Author Topic: Paper cartridges in the Colt Walker  (Read 2584 times)

Offline Border Ruffian

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Paper cartridges in the Colt Walker
« on: December 08, 2011, 10:24:02 PM »
Were paper cartridges historically used in the Colt Walker during the Mexican War? Or were these invented just before the Civil War?  I've not seen any references to the use of paper cartridges in Walkers or Dragoons for that matter.  I've only seen papercartridges in the CW context for 1851 Navy , 1860 Army, and 1858 Remington revolvers.  ???  A place for Classic Firearms

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Re: Paper cartridges in the Colt Walker
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2011, 12:51:02 AM »
My Dear Monsieur Ruffian -

Whilst we know that paper cartridges  designed to be torn open for muskets were around since the late 1500's,
Combustible Cartridges are a different matter.

I found a reference on wikipedia to A patent  filed for a self-contained paper cartridge for a breech loader  in 1808, but haave not found the patent.

Sharps  slant breech breechloaders (patent 1848) were available as early as 1851, and utilized combustible cartridges, but
the earliest reference I can find offhand for Colt's Combustible Cartridges claims (without any sited sources) they were first offered
" in 1855 for both rifle and pistol firearms" .

hope this helps and
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prof marvel
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