Not that it matters any more...

Started by Capt. John Fitzgerald, May 07, 2013, 01:37:05 PM

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Capt. John Fitzgerald

Just went to USFA's single action web site ( and it is, for all practical means and purposes, no more.  No text to speak of, no links, just a handful of SAA pictures.  Probably won't be too long before that is gone as well.
You can't change the wind, but you can always change your sails.

North Bender

Deadeye Don

Great Lakes Freight and Mining Company

Old Doc

Quote from: North Bender on May 11, 2013, 11:30:38 AM
The yellow pages list the United States Firearm Manufacturing Company as "Closed".
what are you trying to say?  Does this mean they're not really "re-tooling" ? :o


I guess I have an unusual take. 

Here we have a guy who is well heeled, who ups the game and makes arguably the best SA ever made. Because of it Colt, the Holy Grail according to some ups their game.

USFA decides no matter how much money you might have throwing good after bad gets old . Could they have been more forthcoming-- ABSOLUTELY . That is what upsets many, and I get it . But  all of us, with our allegiance  to USFA are good at pissing away someone else's money.  What do you think Colt would do if they were limited to SAs??

Be glad Doug/ USFA got in the game and  made your revolvers collector pieces .  God love him

Old Doc

Quote from: Invinoveritas on May 15, 2013, 06:17:37 PM
I guess I have an unusual take. 

Here we have a guy who is well heeled, who ups the game and makes arguably the best SA ever made. Because of it Colt, the Holy Grail according to some ups their game.

USFA decides no matter how much money you might have throwing good after bad gets old . Could they have been more forthcoming-- ABSOLUTELY . That is what upsets many, and I get it . But  all of us, with our allegiance  to USFA are good at pissing away someone else's money.  What do you think Colt would do if they were limited to SAs??

Be glad Doug/ USFA got in the game and  made your revolvers collector pieces .  God love him

Well, I say , in the immortal words of Ricky Ricardo , he's got some splainin' to do !


Well, Ricky, maybe you could argue he needs a  pseechiatrist, but  in our mostly free country, I suspect anyone has a right to shut down, absent leaving orders unfilled and keeping $$$  , or otherwise taking folks money.

People can be sore about the way it was done, but again,  it is his business and his money.  You can show your displeasure by not buying the Zip. :D

Deadeye Don

Quote from: Invinoveritas on May 16, 2013, 02:06:18 PM
Well, Ricky, maybe you could argue he needs a  pseechiatrist, but  in our mostly free country, I suspect anyone has a right to shut down, absent leaving orders unfilled and keeping $$$  , or otherwise taking folks money.

People can be sore about the way it was done, but again,  it is his business and his money.  You can show your displeasure by not buying the Zip. :D

It is his money and his business, but the way he shut down was not the only problem he had.  For the past at least 5 years the information coming out of the company was sketchy at best and this includes the Remington deal. Gary Granger did the best he could with the power he was given by the owner so the fault certainly rests with the owner.  A company most certainly owes their customer base the respect of informing them of plans.  WE are what made his company successful for a time.
Great Lakes Freight and Mining Company

Marshal Deadwood

Remington, Colt, S & W, Glock,etc ..they never contact me with their decisions.

Old Doc

If it makes anyone feel better, the ZIP gun appears to be more money down a rathole.

North Bender

Quote from: Marshal Deadwood on June 21, 2013, 12:31:04 PM
Remington, Colt, S & W, Glock,etc ..they never contact me with their decisions.

Hah!  Isn't that the truth Marshal?  All this whining about how the company "owed' us this and that is just that ... whining.  Be happy and thankful that you had the foresight to purchase the finest SAAs made when you could.  I figure I have the right to feel sad the company closed but I don't have the right to pile on the owner and call him names - I never tried to build SAAs for profit.

Graveyard Jack

Yes but I don't think you can compare what happened with USFA to what happened to any other American gunmaker. I think our reactions are fully justified.
SASS #81,827

Capt. John Fitzgerald

I just noticed that the single page, "The Legend Lives", web site that pictured various USFA SA's (and the reason I started this thread) is no more.  Ah, well...
You can't change the wind, but you can always change your sails.

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