I'm going to have coffee with him tonight. I'll get him to take yer lawsuit agin litl rooster, now don't talk to litl rooster or his lawyer. ;D
"Ah don' wanna talk to tha durned rascal no-ways! >:( >:( >:("
Is he one of them a-turn-ee's that takes his share out of yours, you got to watch them rascals, he may get the goldmine and you'll get tha shaft.
"Awl Ah wan' is tha litl roosterville Hooters. Ah'll move it over ta Trinityland!"
Trinity, DArchangel tried to call you tonight, you didn't answer. ;D So we went out drinkin'.........................................................................Esssppprreessooo's I just got home, we closed down the coffee house and hung around the RR Depot, till after midnight. ;D We watched the coal trains go by, the Am-Track don't come in till 1:45 am, to late fer us. He'll try to post in the mornin' he'll be travelin' to his office on Sat. he said terms will be easy. Gettin' the Hooters should be no problem. The judge will most likey make litl rooser pay for the move, we should be able to get it on Mega Movers on the history channel. ;D
Well there goes the neighborhood, first we had a Gumshoe now we gots an ambalance chaser! ;D
I do NOT chase after no amba-lance.I do however run toward the sound of gun fire.I try to beat the medical gouls to the scene.
Ah, cuz, hold off on helpin' sheepherders, I'd hate to be in the lynch party. ;D
Lawyers have one good use: target practice. ;D ;D ;D ;D
Ya, but they can be useful when someone is wronged, look at poor Trinity, fired by litl rooster, not for not doin' his job, but just cause litl rooster thinks he now has someone better to do the job at a lower wage. After all his faithful work to build up the bizzness, now he is out on the street with nuthin' to eat but potted meat product and tube biscuits. ::) Did he get a severance package, no, not even a chance to clean out his desk. So we will need my cuzin' DArchangel (Not to be confused with "My Cuzzin Vinny" ;D) to right this wrong, then if we have no need for him after we right this wrong, then you can shoot him Slim. ;D (That sounds good, maybe I should be a lawyer.)
Trinty was lucky. The period correct way of "firing" an employee was a shooting. :o :o :o :o
Be careful slim. That could be considered incitement to,or even conspiricy to commit murder.Lawyers are sick SOBs. We all had one of them sullied doves for mamas
Sorry Slim, Hollywood again, ;D historical accounts show many fired cowboys, what happened is that sometimes they shot the boss. ;D :o What our dear friend Trinity is doing is taking this to a more getler and a more fair way of solving the problem and gettin' what is due to him. ;D (Take notes, Cuz, this is how you should sound in court. ;)) We do not want him to shoot the Plaintiff, we just want what is due to my, er my cuz's cliant for the services rendered in building up the bizziness of the party of the first part. (You did take notes there Cuz?)
Quote from: Delmonico on June 23, 2006, 11:28:26 AM
Sorry Slim, Hollywood again, ;D historical accounts show many fired cowboys, what happened is that sometimes they shot the boss. ;D :o What our dear friend Trinity is doing is taking this to a more getler and a more fair way of solving the problem and gettin' what is due to him. ;D (Take notes, Cuz, this is how you should sound in court. ;)) We do not want him to shoot the Plaintiff, we just want what is due to my, er my cuz's cliant for the services rendered in building up the bizziness of the party of the first part. (You did take notes there Cuz?)
Sure, ya spoiled it. >:( I was tryin' ta scare the boy. ;D
Quote from: DArchangel on June 23, 2006, 11:18:03 AM
Be careful slim. That could be considered incitement to,or even conspiricy to commit murder.Lawyers are sick SOBs. We all had one of them sullied doves for mamas
;D ;D ;D
Ma Grandpapy was a Attorny, Esquire Graduate of Hastings College of Law. The old addage was My Lawer can wup Ur's. :o ;D :D ;D
Quote from: Delmonico on June 23, 2006, 09:57:41 AM
Ah, cuz, hold off on helpin' sheepherders, I'd hate to be in the lynch party. ;D
;D :D ;D
Dell is You inciting to Murder? Looks like Ah has got to haul You in. Promise a fair trial, and a good hanging. :o
Got a good Judge--Judge Roy Bean--He just loves Cosies. ;D
Quote from: Marshal harpoluke on June 23, 2006, 09:08:32 PM
Ma Grandpapy was a Attorny, Esquire Graduate of Hastings College of Law. The old addage was My Lawer can wup Ur's. :o ;D :D ;D
That's one of them matchbook colleges. Ah thank Ah saw it las' tahm ah had me a ceeeegar. ;D
Quote from: Delmonico on June 23, 2006, 01:32:10 AM
Trinity, DArchangel tried to call you tonight, you didn't answer. ;D So we went out drinkin'.........................................................................Esssppprreessooo's I just got home, we closed down the coffee house and hung around the RR Depot, till after midnight. ;D We watched the coal trains go by, the Am-Track don't come in till 1:45 am, to late fer us. He'll try to post in the mornin' he'll be travelin' to his office on Sat. he said terms will be easy. Gettin' the Hooters should be no problem. The judge will most likey make litl rooser pay for the move, we should be able to get it on Mega Movers on the history channel. ;D
Ya done callt after baid tahm. Ah had me a good chuckle yestidiy moanin, though. ;D ;D ;D
We figgered ya would. ;D
Quote from: Delmonico on June 25, 2006, 11:38:55 AM
We figgered ya would. ;D
I even saved the message. I need to send it to litl rooster. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Quote from: Trinity on June 24, 2006, 12:17:38 PM
That's one of them matchbook colleges. Ah thank Ah saw it las' tahm ah had me a ceeeegar. ;D
Matchbook college?, >:( Hastings is more prestigous than Harvard, His two Brothers graduated from Holt anouther famous frontier college.
