Could .31 Remington and Colt Pocket Pistols actually kill a person?

Started by Gomezy3k, January 01, 2017, 02:38:56 PM

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Jake C

Quote from: Brizco-Z on March 05, 2017, 08:50:02 PM
As I remember hearing the story, it went something like this....There was a very small store located about half-a-days ride out of Lynchburg town traveling east along the James River.  This store faced up to the dirt road with only space for the front porch and hitch'n post out front, it was right on the edge of the road.  I recall passing by the little old store quite a few times when younger, always seemed unusual that it was right on the road edge.  It had very narrow double front doors, a very shallow covered front porch and only one window on each side wall, these were also very narrow

As is goes, late one night, the local boys were playing cards on the board and barrel located in the middle of the very small building.  The proprietor was sitting with his back toward the rear of the store, with a pot-belly stove behind him and a chimney stack on the rear wall of the building (I remember the location of the chimney).  The rest of the players circled the table, sitting on wood boxes or chairs or whatever was available.  As the game progressed there seemed to be a serious disagreement between the proprietor and one of his friends, the man sitting directly across the board from him, this man's back, toward the open front doors.

A more heated argument broke out between the two about the last hand played, both shouting and then finally standing to confront each other.  In the heat of the exchange, the proprietor reached into his cash cigar box on the board and drew out what looked to be a very small pistol....taking aim, he fired.  The other man threw both hands to his mouth as he stumbled backwards toward the front door, he fell backwards over the front porch and broke the cross bar of the hitching post as he hit the ground.

The whole crowd from the store went rushing out with the proprietor leading the group yelling about how sorry he was to have shot his friend over a simple hand of cards. As they gathered around the victim, they were amazed to see him stand up coughing and gagging.  With that, he stumbled to one of the still standing posts and heaved something that hit the ground with a thud.  One of the men picked it up, spat on it to wash it off and found it to be a bullet slug.

The Story ends with all the boys going back to the poker game, apologies and "sorrys" exchanged....Oh, and more drinking (of course) to clear the boy's throat.....the two gents involved remained the closest of friends well into their old age.

As for the gun and bullet...a .31, who knows, cap & ball....a rim fire, maybe...too little powder or  old dampt powder, possible??

Just thought I'd throw this in. 

I've heard that the .41 rimfire was rather anemic. I don't have any personal experience of course, but I recall hearing some where that a thick coat could stop it. Again, not sure if it's true or not, but if so then maybe that's our culprit?
Win with ability, not with numbers.- Alexander Suvorov, Russian Field Marshal, 1729-1800

St. George

Go back and read Post #4.

These rounds wouldn't've stayed in production if they hadn't done their job.

Scouts Out!
"It Wasn't Cowboys and Ponies - It Was Horses and Men.
It Wasn't Schoolboys and Ladies - It Was Cowtowns and Sin..."


The REAL code of the West:
Do unto others before others do it unto you.

Rooster Ron Wayne

I have always loved the little Anemic Caliber.
Never had any tackers willing to put their money were their mouth is . :o

A little .31 round ball with a full load of FFFF will pass threw a 2x4 at 5 feet .
Just sayin .
Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you:
1. Jesus Christ
2. The American G. I.
One died for your soul, the other for your freedom."


they would definitely stop someone! all you have to do to stop me is say you have a gun in your pocket, I don't need to know the caliber, you don't even have to show it to me, I will stop! and leave you alone,,,,,,,,,,,
beware of the man who has only one gun, he probably knows how to use it.....


Absolutely.  Bullet Placement.  Of course, So so bullet placement combined with a rampant Staph infection and or Peritonitis might also tend to ruin yer weekend  ::)


Both the Remington and Colt were mentioned in various biographies and histories as pistols carried in a chaps pocket by working cowboys (a role in some cases later filled by various .32 autos).  They weren't carried for offensive use, or known for excessive power, but you can find accounts of them being used to turn a charging steer, finish off injured livestock, and for impromptu shooting matches.  They also figured in more than a few (usually drunken) disputes between cowhands, or cowhands and townies. 

In my book a pioneer is a man who turned all the grass upside down, strung bob-wire over the dust that was left, poisoned the water, cut down the trees, killed the Indian who owned the land and called it progress.  Charles M. Russell


Firstly the .22 - its a wickedly deadly misunderstood cartridge. I would NEVER take one hunting big game with me but it was the only rifle with me on my property one day when I saw the biggest pig I have ever shot - and  have shot many - well being in a bad mood that day and 'wanting to kill something' I just had to have a go - the .22 was a single shot BSA. I fired a well placed shot and the pig travelled about 25 yards before dropping. The bullet had pierced the thick skin, severed an artery and become lodged againt the skin on the opposeite side of the abdnominal cavity, almost penetrating . What surprised me was the penetration. Incidently I normally carried back then a .401 Winchester and now days either a 50-70 (actually .52 cal.) Sharps or a .303
Now as to the .31 - I would not want to be hit by one and it depends entirely WHERE the bullet strikes - if it hits the right spot then your dead dead dead - if they were not effective then they would not have been made!


