Testing 1-----2-----3
EWE passed ;)
still not sure it's werkn' ;)
This was only a test, if this would have been a real thread you would have been expected to post replys and make it at least a dozen pages long. ;D
Quote from: Delmonico on February 05, 2007, 07:56:57 AM
This was only a test, if this would have been a real thread you would have been expected to post replys and make it at least a dozen pages long. ;D
but Del, you know we gotta post a few pages, even if it is only a test
I figger since a polly-ti-shen started it, it will tern into a rant about <spit> pasture maggots <spit>
Might end up with the sheep (spit) rantin' 'bout polly-tick-eons though. ;D
Weather problems, lR?????? 8) ::) ;)
Naw the sheep in his yard been chewin' on his connections. ;D
;D ;D ;D ;D
Lotta blankets an' no meat ::)
got an old saddle that needs relined
I do like a good shearling coat. Correction... I would like a good shearling coat. ::)
Uh, lR I hope that's not a piture of yer first pohlitical rally! :o
Interns. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) :o :o :o :o :P
Let's just make sure we don't have to hear this:
QuoteI did not have, uh, relations with that, uh, sheep.
The stained fleece will be the evidence. ;D
They say it.... never mind.
Just follow the directions and you will be fine:
Looks like LR has a "hillary hair ball" stuck in his throat! ;D
Was he licking her hair?
Quote from: Trinity on February 05, 2007, 08:20:06 PM
Was he licking her hair?
Licking off the lice & ticks. :o
Quote from: Trinity on February 05, 2007, 07:49:52 PM
Let's just make sure we don't have to hear this:
when you say that
;D ;D ;D ;D
Hmmmm, seems like Pea-Eye has an opinion on this as well. Boy, for a test this is a long one.............Buck 8) ::) ;) ;D
Quote from: Four-Eyed Buck on February 06, 2007, 09:12:39 AM
Hmmmm, seems like Pea-Eye has an opinion on this as well. Boy, for a test this is a long one.............Buck 8) ::) ;) ;D
Typical Hijacking for around here Buck.......................
psssst< whisper mode< Buck, that's not Pea Eye that's "Macho" one of last years colts. He's nearly as tall as Pea Eye already, he also burbs when he does that.>whisper mode off<
Take this thread to Cuba. ;D
lR, ya keep givin long tests like this an yer gonna lose constitchewwents!
lR, couldn't see his mane or top of his head that well. Guess that's what they mean about assume ;D ;D ;D
Quote from: Lucky Irish Tom on February 06, 2007, 11:53:12 AM
lR, ya keep givin long tests like this an yer gonna lose constitchewwents!
don't worry Tom, all the questions are true and false......if you ain't sure mark false........Be sure to spell your own name correctly for the extra credit
Thar, got the extry credic.
Naw its posed ta be Trinkneetee! ;D
1) Triny T or F
2) Trinkneetee T or F
1) Yes!
2) Yes!
Don'tchyawll be makin' funa mah scribin'! >:( :-[ :-[
Iss Tay - aura - ah - ... uh ... - eeyun - ah - tay - whah.
Mine were tha phony-net-tickle spellin!
Ah'm a-hooked on phonics, dontcha know?
Quote from: Trinity on February 07, 2007, 07:10:34 PM
Ah'm a-hooked on phonics, dontcha know?
Trinty is that what the headset is for?
Tom your half right
That's a perfect score for a halfwit! ;D
is just a test............................
<-------- gits out gradebook and writes
TriniTee 0
Tom 50
Lil Roo 33.3
Least ya tried Roo ;D
<----- heads back to Skool house to make report cards
Ah, hates tests................... 8) ::) ;)
Zeee-roe!?? But Ah done spailt mah name out. That's gotta be worf sumpin!?
Quote from: Trinity on February 11, 2007, 10:21:42 AM
Zeee-roe!?? But Ah done spailt mah name out. That's gotta be worf sumpin!?
Yep ;)
Kept ya outta tha minus numbers ;D
;D ;D ;D ;D
Trinity go dig up DArchangle's lawyer thread an sue Tensleep. Ya done gave the best 12 years a yer life playin' foots ball fer his High School and not that yer no longer elly-ja-bull he tosses yo out and gives ya a zero. ;D
Dang, Rooster, until I enlarged that test pattern picture I thought I was lookin' at the back of one of Buck Owens' coats.
Quote from: Forty Rod on February 11, 2007, 02:49:19 PM
Dang, Rooster, until I enlarged that test pattern picture I thought I was lookin' at the back of one of Buck Owens' coats.
I got it from the same place ;D ;D ;D
Quote from: Delmonico on February 11, 2007, 02:21:15 PM
Trinity go dig up DArchangle's lawyer thread an sue Tensleep. Ya done gave the best 12 years a yer life playin' foots ball fer his High School and not that yer no longer elly-ja-bull he tosses yo out and gives ya a zero. ;D
Ain't no use trahin'. He's so
warped wrapped up rubbin' in how warm it is out yonder that he ain' got no more tahm ta sue folk.