The Motto is Blue, Screw, N tatoo Em! ;D :o ;D
"DArchangel, kin Ah interest you in another lawsuit?"
Don't do it Trinity, you'll end up with nuthin' but a herd of sheep. :P :P :P :P :P
;D ;D ;D Yer right. Never mind. Where's that Bambino when you need him?
if Trinity had him a herd of sheep, he might just eat up the profit. if he could find a way he liked it.
Trinity,I'm a lawyer. I'll sue my own mama if theres money in it. I WILL NOT take sheep as payment.
Quote from: DArchangel on June 28, 2006, 09:45:06 AM
Trinity,I'm a lawyer. I'll sue my own mama if theres money in it. I WILL NOT take sheep as payment.
Yep he's a Lawyer alright, they doan take nothin as payment that they date! ;D
Quote from: Ozark Tracker on June 28, 2006, 07:44:25 AM
if Trinity had him a herd of sheep, he might just eat up the profit. if he could find a way he liked it.
What do you mean "IF"? They walk don't they? ;D ;D ;D
Quote from: Lucky Irish Tom on June 28, 2006, 10:41:07 AM
Yep he's a Lawyer alright, they doan take nothin as payment that they date! ;D
"Stop tawkin' 'bout mah rep-re-sentation. Ah still maght need him. Thangs aint totally patched up wif ol' litl rooster yet." ;D ;D
'Arcey iz a tattle tale.......'
Bambino steps up behind Arcey and taps him on the shoulder...
Uhhhhh... Big fellah....
Careful. I'll poke ya with a hat pin 'n watch ya fart then fly 'round the room.....
"Ol' Bambino don' lahk ta be poked! ... You tattle tale."
Wait'll Roostah looks fer them girls ya stolt...........
I do not "date" sheep! I go to respectible hog ranches.(with del)
Quote from: DArchangel on June 28, 2006, 09:10:28 PM
I do not "date" sheep! I go to respectible hog ranches.(with del)
;D :D ;D
Kosher Pigs, Eh? :o
;D :D ;D
More mudslinging but the Pimp-O-Sheep who don't know old time speak. ;D A hog ranch it a large brothel. ::) ::)
Delmonico goes off mutterin' 'bout if some folks want to come into Tall Tales Country, leagal or ileagal they should prove they are happy to be here by learnin' the language. ::) ::)
Quote from: Delmonico on June 28, 2006, 11:31:08 PM
More mudslinging but the Pimp-O-Sheep who don't know old time speak. ;D A hog ranch it a large brothel. ::) ::)
Delmonico goes off mutterin' 'bout if some folks want to come into Tall Tales Country, leagal or ileagal they should prove they are happy to be here by learnin' the language. ::) ::)
Yeh mean Kat houses? Dell
You needs a anouther Batism in Da Sheep dip. :o
;D :D ;D
Here Kiddy, Kiddy, Kitty.
Quote from: Marshal harpoluke on June 29, 2006, 01:10:41 AM
Here Kiddy, Kiddy
Lettin' his perversions seep out again. ::)
Darn, Cammy. Yer gonna give perverts a bad name........................
Quote from: Arcey on June 28, 2006, 08:21:18 PM
Wait'll Roostah looks fer them girls ya stolt...........
"Ah done hahrd them. Ah had tha raght ta take 'em wif me... so Ah did!"
You CAN be sued for pervert bashing !!!
Got a better idea, lets sue him fer being a pervert. ;D
(Was there really naked ladies in Broken Trail, if so someone loan me a copy. ::) ;D)
I need a no good dead beat lawyer
Hey DArch...I wanna sue Del. His Kim Chee burned all the hairs outta my nose over there at the Longbranch. :D
Yer 'spossed to eat it, not snort it. didn't ya read the lable. ::)
I didn't SNORT it! Label was bernt off ne way
Ya want a little less red pepper next time? Didn't think ya'd be a whimp like slim, he didn't like my pepper sauce. ;D
Don't think that it had anything to do with the pepper. Twas all the methane. :-\ I'm pretty sure of it. I don't think that the rotten mud bug helped any either.
