Elk Konnected

Started by Tobina+1, October 27, 2007, 11:36:04 AM

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For those of you who live in Elk County (and the surrounding area) and didn't attend the Elk Konnected Conversation meeting in Longton last night...YOU MISSED OUT.  This was an AMAZING event put on by a steering committee of local people who want to turn Elk County into a place of of the future; not a dying county of the past.

The evening started out with a free chili supper served by both FFA clubs from West Elk and Elk Valley High schools.  Child care was provided by the same group, along with other high schoolers from both schools.  They did a great job keeping the kids entertained so the parents could enjoy the conversations.

The first instructions we received from the conversation leader, Terry Woodbury, was that we have to start expelling all the negative thoughts and perceptions of the past.  We also have to think like a COUNTY COMMUNITY, instead of each city.  Because; if we don't work together, ALL the cities will fade away.  Our second instructions were that we were not there to point out the problems or to point fingers... we were there to start thinking about SOLUTIONS.

Before the conversation, the steering committee sent out surveys to people from the county (and Severy).  They were asked to rate their city and the county as a whole on 20 clues to building community.  On a scale from 1 to 4 (1 = excellent), they were asked to rate statements like "Evidence of community pride: our community is a show place of care, attention, history, and heritage".  The results of this survey were given out at the meeting.  As an example, for the statement above, only 27% of the people rated Elk County has having Excellent or Good ratings (1 or 2).  Individual cities were below 50%, actually below 40% (except Moline; they were at 58%).  Of the 20 points, there were only 4 that 50% or more of the people ranked the county as being Excellent or Good.  These points were 1) Strong support for education, 2) Strong presence of traditional institutions, 3) Acceptance of women leaders, and 4) Strong multi-generational family orientation (the leader was impressed with this last one, as not many counties he's worked with has ranked this one highly).

Our goals throughout the night were to take these 4 strengths of the county, and focus on the lower ranked points.  We started working with people at our table.  Then we grouped together by cities.  Then we grouped together having at least one person from each city at the table.  Some of the lower ranked points that we discussed were active econonmic development program (2nd to last); sound, well-maintained infrastructure (3rd to last); evidence of community pride (6th to last); and cooperative community spirit.  We also talked about improving the youth quality of life, and how to get citizen engagement in some of the activities and events that already go on within the community.

The interesting thing about this conversation... we didn't leave with any action items or a need to go out and "save the county".  Just our thoughts and the thoughts of others in the county.  This will be a long-term investment of people power, time, and eventually money.  Again, this was a FREE supper.  Not even a "free-will donation".  Just county neighbors getting together on a Friday night to look to the future of the county... and how we will have to work TOGETHER.   YOU MISSED OUT.

Janet Harrington

A few years ago I would have probably attended such an event.  Alas, I had to work, so thank you, Tobina, for letting us know what the meeting was all about and what occurred.  I say, good job, to those who put the meeting on and to those who attended.


Well, keep your eyes and ears open about this group and future meetings.  At the end of the meeting, everyone was to nominate 1 person in each of the 4 "town square" areas of the community:  Government, Education, Heath & Human Services, and Business.  I think the plan is to take at least the top 35 names to attend a retreat in January where these people will use the ideas that were created at the meeting on Friday and work with the steering committee and Terry to start planning a road map for the county. 

The biggest obstacle that will be faced is the "naysayers" and people who can't get over rifts from years gone by between all the cities within the county.  If the future of the county is to move in a postive direction, so must attitudes.

Here's another couple tidbits from the survey:
"Strong Support for Education" (ranked in 1st place on the list)
% of people who rated 1-excellent or 2-good:
Elk county:  74%
Grenola: 74%
Elk Falls: 45%
Longton 87%
Moline: 77%
Howard:  88%
Severy:  100%

"Willingness to invest in the future" (ranked in last place on the list)
% of people who rated 1-excellent or 2-good:
Elk County:  21%
Grenola:  21%
Elk falls: 27%
Longton:  13%
Moline:  27%
Howard:  26%
Severy:  43%


I'm glad you're reporting and passing on the information.

I didn't attend, but know several who did. Everyone is positive in their comments.

I'm such a behind-the-scenes person, though. I'll support the supporters (people like you!).

Is the next step the retreat in January?


Yes, that's what one of the steering committee members said; they'll go through the list of nominees  to pick people for the retreat.  Due to the busy season of Nov and Dec, the retreat will probably be in Jan.  I think the goal is 35 people, but they'd love to have more like 50!  We also had the opportunity to volunteer to be involved in future conversations or break-out meetings.  If any of you would like to lend your expertise in any of the 4 areas of the "Town Square" (education, business, government, health & human services)... or even just your opinions for the future of the county... don't hesitate to contact one of the steering committee members.  They are:  Andrea Arbuckle, David Brace, Vic Donahey, Richard Fish, Larry Galvan, Chris Haag, Liz Hendricks, David Sanchez, David Whetstone.

Another tidbit from the survey:
In the Youth Quality of Life section, people rated the county's Top Resources for Youth (interview of 57 adults):
Caring Adults  77%
Healthy Start  47%
Marketable Skills  33%
Safe Places after School  26%
Volunteer Service  17%

One of our activities was to take the top ranked point (Caring Adults) and figure out how to improve one of the bottom four points.  At our table, we proposed that we use our caring adults in the county to help create and staff an after-school location for the youth, and at the same time, the youth would volunteer their time to help keep the facility clean.

