MY opinion........

Started by thatsMRSc2u, May 31, 2011, 06:52:35 AM

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on all the posts and threads about being "manipulated" and "fed lollipops" and being "sheeple"............................

In my opinion....... ;D........until people stop being manipulated by ANYbody...including panic mongers who see conspiracy in EVERYthing and start usin the minds God gave us to OBJECTIVELY judge according to situations, consequences and repercussions, INDIVIDUALLY, we as a people WILL be "sheeple" whether it is to the "community organizers" OR the supposed "truth seekers".

Yes , they BOTH will try to convince us THEY are right and the other side has some "evil agenda" and is manipulating us to "do their bidding". That "their" side is the "right" side and we are weak-minded idiots if we even consider the "other" side.

We are "weak-minded" if we DON'T! I'm not "weak-minded".......... how bout y'all ?

To use one of the catch-phrases......WAKE UP AMERICA.......and stop being manipulated and stampeded by EITHER side.


AMEN, Pam, and I want to add to that:

STAND UP FOR WHAT AND WHO YOU BELIEVE IN.  Don't sit back and let a few people paint a false picture of Elk County for the world.  So what, if  you make someone mad?  If you want your county to become a better place to be, don't let anyone ruin it for you by remaining silent.  Silence indicates consent.


The first wise words I have read on here in DAYS!!!! Good job, ladies!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Quote from: thatsMRSc2u on May 31, 2011, 06:52:35 AM
on all the posts and threads about being "manipulated" and "fed lollipops" and being "sheeple"............................

In my opinion....... ;D........until people stop being manipulated by ANYbody...including panic mongers who see conspiracy in EVERYthing and start usin the minds God gave us to OBJECTIVELY judge according to situations, consequences and repercussions, INDIVIDUALLY, we as a people WILL be "sheeple" whether it is to the "community organizers" OR the supposed "truth seekers".

Yes , they BOTH will try to convince us THEY are right and the other side has some "evil agenda" and is manipulating us to "do their bidding". That "their" side is the "right" side and we are weak-minded idiots if we even consider the "other" side.

We are "weak-minded" if we DON'T! I'm not "weak-minded".......... how bout y'all ?

To use one of the catch-phrases......WAKE UP AMERICA.......and stop being manipulated and stampeded by EITHER side.

The truth is most people are manipulated by folks like Elk Connected.  IF you go in and can make it look like a good thing, people will fall for it.  Just take a look at the 2008 election.  How many voted for the obamanation?
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


  Give it a rest Steve. I'm not buyin what yall are sellin  ::) I personally think it's time for people to speak out and refuse to let the dog and pony domination show yall have goin on hijack this forum any more than it already has. I just gave em a place to do it.

  As for Obama......blah.... blah.... blah.........I didnt vote for him.


  One more little doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure out that Patriot and Ross are two of the three  (hidden) members LOL....why the lurking for you guys? You actually think it'll let you "ambush" somebody? It's kinda funny.......

Been up since 2:30 am to get Joe off to ass is startin to drag :) Gonna go do somethin else......maybe, maybe not


Pam, maybe the Rapture is coming, I agree with you completely on the 2 above posts. As usual you have the gonads to tell it like it is.


She sure does and I wish more people would do it. 



 O M G this Ross dude is a serious pain. Backstabbin it is that I'm doin now! I will start what thread I want whenever I want about WHATever I want....if Teresa dont like it SHE will tell me to back off AND where to put it not YOU

pick a cheek Ross

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