How longs it been since we've lynched ah pettifogger?
It's been waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too long. Git a rope! ;D
*glaring at Arcey, eyes throwing flames hot enough to roast him*
Delmonico sees the glare and says, "Ya want cornbread or whit bread stuffin' with that." ::) :P
Slim don't look at the Red-haired Stranger fer fear of gittin' roasted. :o
Is he saying that I'm whining and being petty or is he talkin' about hangin' the lawyer? >:(
With Arcey it's hard to say. ;D
Hmm...if you read the right or maybe wrong ??? definition it might be YOU about to get hanged Del. :D
Arcey would hang his own mother if she got fingerprints on his truck ::) :o
Do you think he'd let me borrowy it to haul gravel. ::)
Quote from: Delmonico on June 30, 2006, 04:37:56 PM
Do you think he'd let me borrowy it to haul gravel. ::)
Rotten granite? ;D
Naw, crushed limestone, when I get er unloaded ya can search for Fool's gold. ;D
Del when Arcey brings his truck up to loan ya. tell him to come on by the farm here, and I put ya a couple scoops of turkey poop in the back so ya can put it on yer roses.
There's more gold in Rotten Granite. ;D
No turkey poop on my roses, 'member I use gunpowder. ;)
O K we'll just have to find some mater's that need it.
Fill it fulla TURKEY HAIDS!!! :D
When he gets the turkey poop all hauled I could maybe find some pig poop that needed hauled. ;D
Quote from: Camille Eonich on June 30, 2006, 04:33:55 PM
Is he saying that I'm whining and being petty or is he talkin' about hangin' the lawyer?
Whut the hells wrong wit-chew, woman? Yer supposed ta be edgeycated. Grab yer deshunary 'n look the werd up. It'll say 'pettifogger=DArchangel'.
Fer iz the truck goes, boys. Jump in yers 'n meet me sumwhars. If ya kin catch 'er, ya kin haul whatever ya want in 'er. She specializes in haulin' one thing....... Ass....
Del. might just take you up on that. I suggest, though, that you don't give him time to get your wheels in his rifle sights!! :o :o :o
Meet me here Monday.
The latter-tude and longer-tude is in the box to the left. Got paths cut in that place with the tree rows. The gooseberries and buck brush won't scratch er up much, just don't vear to close to the bob wire on the NE part. ;D
Try not to hit one of my deer, if so, no worry, there's plenty.
Ps I'll cook us supper. ;D
Arcy, how many tons of do-nuts you hauled in that pickum up truck? (is it blue and white?) (with blinkey lights) (and a sireeen)
Interrogatories, huh?
Where's the subpoena, barrister?
Quote from: Arcey on July 01, 2006, 05:12:20 AM
Interrogatories, huh?
Where's the subpoena, barrister?
I called his house to find out, his wife says he's over to his girlfriends house drunk again, ;D
(Speaking of public officials being drunk I heard on the news yesterday somewhere, Utah I think, to head of their Highway Patrols DWI unit was drunk and hit a tree or somrthing with his cruiser. :o)
;D ;D ;D ;D
I wonder if they were made to walk the line and touch their noses.
Don't no, but there was a guy in a pick-up with Iller-noise plates turned in front of me at the gas station this mornin' almost hit a pump. Parked and had a big drink and went in and paid for a car wash.
I used my cell phone and called the law, told them he was gonna be there about 5 minutes. They asked if I seen him drinkin' I said yep it was a 16oz can of Bud Light. ;D When I headed on to work the law was comin' the other way. ::)
"Boy they's alot o' snitches hair! It's gettin' to where a body cain' steal take ladies from a pub or even drank n' drahve no more!" >:(
The way this feller was drivin' he'd a crashed a fore long. ;) But far as i'm concerned ya can steal all litl roosters Hooters girls. Heck we can take everyting he's got, his pewter ain't work good 'nuff for him to stop us. ;D
"In that case, Ah'm takin' his new Henry!" ;D ;D ;D
Kiddin' 'round 'bout the truck, but seriously. The folks I deal with only got of five the first run and they were it. No one in this area got any of the second run. There's three other black ones and one red one is runnin' 'round here somewhere. Only came in black or red.
So I'm headin' home from the office last summer 'n I had to stop at the cleaners. Sittin' at a light 'n on the other side is another S-Runner. Turn right, go down a block 'n pull into the parkin' lot. Get out with my shirts 'n he pulls up. Rolls the passenger window down. Said he'd been tryin' to find another one. Look at the console 'n he's got a can ah beer sittin' in the cup holder.
I have a Norfolk Police ID clipped to my waist band. I could tell the instant he noticed it. "Civilian" is in small type, the image of a badge isn't. He caught sight of it, said his bye-byes in a hurry and took off.
Oh, Del. When ya find thit puppy lookin' l'il amamcher attorney, tell 'im 'e ain't got paper not ta be askin' me any questions 'less 'e wants ta go on the clock. I charge by the minute with a surcharge per answer - no warranty, expressed or implied - on the accuracy of said answer. Cash in advance, it runs out I shut up.
