Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25

Started by Ross, April 26, 2011, 07:00:15 AM

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But it's free renewable energy, which makes it okay, right?

Free, if you don't take into account taxpayers dollars paying for them?
And if you don't tkae into account the profits/money being exported out of the US of A.
And free if you don't take into consideration the effects of their spinning blades, right?

Ya, just can't mess with mother nature without some kind of adverse effests, can ya?

Just like ya shouldn't mess with voters.


Quote from: Oldtimer on May 01, 2012, 03:11:56 PM
Wilma, I can't think of anything worse for Elk County than to have Ross or Patriot as a Commissioner. If we had had Ross and or Patriot as Commissioners we wouldn't have to worry about what to do with the Windfarm Monies, because there wouldn't be any.

First and foremost, I would have done a lot more studying on the P.I.L.O.T. then those that are Konnected Kounty Kommissioners and have personal connections to the land leases associated with the wind farm. Perhaps Elk County would be getting the same $3 million a year that Enid, Oklahoma is getting from the same company building the same size windfarm there. Also, I would not have used my position as County Commissioner and been the founding member of my own organization which has attempted to influence the spending of the windfarm monies.

You say, if I were County Commissioner there would be no money left, well let me ask you, can you show one post, where I have advocated the spending of one dollar?

I did suggest that the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners wait until after the elections in November before spending the money.

I also suggested that the money could draw some good interest. But, no I have never advocated spending a penny or a nickel or a dime of that money, let alone a dollar of it.

Quote from: Oldtimer on May 01, 2012, 03:11:56 PM
Think about it their two main supporters do not live in Elk County, don't own property in Elk County, don't pay taxes in Elk County.

I have no supporters, not even suspenders.
So, I have no idea what you are referring to, would you please clarify.

Have you had a chance to read this weeks newspaper? The Howard Chamber said in their recent meeting that they have accepted Jennifer Montgomery as a new and a member at large. Well, guess what our County Employee is also on the Elk Konnected, LLC steering committee and was hired by and at the suggestion of Konnected Kounty Kommissioners. Is it possible to figure out what is going on here?

It was several month's ago I believe, I posted, that I read in the newspaper that the seed of getting their hands on the P.I.L.O.T. was planted, at a Howard Chamber of Commerce meeting and I was reassured that it wasn't. But whoa, what is this, following the seeding?

The newspaper continues to say that the Howard Chamber of Commerce suggested, submitting a letter to the County, on how they would like to spend a portion of the P.I.L.O.T money. And guess what, their was no mention of emergency equipment, which being discussed on another thread.

How many Elk Konnected, LLC's members or non-members or Followers or whatever they call themselves, are on the Howard Chamber of Commerce now?

What's wrong with Howard's City Council?
Isn't that the governing body's job, to take care of the city's infrastructure and such?
Or is government suppose to be just ignored?
Or is Howard's City Council going to ask for money too?
What about all the less fortunate communities, yea, what about them?
Those that actually needs help the most?
Don't the other communities have Elk Konnected,  LLC members or non-members or Followers or whatever they call themselves?

Whatever happened to Elk Konnected, LLC's Big Idea of saving the first million?
I guess we can now count that as another of Elk Konnected, LLC's failures?
How many failures is that now?
I've lost track, can someone help me with this one?

But moving back to this week's newspaper there is an Editorial titled, "Loyalty to Like-Minds is a Scary Suggestion", which I enjoyed reading. It has to do with state senators and representatives and a loyalty oath. It referred to Saddam Hussein and Fidel Castro applauding such one sided thinking. It also stated, "Kansans of all political persuasions should be wary of anyone trying to do their thinking, select their leaders or try to direct the votes of elected representatives. To me, it appears this is the very same thing that is happening right here at home in Elk County via Konnected Kounty Kommissioners. We can not get a definite line drawn in the sand between Elk Konnected, LLC and our Elected County Commissioners. That is two out of three of them, anyway. And I think it is even further complicated, by have the employee Elk Konnected, LLC suggested that the Konnected Kounty Kommissioner's hire is on the Elk Konnected, LLC's Steering Committee and comes before them asking for money for Elk Konnected, LLC, if I am wrong would someone please correct me?

Shouldn't our elected Officials perform the honorable and ethical action of reclusion, when any member of their organization or related organization, comes before them in need of a vote, since the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners have two out of three votes, and can approve anything their organizations asks for?

Can our elected officials really act in the best interest of everyone in the county as Konnected Kounty Kommissioners?

And as our Newspaper editor told me, he to is affiliated or associated with Elk Konnected, LLC, I think he would do well to read his own editorial and apply it to the present local Elk County situation.

