PLEASE READ THIS: There Once Was A Place Called America

Started by Warph, February 26, 2013, 01:34:56 AM

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After you read this, tell me that President Barack Hussein Obama is not a communist.  He is RED as RED can get!  I have ordered my copy of Skousen's book from Amazon.


There Once Was A Place Called America

By Susan Stamper Brown

"There once was a place called America," our children's children will one day write, "a bright and shining city on a hill, divinely placed by God to serve as a beacon of hope to the entire world. A land filled with generous-hearted souls who showered the needy the world over with their abundant blessings."

You see, America was founded by a handful of God-fearing patriots who didn't always agree but believed certain things like life, liberty and the personal pursuit of happiness were worth dying for. And to ensure their ideas would survive the ages, they crafted one of the most revered documents ever put to paper, the United States Constitution.

It wasn't long before this exceptional nation became the envy of those who thirsted for freedom and the enemy of those who despised it. Some loathed America to the point of making threats while others declared war. But a certain few understood defeat was increasingly less likely and instead devised a plan to take down America from within, one small step at a time.

The leader of the former Soviet Union Communist Party, Nikita Khrushchev promised his beloved Communism would bury the capitalistic West without declaring war. The plan was outlined in a fascinating book called "The Naked Communist," written in 1958 by a man named W. Cleon Skousen who accurately warned Americans of troubles to come unless things changed.

***Skousen laid out the dangers Americans faced, point by point, almost as a Communist roadmap to America's demise: Progressives captured the Democratic Party (goal number 15),

...civil rights actions were taken in courts to "weaken basic American institutions"(16),

...the educational system was infiltrated (17),

...rioting like the Occupy movement was encouraged (19),

...the press was infiltrated (20),

...domination of the big screen and television waves (21),

...cultural standards of morality were broken down (25),

...homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity were presented as "normal" (26),

...churches were infiltrated by those promoting social justice (27),

...prayer and pledging allegiance to the flag in schools was eliminated (28).

...Moreover, the Constitution and founding fathers were discredited (29 & 30)

...and American culture belittled by those promoting "cultural sensitivity training" seminars similar to one recently uncovered by a video showing employees pounding on tables while chanting anti-American rants led by a man representing the organization, Souder, Betances, and Associate, reaping more than $3.3 million taxpayer funds, according to

...Skousen may have been a prophet, seeing that most of his predictions came to pass. Too clever to be labeled Communists, they chose the name "Progressive" and in the name of change set out to dismantle the Constitution, piece by piece. Progress was slow but steady, that is until their savior, Barack Obama, arrived.

...And no one was outraged because the Communist mission was complete. As former KBG agent, Yuri Besmenov so eloquently described, without war or bloodshed, America and her people were demoralized, no longer having the reasoning ability to distinguish right from wrong, or to comprehend the immensity of the treasure they'd buried just outside the gates of Hell.

*** Overview:
The Naked Communist has sold more than 1.5 million copies. It has found its way into the libraries of the CIA, the FBI, the White House, and homes all across America and overseas in Spanish and excerpted in other languages.

In this hard-hitting book an urgent need is finally fulfilled. In one exciting, readable volume, the incredible story of Communism is graphically told. We believe this to be the most vivid and comprehensive book on the subject ever published. It contains a distillation of more than a hundred books and treatises on Communism, many written by Marxist authors. We see the Communist the way he sees himself---stripped of propaganda and pretense. Hence the title, "The Naked Communist." Here is explained Communism's amazing appeal, its history, its basic and unchanging concepts---even its secret time-table of conquest! Vital questions are clearly answered---Who gave Russia the A-bomb? How did the FBI fight the battle of the underground? Why did the West lose 600 million allies after World War II? What really happened in Korea? What is Communism's great secret weapon? Is there an answer to Communism? What lies ahead?

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


...and American culture belittled by those promoting "cultural sensitivity training" seminars similar to one recently uncovered by a video showing employees pounding on tables while chanting anti-American rants led by a man representing the organization, Souder, Betances, and Associate, reaping more than $3.3 million taxpayer funds, according to


In previous excerpts uncovered by Judicial Watch, Betances instructs USDA employees to chant in unison "The pilgrims were illegal aliens" while being instructed to no longer use the word "minorities," but to replace it with "emerging majorities."  FOIA documentsreleased by Judicial Watch today reveal that the seminar was given to USDA employees at least 16 times last year and was designed to raise the "emotional intelligence" of the government attendees.