Here ya go Arcey, the Delmonico Pick-Up, 90 or 91 Ford F150, can't remember which year with out lookin' at the registration. ::) 300 CID 6 Cylinder 5 speed. My nephew put the dent in it when he owned it, was passin' on a highway with out a shoulder, dropped off and et' a Yield Sign. ::)
Notice the custom license plate hold, bailin' wire, my wife said they saw me comin' and gave me the POS plate fer a reason. ;D Yep, them's bugs on the grill, been collectin' them since spring. ;D
Out in the country, the farmers all wave at me. ;D
But what makes it so good fer back in the woods is the custom parts on the mirrors. ;D
Quote from: Delmonico on July 01, 2006, 07:38:29 PM
Out in the country, the farmers all wave at me. ;D
Had a friend come a while back, every time we'd meet a car, I'd wave, he said you know all them people, I said No! he said if he did that down in Florida, somebody would probaly chase him down and beat him up. or try to run him off the road, said ya just don't do that or make eye contact.
would'nt want to ive there >:(
Back 'bout 25 years ago round here, there was these plastic hands on a spring that 'tatched to the dash,.
Placing new set of papers on Lawyer daggit's desk..
1st.........motion to dismis in the case of Trinity vs. litl' rooster (sorry Trinity he'll git more than the 33%now) filed in the Federal Court this morning.
2nd...motion to appear in the circuit court of litl' roosterville
and leaves his office
Delmonico says, don't worry I have a fair sol-loo-ion fer all in this case. Got a crack tram a ne-goat-e- eaters on it. Should be resolved by tommorow. :o
Quote from: Delmonico on July 04, 2006, 05:44:16 PM
Delmonico says, don't worry I have a fair sol-loo-ion fer all in this case. Got a crack tram a ne-goat-e- eaters on it. Should be resolved by tommorow. :o
Been doing a little ne-goat-e-ations me own self.............Right Trinity?.....hehehe ;D
Whut the hell is a 'crack tram'? A hip hop taxi?
It's from someone who is tirred tryin' ta spell team. ;D
I do the same thng Del, my fingers just don't get to all the letters before the next thought comes in my head.
but just think, Crack Tram, that gives you a whole new item to think about. and try to picture in my mind.
A street car with either a bunch a folks with glass pipes or ones that need suspenders. ::) :P
aged plumbers ;D
Quote from: litl rooster on July 04, 2006, 06:00:51 PM
Been doing a little ne-goat-e-ations me own self.............Right Trinity?.....hehehe ;D
"Yeah, folks. Big bad litl rooster's trahin' ta skeer me wif red X's. Oooooooh!" ;D ;D
litl' rooster comes in and flips a 5x7 brown enveloped marked with a X not suitable for all viewers, on Attorney Daggit's desk, and walks out..........................................
Trinity sneaks into Daggit's office and exchanges the contents of the X marked envelope with pictures of litl rooster with 500 beanie babies.
probally scare the lawyer, any body'd sit around and have his picture took with 500 bean babies
Oh, and litl rooster is wearing a beanie in the picture as well... with a propeller. ;D ;D ;D
With a tiny 'lectric motor to turn it. ::) ;)
I bet he looked cute with his litl henry. ;D
Quote from: Trinity on July 06, 2006, 09:00:03 PM
Trinity sneaks into Daggit's office and exchanges the contents of the X marked envelope with pictures of litl rooster with 500 beanie babies.
not to worry have more copies of the origonal
X..........................Might have to go to SASSwire to get this "blackmail" project pulled off.............
The picture of litl rooster with the beanie babies is so cute that a billion Internet orders come in to buy a copy of it, DArchangel-A-turn-ee At Law abadons Trinity's case to negotiate a representation deal with litl rooster for a percentage of the profits.
litl rooster celabrates so much he gets drunk and rowdy and is arrested again. He's put in the cell with some big guy named Lester the Molester, who already has a copy of litl rooster and the 500 Beanie Babies. ;D
:o :o :o :o
Ozark comes down to the jail and bails out litl rooster, who has saved his hide by telling lester he will give him a collectible beany baby when he gets out.
Miss Montana is there to pick him,in her limosinee, (member she saved the money)
Ozark throws his bailbonding saddle bags over his shoulder and heads back home
Trinity takes one of the litl rooster/ beanie baby pictures and hangs it on the wall of the litl roosterville Trinityland HOOTERS.
Laughter explodes as the former employee's of The litl roosterville Hooters see the picture. ::) ::) ;D
People come from far and wide to see the picture and have a laugh. Business is booming at the litl roosterville Trinityland HOOTERS when Lester shows up with an angry frown on his face. It seems he never got the promised Beanie Baby. :o
Delmonico gives him th URL fer litl roosterville. ;D
"Lester's on his way ov' thar right now. Ah done give him some Turkey wangs in case he got hongry on the way."
after talking with Trinity, Ozark fills 2- 55 gallon barrels with turkey wings add the buffalo sause and seals the top and send it to Trinity's Hooters. that lester can eat them wings.