I'm not asking anyone out there to believe anything, I post on this thread, that being the most important statement on this post. I would suggest that you think for yourself, don't listen to me or all the heckling from the followers. I am simply an insignificant redneck hick enjoying retirement. But in November, I hope, I am as equally important as you are, when it comes to voting my ballot, for new County Commissioners. If they can't hear us now, perhaps they will then.

Thanks to each of you for reading this gibberish.


QuoteCan our elected officials really act in the best interest of everyone in the county as Konnected Kounty Kommissioners?

That would be a resounding NO!
As long as one or two of the commissioners are founders/members/ supporters of Elk Konnected, or otherwise else affiliated with Elk Konnected, then there is a conflict of interest in any facet of Elk Konnected's desires. 
This includes the person Jennifer?) that acts on behalf of the Youth, with a backing from Elk Konnected.  Unfortunetly I believe she is just a pawn in the game.

I am MORE concerned, in keeping with this topic of the inappropriate actions of the Commissioners.  If what is on here is true, then there needs to be an investigation by the Kansas Commisioners Ethics board, and I do believe it was mentioned on this thread.

I am more concerned that taxpayer's dollars are not spent in an appropriate way to maintain the infrastructure of the county, and has seemed to more focus on the 'fluffy' projects that appear to look good.

The big picture may include a Bowling Alley for Kids, an Olympic Pool, etc....however that is in the future.  Elk County need to realize the roads, the bridges, the sewers, et need to be at par before the other comes in to play.

Two things come to mind (Lawd, I am now typing as much as Diane!    :P):
1.  You received money as an inheritance, and the first thing you do NOT want to do is buy a 60" flat screen TV for your kids.
You pay the rent/mortgage/bills/food, etc first.    Then, perhaps you may buy a dress. (fill in appropriate clothing needed....I threw my pantyhose and dresses in the garbage when I left the Corporate world)

2.  When you have a meal to plentish your body....you first have to harvest what you have planted, cooked, prepared before you have dessert.  (A nutrtional tips there, and there is a reason both nutriotionally as well as psychologically)

Who is deciding the fate of Elk County?  It should be the people that pay the taxes based on their votes of the Comissioners and other elected officials.   

Unfortunately, some say things to get what we want?  WWYDWTM?   (What Would You Do With The Money?)
Ready to duck....because I just ran in my fingers/mouth to the bone.


QuoteAs long as one or two of the commissioners are founders/members/ supporters of Elk Konnected, or otherwise else affiliated with Elk Konnected, then there is a conflict of interest in any facet of Elk Konnected's desires. 

I emphaize AFFILATED, Ross. No need to redirect me to previous posts!   :D


Quote from: readyaimduck on May 02, 2012, 08:20:25 PM
I emphaize AFFILATED, Ross. No need to redirect me to previous posts!   :D

You tickled me, I chuckled.
Now it's time to prepare to get some sleep.
Goodnight All.


I am proud to report, my son brought home an application from school for what is called
Elk County/ Lawrence Art Center /Summer Camp which is being Sponsored and (probably instigated) by the WindFarm.
This I believe is an actual and positive, youth development event.

The children 7th through 12th grade will be staying on campus at the University of Kansas. Which most likely is an experience in and of itself.

Transportation will be provided by the Elk Valley School District which is located in Longton, Kansas.

I believe this activity really would qualify more as Child Development, unlike the local Summer Day Camp, which appears to be more of a daycare or baby sitting event, with cheap toys used for entertaining children.

This apparently happened last year, however, my child did not bring home the application last year. The sad thing is only 30 children get to participate.
And it's on a first come/first serve basis.
I would like to know, WHO made this decision, and WHY?
It leaves open the door for the suggestion of more favoritism, cronyism and the such.
What if, 60 applications are received at the very same time delivered by the mail carrier.
Who, then chooses who goes?

Well, my bet is those thirty or the majority will be West Elk Students and perhaps Elk Konnected, LLC Children. Because, they are right there in Howard, where they have the advantage of getting their applications in first, to the court house and may even have early insider information, and possible early access to the applications, especially since our Youth Development Employee is on the Elk Konnected, LLC Steering Committee Member. I hope you can see that the Elk Konnected Children have an even better advantage because of being Konnected.

What, I believe would be fair would be a public drawing of names from a hat at a County Commissioner Meeting with a member of the audience drawing the names.
Also, children that have already attended the camp should be disallowed to enter,
thus providing all of Elk County children an equal opportunity to win one of the thirty position of going to this limited County Supported, Summer Camp.  
I don't like putting a damper on a good thing and really I'm not, what I am suggesting is that ALL County Children should be treated equally.

Remember, we have Konnected Kounty Kommissioners, Konnected Kounty Youth Development Employee and Konnected West Elk School Board President and possibly a few other Konnected good old boy & girls, right? To me they haven't shown that they can be trusted, so I believe the only fair thing for all the county's children would be a\the suggested drawing presented at a County Commissioners meeting with an audience member drawing the names. Fair is fair, right folks. Let's see if fairness can happen in Elk County?

