Mountain Lion??

Started by gophergrease, December 23, 2005, 12:13:22 AM

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Jed Cooper

Quote from: Delmonico on August 08, 2006, 06:18:51 PM
Well that would be slice thin and stir fry.  Ya ever wonder why everything is cut thin and stir fried?  Cause the burned up most of their wood years ago and it's fuel saving. ;D

Wish some one would eat up the feral cats in my neighborhood, the Nylon 66 with a Remmie CB cap would work well, but I don't want to get caught gettin' rid of the bodies.
Del, If ya gut shoot em, they run home to die ;)    UUUUH I've heard ::)    Jed
"Jed Cooper" aka: Dave Hollandsworth

Olde Cop,  NCOWS #2841, Maker of BIG SMOKE, GAF #500
F&AM PM, NRA Life, FOP - Retired , BOLD #615,* Warthawg! ,Hirams Rangers #31, 1860 Henry #97, STORM#351
Marshal - Scarlet Mask Vigilance Society,
Posse Member -


Quote from: Jed Cooper on September 25, 2009, 03:34:23 PM
Del, If ya gut shoot em, they run home to die ;)    UUUUH I've heard ::)    Jed

Yeah and somebody will wonder who did it, most likely would look harder for me than if I robbed a bank. ;)
Mongrel Historian

Always get the water for the coffee upstream from the herd.

Ab Ovo Usque ad Mala

The time has passed so quick, the years all run together now.


I've eaten cougar.
Years ago, in St. Maries, Idaho, they used to have a wild game feed to benefit Hospice. Folks would bring all kinds of wild game to the Eagles Aerie, and the Ladies of the Eagles would cook it. Or it was prepared before the event by the contributors.
One year, a woman showed up with a BIG crock pot full of cubed cougar meat in barbecue sauce.
The consistency and flavor was like pork. If you didn't know, you'd have thought it was cubed pork. Wonderful eating, with a good, pork-like flavor. Very lean, with no trace of fat.
I'm a cat-lover, so it took a bit to get past that first bite but I'm glad I tried it.

An earlier post warned of trichinosis, and rabbits carrying that organism. Rabbits carry the tularensis organism but, I don't believe they carry the parasite that causes trichiniosis. Pigs carry trichinosis. Be warned: Any undercooked meat can cause sickness, even death. Make sure you cook everything -- wild and domestic -- thoroughly.
"A vast desert. Smoke. Brimstone. Pierced parchment. The ugly cat is much amused." -- The Quantrains of Gatodamus (1503-1566)

Doc Cuervo

Mountain lion? Hmmm, not something that I would normaly go out and shop for to prepare for dinner. However, if stranded out in the bush and hungry enough, I would eat the south end of a northbound mule, so big cat would be no problem. The only thing that I ever refused was the fried trantula that I was offered in Northern Thailand; I don't do spiders...period! :P

Gypsy Bob

I've eaten a LOT of mountain lion over the years, it AINT tough, it dont taste 'GAMEY'
its texture is 'similar' to pork, but, its usually quite BLAND in flavor.. it tends to be dry (lack of excess fat) so if ya cook it w/ pork fat-bacon grease it stands in well as a pork substitute.... a good trip is to take a lion 'ham' or rump roast and wrap it in a slab of hog fat, brown all sides in dutch oven and slow cook covered w/lid, and w/ lots of water, till done.. tastes just like a fresh pork roast...

Doc Cuervo

I imagine, somwhere, at sometime, unbeknownst to me, I was fed cat in the third world. It must not have been too bad cause I don't recall anything that caused me grief when I ate it. However, I did refuse to partake of the roasted trantulas in Thailand and I don't give a damn who I offended, I don't do bugs, insects or aracnids.

