Tired of singin' Kumbuya Part Deux

Started by Curley Cole, November 28, 2004, 05:56:13 PM

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Fella out this way a couple of months ago was holdin' off a swat team with his chainsaw.  The broke in on him and he lopped his head off with it.  A bit strange I thought.
Mongrel Historian

Always get the water for the coffee upstream from the herd.

Ab Ovo Usque ad Mala

The time has passed so quick, the years all run together now.

Curley Cole

Next thing you know, there is gonna be a 14 day wait period on chain saws...
Scars are tatoos with better stories.
The Cowboys
Silver Queen Mine Regulators
dammit gang

Old Top

Yah mean there isn't?   Dang I will have to talk to home desperation about that.

Miss Annie,

The othere problem is makeing sure that you know where it is going to fall or what is going to spring when you cut (big Duh)  Did watch one guy cut limbs (sp) to fall into his truck, problem is they went all the way through the bed, I did get a good laugh.

Old Top
I only shoot to support my reloading habit.

Curley Cole

One also has to make sure they don't stand on the outside of the limb wilst you makes yer cut...(brings Bugs Bunny/RoadRunner cartoons to mind)

Has anyone seen the movie "The Villian" staring Arnold S. as the good cowboy, Ann Margert as the ranchers beautiful daughter, and KIrk Douglas as the .....VILLIAN! My favorite scene is where he is hanging by the branch over a cliff to seen Ann taking a bath.....then SNAP!  ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

night to the camp

PS, See Miz Lee, We of the "short attention span club" can be sooo easily distracted....be careful..
Scars are tatoos with better stories.
The Cowboys
Silver Queen Mine Regulators
dammit gang


Ya' ever seen that bad movie classic Rancho Delux where they're stealin beef off the range by cutting out the choice parts with a chainsaw. :o :o :o ;)

To Annie:  Use a new saw and don't use bar oil, use Wesson oil. :D :D :D :D ;)
Mongrel Historian

Always get the water for the coffee upstream from the herd.

Ab Ovo Usque ad Mala

The time has passed so quick, the years all run together now.

Joyce (AnnieLee)

Not me, Delmonico, that's Cousin JW's job!



Unrepentant WartHog
Heathen Gunfighter
Pepper Mill Creek Gang
Wielder of "Elle KaBong", the WartHog cast iron skillet
Nasty Lady


Jim, I wore a tie today
The first one that I ever wore
And you would have said I looked like a dummy
Out of a dry goods store
Oh Jim the preacher said a lot of things
But I didn't hear a word he said
My mind kept wanderin'
back down the trail
Back to the times we had.

Ridin' herd through the sun and the rain
Pannin' for gold on the Cup
We did everything in the book I guess
And a lot that they never thought up
Oh so Jim you're ridin' on ahead
I guess that's how it has to be
When you reach those streets
paved with gold
Jim stake a claim out for me


By Cindy Walker
Performed by many.

No more 'splainin needed.

Mongrel Historian

Always get the water for the coffee upstream from the herd.

Ab Ovo Usque ad Mala

The time has passed so quick, the years all run together now.

Curley Cole

Scars are tatoos with better stories.
The Cowboys
Silver Queen Mine Regulators
dammit gang


This is a poem by Charles Badger Clark  called Bad Half Hour/Annie Laurie, it is often done by Don Edwards or Don and Waddie Mitchell.  The 4 liners are sung to the tune of the Classic old tune Annie Laurie, the 8 liners are recited as a poem. 

Wonder why I feel so restless
Moon is shinin' still and bright
Cattle all are restin' easy,
But I just can't sleep tonight

Ain't no cactus in my blankets
Don't know why they feel so hard,
'Less it warplin' Jim a-singin'
Annie Laurie out on guard.

"Annie Laurie" wish he'd quit it
Couldn't sleep now if I tried,
Makes the night seem big and lonesome
And makes my throat feel sore inside.
How my Annie used to sing it,
And it sounded good and gay,
Nights I drove her home from dances,
While the East was turnin' grey.

Yes "Her brow was like the snowdrift,"
And her eyes like quiet streams,
And her face I still can see it,
Much too frequent in my dreams.
And her hand was soft and trembly, 
That night underneath the tree
When I couldn't help but tell her
She meant all the world to me.

But her folks said I was shif'less,
Wild, unsettled, they was right
For I leaned to punchin' cattle,
And I'm still at it tonight.
And she married young Doc Wilkens.
Oh my Lord, but that was hard!
Wish that fool would stop his singin'
"Annie Laurie" out on guard.