Quote from: Forty Rod on February 11, 2007, 02:49:19 PM
Dang, Rooster, until I enlarged that test pattern picture I thought I was lookin' at the back of one of Buck Owens' coats.
****scratch********chip***chip ***chip**** whack***scratchhhhhhhhhhhhhh
They make a salve for that, dontcha know?
Hellooooooooo is this thing on?
Test 1 2 3
Breaker, Breaker ah, come back in there litl rooster, ithink I got a copy ;D ;D
looks like we gonna have'ta form us a convoy
Quote from: Ozark Tracker on February 23, 2007, 03:49:24 PM
looks like we gonna have'ta form us a convoy
Shore hope that Roo keeps them hogs to tha rear.... ::)
what does that sign say? Trucks use lower gear ????????????????
Quote from: litl rooster on February 23, 2007, 03:56:25 PM
what does that sign say? Trucks use lower gear ????????????????
Looks like it ta me. ::)
Quote from: Tensleep on February 23, 2007, 03:51:30 PM
Shore hope that Roo keeps them hogs to tha rear.... ::)
He ain't got hogs he's got sheep, that's what the smell is. ;D
Anyone got a loaf a "Old Home" bread, Mavis is out at the "Old Home Filler' Up and Keep On Truckin' Cafe. What a looker, built like a burlap sack fulla bobcats." (Note you may have to be from the Great Plains to understand that.) ;D
everybody wake up, another test is taking place
Did we pass? ;D
;D we may have just slept right through it.
I hates tests! ;D I noticed that the ads at the top aren't coming through here, anybody else?........Buck 8) ::) ???
Buck, I don't have any ads right at the top either.
Quote from: Delmonico on February 23, 2007, 05:21:14 PM
He ain't got hogs he's got sheep, that's what the smell is. ;D
Anyone got a loaf a "Old Home" bread, Mavis is out at the "Old Home Filler' Up and Keep On Truckin' Cafe. What a looker, built like a burlap sack fulla bobcats." (Note you may have to be from the Great Plains to understand that.) ;D
We'll puyt Da Ram up front, Ain't Ya heard of a Dodge Truck? ::)
;D :D ;D
We all knows Yah been pinpin the Sheep, Ah means Interns. :o
;D :D ;D
:P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P
Quote from: Four-Eyed Buck on February 24, 2007, 12:03:32 PM
I hates tests! ;D I noticed that the ads at the top aren't coming through here, anybody else?........Buck 8) ::) ???
Still not there. The Marshal still has some things to iron out.
Ever'thang seems to be back to normal... but then I'm logging in at 3:52 pm ::) ;D
Delmonico brings up The Steam Traction Engine and the roller from the Newbrassky thread and "irons out' the sheep(spit)herder. ::)
Thanks Dell, Ah needed that. :D
Delmonico heads off lookin' for a racoon, he needs a new F.R.I.S.B.E.E. ;D
Trinity throws a plastic disc at Delmonico. "Hair, use theeus. It's a shame ta waste that 'coon fur."
Del should have caught that plastic disc by now that thing went by here faster than my computor could handle.........
if this wind caught it, probably up about Slim's by now, duck Slim :o
Slim! You OK?
Slim lays on the ground out cold. :o
dang wind and frisbee's
Dadburn it! Whah di'n't Dail ketchit?
he musta thought Rowdy was gonna get it. ;D
Rowdy must be like my cat... asleep. ;D
He probably got stuck in a sn*wdrift. ::)
we better go look for him, there could'a been a stump hid out there in the snow.
I'm here and at work, didn't have time to get on earlier, had to chip my way inta a pick-up and start it and then de-ice it.
Accually a lot of Lab folks don't recomend playing F.R.I.S.B.E.E. with Labs, they are to heavy and can hurt their backs if they twist wrong. Toss it in the lake though and they are right at home. ;D
My lab likes tossin' groundhogs. :o
You orta skin them groundhogs and make him a jacket. ;D ;D
Cook them goundhogs, serve with some sweet taters an' ah mess o' turnip greens.
Quote from: Tensleep on February 25, 2007, 12:05:16 PM
Cook them goundhogs, serve with some sweet taters an' ah mess o' turnip greens.
I've wanted to try one, but it always seems when someone needs one shot it's the wrong time of the year and when I go up the fleas are leavin' in mass so we quick burry it with out touchin' it. :P We don't have a lot here, but every couple years or so I have to help someone out with one. ;D
The young'uns is the best eatin', Del. Ain't near as gamey tastin'...............Buck 8) ::) ;)
Quote from: Four-Eyed Buck on February 25, 2007, 12:39:23 PM
The young'uns is the best eatin', Del. Ain't near as gamey tastin'...............Buck 8) ::) ;)
Git 'em young in tha spring an' raise 'em !!
Quote from: Trinity on February 25, 2007, 12:02:50 PM
You orta skin them groundhogs and make him a jacket. ;D ;D
My lab likes ta skin 'em alive. :o
BTW, the next wave is here. ::)
Good, less work for you. You should make little booties for your lab so that he doesn't have to freeze his feet in the snow. ;D ;D ;D