Change to Gunfighter rules

Started by Silver_Rings, February 15, 2006, 06:01:15 PM

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Got to my monthly match Sunday and was greeted by Mountain Moose the match director.  He knows I shoot gun fighter, the only one at our match.  He told me that in the Feb. issue of CC there is an article by Quick Cal.  In the article he said it would now be allowed, for stages where there is another gun or action between the pistol strings, for the drawing of both pistols and firing 5 rounds from the 2 guns, then placing the 2 guns on a safe prop like a table with the hammers down on a fired round or an empty chamber.   ;D ;D

We had two stages that allowed for this and I gave it a try.  It work pretty good, except the second time I forgot which pistol hand 2 live rounds and witch had 3 live rounds.  No big deal but something I need to work on.   ;D ;D

I'm supprised I haven't seen anything here about the change, unless I missed it.  Its not as good as being allowed to draw both pistols and fire 5 rounds then re-holster on spent cases, but it sure beats having to shoot double duelist.

Gunfighter, SASS 27466, NRA Life, GOFWG, BOSS, RO 1, RO 2

Ozarks Ranger

Don't know about a rule change but the RO1 appendix A number 6 says pistols may be reholstered with hammer down on empty chamber or spent cartridge, unless the stage states "to stage on prop" etc.  But the hadbook still states you have to shoot them one at a time if there is something done between the pistols. I'd guess that you will have to shoot dualist or DD for now

Snake Eyes
Stand up for whats right , even if your standing alone
Intro To CAS instructor
BOLD 291
SBSS,   RATS #250

Camille Eonich

I haven't heard anything about this rule change and I watch the SASS Wire pretty closely along with keeping in touch with TGs.  I'll check the Chronicle when it gets here.
"Extremism is so easy. You've got your position, and that's it. It doesn't take much thought. And when you go far enough to the right you meet the same idiots coming around from the left."
― Clint Eastwood


Could someone tell me the difference between gunfighter and double duelist?

Camille Eonich

Gunfighter is the only category that's allowed to have two guns out at once, well it used to be.  Now a person can also shoot gunfighter in the B Western class.  Gunfighter used to have specific rules about how they engaged the targets.  They had to alternate shots between the two guns and could only change leads once.  A gunfighter still adheres to that method.  When the pistol strings in a stage is broken up gunfighters have to shoot double duelist meaning that the shoot the first pistols string with one hand and then the second pistol string with the other hand.

That's the best that I know how to explain it.
"Extremism is so easy. You've got your position, and that's it. It doesn't take much thought. And when you go far enough to the right you meet the same idiots coming around from the left."
― Clint Eastwood

Big John Denny

I have no doubt that what Silver Rings said is true, but it will be mid-March before I get my February CC. The rules in RO I still state a Gunfighter can't reholster their revolvers until all rounds are shot. What I don't understand is the following rule that contridicts that:

19.   When changing location during a stage, all firearms being carried must either have the hammer down on an empty chamber or spent case, or have the action open. Movement is not allowed with a loaded, cocked firearm. Movement is defined by the basketball "traveling" rule. Whenever a shooter has a loaded,  cocked firearm in hand, at least one foot must remain in place on the ground. 1st violation will result in Stage Disqualification; 2nd violation will result in Match Disqualification.

By that rule, if the Gunfighter has both hammers of his revolvers on an empty chamber, he should be able to reholster and move to the next gun on the stage, and then draw and fire his revolvers when next called for on the stage.

Big John Denny, SASS 64775
US Army Retired
Los Vaqueros
BOLD #661
GOFWG #240
SBSS #1780 (Order of the Golden Bullet)
"Aim small....Miss small"

Camille Eonich

Ok just read the article.  It's not actually saying that there is a new rule.  What it is saying is that since, when pistols are split up during a stage a gunfighter cannot draw both guns and alternate shots from them and then reholster the loaded guns, shoot the next gun and then redraw the guns and shoot until empty, that stage writers can work around that by placing a prop in a convenient place for the gunfighter to lay his half empty guns on and specifying in the stage that they do have the option of doing this.  Remember that we are always to return pistols to holsters when shooting UNLESS stage instructions specify otherwise.

Does that make sense?
"Extremism is so easy. You've got your position, and that's it. It doesn't take much thought. And when you go far enough to the right you meet the same idiots coming around from the left."
― Clint Eastwood


Camille, thanks for clarifying my post.  Rule change was incorrect, a "work around" might have been a better phase.   ;)  As to it making sense, your explaination does, the "work around" well sort of.   ;)  It is better than having to shoot double duelist.   ;D ;D  It also gives the stage writers more options for creating gunfighter freindly stages without always having the pistols shot back to back, which gets old for the non-gunfighters.  :P :P

Gunfighter, SASS 27466, NRA Life, GOFWG, BOSS, RO 1, RO 2

Wildcat Will

Big John as I have always understood you could carry both pistols to the next location to shoot but both had to be hammer down empty chamber and NOT holstered but carried as you would a rifle if you needed to move to finish the string.  As for this new work around I would require that the pistols be shoot from the same location.  This locks the stage writter into having the movement back to the original location for shooting the pistols.  It might be a little better than having to shoot both pistols one after the other for non-GF.  Personnally most stages are written that way everywhere I have been, so those few that are not I have no problem shooting DD.  I have enough trouble trying to remember the scenario and muscle training has me working pistols until empty, I would probably end up with a P because I would keep going just out of habit or need to be timed with a pocket watch as I slowly count 5 shots and stop.  Personally I wish they would leave the shooting style alone and let us shoot the method in any age or powder specific category.  Non-gunfighters just don't get it and they should leave any changes to the GFs in the crowd.
Smoke makin', fire belching gunfighter of the VA Fire and Brimestone Posse    Blackpowder or No powder!

Courage is being scare as heck and still getting in the saddle.

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