Your government & Elk Konnected, LLC. Who's watching?

Started by Patriot, June 12, 2011, 02:28:59 PM

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Besides the regular posters, questioners, defenders, deflectors & detractors, a large number of people seem to be  watching threads related to the government relationships, ownership, background, & methods of Elk Konnected, LLC.

Over 10,000 views of information related to one subject... in only 48 days!  More than 200 per day.  Interesting.  Maybe you could call your commissioner and ask the unanswered questions.

Since government seems to be involved, don't you, as citizens, taxpayers & voters, have a right to inquire.... and a right to honest, verifiable  answers?  As some have said, there may be nothing to this at all... but that evidence needs to come from the horse's mouth, doesn't it?

Who could be watching?  Idle curiosity or real public interest in truth & facts?  Where are the answers?

Stay connected citizens!  It's your government and your money.

Elk County Hand Out At Commissioners Meeting on 4/25   Views:   8795,11780.0.html

Elk Konnected & Public Square update?          Views:     679,11961.0.html

Sources of Grant Funding            Views:     474,11923.0.html

Let's Stop Being Manipulated!....          Views:     564,11957.0.html

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


The number of views can be attributed to the controversial posts, not to the information supposedly contained in them.  People love controversy.  The more controversy, the more they are going to click in to see who is dissing who.  You can't judge the quality of a thread by the number of viewers it has had.  Not even the interest in the subject, just the insatiable desire for conflict.  The thread doesn't even have to have merit to attract a certain type of viewer and since the viewers cannot be identified, who knows what their interest is.  And how many of them are laughing? 


Quote from: Wilma on June 12, 2011, 03:48:38 PM
The number of views can be attributed to the controversial posts, not to the information supposedly contained in them.  People love controversy.  The more controversy, the more they are going to click in to see who is dissing who.  You can't judge the quality of a thread by the number of viewers it has had.  Not even the interest in the subject, just the insatiable desire for conflict.  The thread doesn't even have to have merit to attract a certain type of viewer and since the viewers cannot be identified, who knows what their interest is.  And how many of them are laughing? 

Ya know, if I was a real cynic, I would compare that response to a common deflection used by the 'kill the negative & stay positive' message of a professionally trained facilitator/community organizer.

Instead, I'll just ask...

Quote from: Wilma on June 12, 2011, 03:48:38 PM
And how many of them are laughing?

And how many are not?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


All right, I challenge you, all of you Elk Countians who are reading this and not laughing, to join the forum and state your opinion.  It seems strange to me that two people who have lived in Elk County hardly long enough to vote can come on here try to tell the true Elk Countians that they are being hoodwinked by their own children.


They LIVE here, regardless of how LONG. AND they are paying taxes here, regardless as to how much. And the last time I checked this is STILL a FREE country and they can discuss exactly WHAT they are DISCUSSING here and ASK QUESTIONS of anyone they deem necessary to ask those questions to! We would like to personally thank you for keeping this topic ongoing. You are a true Patriot. Without you this thread would have probably died a long time ago! Thank you, thank you, thank you!--By the way, WE aren't laughing!




Quote from: Wilma on June 12, 2011, 04:05:10 PM
It seems strange to me that two people who have lived in Elk County hardly long enough to vote can come on here try to tell the true Elk Countians that they are being hoodwinked by their own children.

First, I've been here long enough to buy beer and drive, too.  So get over it.

Second, it wouldn't be the first time kids hoodwinked, or for that matter, lied to or stole from their parents & other elders.  Read a newspaper from the real world sometime... you might be shocked. 

By the way, what is the legal definition of a 'true' Elk Countian?  Or is that another unauthorized question that's been answered a dozen times elsewhere on the forum?
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Wilma on June 12, 2011, 04:05:10 PM
All right, I challenge you, all of you Elk Countians who are reading this and not laughing, to join the forum and state your opinion.  It seems strange to me that two people who have lived in Elk County hardly long enough to vote can come on here try to tell the true Elk Countians that they are being hoodwinked by their own children.
I think the only thing you will accomplish is calling out of the sheeple of Elk Konnected. The ones Elk Konnected call followers. But they call themselves volunteers. So that would not prove a thing.

Adn to back that up I just had a conversation with one that claims she has stayed off the forum for tnd thosehe last 1-2 years. She apparently came back at the request of the IMO registered members of Elk Konnected as a diversion.

And my guess would be those that are watching will act on their own goodtime, if and when they have a desire to do so. Perhaps at election time.


Quote from: Wilma on June 12, 2011, 03:48:38 PM
The number of views can be attributed to the controversial posts, not to the information supposedly contained in them.  People love controversy.  The more controversy, the more they are going to click in to see who is dissing who.  You can't judge the quality of a thread by the number of viewers it has had.  Not even the interest in the subject, just the insatiable desire for conflict.  The thread doesn't even have to have merit to attract a certain type of viewer and since the viewers cannot be identified, who knows what their interest is.  And how many of them are laughing? 
Controversial is exactly right. News media uses it daily. Elk Konnected is very controversial as long as they remain a secret organization that asks for tax payers dollars and then openly denies it. An organization that has used County Government resoursces as their own until called on the carpet.  And as long as they show a desire to do away with city governments in Elk County for a centrally located Unified Government. And we know Centrally located means just like the Centrally located School in Howard.

And all the deflections thrown at legitimate questions only feeds the controversy. Especially when so called leaders of the community and highly respected citizens throw around bull shit. Pardon the french, but that is exactly what is being thrown around.


Where are the new members defending this thread?  Same ol', same ol'.


Quote from: Wilma on June 12, 2011, 04:05:10 PM
All right, I challenge you, all of you Elk Countians who are reading this and not laughing, to join the forum and state your opinion.  It seems strange to me that two people who have lived in Elk County hardly long enough to vote can come on here try to tell the true Elk Countians that they are being hoodwinked by their own children.

The same ol', same ol' comment can be used both ways. It's the same ol' people standing up for people and it's the same ol' people tearing them down! You didn't say it had to be NEW members to defend this thread. You said ELK COUNTIANS. Last time I checked I've been an Elk Countian for 10 years. I didn't know there was an "age" requirement to defend people and their right to comment on certain things as they see fit. Yes, I see that you put "join the forum and state your opinion," but there are plenty of forum members here that haven't spoken that feel the same way that Patriot and Ross feel. People I see at the gas station or grocery store or get messages from that say things like, "Boy that Patriot is really onto something" or "Ross shouldn't have to take that kind of abuse just because he's asking questions." Some people that don't feel that they really know enough on this subject to comment publicly but have heard and read enough to believe that there is something to all of this. People that see how Ross and Patriot are demonized and made out to be the villains in this whole "conversation." I have read all of this and it was stated in the beginning that EK would make full use of this forum to keep people abreast of all situations. No new posts for several months from EK tells me (and quite a few others) that that was a fabrication. I only still speak out because I choose to speak my mind on things and people know that about me. Maybe that makes me a demon and villain too...but at least I have the guts to do it...--Jennifer Walker



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