Judicial Watch received the videos pursuant to a May 18, 2012, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. The following are the new excerpts from Betances' video presentation:

(Unfortunately, below, Youtube has pulled the videos because of copywrite claims from Souder, Betances, and Associates... or so they say.
It seems YouTube is getting very progressive as of late...Warph)

•"Every federal agency... I want you to say: 'If we work for a federal agency.' Say that. [Audience repeats] 'We have discriminated in the past.' [Audience repeats] Say: 'Every federal agency,' [Audience repeats] 'has discriminated against African Americans,' [Audience repeats] 'Hispanics,' [Audience repeats] 'Native American Indians,' [Audience repeats] 'and other groups.' [Audience repeats]. See, if you work for a federal agency, it doesn't matter if it's DOD, Commerce, Labor, Education, Housing, every agency has discriminated, because every agency reflects the values of the generation in charge."

•"Mexicans came to this country last night illegally; never mind that the United States expanded and took over what used to be Mexico. If the truth be known, in a lot of these circumstances, if you tell some of these Mexicans 'Go back where you came from,' they go to Texas, California, Arizona. "

•"This is extremely important. I want all of you to say: 'Schools are middle class places of learning,' say that. [Audience repeats] 'But not all students are middle class.' [Audience repeats]"

•"And so when our founding elders and our Founding Fathers said 'We don't want King George. We want our George Washington to create a republic with tools of democracy.' Our founding elders went to the Iroquois, native indigenous Americans in upstate New York, to borrow their system of governance. In fact, when I met with some of the Iroquois leadership some years ago, they say 'Dr. Betances, not only did the Founding Fathers take our way of governing, they also took our symbol of nationhood, the eagle, as their symbol of nation-state.'"

The sensitivity training sessions, described as "a huge expense," by Betances during the presentation, were held on USDA premises. The diversity event is apparently part of what USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack described in a memo sent to all agency employees as "new era of Civil Rights" and "a broader effort towards cultural transformation at USDA." 

In 2011 and 2012, the USDA paid Betances and his firm nearly $200,000 for their part in the "cultural transformation" program.

A review of federal contracts for Mr. Betances firm, Souder, Betances and Associates, at reveals that the federal government gave the firm $3,313,244 in contracts over the last five years, $2.8 million of which was through the Department of Defense.

USDA Training Administrator, Vincent Loran, in an October 10, 2011, email previously revealed by Judicial Watch, asked Betances for a copy of a training video, promising to keep it secret. "It will not be used for or show [sic] in any way shape or form," Loran promised.  Nevertheless, Judicial Watch was able to obtain the video.

"It is downright disgraceful that American taxpayers are forced to pay for this ridiculous indoctrination program. This 'cultural transformation' program has nothing to do with improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the USDA workforce and everything to do with brainwashing federal employees," said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. "Federal agencies are wasting money and abusing employees through these left-wing and racially inflammatory indoctrination programs."

As reported by Fox News in October, 2012, Judicial Watch first broke the news of the USDA compulsory sensitivity training program based upon information it obtained in response to a FOIA request. That request was prompted by a tip from a USDA whistleblower.

Judicial Watch also previously uncovered information revealing that in April 2011, the USDA had treated 300 of its employees to a taxpayer-funded 'tasty celebration' of dishes from around the world, salsa dancing lessons from Vincent Loran, and a rap performance by a USDA employee who shared his feelings on human differences.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


What's amazing is, not one comment on this thread out of thirty hits.  No wonder Obuma won a second term.  Looks like the forum is not interested in what's going on outside their little bubble.  Makes me wonder if anyone in Elk County even knew there was a presidental election last November 6th.  Jeez!
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


You're right and it's no wonder that the only choices we had were Obama and some Republican in a
party that can not rattle its chain or trace itself to the founding fathers.


Quote from: Warph on February 26, 2013, 09:40:37 AM
What's amazing is, not one comment on this thread out of thirty hits.  No wonder Obuma won a second term.  Looks like the forum is not interested in what's going on outside their little bubble.  Makes me wonder if anyone in Elk County even knew there was a presidental election last November 6th.  Jeez!

I read your first entry as soon as we got the generator running about 6:30 this morning.  Considered responding then, but was otherwise occupied.  You want a response, here's  one. But, first, know this:  There are many here locally that are engaged fighting what amounts to socialism, communism and the liberal progressive movement right here in our own back yard.  Don't ever forget that, and don't ever view a lack of response to you as a lack of engagement.