Oh, I just can't stand it thinkin'
Of all the things that happened then,
Good old times are all a-past me,
Never seem to come again.
My turn?  Sure I'll come a-runnin'
Warm me up some coffee pard.
And I'll stop old Jim from singin'
"Annie Laurie" out on guard.

"Gave me her promise true,
And ne'er forget will I
And for bonnie Annie Laurie
I'd lay me down and die."

Annie Laurie was one of the popular tunes in the "Old West"  sang tens of thousands of times on night guard and was said to be one of the song Custer and his officers say the night before they left the Yellowstone river and the steamboat Far West on the way to the Little Bighorn.

This is a wonderful poem based around the old song.

Mongrel Historian

Always get the water for the coffee upstream from the herd.

Ab Ovo Usque ad Mala

The time has passed so quick, the years all run together now.

Curley Cole

Today's bad news....

When the sun rose this morini I was feelin mighty bad
My baby said "good morinig, Hell, it made me mad..
Because I was e-vil, Evil hearted me, I'm just down right evil
Evil as a man canb.

Why, she even cooked my breakfast
and she brought it to my bed
I took a sip of coffee..
Throwed it at her head.

I've sold out to the devil
Trouble's all I crave
I'd like to see you dead
and lying in your grave

I don't even care
Ifit rains from now on
and the gal I love
had never been born

I don't care
If my baby leaves me flat
I've got forty'leven others
Ifin it comes to that...cuz...

I'm e-vil...

It don't sound as bad when Hoyt used to sing it.....

Scars are tatoos with better stories.
The Cowboys
Silver Queen Mine Regulators
dammit gang


I had a friend bring a friend to my house of time, the fool asked my who that was doin' Stepenwolf's "Snow Blind Friend."   Told hime he was the one who wrote it and Stepenwolf payed him for the privlage of singing it.   ;)

Neither them or Three Dog Night would a had much to sing if it wern't for Hoyt.   Willy and Merle did a good job on Hoyt's Poncho and Lefty also. :)
Mongrel Historian

Always get the water for the coffee upstream from the herd.

Ab Ovo Usque ad Mala

The time has passed so quick, the years all run together now.


Living on the road, my friend
Was gonna keep you free and clean
Now you wear your skin like iron
And your breath's as hard as kerosene
You weren't your mama's only son
But her favorite one it seems
She began to cry when you said goodbye
And sank into your dreams

Poncho was a bandit, boys
His horse was fast as polished steel
He wore his gun outside his pants
For all the honest world to feel
Poncho met his match, you know
On the deserts down in Mexico
Nobody heard his dyin' words
But that's the way goes

All the Federales say,
They could have had him any day
They only let him slip away,
Out of kindness, I suppose

Lefty he can't sing the blues
All night long like he used to
The dust that Poncho bit down south
Ended up in Lefty's mouth
Day they laid poor Poncho low
Lefty split for Ohio
Where he got the bread to go
There ain't nobody knows

All the Federales say,
They could have had him any day
They only let him slip away,
Out of kindness, I suppose

[ guitar ]

The poets tell how Poncho fell
And Lefty's living in a cheap hotel
The desert's quiet and Cleveland's cold
And so the story ends we're told
Poncho needs your prayers, it's true
Vut save a few for Lefty too
He only did what he had to do
And now he's growing old

All the Federales say,
They could have had him any day
They only let him slip away,
Out of kindness, I suppose

A few grey Federales say
They could have had him any day
They only let him go so long,
Out of kindness, I suppose.

Russ T Chambers

All the Federales say,
They could have had him any day
They only let him slip away,
Out of kindness, I suppose

Best voice in there is Willie's ::) ::)
Russ T. Chambers
Roop County Cowboy Shooters Association
SASS Lifer/Regulator #262
SBSS #1441
CRPA Lifer 
NRA Benefactor Member
Brother of the Arrow

Curley Cole

One of the first times I saw old Hoyt in "concert" was in a little club in Newport Beach Cal. and there was 4 people in the audience. I was fortunate enough to have met him, and we went backstage to see him several times. He was a real person. (once the bouncer wasn't gonna let us go back so we went out to the Rose, and the bouncer was gonna chase us off til he noticed ol Hoyt huggin' my ex wife. So, we got to go on the bus for a couple of minutes. When he shook your hand, you knew it had been shook...)

Hard to pick a favorite song outta his, but "boney fingers" is way up to the top.. I see some of ya like Poncho and Lefty, got any other fav's...

