Josie Wales Class

Started by Dalion, December 19, 2011, 06:51:54 PM

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What is involved in shooting in Josie Wales class.  How do you carry all the pistols needed to shoot a stage in this class?

J.D. Goodguy

We have shot Josie a couple of times and had a blast.  We shot 2 pistols that we carry in holsters.  The other 2 pistols that we shoot at the rifle targets are staged just like the rifle.  We carry the 2 rifle pistols with barrels up to the loading and unloading tables just like the rifle.     JIM

Marshal Deadwood

Shot Josey Wales our last match. Was more fun than a guy outta have !



I really enjoy CAS but I have less and less time to reload and prep for matches.  So I thought I'd try to combine my two favorite activities; shooting C&B revolvers and CAS shooting.  I have plenty of revolvers just have to figure out the logistics of carrying and reloading them all for each stage.


Quote from: Dalion on December 19, 2011, 06:51:54 PM
What is involved in shooting in Josie Wales class.  How do you carry all the pistols needed to shoot a stage in this class?
Each club may be a little different, most will let you use four holsters, or someone to carry two to the line, some let you put two in the belt then stage them on a prop. Here's the rules from the Indiana BP Guild for the some of their categories (not classes ;)) Good Luck :)

Josey Wales

Josey Wales participants will shoot 4 SASS main match revolvers and a double barrel or lever action shotgun. No rifle is required for this category. Revolvers may be shot duelist or gunfighter, 10 shots at the pistol targets and 10 shots at the rifle targets. Gunfighter style may only be utilized from revolvers secured in straight hang holsters from opposite sides of the body, or safely staged on props.

Pale Rider

Pale Rider consists of main match cartridge pistols and lever action rifle of 40 Caliber and above (38-40 on up). For bullet weights of 200 grs or more, a black powder charge of 25 grs by volume (1.6 cc's) is required. For 38-40, a bullet weight of 180 grs is permitted; however, the black powder charge is increased to a minimum of 30 grs by volume (2.0 cc's). 12 gauge shotgun only; minimum charge is 60 grs (4.0 cc's) and 1 1/8 oz of shot.

Pale Rider is shot gunfighter style, although a duelist category may be offered, depending on the number of entries for the match.


Plainsman consists of Cap & Ball revolvers, shot duelist style, a lever-action or double barrel shotgun, and a single shot pistol or rifle caliber rifle. Please do not load heavy rifle rounds to minimize damage to the match targets. Plainsman will fire approximately half of the otherwise required stage rifle rounds.

Jefro :D Relax-Enjoy
sass # 69420....JEDI GF #104.....NC Soot Lord....CFDA#1362
44-40 takes a back seat to no other caliber


Thank you for the info and advice, pards.  I'm looking forward to trying it next week.  I've also learned that if I'm going to shoot this category I should learn to spell 'Josey' correctly

Tall Dark Slim

Just read up on some of the rules and have a few questions.  
Where are there hard and fast rules on this class?

What is the verdict on the pistols replacing the rifle? Are they good to go on an empty shell or must they be unloaded fully?

What is the group verdict on carriage of the pistols? Four on body or two on and two staged? It would appear difficult with the required spacing for some shooters of lesser middle acreage.  Is the spacing still in effect or are the extra holsters not designated as main match?


Quote from: Tall Dark Slim on January 04, 2012, 11:30:03 AM
Just read up on some of the rules and have a few questions.  
Where are there hard and fast rules on this class?

What is the verdict on the pistols replacing the rifle? Are they good to go on an empty shell or must they be unloaded fully?

What is the group verdict on carriage of the pistols? Four on body or two on and two staged? It would appear difficult with the required spacing for some shooters of lesser middle acreage.  Is the spacing still in effect or are the extra holsters not designated as main match?
There are no hard fast rules on this category, it may vary slightly from club to club, check with match director. Yes the revolvers are good on a fired case, same as any other category. Most if not all will allow two to be carried to the line and two holstered, some allow four holsters but is not required.  If you use four holsters the spacing must meet the rules. Good Luck :)

Jefro :D Relax-Enjoy
sass # 69420....JEDI GF #104.....NC Soot Lord....CFDA#1362
44-40 takes a back seat to no other caliber

Tall Dark Slim

I'm seeing a lot of things about this category referring to shooting unneeded ammo into the backstop. Seems a bit frivolous and wasteful. If one had a break action and could clear the shells this should be an allowable act as it is most similar to the rifle which it replaces.