Yes, everything you write is both accurate and terrifying.  At the national level we are in desperate shape.  But you, and so many others, seldom acknowledge that these communist inroads were cut first at the local level.  In churches, schools & local governments.  And now, the return channels (ie. Agenda  21, etc.) are backflowing from the corrupted top down.  That's not a personal affront, Warph, just an observation.  Most focus on the national picture, and few look/talk/act much further.

Yet, as you just pointed out, 'local' communities by and large are either too preoccupied, lazy or ignorant to even recognize the problems, let alone act to stem the tide.  Just look at events here in Elk County and on this forum over the last couple of years.  We hear how unholy alliances between elitists and government are OK only because some special interest group receives the largess of taxpayer funding.  We see some local elitists lauded while others vocally fight to keep spending taxpayer time and money to provide babysitting services at a time when we are taxed at the highest rates in the state.  These things, in fact, are the finishing touches on the destruction of America from within.  Our 'little bubble' is, ultimately, at the very heart of the problem.  And some actually recognize that fact.

Yes, we have a terrible bent toward Communisim/Socialism/Statism in Washington.  The sad fact is, however, that there is little the average citizen can do to change things at that level.  But, if people were to wake up and act, change might be possible in the same way this mess was created.... from the bottom up and from the inside out.

Elect liberty understanding locally, shun socialist/communist programs locally, promote conservative thinkers locally, and as they rise in the system, there may be a chance for them to change things nationally.  Reject the uninvited input from distant voices that oppose liberty, the sovereignty of the individual and the rights of the various states.  Fight to keep our schools from embracing ideas & policies that oppose individualism, stifle creativity & competitiveness.  Encourage local churches to hold to accurate Biblical doctrine and reject the secular humanist perspectives that undermine personal morality and accountability... especially individual accountability to God.

There's your response.  Not all encompassing, but a response nonetheless.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: redcliffsw on February 26, 2013, 10:22:31 AM
You're right and it's no wonder that the only choices we had were Obama and some Republican in a
party that can not rattle its chain or trace itself to the founding fathers.

The author, W. Cleon Skousen has written another book, Red, about the Founding Fathers & the Constitution which I've ordered.  (Don't like the wifes Kindle... Want a real book)  The book is called, "The Making of America: The Substance and Meaning of the Constitution."  Skousen seminars on the Constitution have been taught to several million across the U.S., and among his students were dozens of U.S. Senators and Representatives, two Supreme Court justices, and several candidates for President.  He believed knowledge and understanding were key to maintaining a free country, and spent his entire adult life opening up complex issues for deeper understanding by students and audiences all around the world.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



Great post.

I don't remember where I firsst heard it.
It may heve been school or radio.
But it was probably 50 years ago, the Communists said they would defeat us from with in.

I don't think most people will beleive it can happen.
Even if it was a snake ready to strike.

Our country has been strongly programed to obey, and believe whatever we are told, to conform.

We hear words such as leaders of the community, the elite.
He is rich so he must know what he is talking about.

This leads people to ignore the real warnings of the war.

Aw, what the heck maybe your post here will open some eyes.

My power was off form 4:30 am till 9 am.  But that isn't why I had not commented.

I just discovered the htread. Keep up the good work.



Sir, for years the government schools have perverted the American history and government.

If you want to raise your kids to be communists, then send them to a government school.

Indoctrination works, can't you tell?  Just look at the Republicans - they're disconnected from the founding fathers.
Many Republicans are liberal or neocons.

Diane Amberg

Yup,and that's why all your kids are being taught to read...Russian! ;)


Quote from: Patriot on February 26, 2013, 10:33:04 AM
Reject the uninvited input from distant voices that oppose liberty, the sovereignty of the individual and the rights of the various states.

And here's exactly the way the ignorant, incoherent, unenlightened crap to which I was referring looks like in practice....

Quote from: Diane Amberg on February 26, 2013, 11:34:02 AM
Yup,and that's why all your kids are being taught to read...Russian! ;)

Not all communists and socialists speak Russian, foolish woman.  Some speak English and even teach in our schools.  Ask Saul Alinsky or Van Jones.  To make light of the gravity of these matters is yet another way enemies of liberty (like you, IMO) operate to destroy liberty from within.

Oh, almost forgot....  Poke, Poke.   :) :) :)

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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