Scars are tatoos with better stories.
The Cowboys
Silver Queen Mine Regulators
dammit gang


"Della and the Dealer" and "Rusty Halo",  course "He Played Real Good for Free" ain't bad either.

Johnny was a Cherokee cowboy
Long braids hangin' from his hat
He wrangled up on the Little S Ranch
And rode with my Uncle jack
He sat like a shadow in the saddle
Wrote poetry with his rope,
He had a light hand with the horses,
And a smile for us little folk.

Johnny and Jack come a-callin'
Took my brothers , my sisters and I
To the Hale County picnic,
Ought-seven Fourth of July
They hat a big tent
and a little brass band
Box lunches on the lawn.
When they raised Old Glory to the top
  of the pole,
We all sang the Freedom Song.

Oh say can you see?
Johnny why aren't you singing?
Oh say can you see?
Johnny is there something wrong?
Oh say can you see?
Johnny where are you going?
Johnny why don't you stay
And help us sing the Freedom song?

The men all whipped their hats off,
Hollored and whooped it up
But Johnny just stood their silent,
With a hurt and angry look.
Then his face grew soft and he kneeled right down
and he sounded plumb wore out,
When he said, "Little partner, it's not my freedom
they're singin about."


He mounted his horse in a couple of strides
And I watched as he rode away,
Accross the plains of the Land of the Free
"Til he vanished in the Home of the Brave.
Since then I've sung the Freedom Song
A thousand times or more,
And every time I wonder just whose freedom
It is we're singing for?


"Freedom Song"  By Andy Wilkinson:  Preformed often by Don Edwards

For the West to be Won someone had to lose.  My hat is always off the the Warriors on both sides.
Mongrel Historian

Always get the water for the coffee upstream from the herd.

Ab Ovo Usque ad Mala

The time has passed so quick, the years all run together now.

Curley Cole

A little liter fare...

Completley round is the perfect pearl, the oyster manufactured
completely round is the steering wheel that leads to compound fractures
completely round is the golden fruit that hangs in the orange tree
yes the circle shape is quite reouned
and sad to say it can be found in the dirty low down runaround
my true love gave to me yes  my true love gave to me

Completely square is the velvet box he said my ring would be in
completely square is the envelope wrote farwell to me in
copmpletwly square is the handkerchief i florish constantly
and blows my nose til it turns bright red
for a perfect square is my true love's head
he will not marry me no he will not marry me

Rectangular is the hotel door my true love tried to sneak through
rectangular is the transom hole which i had to peak through
rectangular is the hotel room i entered angrily
where lies my love neath the grazing flocks
they say he died of the chicken pox
in part i must agree, on chick too many had he

tringular is the piec of pie i eat to hide my sorrow
triangual is the hatchet blade i plan to hide tomorrow
tringular the relationship that now has ceased to b

And the self-same shape is a garmet thin
that fastens on with a safety pin
to a prize I had no wish to win
its a lasting memory : that my true love gave to me........

this is for you OLd Top....
how many times have we heard this one?
Scars are tatoos with better stories.
The Cowboys
Silver Queen Mine Regulators
dammit gang

Old Top

I only shoot to support my reloading habit.

Curley Cole

naw, you can't be tired of it already, its only 45-50 years old...
Scars are tatoos with better stories.
The Cowboys
Silver Queen Mine Regulators
dammit gang

Joyce (AnnieLee)

A small thing that made me smile:

Back when this thread was over on the Frontier Spot, I posted the lyrics to a current song because I felt it was lyrical and sweet. Last night, that song, "Daughters" by John Mayer, won the Grammy for best song of the year.


Unrepentant WartHog
Heathen Gunfighter
Pepper Mill Creek Gang
Wielder of "Elle KaBong", the WartHog cast iron skillet
Nasty Lady

Curley Cole

Miz Lee

So, that just shows how good taste you have...and it took them grammy people all that time to find it out,

But, with such good taste, why are you hanging out with such of the likes of these no'do-wells in this neighborhood.

Actually I missed the gammys all together, I was at a birthday party, tripped, skinned my knee and broke my camera.(actually, it pushed in the telephoto, and I pushed it back, so I think is ok, wish I could do the same with my knee..)

Old Top probably remembers the old days when I would hit my knee and nock it out of place....I have to smack it back in and holler a bit and go on (always a lovely thing to do when you have dates with you....)

Scars are tatoos with better stories.
The Cowboys
Silver Queen Mine Regulators
dammit gang

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