Quote from: Tall Dark Slim on January 08, 2012, 10:06:56 AM
I'm seeing a lot of things about this category referring to shooting unneeded ammo into the backstop. Seems a bit frivolous and wasteful. If one had a break action and could clear the shells this should be an allowable act as it is most similar to the rifle which it replaces.
Howdy Slim, I ain't sure what you mean ??? There is no ammo shot into a backstop. You shoot the stage just like any other stage, except two revolvers are staged on a table where the rifle would normally be. It doesn't matter how you get the pistols there, in extra holsters or carried muzzle up, they are staged on a table or prop. Those two pistols are used to shoot the steel rifle targets, there is no frivolous waste. You miss the target and it cost you 5 seconds. The point of the category is to imitate the movie character Josie Wales, who keeps pulling handgun, after handgun, after handgun, after handgun 8)  Good Luck :)

Jefro :D Relax-Enjoy
sass # 69420....JEDI GF #104.....NC Soot Lord....CFDA#1362
44-40 takes a back seat to no other caliber


There is no such class.  Actually, SASS makes it a point to state that they have no "classes" they have categories.  So, accurately, there is no such category.  It is an ad hoc category that some local clubs shoot and the rules are whatever they want them to be.

Tall Dark Slim

Some club had that rule that all unfired shells had to be fired into the backstop. Bogus. I was unaware that the rules were varied so badly.


Quote from: Tall Dark Slim on January 08, 2012, 09:17:10 PM
Some club had that rule that all unfired shells had to be fired into the backstop. Bogus. I was unaware that the rules were varied so badly.
Howdy Slim, I'm still not following you. Why would you have any unfired shells to begin with ???. Each stage has a round count, lets say "10 Pistol - 10 Rifle - 4 Shotgun" At the end of the stage yer empty. I've traveled a good bit shooting SASS, seven states so far, all the rules have been very consistant. I'm a bit curious where this club is and exactly what rule it is you are refering to.
Like Pettifogger said, Josey Wales is not a sanctioned SASS category, still very popular just like FCGF. The main difference is very simple, instead of shooting the rifle targets with a rifle, we use two pistols instead. Give it a try some time, it's a blast, especially with real BP. ;D

Jefro :D Relax-Enjoy
sass # 69420....JEDI GF #104.....NC Soot Lord....CFDA#1362
44-40 takes a back seat to no other caliber

Burt Blade

I primarily shot Gunfighter category. Due to a wrist injury last year, I was unable to shoot long guns or pistols from one hand. Several local clubs allowed me to participate in "Josey Wales" category. (Sometimes they also called it "Pistolero" or "Invalid").

I used two pistols normally, and two more for the rifle. I used a fifth pistol in place of the shotgun, with the proper number of shells in it. If the shotgun targets could handle .45s, I shot them with the pistol. If not, I used the rifle targets for “shotgun” targets. For the occasional 6-shot “shotgun” string, I staged the “shotgun” revolver loaded with five, with the gate left open. When the time came to shoot it, I put the sixth shell in while staged, closed the gate, then picked it up and fired it.

A tool bag or “carpet bag” makes a dandy way to haul extra handguns. Use gun rugs or similar to keep the guns from clunking together and damaging themselves.

Initially, it was entirely one-hand shooting. Properly, I suppose I was “Quintuple duelist” not “Josey Wales”. Loading five revolvers at the loading table was quite a bit of work, especially with one hand out of commission. Cowboys are helpful folks, which was of great assistance. I discovered that shooting 140-150 shots from single action revolvers, entirely with the weak hand, was quite challenging. The first time I tried it, I had trouble cocking the gun in the last two stages. My arm was just worn out. Much dry-fire practice helped fix this.

When my wrist was strong enough to hold a light handgun, I went back to “gunfighter” style Josey Wales. I used .32 Single-Sixes on the injured side and my usual .45 Vaqueros on the other. It occasionally confused spotters who were not sure my ammunition was working properly.  “POW pop POW pop POW pop….”

