The wind farm money is officially in.... and out.

Started by Patriot, May 29, 2012, 09:03:06 PM

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The Elk County Board of Commissioners today voted on a final resolution detailing the disposition of tne 2010 wind farm PILOT monies received in March of this year.  The $850,500.00 has been spent as follows:

$300,000 allocated to the Road & Bridge Dept for equipment purchase (sheepsfoot for compacting roadbeds), raises, newhires (4) & materials as needed (rock,etc).
$125,250 allocated to the Employee Benefit Fund to cover costs of Road Dept wage/personnel changes (health insurance, pensions, employer's share of payroll taxes, etc.)
$251,832 allocated to debt payoff (clerk/treasurer computer software program loan - $43,823, courthouse roof loan - $144,000 & ambulance refurbish loan - $64,009)
$173,418 transferred to the county General Fund (if not spent in FY2012, the remainder can be used to offset FY2013 budget needs thereby helping to potentially stabilizing the mill levy in 2013)

Nope, no golf courses or activity centers or county fire/ambulance/health dept buildings in Howard this time around.  Less debt, better roads with a bit left over.  Well done commissioners.  It's a good start.

With the full 200 MW wind farm system commissioned in 2012, the county should receive the second payment of about $918,000 at the end of this year.

In other news, the commission retained a county counselor as allowed by state law.  He will be advising the county on civil matters and providing advice to county officers.  Your cost will be $1200.00 per month in retainer.  I'll bet he even knows about lawful executive sessions and KOMA requirements.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Sounds like the money was spent wisely and I have a sneaky suspicion that a couple of "trouble makers" on this forum might have had a hand in it. Thanks Fly-Boy and the ol swabbie ;)



Good job County Commissioners!
No "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" monies wasted this time around.
Is it possibly because, it is an election year?
What ever the case it sounds like the money was well used.

Please remember voting in November in the local elections is very important this year.  

Your vote is much more valuable here at home in Elk County, then on the national level, IMHO


Quote from: jarhead on May 29, 2012, 09:24:34 PM
Sounds like the money was spent wisely and I have a sneaky suspicion that a couple of "trouble makers" on this forum might have had a hand in it. Thanks Fly-Boy and the ol swabbie ;)

You probably believe Obama had something to do with winning WWII. If hit had been up to those "Troublemakers Elk County would not have even had the Windfarm. Those two have done alot more damage to Elk County than good. The only thing you got right is they are troublemakers.


Quote from: Oldtimer on May 30, 2012, 06:39:07 AM
You probably believe Obama had something to do with winning WWII. If hit had been up to those "Troublemakers Elk County would not have even had the Windfarm. Those two have done alot more damage to Elk County than good. The only thing you got right is they are troublemakers.

Now why would I think Obama had anything to do with winning WW-II ? That is absurd and just plain ol stupid on your part. As an oldtimer you should know that WW-II ended in 1945,16 years before Obama was born---if we can believe anything about his birth. Care to share your proof that the "trouble makers" would not even have the wind farm ? Maybe they would have went about it different but guess I missed where they were dead set against it.


Quote from: Oldtimer on May 30, 2012, 06:39:07 AM
You probably believe Obama had something to do with winning WWII.

Now you know that is wrong!
Remember, it was the Civil War Obama lead? LOL
Just kidding!

Quote from: Oldtimer on May 30, 2012, 06:39:07 AM
If hit had been up to those "Troublemakers Elk County would not have even had the Windfarm. Those two have done alot more damage to Elk County than good. The only thing you got right is they are troublemakers.

Please be specific about the accusations of Damage, such as who, what where, when and how? Please, back up you accusations with facts. Or the accusation really don't mean anything.

There is that narrow mindedness, Elk Konnected, LLC thinking again, isn't it?

I suppose if the funds were used/wasted on "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" programs then perhaps you would be happy?

The County Commissioners have done something very right, why can't you appreciate it?

Oldtimer, I sure would like to hear from you about what Elk Konnected, LLC has done to improve the quality of life in Elk County? And how?

What part did Elk Konnected, LLC have in getting the Windfarm here?

Why didn't Elk Konnected, LLC get $3 Million for Elk County like Enid, Oklahoma is getting from the same company and the same size windfarm?

I bet a lot of other people reading this forum would like to hear or read your remarks on these three questions!

And perhaps we can get some of that Elk Konnected, LLC positive attitude from you, to spread throughout the county. What do you think?

If you, in talking about damage, are refering to the "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" programs to repair streets and storefronts in Howard, I have a couple of suggestions.

Talk with the Howard City Council about using the Kansas State "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" programs for community block grants for that purpose. The state has far more money, don't they?

Ask the store owners to clean up their own properties, after all they own them, don't they?
Do the store owners really require "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" money, I don't think so, do you?

Batson's is a great example, just look at the great improvements they have made to downtown Howard.

Batson's has provided a great example for other owners to follow, don't you think?

The city clean up policies had nothing to do with it nor did Elk Konnected, LLC either did they?

I believe it was self motivation on the part of the owners, don't you? And they can take great pride in ther efforts, don't you think? Self motivation, something to be proud of!

So where are the damages and who is ultimately responsible?

Let's hear it, please!

Please be specific about the accusations of Damage, such as who, what, where, when and how? Please, back up you accusations with facts. Or the accusation really don't mean anything.


Quote from: Oldtimer on May 30, 2012, 06:39:07 AM
Those two have done alot more damage to Elk County than good. The only thing you got right is they are troublemakers.
If you think cronyism, abusive application of power, special interest pandering, heavyhanded manipulation and misuse of taxpayer resources hasn't done any damage to Elk County, then perhaps a look at the last census, some research on property taxation stats in Kansas and a hard look at internal operations at the county level might change your thinking.  Though I doubt it.  If by 'troublemakers' you mean standing against those those things first listed above, then thanks for the compliment.

You seem convinced that emotional, knee jerk reactions to sunshine leaking into government backrooms are the answer.  Put on some sunglasses and take another look at the way things have really been 'working' in Elk for some years.  

Quote from: jarhead on May 30, 2012, 07:07:24 AM
Care to share your proof that the "trouble makers" would not even have the wind farm ? Maybe they would have went about it different but guess I missed where they were dead set against it.

Truth such a wonderful thing.  Thanks for the honest observation jarhead.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Isn't it amazing how a thread started to simply report publicly available facts about a county action (and a positive action, at that) results in a sharp turn to the 'left' and becomes a medium for some to once again engage in personal attacks on private citizens' character or motive.  How Konnected of you, Oldtimer, and shame on you.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

Who are you to be "shaming" anyone for having a different opinion?  I thought this was still an open forum.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on May 30, 2012, 01:09:29 PM
Who are you to be "shaming" anyone for having a different opinion?  I thought this was still an open forum.

Perhaps you should re-read my entire comment in context, Diane.  If the shame were simply for a difference of opinion that would be wrong, IMO.  It wasn't, however, so I'll gladly stand by it.  If you still think me wrong, then so be it. 

Now that our opinions about personal matters are clear, what's your take on the PILOT expenditures?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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