"Better sen' another barrel. That Lester is one big dude!" :o :o
seeing as how they have had a good week at the turkey plant and got in a lot of turkey drumsticks, Ozark adds an extra barrel of drumsticks to trinitys order.
he also add a 5 gallon bucket of gizards, on the house, just to see if there's any call for them at Hooters.
"Thanks OT. Tha potted turkey product ain' quite tha same without them!"
Trinity, when do I get paid? I figger you owe me a forth of the HOOTERS girls and enough sauce to keep them tasty for a year. please remit.
Trinity returns to the Trinityland HOOTERS and prepares to pay the lawyer's fee.
A group of tha wee people show up at DArchangel's office wanting to file a discrimination suit against the TrinityLand Hooters for unfair hiring practices!
great i love new suckers, oh oh clients.
They picked a good man for the task, a short lawyer will have a lot of influence in this case. ;D
Quote from: Lucky Irish Tom on July 11, 2006, 08:43:37 AM
A group of tha wee people show up at DArchangel's office wanting to file a discrimination suit against the TrinityLand Hooters for unfair hiring practices!
Thars good in ever'thing, cuz. Them wee folks couldah gone ta the Top Dawg fer help 'stead ah the ambulance chaser. The stupid mutt wouldah thunk they wuz fire plugs 'n they'd ah been 'wee wee' people affer thit.
"Everthang's taken care of. Them wee folk is gettin' drunk offa green beer to tha tha Trinityland HOOTERS"
Ozark comes in with the girls who pack the turkey parts for shipment, we thought we'd just come over and let you meet ma help
"Uh... Ah need a larger picture, please!!!! Ah lahk tha looks of what little Ah could see!"
Quote from: Arcey on July 11, 2006, 02:21:20 PM
Thars good in ever'thing, cuz. Them wee folks couldah gone ta the Top Dawg fer help 'stead ah the ambulance chaser. The stupid mutt wouldah thunk they wuz fire plugs 'n they'd ah been 'wee wee' people affer thit.
<----------------------- does not "wee wee" on people :'(
Lucky Irish Tom enters tha TrinityLand Hooters an slaps a lawsuit prepared by DArchangel fer violatin hiz patent for tha 'Lucky Irish Tom's Pub' Green Beer. Damages to be assessed hourly until the offending behavior is stopped. After serving the papers Irish swings by DArchangel's office and drops of a Pot-O-Gold in payment for services rendered.
Irish, thanks for the cash money."You sir are a gentleman, and a scholar, a fine judge of women, whiskey,and horse flesh and there aren't but two of us left"
Who would that be? ;D
Present company excluded. ;D ;D ;D ;D
Gentlemen,modesty,and humility preclude me from giving reply to your interogative.
Quote from: Lucky Irish Tom on July 12, 2006, 05:21:55 AM
Lucky Irish Tom enters tha TrinityLand Hooters an slaps a lawsuit prepared by DArchangel fer violatin hiz patent for tha 'Lucky Irish Tom's Pub' Green Beer. Damages to be assessed hourly until the offending behavior is stopped. After serving the papers Irish swings by DArchangel's office and drops of a Pot-O-Gold in payment for services rendered.
Trinity calls Irish Tom back to show him the process by which his beer was made. Trinity adds two drops of blue food coloring to Miller High Life and it turns green.
Since this is obviously not a patent infringement, the lawsuit is dropped. In celebration, Trinity slices off a slab of Guiness for his friend Lucky Irish Tom.
Yes. The way I see it is that he paid you to investigate the feasibility of a lawsuit. You found it was not feasible. ;D ;D
<<Is there any reason why spell check does not recognize DArchangel and suggests SURCHARGING instead?? Coincidence? I think not. ;D>>
If I don't get a client soon i'm going to have to get a (sob) job!!
Quote from: DArchangel on August 23, 2006, 06:21:11 PM
If I don't get a client soon i'm going to have to get a (sob) job!!
Have any objections to suein' yer own cousin....don't need to answer right away he's lurking thru the forum now
Whatcha got in mind, litl rooster? Are you gonna git him back fer taintin' that batch of wangs from Ozark with castor earl?
Sounds lahk a purr-feckt case of Medical Malpractice alright!
Slim might need yer help also, ya know givin' al-kee-haul to eller-funks is again the law in Newbrassky. They got a photo of him as proof. ;D
The eller-funk was seen raiding Trinity's stash!
