Here they go again

Started by GunClick Rick, September 21, 2012, 05:02:11 PM

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Gun Click Rick's link cut 'n Paste below:

12 News

Condor poisonings in Arizona could spur lawsuit

May. 24, 2012 11:33 AM

Associated Press

FLAGSTAFF -- Environmental groups in Arizona are proposing a lawsuit against federal officials, saying they need to ban lead bullets that are killing California condors.

The Arizona Daily Sun reports three organizations are considering suing the U.S. Forest Service for not doing enough to protect condors from hunters' lead ammunition.

Jay Lininger, of the Center for Biological Diversity, says condors living on federal land cannot survive if there is a risk they will ingest lead.

Wildlife officials say about 22 California condors have died from lead poisoning in the last two decades.

Environmental advocates say the Forest Service is violating the Endangered Species Act.

A spokeswoman for Arizona Game and Fish, which tracks condor survival, says voluntary measures such as handing out free non-lead ammunition are helping.

??? ??? ??? ???

What PROOF do the boob-heads have that the 1.2 California Condors per year from the last 20 years died of lead poison from ingesting bullets........  I'ma think'n a different kind of lead poison'n for STUPID!

NRA LIFE Member     SASS #76620     SCAA #1    RATS #480    OUTLAW

"Lord, make me accurate, my aim true, and my hand faster than those who would do harm to me and mine. Let not my last thought be "If only I had my gun"; finally Lord, if today is truly the day that You call me home, let me die in a pile of empty brass." ...... Amen

Shotgun Franklin

You can eat a lead bullet and it'll pass right through you. Lead in this form is not readily absorbed by the body. Most solid lead, in the wild, will sink into the ground in a very short time. I'd bet there are thousands of people walking around with bullets in their bodies from being shot but not killed, why aren't they falling like flies? The environmental radicals team up with anti-gun nuts to pass off bad science as fact. There is a threat of lead contamination but not this way.
Yes, I do have more facial hair now.

GunClick Rick

The research i did here ended up the condors raised to be released didn't even know how to look for carion becuase they had been hand fed and to keep from starving they were ending up in dump grounds and digesting other materials that were killing them,it was human intevention that was deadly.That info actually came from one of thier researchers who would not lie.
Bunch a ole scudders!

GunClick Rick

To hell with this i'm gonna kill somethin~
Bunch a ole scudders!

Shotgun Franklin

Those that really love the Condors need to wander out into the Desert and lie down so as to provide food for them. Ta Da, problem solved.
Yes, I do have more facial hair now.

mestiza letty

The CA Condor was "imported" from Portugal in the '70's. The native ones actually went extinct...heard that from more than one source...The ones in So Cal, Piru/Fillmore santuary was built and mantained above a dang landfill in Chiquito Canyon in NW La County.
Those folks ain't foolin' anybody....What do those birds eat???
There's a shootin' range in Piru that allows CAS shoots JFYI... Holy BS.
Don't wear out yer shirt collar lookin' fer the hindsight
~Eddie Adamek~ Trick Roper

GunClick Rick

Bunch a ole scudders!


I am an animal lover and I am not a hunter, but this idea of the Condors being threatened by lead bullets is really stupid. As mentioned above it is bad science. Just where is the documentation that would verify at those 1.1 condors per year (22 condors over 20 yerars = 1.1 Condors per year) actually died of lead poisonng? I don't have any proof or "clinical science" to prove it, but I'd bet that a lot nore of them are hit by cars while eaing road kill than die by eating bullets.
I will no longer respond to the rants of the small minded that want to sling mud rather than discuss in an adult manner.

Shotgun Franklin

There's the answer, lets get out of cars and back on horses. (Maybe I shouldn't say this even in jest, ya never know what nut will run with it).
Yes, I do have more facial hair now.


Quote from: Shotgun Franklin on September 23, 2012, 09:08:39 PM
There's the answer, lets get out of cars and back on horses. (Maybe I shouldn't say this even in jest, ya never know what nut will run with it).

.........and just what's rong with that idea? It's a pretty good idea for the wilderness areas and Federal Sanctuaries.
I will no longer respond to the rants of the small minded that want to sling mud rather than discuss in an adult manner.

Shotgun Franklin

I could live with it. My Mare is in my back yard and she's a good hearted Lady.
Yes, I do have more facial hair now.


Quote from: Bugscuffle on September 24, 2012, 05:42:13 PM
.........and just what's rong with that idea? It's a pretty good idea for the wilderness areas and Federal Sanctuaries.
What you said Shotgun.  ;D WM
WARTHOG, Dirty Rat #600, BOLD #1056, CGCS,GCSAA, NMLRA, NRA, AF&AM, CBBRC.  If all that cowboy has ever seen is a stockdam, he ain't gonna believe ya when ya tell him about whales.

GunClick Rick

They already tried to run the horses out of the sierras here,that wen't over like a 90 year old stripper wearin a g-string!
Bunch a ole scudders!

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