Colt produced in excess of 320,00 of their 1849 Pocket model (their most prolific percussion pistol) so some buyers must have been happy with their performance.


Jeremiah Jones

Quote from: Brizco-Z on March 05, 2017, 08:50:02 PM
As I remember hearing the story, it went something like this....There was a very small store located about half-a-days ride out of Lynchburg town traveling east along the James River.  This store faced up to the dirt road with only space for the front porch and hitch'n post out front, it was right on the edge of the road.  I recall passing by the little old store quite a few times when younger, always seemed unusual that it was right on the road edge.  It had very narrow double front doors, a very shallow covered front porch and only one window on each side wall, these were also very narrow

As is goes, late one night, the local boys were playing cards on the board and barrel located in the middle of the very small building.  The proprietor was sitting with his back toward the rear of the store, with a pot-belly stove behind him and a chimney stack on the rear wall of the building (I remember the location of the chimney).  The rest of the players circled the table, sitting on wood boxes or chairs or whatever was available.  As the game progressed there seemed to be a serious disagreement between the proprietor and one of his friends, the man sitting directly across the board from him, this man's back, toward the open front doors.

A more heated argument broke out between the two about the last hand played, both shouting and then finally standing to confront each other.  In the heat of the exchange, the proprietor reached into his cash cigar box on the board and drew out what looked to be a very small pistol....taking aim, he fired.  The other man threw both hands to his mouth as he stumbled backwards toward the front door, he fell backwards over the front porch and broke the cross bar of the hitching post as he hit the ground.

The whole crowd from the store went rushing out with the proprietor leading the group yelling about how sorry he was to have shot his friend over a simple hand of cards. As they gathered around the victim, they were amazed to see him stand up coughing and gagging.  With that, he stumbled to one of the still standing posts and heaved something that hit the ground with a thud.  One of the men picked it up, spat on it to wash it off and found it to be a bullet slug.

The Story ends with all the boys going back to the poker game, apologies and "sorrys" exchanged....Oh, and more drinking (of course) to clear the boy's throat.....the two gents involved remained the closest of friends well into their old age.

As for the gun and bullet...a .31, who knows, cap & ball....a rim fire, maybe...too little powder or  old dampt powder, possible??

Just thought I'd throw this in. 

Documentation? Or is this a friend of my neighbor's, wife's, coworker's third cousin (twice removed) heard it at a bus station story?
Scouts Out!

PJ Hardtack

Quote from: Coffinmaker on November 26, 2017, 12:00:45 PM
Absolutely.  Bullet Placement.  Of course, So so bullet placement combined with a rampant Staph infection and or Peritonitis might also tend to ruin yer weekend  ::)

Yeah - who'd want to be guy shot by a .31 that carried fabric into the wound cavity? Death would not be immediate, but the grim reaper has time ..... and there t'waren't no antibiotics then.
"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.
I don't do these things to others and I require the same from them."  John Wayne

Arizona Trooper

I just shot a '49 Colt in the first N-SSA match of the season down in Ga. It's the short barrel version. Got hits with it too! It's about like shooting 22 shorts. The balls would embed themselves about 1/4" into the 2X4 target frames at 25 yards.

According to my chronograph, 10 gr. of Schutzen FFF and a .320 ball produce a wicked 555 fps at 10'.

Would this kill someone, you bet, with the right shot placement. The comments about shot placement are right on though.   

There is an account of two S.C. officers fighting a duel early in the war with S&W #1s. One was hit and succumbed to infection about a week later.


Keep in mind that most folks in those days didnt have 4-8" of fat everywhere so a belly shot would get inside and do its harm. Gut shot was as bad as it could get.
"Frontiersman: the only category where you can shoot your wad and play with your balls while tweeking the nipples on a pair of 44s." Canada Bill

Since I have 14+ guns, I've been called the Imelda Marcos of Cap&Ball. Now, that's a COMPLIMENT!

Wolverton Mt. Peacekeepers
NRA Life
CASer since 1992

Dick Dastardly

Death from infection would be terrible.  Yes, you may live to inflict return damage, but you'd die with horrible pain that would only increase till you expired.  For those that knew and respected those little guns, they didn't trifle with someone point them at them.

Avid Ballistician in Holy Black
Riverboat Gambler and Wild Side Rambler
Gunfighter Ordinar
Purveyor of Big Lube supplies

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