My "262L" badge is slightly Bigger,Top to Bottom, than the cutout in the wallet.  Side to Side it seems to match and the Top contour does Match the cutout very closely.
The Bottom contour is slightly different and as such does not exactly match the Wallet cutout exactly.  The Space between the top two 'Star" tip balls and the Bottom two is also slightly longer in the Badge but would seem to go in if pushed.

Anyway, It is now with a Professional Leather Worker/Saddle Maker to be 'trimmed' to fit my Badge and he will also make a piece of leather to go in the "pocket" along with the badge to keep the Pin Back from wearing hole sin the outside of the wallet.

the same professional is going to make a simple Holster to fit my Ruger Long Barrel Single Eight so I will be 'Properly outfitted' eventually.

By the way.  this is the same person who restored a ~1906 Winchester "Leg of Mutton" take down rifle Scabbard for me that I bought off Ebay.  He had to Hand Stitch EVERY joint an replace the Handle and one Strap.  Unfortunately it is not long enough for my Win. 1890 Rifles but it is long enough to take a Stevens Favorite in two parts.

Best Regards,
Chev. William
Title: Re: Said we'd never do it-RATS BADGES?##Price increase##
Post by: Chev. William on November 10, 2016, 02:19:03 PM
I picked up the Badge wallet and Holster this Week.

The badge Wallet is now a Much Better fit to the S&W262L Badge and the  added Leather 'buffer' insert appears to be protecting  the Woven Polymer Material of the Back of the Wallet well. Now to Make up The Identification Card Insert and start wearing it.

The Holster Looks very good with My revolver in it.  Now I am waiting upon a Belt to put it on.

At Least the 'Heavy Campaign Rhetoric Coverage' is winding down again.

All slowly coming together.

Best Regards,
Chev. William
Title: Re: Said we'd never do it-RATS BADGES?##Price increase##
Post by: Mustang Gregg on November 28, 2016, 07:21:14 AM

That's good information to know.
Thanks for sharing!

Much obliged,
Title: Re: Said we'd never do it-RATS BADGES?##Price increase##
Post by: Chev. William on December 05, 2016, 06:11:34 PM
Mustang Gregg,
The Badge Wallet I started with is  "STRONG Model 79500 Shape 967" ( Strong Leather Co., 39 Grove St., Glouchester, MA 01930 Tel.:(978)879-1050 Fax.:(978)281-6321 ) ordered from "COPS PLUS (.com)" on-line.

Cropped Close up of Badge in Wallet Modified cutout:

Photo from which the Cropped Close up was taken:

This Badge Wallet has a Leather Outer Face lined with 'Nylon Cloth" for a Bill Pocket. the ID flap is Two sided with clear plastic windows on both sides.   the opposite main side has four Pockets for 'Credit Card Size' items and also visible is a soft 'Swede' flap to protect the Badge finish.  It comes with an insert which takes the Pin back to hold the badge in place. I had my Leather Worker / Saddle maker make an additional insert piece to prevent the Pin back cutting through The Pocket 'Nylon Cloth' back.
This is done in all over Black finish.  It came with a Small Sticker stating: "Made in India".

Overall, i am pleased with how the Wallet came out now tha tit is fitted for this badge.
Best Regards,
Chev. William
Title: Re: Said we'd never do it-RATS BADGES?##Price increase##
Post by: Mustang Gregg on August 31, 2019, 10:30:21 PM
I believe we will cease making RATS badges.
The interest has dropped off and the blank badge price has got very high and I've run out the eagle medallions with SR on them.
The only new ones that I can find only have an R in them and they are a different dimension.
I'm very sorry to let you all know this.

Thank you for all of your RATS support,
Mustang Gregg
Title: Re: Said we'd never do it-RATS BADGES?##Price increase##
Post by: Chev. William on October 04, 2019, 09:52:50 AM
Sad News; but at least I still have mine in my wallet carrier.
I also have added a photo ID card to the Wallet.

Chev. William