Trooper** Side Match **

Started by Rowdy Fulcher, July 27, 2009, 08:47:11 PM

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Patrick Henry Brown

Quote from: Books OToole on July 29, 2009, 11:19:40 AM
Okay;  lets get back to the orginal idea.

Which was:   Let's use trap-door Springfields in a side match.
We can't be all things to all people.

If you have a Sharps, Henry or Spencer;  You can't participate in a Trap-door Springfield match.

I not trying to belittle anyone or any weapon.

Let's keep it simple.


Well, have fun then. I'm not going to buy another weapon just to participate in a side match maybe once a year. I actually like James Hunts idea and would like to see a proposal for a main match event as described. Guess maybe us Sharps fellows will have to have a Texas Rangers Side Match or Buffalo Soldier Side Match.

Books OToole

I think the organization is ready for some imagination in side matches.  [Since there is an obstanace regarding ANY changes in the Main Match Classes.]

I would like to see an "Buffalo Hunter" class = A big-bore single shot rifle & a revolver.

or just a -- "Traditional Class" = BP Duelist with one pistol and a lever/pump rifle.

Judge Trap has proposed several of these.

Here's a wild Idea.

For the 2010 National Match use Trap's proposed Classes.

But once again we (I) have strayed. I think trap-door side match is a good idea.  It won't be for everybody. (H*\\ I don't even own one myself.)



N.C.O.W.S. 2279 - Senator
Hiram's Rangers C-3
G.A.F. 415

Ottawa Creek Bill

I guess I'm out of this side match too! Cant' see buying another weapon just to shoot a side match. I'll stick to the main match next year and just watch you guys.

I do like James Hunt's idea about picking a time period. Say.....1868 to 1875....that would narrow down the weapon choice to just that eight year time frame. Makes more sense then to make it a weapons only category.

If you did the time frame period you could use any single shot long range rifle and hand gun issued. Plus you would have to consider us old Indian scouts too, and what they were issued.

Nothing in the book says we can't shoot this as a side match, along side the side match that Rowdy and Books has proposed if we got enough interest.

So......., put that in your pipe and smoke on it for a while.


Vice Chairman American Indian Council of Indianapolis
Vice Chairman Inter tribal Council of Indiana
Member, Ottawa-Chippewa Band of Indians of Michigan
SASS # 2434
NCOWS # 2140
CMSA # 3119

Rowdy Fulcher

I've been smoking on this pipe , what have you put in this thing . ;D
As far as shooting the side match your more than welcome to use my trapdoor . We are trying to see if there is enough interest to do this ? Who knows I might be lucky enough to get the ammo furnished ?

Dusty Tagalon

Going back to the first post, I guess I am out also, don't have a carbine. Number of rifle's issued to carbines was almost 10 to 1.


Patrick Henry Brown

Well OCB,

Maybe we can talk to Pancho Peacemaker and Cole Bluesteele and persuade them to do a side match at the Texas Regional along James Hunt's suggestions. As both a CAS preacher and a real-life Pastor, I'll even volunteer to do the funerals! LOL!



   Books, what do you mean obstanace to changing the class structure. Since I proposed the change , I have heard NO complaints, that means everyone is for it, dosen't it?
Aggressive fighting for the Right is the noblest sport the world affords. T. Roosevelt
NRA Patron/Life Member
  NCOWS #851, Senator
Proud Member of the KVC
Hiram's Rangers, founder
GAF # 328
  TAPS #26

Dedwood Dave

Don't get excited about the light at the other end of the tunnel. (It might be another train.)

NCOWS family 2908
4H Pistol
Quigley shooter

'Monterrey' Jack Brass


This all sounds good and very imaginative for interesting side match ideas. And of course I'm partial to the category concept Books alluded to regarding buffaler hunters whether side or main match.

I like Mr Hunt's idea about delineation by time frame vs. a particular kind of rifle but I'm game for whatever is decided upon. It's an issue of do I bring my .50-70 Springfield two bander with my early era indian wars infantry stuff; or my .56-50 Spencer carbine or .45-70 (farby) Sharps carbine for my early era indian wars cav stuff depending on how things turn out. I'm open to it all though, admittedly, being a ground-pounder is more appealing to me.

Would be a nice change of venue for a side match and a great chance to dig out some stuff I rarely use. Keep up the great discussion and let's see what comes of it.


NRA Life, VFW Life, F&AM 
Old West Research & Studies Association
amateur wetplate photographer

Rowdy Fulcher

Howdy Pards
  the Trooper uses a Trapdoor and a single action  ???
then  the Scout use a Sharps ,Spencer , 1860 colt Single action ???
The Buffalo Hunter would use single shot rifle and a revolver ???