Boy is Slim in trouble now, he has turned the eller-funk into a drunk. ;D Yep cuz, I think it will keep you busy tryin' to save Slim's butt. ;D
Quote from: Trinity on August 23, 2006, 07:49:39 PM
Whatcha got in mind, litl rooster? Are you gonna git him back fer taintin' that batch of wangs from Ozark with castor earl?
among other things......................mebbe his low wall would look good in the "Beast"
;D :D ;D
Wass He gunna do when that Elle Funck finds His stills? :o
;D :D ;D
??? ::)
Quote from: Sod Buster on August 23, 2006, 11:12:43 PM
The eller-funk was seen raiding Trinity's stash!
"Ya done skeert me, but Ah checked. Luckily thass one'a mah decoy Steels. Ah'll even bet Dail awlready done tainted tha brew. Ah don' wanna be 'roun' that critter when it takes EE-feck!"
I think tha Eller-funk was headed fer yer cabin Trinity!
Trinity screams at the top of his lungs, runs after the eller-funk and grabs him by his short tail. drags long and finally crawls over the eller-funks back up to his head, Trinity climbs down to his mouth and grabs the eller funks lip in his teeth.
the eller funk falls over on his side and Trinity ties him by three legs
the first know eller funk bulldogging ever. (Bill Pickett style)
After the job was done, Trinity wished he had sent the Monkey in. This caused Trinity to sweat.
Trinity lays down to rest a moment, monkey comes over and takes his hat and fans Trinity.
"Thankee pard. Tha's raht nahce of ya. Ya wanna have some fun?" The Monkey nods and Trinity continues "Go untie that ellerfunk thang an' rope him agin. Ah wanna watch a PRO-fessional do it."
monkey unties the beast, who is pretty PO'd by now, the eller-funk jumps up and runns over the nearest A-turn-ee at law.
monkey jumps on his dog clea and rides toward the eller-funk
Monkey's are such good quality family entertainment.........You can teach them to ride a bicycle and smoke a seegar at the same time. ;D
Monkey goes over to lawyer Darchangel and peels him offen the floor, holds the attorney nose and blows right hard into his mouth and he pops back out to normal, coughs, looks at the monkey and passes back out.
Hell I got drunk once and married a polish gal. I've kissed worse than that chimp!
;D Monkey goes over to Darchangel and explains to him he has this old maid, Spinster monkey sister, and he would like to introduce him to. :o
I been married twice. Thats my limit. "Make a fool of me once, shame on you: make a fool of me twice shame on me." (Unless shes real rich)
I'm hunting the elusive rich woman too. So far, no luck. :(
yer probably gonna havta go to different hunting grounds, now ya need to get ya some of them bermuda shorts and a hawaiian shirt and go on over there to the country club and hang around the parking lot., see if one of em won't invite ya in fer a drink.
just try not ta get arrested
Trinity at the Country Club teaching the wildlife to drink! ;D
Karl(Trinity) that's his hobby ;D ;D ;D Trinity is branch'n out on his own in the business world....Check in Trinityland
Didn't say I was looking, just that RICH has to be on the resume to be considered.
Quote from: DArchangel on September 01, 2006, 02:16:56 PM
Didn't say I was looking, just that RICH has to be on the resume to be considered.
You mean they come with resumes?
Dang, I never did ask fer one of them,, leave it to a lawyer.
I've come darn close to putting on paper the things I never want to deal with again! ;D
Is it a long list?
Trinity's List
1. non cookers need not apply. >:(
Yep. That's number one. Number two is "Vegans (former and present) need not even think about it. Vegetarians can think, but don't bother. Former vegetarians will be placed at the bottom of the list (at this time that is also the top ::)).
Iz you sayin yer list is topsy-turvy Trinity? :o
A for real sign outside a local upscale eating establishment.................Humanely raised veal...........Was it humanely served on a plate?<<<<<<<<<<<<<Mebbe some folks ought to be "Vegans"
that'd make me feel better to know,
whilst it was sizzling in the pan. ;D ;D
We could sue and make 'em prove that "humane" thin. False advertising if they can't. Make 'em forfit the veal. Del, you got a recipe?
That's like them contented cows, how they know they contented, was there a smile on their face when they was milking ???
Got plenty. ;D
Quote from: Lucky Irish Tom on September 05, 2006, 01:02:42 PM
Iz you sayin yer list is topsy-turvy Trinity? :o
I'm just saying that the applicants haven't been as many as I had hoped. Maybe if I took out the disclaimer about having been an axe murderer it might improve. ::) ;D ;D
ya may need to put it in one of them national magazines, get into more ladies hands
Quote from: Trinity on September 05, 2006, 12:00:56 PM
Yep. That's number one. Number two is "Vegans (former and present) need not even think about it. Vegetarians can think, but don't bother. Former vegetarians will be placed at the bottom of the list (at this time that is also the top ::)).
Carnivores only apply.
oh lordy, that thar looks like one of them wicked city women.
Gargoyle! :o
:o :o :o "That'un kinda skeers me!"
you got ta watch em, they'll give ya one of them "come hither looks" and then yer snagged.
Quote from: Ozark Tracker on September 06, 2006, 06:56:05 PM
you got ta watch em, they'll give ya one of them "come hither looks" and then yer snagged.
