Started by Janet Harrington, June 30, 2007, 04:37:37 AM

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Ole Granny

Okay, Teresa, Now you made me cry. Great job, though. How sad! Our thoughts and prayers are with Lloyd & his family.
"Perhaps they are not the stars in the sky.
But rather openings where our loved ones,
Shine down to let us know they are happy."
Eskimo Legend

Janet Harrington

A couple of pictures.

Jo McDonald

Tressy--the video is awesome-- heart breaking though, for sure.  And Janet your post of the pictures you took are so real- you can nearly feel the heat from the flames.  Thank you both

  We must keep Lloyd in our prayers.
  Mama Jo

Dee Gee

From Janet's pictures I would say the firemen did a excellant job of containing the fire and saving what they could of Zimmerman's home.  I'm also wondering if all his records were destoryed in the fire, I hope not because he had unreplaceable files.
Keeping Lloyd in our prayers.
Learn from the mistakes of others You can't live long enough to make them all yourself

Janet Harrington

I understand from Pastor Robin Haines, who works for Lloyd as an assistant, the records are kept in fire proof safes or files and as soon as the fire marshal clears the scene, Pastor Robin will be taking charge of those.

It has been said from those who were at the fire scene that Lloyd woke up because he was coughing.  The reason Lloyd stayed at the funeral home, instead of going to Wichita to his home there with his wife, is because of this rain.  Apparently, there was water in the basement and Lloyd was running the sump pump to keep the water going out.  Then the electricity goes off around 2:00 a.m. and is back on at 04:56.  The speculation, (and that is all it is, speculation), is that the water in the basement could have caused a problem with the sump pump and thus the fire.


Lloyd is in stable condition. He bas many broken bones and suffers from smoke inhalation. The Smoke inhalation is serious. In the two story fall he broke his left arm close to the shoulder (serious), quite a few ribs, several vertebras are broken, and his pelvis is also broken (serious).

Lloyd will possibly have surgery on his back tomorrw after the back surgery they will deal with his pelvis, and ribs. He had a number of serious cuts on his hands that required stitches. I believe they are trying to put his arm in a cast this evening. The swelling in his arm is severe enough that they may not be able to set the arm tonight. They do not want to move him to much because they do not want any pressure on his spine and cause more back injury.

Lloyd was banged up pretty bad - He is in the surgical intensive care SIU unit at Westley. Only two family members are allowed to spend time with Lloyd in his room.


There is only one "irreplaceable" thing that could have been lost in the funeral home fire.  And that is Lloyd.  Everything else within those walls mean nothing, it's just stuff...wood, paper, cloth, metal.  In the grand scheme of life that stuff means nothing.   It would have been beyond tragic for my son, Charlie, to have had to deal with the death of his father by fire.   

Thanks Mike for the posting on Lloyd's condition.  He has a long long way to go and it will take a lot of time, but hopefully he will mend to be 100%.  That is something to be thankful for and I wish him well.


1st of all, dad is stable & resting well this evening.. He is in alot of pain, and will be for awhile. Myself, Edna, my uncle Don (dad's brother) & his wife Linda are with him. Equally important, my mother and her side of the family are right there with us, keeping tabs.

I wanted to take this time to thank everyone who was involved in finding Dad, helping him, and everyone who pitched in to try and save as much as they could. Words cannot describe how much the Zimmerman family thanks you!

Tomorrow is a big day for Dad with back surgery at 10:00 am.  The doctors are very positive that this will be a successful operation. Please keep him in your prayers.


If you need anything at all Charlie.. just holler..
You know I'll do whatever I can to help you.!

Your dad is very well liked and respected here and anyone who has ever
had him "helping" their family in their time of loss, just  thinks the world of him...
so there will be lots of prayers going up for him...

Thanks for posting here on the forum and keeping everyone informed of what is going on.

Kjell said just today that THIS is why he made the forum for the people of Elk County.
Yes.. to have fun and chit chat, but to also keep on top of things like this.
It helps a community stay strong and lets everyone know that we are all friends and that no one is alone when they need support.

And your mom is right...
Stuff is just that.
It can be replaced. People can't!
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


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