Which Shotgun?

Started by Rusty Silver SASS# 58957 (aka Trumpet), July 30, 2004, 06:06:45 PM

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Rusty Silver SASS# 58957 (aka Trumpet)

I've got just about all my stuff now, except the shotgun. Which is the "one" to have? I'm looking at a Norinco '97 (worked over by Coyote Cap), TTN 1878, or Norinco/IAC/or whatever 1887 (available through Cap). Any ideas? I don't plan on shooting "Classic". What about the EAA Baikal bounty Hunter?  If I get a "hammer double" I want one with working hammers, not just cosmetic ones.  Ideas?


Doc Shapiro

It depends on what you want out of CAS and what your motivations are.  Are you interested in being competitive?  If so than a 97 or hammerless SxS is the way to go.  Are you interested in historical accuracy?  If so than a hammered double is for you.  Do you want a real cool gun?  Than maybe an 87 is for you.

This is sorta one of those things that you can only answer for yourself.  And you have to be honest about your intentions and desires before you can make the right choice.


Rusty Silver SASS# 58957 (aka Trumpet)

Hey Doc,
Well, I'm not too sure.  I don't plan on being competitive, BUT just knowing the way I am, I'll be very competitive with myself.  I like cool and I like traditional too.  From what I understand Cap is sold out of his '97s.  How does the '97 (smithed or not) go as far as reliability?  Are there jam problems with it?  How is the design of the '87 generally speaking?  Is it durable and strong?  I guess my problem is, I like the looks of all three, but can only get one  :-\   Are the '87 copies even available yet?

As to hammer guns, what are all my options?  I know of the Norinco, Baikal, Stoeger and TTN.  I know the hammers on the TTN are the "real deal", but what about the others?


Doc Shapiro

I don't know much about the external hammer guns.  I own a few old ones, but they're pretty much just in the safe.

97's do occasionally have mechanical problems.  More so than any other shotguns.  It's because they just have more moving parts.  I currently am using a 97, but often shoot a SxS.  Depends on what I'm interested in at the time.  I shoot both equally well and in about the same times, so there isn't a real big competitive issue.  But I just have more fun shootin a 97!

I suggest a particular gun for you, but it would be my choice and not yours.  I suggest that you go to a match and try out a few.  Everyone will be happy to let you.  Then you'll have a better idea of what you like.


Paper Chaser

Hi Yo, Rusty Silver.  Pard whatever is comfortable for you and what you are comfortable with is what you need.  From your very first shot on your very first stage of your very first match -- you are a competitor; and YOU will be your biggest adversary. You'll always want to improve and get better, goes with the territory.  So, shoot what you are comfortable with so that you don't frustrate yourself and get discouraged.  Remember, this is a FUN game but we all like to be good.  I prefer the SxS but am practicing with a '97.  I'm comfortable with the SxS but I think in time I could get really good with the '97; time will tell.  In the meantime I have LOTS of fun and enjoy shooting.
Apologies for being long-winded, just remember to be safe and have fun.  Come to Mississippi -- we're friendly and we just love to share and 'show off' the toys.
SASS #54926
Mississippi Peacemakers,NatchezSixgunners
GAF #310; SBSS #1415; SCORRS

Big Hext Finnigan


You've had some good advice.  And everyone is being nice and not pushing any particular gun.  So here's a different take.

You're new.. Buy a Baikal or Stoeger.  You can get them for between 200 and 300.  Shoot it and sell it for the same in a year.  Or keep it as a backup and loaner.  Then, you'll have some experience and will be able to pick the best gun for you.  You will also have more chances to grab the odd bargain (Like the solid frame 97 I recently picked up for $250.) 

Don't worry about picking the perfect shotgun first.. everybody changes and has several.

Irish Red O'Toole

I'll warn you right now.  This isn't going to help you out one bit.  When I started, I got a Stoeger SxS.  Great little gun.  Real workhorse.  Then, after watching "The Wild Bunch" a few too many times, I decided to get a Norinco 97.  I got lucky and out of the box, it was pretty smooth.  Then, for no other reason than the "cool factor" Doc Shapiro mentioned, I plunked $$ down on a Coyote Cap 87.  So, I've got all the bases covered.

Told you this wouldn;t help you much..... :P

Chilly Waters

I like the hammer guns and use an old 12 gauge Rossi Overland.  They aren't being made anymore so if I ever replace it, I'll go with the '78 Colt from TTN.  The pump guns are from 1897, that ain't really 19th century to me but they are SASS legal and most of the top guns seem to use them.  If I want to shoot a pump, I'll take my Wingmaster out and shoot trap...

Moe Skeeter

Howdy Trumpet!

I'd buy a EAA (Baikal) Shotgun anyday.  Owned a double at one time sold it, bought one of there pumps for goose hunting, and I just ordered another Bounty Hunter Coach gun.  If you want one with functioning hammers look into the Bounty Hunter II.  Fully functioning hammers and firing pins...the whole bit.  This is the style that I ordered.  Major style points!! ;D

They are priced right and in alot of ways are like a Ruger.  Almsot anything you could think of doing to a gun, and they'll just keep plugging away.  I got mine brand new for $250 from Gander Mountain.

Hope this helps.

Moe Skeeter

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