check out my photobucket pics

Started by mike6975, October 15, 2008, 08:23:35 AM

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i mainly did this for myself,but i though i'd share what i've been saving and collectin(the pics),and to get any input from the fellas.clik on the link below,than look to the left at the album tag,and clik on my categories to see the pics.P.S.(i am not selling anything on this site)




the line between genius and madness may be a fine one ,but theres a big brick wall between crazy and stupid

Ten Wolves Fiveshooter

  Howdy Mike 6975

     What a great collection you have there Pard, bet it's taken more than a few years to put all this together, I copied your Photo Bucket URL, So I can go there and get all warm and puzzy feeling when I feel the need, Tkanks a heep for sharing.. :D

                                                              tEN wOLVES  ;) :D ;D
NRA, SASS# 69595, NCOWS#3123 Leather Shop, RATTS# 369, SCORRS, BROW, ROWSS #40   Shoot Straight, Have Fun, That's What It's All About


glad you enjoyed i'm honored you bookmarked it, i have articles and pdf's i want to put up but it looks like theres a limit in (mb's)when the account is a free one.if it turns out ok i'll pay for the site to get the increased mb's offer from them.


mike ;D

Athena Jake

Enjoyed the Birdshead pics!
need to get me free time to shoot mine with the birdhead grips on them so I can use them at a shoot.

As Ten Wolves said "I can go there and get all warm and Fuzzy feeling when I feel the need"
Athena Jake Elder
SASS #74972 / STORM #276 / WARTHOG
McLean County Peacemakers


thats really cool and where did you get the brids head grips/handle
the line between genius and madness may be a fine one ,but theres a big brick wall between crazy and stupid


birdshead grips are colt thunderer grip frame from VTI gunparts,i also have added new pics int the "bowies","parts&accessories",and my front page has "gif" images added.

(please everyone check it out and enjoy!)


mike ;D


the line between genius and madness may be a fine one ,but theres a big brick wall between crazy and stupid


Dag nabbit , where did you find a picture of my relatives !!!!
I thought they all died out, but there they are !!!!

Darn fine lookin family I gots !



they were in a hollar i stumbled upon them the other day. ;D


Nice Photo Bucket by the way Mike 6975 .  ;D

Did ya likum the way I hyjacked your pics too , figured were family now me and you since you used me family for the photo shoot , so hopum you didn't mind too much .  ;D
I am sure they tried to sell you something too , probably long lost Uncle Merle with the bed wetting issue or a large Jugg of Shine ???
I do hope you got the Shine and not Uncle Merle though  :o Although I will let ya in a little secret Mike6975 , the Shine tastes the way it does because of Uncle Merle , so drink allot and you won't think about it , much .  ;D Jack Daniels uses Charcoal Filtering ,
but we just aint that fancy down thar in Alabama , they have been using a mattress for years ?  :o
Do you remember what Holler you were in when you happeend upon them Mike6975 ? Was it the one by the county dump and those big dump water runoff systerns ?  I know thats where we used to fill our jugs for the StiLL ?
Maybe I will send Jake out , our old Houndog to sniff them out , they are easy to find that way . I remember how far you gots to wade through the sespools at the dump to get to the water back then , so if they are around Jake will findum . They still usin those brown dyed colored bottles for thier Shine Mike6975 ? God I hope not  :o  That darn dog is a bit afraid of the Brown Fin-less fish in those sespools , but he is determined when he wants to be .

Thanks again , Alabama


your hillarious ;D alabama down right funny.


p.s. i did taste uncle merle a'bit sour


Nice collection you have there ;D
Even found one of my own guns there, i'm honored  8)


your welcome qball,i just wanted to have a pic gallery were everyone can see all the hard work all of us do.




Holy crap Mike 6975 , I am in there too ? Not just my relatives but my guns  ;D
Very cool thanks .
Little typo I will point out to ya on the Remington guns pages you got , but one of my 1851 Londons is on it , and it aint no Remington  ;D
Cool gun too , but it probably ought to take a journey over to the Colt pages . It feels mighty threatened over there , were slightly out numbered on that page but not out styled might I add.  ;D



sorry bro ;D, i'll fix it today and try to get some more colt pics up.'



Steel Horse Bailey

So let me get this straight ...

Of these great photos, not all are YOURS?  If not, it's still a great site you've created!  In my PhotoBucket sit, I've also "borrowed" some photos, but I give credit where credit is due.

If I may make a suggestion.  A short description/caption would be welcomed.  PhotoBucket allows for this, but doing all of what you have looks like a pretty daunting task!

Thanks for sharing!
"May Your Powder always be Dry and Black; Your Smoke always White; and Your Flames Always Light the Way to Eternal Shooting Fulfillment !"


Definately a good idea Steel Horse Bailey ,
descriptions when possible would really help people understadn what they are looking at .

Bye the way , the pic of the guy getting his head blown off is probably not a good PR thing for gun owners Mike6975 . Although very graphic and too the pont it will turn allot of stomachs and heads from you and your site , and gun owners in general  . JMHO  ;D
Just remember your site is visited by children , mothers and anti gunners as well as us gutt-buckets like us .
Do what you please of course , but promotion is distracted by violance in our sport .



that one slipped through will remove today,



Willie Dixon

Nice collection there Mike, love it, it's all organized and purdy... not like mine! One album, hodgepodge of stuff! LOL
Quote from: Leo Tanner on January 06, 2009, 02:29:15 PM
At 25, you need to follow dreams or you'll regret it later. 

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― Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes

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