Author Topic: Cappers?  (Read 9669 times)

Offline hellgate

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Re: Cappers?
« Reply #20 on: April 16, 2011, 10:18:35 PM »
A very simple fix for your caps getting into the "works" is to thoroughly clean & degrease the little safety notch on the hammer's face. Then make a little dam with masking tape and fill in the notch with JB Weld. Once I did that I rarely get caps being pulled off the nipple during cocking. They often would get caught in the cutout, pulled off during cocking and be tipped off the hammer by the frame and fall into the innards. Occasionally the filler gets dislodged during firing but after it sets I scrape away the excess and put an ever so slight concavity on the face of the JB Weld fill so the fill doesn't get the full smack of the hammer blow against the cap. All I can say is this tiny reversible modification has all but eliminated cap jams from my Colts. I even shot a couple of matches with full (30gr) loads and had no cap problems with my guns. It is sure simple, cheap, and does not permanently disfigure the guns. If I could have filled in the notch with solder, brazing or welding I would have done that. The Piettas with the largest notches had the most jam issues until corrected. The first time I made a similar mod was with an older ASM Walker that had a small hole in the center of the hammer face for resting onto the single safety pin on the back of the cylinder. I had caps sticking onto the hammer face that jammed into the small hole. Once I took a piece of copper wiring and tapped it into the hole to make it flush the jams disappeared.
"Frontiersman: the only category where you can shoot your wad and play with your balls while tweeking the nipples on a pair of 44s." Canada Bill

Since I have 14+ guns, I've been called the Imelda Marcos of Cap&Ball. Now, that's a COMPLIMENT!

Wolverton Mt. Peacekeepers
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Re: Cappers?
« Reply #21 on: April 24, 2011, 04:04:52 PM »
 Short of finding an inline capper yet, I just put them on by hand. I have had best luck with #11 Remington caps pinched over the nipple and pressed home with a short dowel. "Stock" Nipples.
 Yes I slowed down my reloading time a bit but I am in no hurry.
 Thanks for all the pointers and help!


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