L Hendricks

Hi - Finally had a chance to write about an amazing 1 day event that 5 of us from Elk Konnected attended.  Larry Galvan, Tyson Wilson, Dana Denton, Bo Downing, Lonnie Stieben (SKT) and myself attended the 3rd annual Ks Communities Conf in Salina at the Rolling Hills Refuge & Conference Center.  We were one of the 15 communities Terry Woodberry is working with.  Heard about the Nebraska Comm Foundation which helps communities keep the wealth in their communities versus it leaving when the resident dies and leaves his/her estate to his kids in another area.  Heard from Greeley Co who has been working with Terry for 3 years - their county has put 100K in a countywide rec commission to fund activities for all, plus another 75K in a "Comm Development Director".  She was dynamic - recent grad from Southwestern - who heads up econ develop, chamber activities, real estate development, to whatever... Greeley Co also brought 2 HS Srs who helped run the tech side of the conference.  Visited with representatives from Hodgeman Co (one of our own lives there - Harmon Bliss - Ag Teacher), Sherman Co - just hired an econ development dir from Canada, Ft Scott - started a young prof group that meets regularly ie the 40 and under group, Humboldt - just buillt a $1+ million rec/hs gym that is open to the public - with an indoor walking track above the gym... and so many more examples - it is just amazing that these communities are so similar to ours in population and valuation and what can be done when we all strive for the same goals... The Vision retreat is coming up in January and from that 4-6 goals with action teams and leaders will be established and then the action teams go to work... It should be exciting... oh the other interesting thing about Greeley co 1500 pop.  they have seen a 10% increase in population just in the last 3 years - basically striving for a better quality of life.  The other amazing thing about this conf is that 100% of it was paid for - through partnership ie Ks Dept of Commerce, KS Research and Ext, Ks Dept of Ag, Frontier Farm Credit, and the Finnup Foundation... another concept Terry strives to instill.... Partnership between the 4 sectors - Biz, Ed, Govt, and Health/Human services... Well thanks for letting me share. Later


Thanks for letting us in on all of that ..
It is something that we all need to stay on top of.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Rudy Taylor

This is such a good thing.

I think the greatest surprise I've found over the past six years that we've owned the Flint Hills Express is the number of people who have moved to Elk County recent years.  They all tell the same story --- they were seeking a better quality of life, and they have found it.

I'm sometimes asked to speak to local clubs (I can't imagine why, because I'm the most boring human on earth) and invariably I spend more time talking about the audience than I do about the newspaper business or writing a book.

It fascinates me to find people like Tobina and many others who earn their living in the "bigger world" yet maintain their homes in the rural setting.  If people would just stop dying, we'd be increasing the population of Elk County!  It's that way in all our small counties in southeast Kansas. We have exactly what the world is looking for --- a peaceful setting for raising children, a low crime rate, a slow pace, friendly neighbors, a wonderful place to retire, inexpensive housing when compared to urban areas, and the most beautiful landscape in the world!

There are two major constraints that I see in Elk County --- and believe me, they're not unique to this county. The same holds true in Chautauqua, Labette and Montgomery Counties where we also run newspapers:

1.  Small towns are being trashed by a few uncaring people.  How dare anyone stack trash in their yard when they are so fortunate to living in such a delightful community?  How dare anyone park 8 to 10 old cars in their yard? How dare anyone allow their weeds to grow higher than their house? How dare anyone keep 3 to 5 big dogs tied up on chains in their yard?

Yes, it's nice to live in a small town where there aren't too many regulations. But that same freedom will suffocate us if we don't use some self discipline.

There are many, many wonderful exceptions to these trashers, but I'm telling you --- it's a real turnoff to anyone contemplating a move to a small town.

2. Cross-county rivalries continue to be community killers. Good grief, folks. All of us who reside in these small towns are fighting for survival ... not the Civil War! We're all neighbors.  Our kids go to the same schools.  We attend the same summer fairs.  We join the same 4-H clubs. We shop in the same stores.  We need to reach out to one another.  We need to support local bond issues for education so our children will continue to have schools to attend.  And we need to look at ourselves as one big community rather than four our five separate ones.

OK, I'm on the stump here, so I'll quit gabbing.  I just wanted you know how supportive I am of the Elk Konnected project. Count me in.

It truly is "a wonderful life."


Yeah,Rudy!  What will it take to make the Howard city council  to get some back b one  and establish some standards?

Jo McDonald

Jody, I think if you would talk to the Mayor and the council members and even the city clerk of Howard, you would find that they have tried---VERY HARD -- to reach these people and get them to clean up their trashy places, but  it is hard to chip through a granite, non caring attitude.  Some people just do not care what kind of mess they create.  Small communities like Elk County, are no different than cities like Wichita...you find those messes everywhere.  Fred and I have traveled through many, many towns and cities in the past 15 years, and it is the same everywhere you go.  It makes you angry that lazy dominates some people.  Makes you wonder what the inside of the home looks like, doesn't it?

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