The combined aroma of smoke, pork, and beef hovers over this plate like a come-hither perfume.
Trinity is snagged....
Trinity is saved once again by bar be q
aaaaaaaaannnnnnnn' sssssssssssssaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuugggeeeeeesss! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!
that thar picture makes me hungry everytime I come to this thread. :o
Did you need a piece of homemade dutch oven baked peach pie. ;D Oscar bought real peaches to bake it. ;D
That pie looks like it would be just right, after a big plate oof bbq
Quote from: Ozark Tracker on September 07, 2006, 09:05:06 PM
that thar picture makes me hungry everytime I come to this thread. :o
Meeee too! It's got the red, peppery sauce that's used in Texas. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!
Quote from: Delmonico on September 07, 2006, 10:18:44 PM
Did you need a piece of homemade dutch oven baked peach pie. ;D Oscar bought real peaches to bake it. ;D
Can you give me an example of "Fake" peaches? ;D
Quote from: Trinity on September 09, 2006, 12:36:14 PM
Can you give me an example of "Fake" peaches? ;D
I knew a woman who once baked a pie used apples and nixed in a "LOT" of the flavor stuff you use to make a coke, a cherry coke, so I guess it was cherry, apple,
it just were'nt right.
Quote from: Ozark Tracker on September 09, 2006, 12:47:01 PM
I knew a woman who once baked a pie used apples and nixed in a "LOT" of the flavor stuff you use to make a coke, a cherry coke, so I guess it was cherry, apple,
it just were'nt right.
Soun's purty tasty. Just as long as it weren't too much. What exactly did you mean by a LOT? Does that mean that your tastes buds took a week to recover? ;D
it took recovery time, if she had only use a little, I fell like it would have been very good, but she got carried away. it just overpowered everything
It doesn't sound so good anymore. :P
she wasn't much into cooking, her idea of a meal came outa the frozen foods dept in a box, then warm it up, now there are some of those that aren't bad, but not all the time.
Don't I know that. :-[ :( :(
a good old home cooked meal is just hard to be beat. "just like mama used to cook"
Naw... Ma always used too many vegematibles. :(
Quote from: Trinity on September 09, 2006, 02:10:04 PM
Naw... Ma always used too many vegematibles. :(
Mama knew what was best for ya. The more vegetables the better.
Quote from: Sod Buster on September 09, 2006, 03:41:43 PM
Mama knew what was best for ya. The more vegetables the better.
Here, pass that vegatable plate by Trinity again
Quote from: Ozark Tracker on September 09, 2006, 03:59:00 PM
Here, pass that vegatable plate by Trinity again
Here ya go...I even grilled 'em fer ya
Grilled veggies is just wrong. ::)
Grillin' fer meat, steamin' is for veggies. ;) Or fried in bacon grease. ;D
Quote from: Delmonico on September 09, 2006, 05:42:09 PM
Grillin' fer meat, steamin' is for veggies. ;) Or fried in bacon grease. ;D
I guess you have never cooked corn on the grill in the husks.
Quote from: Delmonico on September 09, 2006, 05:42:09 PM
...Or fried in bacon grease. ;D
If'n you're gonna do that....you might as well not even eat it as you have ruined the healthy aspects of eating it in the first place.
VEGGIES is just wrong!
No but I've roasted it in the husks in the embers of a fire, don't eat corn no more.
Bacon grease is more healthy than crisco.
Don't steam no steaks, ain't gonna grill veggies. ;D
I like grilled cone.
The only problem with the following pictures is that it's missing a stick of butter. Two ears calls for two sticks, right? ;D
Quote from: Delmonico on September 09, 2006, 05:51:37 PM
Bacon grease is more healthy than crisco.
I try to stay away from both. ;D
grilled veggies may not seem right, but they do taste good.
Don't think I've ever had any to be exact, but I don't grill no more cept on my iron one in the kitchen, if I move the cookin' outside it's dutch ovens. ;D
Rita's cuzin grilled some fresh pineapple on the Fourth of July, but that seemed wrong also, both grilled fruit and them discustin' pineapple things, least he got the meat cooked first. ;D
I like summer squash grilled , carrotts with a sweet glaze put on at the last, don't care for the pineapple's grilled, can't remember what else I've tried but there are some good ones'
I fry my veggies in BUTTER. ;D BTW, I made squash glop fer luuuuuuunch on Saturday. :'(
Quote from: Silver Creek Slim on September 11, 2006, 09:37:47 AM
I fry my veggies in BUTTER. ;D BTW, I made squash glop fer luuuuuuunch on Saturday. :'(
What is "glop" ?
Squash glop is Trinity's worse nighmare, I think it is 'mamters a zuccchini cooked together if I 'member right.
1. unappetizing food, esp. of a semiliquid consistency.
I think you are correct, Del. Maters and Zucchini. I didn't have maters in mine so, technically, it wasn't Squash Glop. :-[
it's when what you're cooking goes glup, glop when you pour it out.
