Posting Photos on SSS

Started by Two Flints, September 25, 2007, 05:56:22 PM

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Two Flints

Hello SSS,

Thought I'd post looks more complicated than it really is.

       These directions assume you have an account with Photobucket; if not you can find them at .  Also, my directions work with Windows XP, or any Windows OS that has a directory called "My Documents", and a storage folder entitled "My Pictures".  But, if you know where on your hard drive your photos are stored,  that will work too.  Also, I had to use parenthesis (IMG)**** (/IMG) in my examples below instead of the correct bracket type [  ]***[/ ], so just be aware of the difference.

1.   You have a Photobucket account.

2.   Start up Photobucket.  You will see a screen with a box that says:
PICTURE - to the right of the word PICTURE- you will see a blank window* - and to the
right of the blank window is the word BROWSE.  Click on BROWSE. 

3.   This will take you back to your own hard drive.  Find the DIRECTORY where your photos are stored on your hard drive. [On my hard drive I have them stored in my PICTURE folder.]   When I click on BROWSE , it takes me to my PICTURE FOLDER.  A window appears entitled CHOOSE FILE.  Inside the CHOOSE FILE window are all my jpg photo files.  Click on the jpg file [you want to upload to Photobucket], and its name will appear in the small window box to the right of FILE NAME.  Click the button labeled OPEN and that particular jpg file name will now appear in the Photobucket PICTURE window that was blank when you saw it before.*   If you want, give the file a special
brief name to the right of the word DESCRIPTION, but you don't have to, or leave this box blank, and put a check in the window where it says "keep original picture names" if it already had one and was uploaded along with its file..  This is your choice.

4.   Then,  click on the button SUBMIT.  Your photo jpg file will appear in the lower half of the page under the buttons labeled MOVE,  EDIT,  DELETE.  Click on the little blank box to the left of the jpg file name; this will select that file to later give it an (IMG) *******(/IMG) code. Towards the bottom of this page CLICK on the button entitled, GENERATE HTML and IMG CODE.

5.   A new page will appear with different codes.  YOU WANT THE code  ENTITLED, IMG IMAGES FOR MESSAGE BOARDS .  This gives you a picture with no description.

6.   Highlight the code in the window - highlight everything in the window between the brackets including the brackets.  For example, all of the following should be highlighted/selected;

7.     People copy and paste in different ways.  Right click your mouse button and you will see the option to COPY;  click on COPY. 

8.     The 
file has now been copied to your Windows XP clipboard and stored there to be used as explained in the next step.

9.     Now go back to your reply in a post where you want the photo to appear.  Click on the blank area in your reply so that you get a blinking cursor.  Right click your mouse button again, and you will see the PASTE option.  Click on the PASTE  option.

10.    The code that you highlighted before on Photobucket
should now appear where the clicking cursor is.  Save your reply. And your Photo should appear alone without the code showing.  I hope!  For more information on Photobucket read their FAQ or print out their tutorial on how to use their site.

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