The first time I tried this, just on the last stage to see If I could use the wrist again, I had to say the least manly thing ever said at a Cowboy match. “I have to find some lighter .32 loads. These hurt too much.

Some extra-light .45s and plenty of physical therapy eliminated the .32s. Eventually, I added a shotgun back into the mix, although I had to completely rework how I loaded, handled,  and fired it. Winchester “featherlights” were prescribed. Finally, I was able to work a rifle again. Racking the action was the hard part. Still working on rifle and shotgun.

Somewhere along the way of all this, I think I single-handedly made the 2011 profit target for the Bayer Aspirin company. 2012 is probably going to be another good year for them. There were many helpful Cowboys who made this journey less difficult, for which I am very appreciative.

I rather liked Josey Wales”category! It may be heresy in CAS to like shooting 12-15 yard “rifle” targets with a pistol, but I did enjoy it. I will probably shoot “josey Wales” again, from time to time, wherever permitted.

Tall Dark Slim

I'm glad you shared your story Burt. It's pretty awesome and inspiring that you shot all those shots weakhanded. I would totally go all pistols if it were allowed. I don't know how difficult it will be but I intend to try loading and unloading by removing and inserting the cylinders. I figure it's fast and easy and I can fiddle with it all later. Loadings and unloadings are simplified....if this is legal?

Burt Blade

Is "all pistol" legal? No. SASS does not provide for an all-pistol category. I only did this at local matches where it was agreeable. In each case, I asked if I could do so, and was quite prepared to just work a table, pick brass, or spot targets if the answer was "no".  I would not show up at a major match asking to do this.

Some clubs may decide to allow "Josey Wales" and other odd categories one time, or all the time. Most will accommodate significant limitations. But I would not expect acceptance of  a "strange" category just for its own sake.

But I also make the point that people with temporary or permanent issues can still participate in Cowboy Action Shooting, at least on the local level. If all I could do was Cowboy Airsoft from a wheelchair, I would still show up.

Tall Dark Slim

1. As far as legal or not I was referring to pulling the cylinders for unloading and replacing them at the next loading.

2. I realize that Josy Wales is just a pipe dream at the local levels and no real momentum is being put forth to carry it any further.

3. It would not be such a hassle if the holster restrictions were eased for the"category." I don't understand what the purpose of having two fists distance between holsters is. If I want to put one right behind the other than so be it as long as I don't break any safety rules. I guess it's just a rule to live with, but I'd enjoy an explanation for it if anyone has one.


Quote from: Tall Dark Slim on January 29, 2012, 08:40:48 PM
1. As far as legal or not I was referring to pulling the cylinders for unloading and replacing them at the next loading.

2. I realize that Josy Wales is just a pipe dream at the local levels and no real momentum is being put forth to carry it any further.

3. It would not be such a hassle if the holster restrictions were eased for the"category." I don't understand what the purpose of having two fists distance between holsters is. If I want to put one right behind the other than so be it as long as I don't break any safety rules. I guess it's just a rule to live with, but I'd enjoy an explanation for it if anyone has one.
Howdy Tall Dark Slim, the point of the JW category is to use four pistols, two are in holsters to be used for the pistol targets, and two are staged on a prop or table to be used for the rifle targets. JW is not a pipe dream at the local level, in fact most clubs I know of would be glad to offer it if asked. It is most often offered at state, powder matches. The purpose of the two fist is for the holsters to be one on one side of the body and one on the other, sorta like in the movies, B-Westerns, and the west. Get on out to some matches and start shooting, it 'll all make a little more sense, Good Luck :)

Jefro :D Relax-Enjoy
sass # 69420....JEDI GF #104.....NC Soot Lord....CFDA#1362
44-40 takes a back seat to no other caliber

Tall Dark Slim

Took your advice today. There ain't a whole lot broke there. I still don't care for the holster rules, but have realized the people at the match don't care either. I had lots of fun and too many guns to shoot after the match. Cowboy people rock! I did really well at distance, but I still hate plate racks.

Marshal Deadwood

TDS, I'm really glad you had a good time. Yes indeed,,cowboy folks ROCK !


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