Started by 3D, December 28, 2010, 09:58:33 PM

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Just putting out a feeler. Anyone interested in an NCOWS club in GA? A few of us pards  (Covington area) are interested in forming an NCOWS club.
We need:
A) Guidance
B) Somewhere to shoot.
C) Posse members


River City John

get in touch with our Deputy Marshal, Books O'Toole, and he will likely send you out a copy of The Hooplehead's Guide to Forming an NCOWS Posse.

If you have at least three like-minded folks, then you have a nucleus for a Posse.
Don't wait, even if you don't have a range yet,- there are many events you can attend as a posse and have fun while getting the word out and talking to prospective members.
Set up an informational table at local gun shows to pass the word. Dressed period, of course. Brochures are downloadable from our site.
Several posses are going to see the True Grit remake as a posse event. Dressed appropriately, of course. And that Cowboys vs. Aliens movie is coming out before too long, too. What a hoot!
Pick a nice western theme restaurant if one in the area, or go on an outing to an historical site like a restored home or a museum. (We have two in my area, the Dodge House, home of Gen. Grenville Dodge while he headed the construction of the U.P.R.R. in the latter 1860's, and the Crook House, the residence of Gen. Geo. Crook while head of the Dept. of the Platte. Both restored, and they LOVE having history-minded folks tour in period dress.)

Many areas have something like "Pioneer Days" festivals. Good opportunity to show off the NCOWS colors.

Sponsor a Chuck Wagon meet and greet through local gun shops to demonstrate cast iron cooking and introduce yourselves to recruit future NCOWS Pards.

Then as you get a bit better known, put up flyers and send out feelers to all the local ranges to let them know Who, What and Why.
Check with your area NRA representative and get them to offer some insights or suggestions.

This forum will always offer ideas and guidance.

"I was born by the river in a little tent, and just like the river I've been running ever since." - Sam Cooke
"He who will not look backward with reverence, will not look forward with hope." - Edmund Burke
". . .freedom is not everything or the only thing, perhaps we will put that discovery behind us and comprehend, before it's too late, that without freedom all else is nothing."- G. Warren Nutter
GAF #275


Thanks RCJ. There are three of us so far, plus I have an 8 yo son that shoots buckaroo with me in SASS. That makes 4. He's already chimed in he wants a "proper wardrobe."

Major 2

The Cracker Cow Cavalry is south of you in Florida.... give us a holler. 
Ga. just a road trip up the way a bit, I'd come to your first shoots  :)
when planets the deal !

Tascosa Joe

I know of 2 NCOWS members that live in the Bonaire, GA area.  My son BoJon Kid is one, he is deployed right now but would possibly be interested.  The other is a lady, I am not sure of her name.  Also Dave Graley (Okeefenoki Outlaw) is putting together the Saluda Saddle Tramps in Southern SC which is not too terrible far at least in Texas miles.

NRA Life, TSRA Life, NCOWS  Life

Rowdy Fulcher

Wish you the best of luck . Hopefully We( Texas Jack and I ) can make a road trip and shoot with yawl .

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