Winter CAS.

Started by PWDFR POSSE, November 13, 2005, 09:09:13 AM

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As I know how cold it can get back east & all the snow y'all get back there, does anyone still shoot CAS in the winter months there?   :-\


Yup ;D The Norther Rangers have a indor range.
Unfortunatly no blackpowder loads :'(

Bull Schmitt

Here in Ohio I have shot a couple matches with the TUSCO Longriders. If you dress properly it isn't too bad. Anyone used to hunting in the winter will adapt quickly. Loading a C&B can be a little challenging but after a hot cup of coffee everything is okay.
Bvt Col Bull Schmitt
GAF Adjutant General
GAF Commander Department of the Atlantic
GAF Webmaster
SCORRS President & Webmaster

Missouri Marshal

We're all weather Cowboys here in Virginia.  The Posses I  shoot with shoot all year long.  We may cancel a match due to unsafe range conditions(bad snow or ice) but we try to have a match every month.
NRA Life, SASS Regulator, TG Pungo Posse, TG Mattaponi Sundowners, DTP, RATS #132

Wes Virginian

Yep! I've shot matches in Kentucky, Ohio, and Tennessee in January, February, and March. A little hard to see white plates if there's snow on the ground.
Texican Rangers, Co. A, Kanawha Valley Regulators, NRA Life-Endowment, SASS Life 40471, NCOWS 2037, GAF, USN '60/'63.


Howdy, Pards!

What's the big deal with cold wx?  Don't you have a Ten and a Twenty-below Club?   ;)  Just dress in layers:  Thermal-knit undies, trowsers, flannel shirt, sack coat, military "great" coat (wool, with cape), fur cap with earflaps, skin-tight leather shooting gloves, fur mittens hung by a latigo lace over your shoulders, so you can pull them off under your armpits.  Muk-luks or shoe-pacs with wool socks over cotton ones.  Bandana over nose and mouth.  Now try to move in that getup!  ;D  Snow-shoes optional! :D

Degreased guns mechanisms, with maybe a hint of Break-Free on moving surfaces. Light ammo loads should be increased slightly to compensate for low temps. (Do NOT use ball or double-based powders!)

No sweat!  (That is, if you feel to warm, take something OFF. IF you do sweat you may freeze to death!)

Ride easy, but stay alert!  Godspeed to those in harm's way in the defense of Freedom! God Bless America!

Your obedient servant,

Ride to the sound of the guns, but watch out for bushwhackers! Godspeed to all in harm's way in the defense of Freedom! God Bless America!

Your obedient servant,
Bvt. Lt. Col. Commanding,
Southern District
Dept. of the Platte, GAF

Silver Creek Slim

The CAS club in Holmen, WI shoots outdoors year round. The local Ripon, WI has had an informal February shoot the last couple years.

NCOWS 2329, WartHog, SCORRS, SBSS, BHR, GAF, RBCS, Dirty RATS, BTBM, IPSAC, Cosie-in-training
I love the smell of Black Powder in the morning!


Only way to stay warm in the sort of cold we're talking about, ist to build a big fire.  And it sorta adds a new dimension to the whole day, when you start to use your shotgun at close range to cut firewood.  How'bout it, Sllim?
Keep your cheek on the stock and squeeze the trigger.

Silver Creek Slim

Quote from: Bridger on November 14, 2005, 01:24:53 PM
Only way to stay warm in the sort of cold we're talking about, ist to build a big fire.  And it sorta adds a new dimension to the whole day, when you start to use your shotgun at close range to cut firewood.  How'bout it, Sllim?
It was a full choke.  ;D

NCOWS 2329, WartHog, SCORRS, SBSS, BHR, GAF, RBCS, Dirty RATS, BTBM, IPSAC, Cosie-in-training
I love the smell of Black Powder in the morning!

Russ T Chambers

Roop County Shoots year round, with one exception in nearly 13 years.
Last January we got a tad of snow, and couldn't get into the range.

We did have one other year that it tried to make us quit, but as long as you shot everything fast enough the barrel stayed hot enough to melt the snow and allow ya' to see the front sights.
Russ T. Chambers
Roop County Cowboy Shooters Association
SASS Lifer/Regulator #262
SBSS #1441
CRPA Lifer 
NRA Benefactor Member
Brother of the Arrow

Irish Red O'Toole

Not that I want y'all to move to So. Cal. ;D, but God has seen fit to bless us with year-round shooting weather.  Sometimes it rains on us.  Sometimes it's a tad cold.  But generally, if we can get to the range, we shoot.

The Arapaho Kid

Generally speaking the clubs here in Washington shoot year round.  Some hold off in December & January.  That's when we get the most rain and in some places...the white stuff.


Sheesh - and a tip of the Cowboy Hat to you guys!  I was practicing with Irish Red O'Toole today - it was about 78 degrees... :-\

It's a lot easier to shoot straight when you can actually feel you hands!  ;D


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