I hope everyone likes these SIDE MATCHES remember they are for having FUN  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


Fellows, I've been reading these posts and like what I am reading. The last two years we have had some very different side matches, I know they came from me. Like having side matches that set NCOWS away from what most people have been use to. Even renamed the side matches to be more history correct. Remember John Wesley Hardin shooting five shots into the playing card or spilting the card edge ways? How about the Outlaw King and Queen robbing the stage coach. What I am saying, you can have any type side match a club wishes to hold as long as the weapons are NCOWS correct. For us that do not have all the guns for some side matches, shoot the side matches that you can. Most every shoot have a bunch of side matches.
This is a good ideal and getting better, keep at it.  Tj  Texas Jack Stephens  :) 
Texas Jack Stephens:   NRA, NCOWS #2312,  SASS # 12303, Hiram's Ranger #22,  GAF #641, USFA-CSS # 185, BOSS# 174,  Hartford Lodge 675, Johnson County Rangers,  Green River Gunslingers, Col. Bishop's Renegades, Kentucky Col.

Bow View Haymaker

Make it easy for yourselves.  Have a match using the GAF batle rifle classes.  The guidlines are already outlined. 
Check the battle rifle thread in the Barraks or The GAF website.  It's the rules used at the national muster and it's a lot of fun to see and use something diferent than the norm.
Bow View Haymaker

GAF #522  Dept of the Platte
SASS# 67733 (RO II)
NRA life

Paul Arens

Books OToole

Quote from: Rowdy Fulcher on July 29, 2009, 04:57:22 PM
Howdy Pards
  the Trooper uses a Trapdoor and a single action  ???
then  the Scout use a Sharps ,Spencer , 1860 colt Single action ???
The Buffalo Hunter would use single shot rifle and a revolver ???

I hope everyone likes these SIDE MATCHES remember they are for having FUN  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

A "Ground pounder" [infantry] Class = Uses a Trap-door Rifle & no pistol.

This would be one side match with 3 (or4) classes. 

Scoring should not be too confusing.


N.C.O.W.S. 2279 - Senator
Hiram's Rangers C-3
G.A.F. 415

Rowdy Fulcher

That sounds good to me . We can all still play , and we should be able to stay Historically correct ?
Is that incoming , take cover  ;D ;D


Don't think I could fit into any of those classes, but it would sure be fun to watch. Keep it going fellows you've got something good. Tj  :D
Texas Jack Stephens:   NRA, NCOWS #2312,  SASS # 12303, Hiram's Ranger #22,  GAF #641, USFA-CSS # 185, BOSS# 174,  Hartford Lodge 675, Johnson County Rangers,  Green River Gunslingers, Col. Bishop's Renegades, Kentucky Col.

Rowdy Fulcher

Just use my Trapdoor and dress as a Trooper . We are set to do a Trooper Video , This will be FUN and there will be lots of Smoke .
Hope you like it . ;D

Curley Cole

5Dogs had just such a match in Jan/Feb of this year. It was a "military match" As you see Old Top shot his 45/70. A great time was had by all. The Soldiers with their long guns shot at targets farther away. Top loaded on the clock. Cole Harbour shot with an original 1892 32/20

Go to my web page, and under the Art gallery , look for the 5 dogs gallery

we had a blast

PS That grin was permenatly imbeded in OLd Tops face all weekend.

Scars are tatoos with better stories.
The Cowboys
Silver Queen Mine Regulators
dammit gang

Rowdy Fulcher

Thanks for the pictures . Looks like a good time was had by all .

French Jack

You would very likely get more out to play by setting up one side match stage or even 3 stages and having the entrants compete as: 1.  Trooper, 2.  Scout,  3. Buffalo hunter and allowing the various rifles to be used as appropriate for each class.  Just my $.05 worth.
French Jack

Ottawa Creek Bill

Quote from: French Jack on August 02, 2009, 02:18:52 PM
Yoy would very likely get more out to play by setting up one side match stage or even 3 stages and having the entrants compete as: 1.  Trooper, 2.  Scout,  3. Buffalo hunter and allowing the various rifles to be used as appropriate for each class.  Just my $.05 worth.

Finally...Some common sense has entered the game.

a couple of those fellas would fit right into a NCOWS match.. a couple of others though, would have to work on their outfits. Looks like all of them had a good time.

Vice Chairman American Indian Council of Indianapolis
Vice Chairman Inter tribal Council of Indiana
Member, Ottawa-Chippewa Band of Indians of Michigan
SASS # 2434
NCOWS # 2140
CMSA # 3119

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