Yanno jest callin it glop makes it sound unappetizin! :o :P
Yer point Tom? ::)
Quote from: Sod Buster on September 11, 2006, 10:44:41 AM
What is "glop" ?
Go back a 1000 pages in Newbrassky, it's one of Trinity's favorites.............
I like grilled veggies also.....
Hey Del, wasn't it you who told us you grill Sparrow grass? Asparagus
Could of, never said I didn't do things that were wrong. ;D But I think I always steam mine, don't own no grill but a cast iron one. ;D Might have et some that someone else did. ::)
that sparrow grass sounds llike it would be good grilled,
I like the corn in the husk about as good as anything.
You have done it again!
we gonna just havta come out there and plant ya a garden sometime, then when ya picked the stuff yerself you'd wanta try it. when it's fresh right outa the garden it's gooood ;D
Don't count on it. :P
we could put ya in a row of corn, maybe some brown pinto beans, blackeye peas??
Maybe some pintos, but no black eyed. Don't like'em.
OK, see I knowed ya bound to like something outa the garden.
not smelling like bbq eggplant, litl' rooster decides to take a rope along ;D
Yep. I thought so. ;D ;D ;D
Quote from: Ozark Tracker on September 11, 2006, 08:01:39 PM
we could put ya in a row of corn, maybe some brown pinto beans, blackeye peas??
Trinity might look with corn rows!
I prefer
my corn rows:
I've already got a hair style, thanks. I had my windows down today while going to the grocery store when from a pack of teenagered employees clustered around an ashtray, I overheard one say "Oh - My - Gawwd" ;D
A few years ago we had a lady at work who had a son just about to graduate high school. She couldn't spell worth a lick and her accent was so thick. In fact much of what I write for Trinity was either stolen from her or inspired by her. ;D
Well, anyway, she had me proofread a paper her son wrote for a high school class. The paper was awful. I could hardly figure out what was he was trying to say. It was about fashion and in it he mentioned "corn roles".
His goal after graduation was to become a teacher. ::)
He'll fit in well with the modern eddy-cation system. ::)
You know, I thought that too. Sad! :(
he would be beter than some, might even specialize in English :o
Funny that you just mentioned that. I also worked with another lady who had a degree in English. Her spelling and sentence structure was soooo bad that I called a friend at the university to check it out. It took her over ten years and she had enough credit hours to have two degrees, but she did have an English degree. Sad state our entire education system is in... school and university.
By the way, I have a degree but it's not in English, so you can't fault my sentence structure! ;D ;D ;D
You know, that's the truth about some teachers, you really wonder if they are qualified to teach anything, there are a lot of good teachers, but some, I don't know how they got through school.
Why do you think I have "Mongrel Historian" in my signiture. ;D That tile was bestowed on me by a PHD in Old West history, he said since I didn't have no fancy paper work it didn't mess me up like it had him. ;D
Is that why CCK is so messed up? How many degrees does she have now? Thirty? ;D
with that many :o why, why ya would'nt have ta have nobody else a teaching. she could just go from class to class.
Quote from: Trinity on September 14, 2006, 06:29:21 PM
By the way, I have a degree but it's not in English, so you can't fault my sentence structure! ;D ;D ;D
Funny Trinity, I always thought your sentence structure would be, "The court hearby sentences you to not less than five and no more than fifteen years!" ;D
Quote from: Lucky Irish Tom on September 15, 2006, 05:29:21 AM
Funny Trinity, I always thought your sentence structure would be, "The court hearby sentences you to not less than five and no more than fifteen years!" ;D
;D ;D ;D
Quote from: Lucky Irish Tom on September 15, 2006, 05:29:21 AM
Funny Trinity, I always thought your sentence structure would be, "The court hearby sentences you to not less than five and no more than fifteen years!" ;D
;D ;D ;D
Trinity has a durn good lawyer. Ain't been convicted. Yet.
"Yep! Ah shore do... Whattya mean yet!??"
you know what the law says, we always get our man. ( sooner or later )
What law says that?!? Johnny? ;D
Has your lawyer got back to you yet ??? ???
Delmonico puts fresh cow poop in a paper bag and puts it on the porch and lights the bag. He rings the doorbell and runs. :o
Quote from: Ozark Tracker on September 19, 2006, 05:05:10 PM
you know what the law says, we always get our man. ( sooner or later )
Spoken like a copper," our man" not necessaraly the guilty one.
we gotta get one, right or wrong, don't we, ain't that what lawyers is fer. ???
"Hey, did anybody step in tha poop that Dail lef?"
sniff .............smells like someone did.
"DArchangel, check yer boots!"
ugh, flaming puppy poop :o >:(
I can handle dirty boots.I's sueing that tall galoot anyway. See group therapy.
"and the little dog too" ;D
Hey, quit basking in the heat, yer needed. ;D
Probably given up the practice all together in order to lay out in the sun...