And what about the disadvantaged children, who's parent's may not be able to afford the $10 dollar transportation fee? Couldn't the Konnected Youth Development Employee ask the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners to provide that funding from the County's Recreation Fund? Giving the disadvantage children an equal opportunity. Instead of providing those funds to Elk Konnected, LLC ?

Just where is the FAIRNESS in the "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" programs for All the CHILDREN OF Elk COUNTY ?

Perhaps: Food for thought.

This is an election year and your vote will be very important, at least on the local level.

You can make a big difference.

NO, I am not going to be running for County Commissioner.


Equally??  The government has never been an equalizer and never will be.  That's civil rights type language.  Think liberty!


Also, in the newspaper of May 2, 2012 were the following activities for improving the quality of  life in Elk County:

Elk County Cleanup Day set for May 12

Rodeo Association to hold Play Day in Moline May 12

Cleanup Week continues in Longton.

These appear to me to be pretty good things for Elk County.

But, I didn't see a thing where Elk Konnected, LLC   is volunteering to help with these quality of life items in Elk County, Did you?

Elk Konnected, LLC on their web site does make reference to improving the quality of life in Elk County, right?

Did you see something I missed in the paper that Elk Konnected, LLC is involved?

I wonder what this weeks paper will reveal?

I believe there will be other events this summer put on by different communities with in Elk County, will Elk Konnected, LLC once again horn in on those activities, like they did last year? 

Or will the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners make recreation money available to those communities to support their own festivals?

That is, instead of giving County Funds over to the privately owned company, to use to advertise themselves at those community activities?


Hi Everyone,

I hope everyone had a great weekend. I enjoyed the weekend even shoveling gravel that had washed out of my cousins driveway.  

I've been pretty busy preparing for my haying season and besides nothing has been happening with Elk Konnected, LLC in the newspaper.

I got back to work on my own stuff (tractor broke, sickle mower broke) on this beautiful day. Anyway while visiting with a friend, I was told the big tourist trail ride from Busby past the artesian well to the wind farm has been put on put on the back burner, put on hold, etc. They said the something about it applies to the big RV Park and other thing's associated with it.

Has anyone else heard the same thing?

Perhaps, the Konnected Kounty Economic Development Employee or the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners can enlighten us. Or perhaps one or two of the Elk Konnected, LLC's followers might bring us up to date.


Quote from: Ross on May 14, 2012, 05:32:06 PM
...Anyway while visiting with a friend, I was told the big tourist trail ride from Busby past the artesian well to the wind farm has been put on put on the back burner, put on hold, etc. They said the something about it applies to the big RV Park and other thing's associated with it...

Well, well, well, citizens.  At least the Konnected pundits can say we were told in advance...  because we were... in 2008!

Quote from: pepelect on July 30, 2008, 08:33:33 PM
:o Someone wants to build in Howard?  Do they need any Ideas?  I know a guy.   Need a property owner swayed?  Have a problem with zoning....Local community Improvement committee nominates who ever it is as chairperson with huge Title and no salary.

Do you have to have over 50 beds to cater to the bus line tourists?     Could we stack bunk beds in the rooms and call it the bunk house?  

Should we give lots of money to the Flinthills  Assembly of God church to get the new building on its way so we can serve the fire water?  Fire water is not just for firemen anymore.   Firewater makes money more fluid.  Come here's need fluid so their funding doesn't dry up.  

What about an RV park and ride....Park your RV and we will give you a trailride of Elk County.  

Have you ever seen limestone arch bridge?  Ariesian well?  and  a 200 megawatt wind farm on the same trail?

Cave Springs any memories?

Click the map below to enlarge.  In addition to reflecting PEP's 2008 foreshadowing cast in eerily accurate present day detail, the above map shows roads (in red) that have been quietly receiving considerable attention for over a year.  Those routes are interesting.  Konnected, as it were.

Coincidence?  If not the whole thing is a tad bittersweet.  The idea that significant numbers of travellers might visit, enjoy our county and leave some of their vacation funds might be a good thing.  Honey to an ailing county soul,so to speak.  The milk in the equation is a different matter.  Inasmuch as most of what appears to be developing was fostered & perhaps manipulated outside of the clear public view and a good portion of it possibly advanced with the aid of local government influence & political Konnection the milk takes on a sour flavor.  Especially in light of all the Konnections involved.  Perhaps there are others in  Elk County who might have had an interest in the 'big picture' or been willing to make some positive contribution and been rewarded for their effort.  As it stands, it looks like the Konnected 'we' may hold a monopoly on providing the 'rides' and reaping the rewards.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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