Ten Wolves Fiveshooter

  I use to get Lion rounds out of a brokerage house in Chicago, along with all my other wild game meats, I never tried the Lion, but my biggest customer for lion and all the other game meats I carried was Marlin Brando, he would come in about every six months and stock up, and then go back to his Island.

            tEN wOLVES  :D
NRA, SASS# 69595, NCOWS#3123 Leather Shop, RATTS# 369, SCORRS, BROW, ROWSS #40   Shoot Straight, Have Fun, That's What It's All About

Johnny McCrae

There used to be a restaurant in Milwaukee called "Frenchy's". They did have Lion on the menu along with Buffalo, Bear, Elk, Wild Boar and a host of other exotic dishes. Never tried anything but steak back then. I do remember the waitresses being dressed up like French maids. Frenchy's has long been out of business. Too bad because it was an event to go there and the food was decent. Attached is copy of the wild game section of their menu.
You need to learn to like all the little everday things like a sip of good whiskey, a soft bed, a glass of buttermilk,  and a feisty old gentleman like myself

Shotgun Franklin

I've eaten Mountain Lion. I needs to be aged like good beef. I had it broiled and it was pretty good. I've eaten Bob Cat to and it was alright.
I think the diet has a lot to do with how any animal tastes. I've eaten deer from the Texas Hill Contry, it's excellent, practially corn raised. Deer fron South Texas tastes of the litlle wild chilie peppers. Deer from East Texas has a pnie taste to it.
You must also treat the meat as food. Clean it quick, bleed it if need be, age it if you can. I've seen 'hunters' kill a deer, drive 200 miles, leve the deer in the pickup for a couple of hours then take it to the processer. It tasted 'wild', I wonder why?
Yes, I do have more facial hair now.

Ten Wolves Fiveshooter

Quote from: Shotgun Franklin on October 16, 2010, 10:36:10 AM
I've eaten Mountain Lion. I needs to be aged like good beef. I had it broiled and it was pretty good. I've eaten Bob Cat to and it was alright.
I think the diet has a lot to do with how any animal tastes. I've eaten deer from the Texas Hill Contry, it's excellent, practially corn raised. Deer fron South Texas tastes of the litlle wild chilie peppers. Deer from East Texas has a pnie taste to it.
You must also treat the meat as food. Clean it quick, bleed it if need be, age it if you can. I've seen 'hunters' kill a deer, drive 200 miles, leve the deer in the pickup for a couple of hours then take it to the processer. It tasted 'wild', I wonder why?

    Shotgun you hit on a very important point, and it goes over looked more than it's payed attention too, and that's when you make a kill, the animal needs to be bleed right away, not left in the back end of a pick up truck for several hours, I always bleed the animal as soon as I can get to it after I have made the kill,if you don't  it not only makes the meat taste wild and bitter tasting, but it can and will contaminate the carcass. When the butcher/meat cutter gets the carcass it should have already been bled and dressed , some hunters have made a day of it, and then stopped by the butcher to drop off the carcass, just to have the butcher tell them they waited too long, and the meats is no longer fit for human consumption.

      tEN wOLVES   
NRA, SASS# 69595, NCOWS#3123 Leather Shop, RATTS# 369, SCORRS, BROW, ROWSS #40   Shoot Straight, Have Fun, That's What It's All About

Russ T Chambers

There used to be a restaurant in Milwaukee called the Public Natatorium on S. 4th St..  It was actually an old natatorium with the pool in the center and two levels of dining around it.  The pool was used to stage dolphin shows for the diners each night.  They had a wild game menu also, and I had to try the African loin one time.  As I recall it was shade on the tough side, but that  was 20 or 25 years ago.
Russ T. Chambers
Roop County Cowboy Shooters Association
SASS Lifer/Regulator #262
SBSS #1441
CRPA Lifer 
NRA Benefactor Member
Brother of the Arrow

Johnny McCrae

Howdy Russ T,
I do remember the Public Natatorium Restaurant. I lived not too far from it and swam in that pool as a youngster almost sixty years ago. Years later I ate there with my family once but don't remember how the food was. My kids did enjoy the dolphins.

You need to learn to like all the little everday things like a sip of good whiskey, a soft bed, a glass of buttermilk,  and a feisty old gentleman like myself

Rowdy Fulcher

What's the best way to serve Mt. Lion .  ;D ;D ;D

dusty texian

Rowdy they are best served a big dose of lead. Sorry Pard I had to. There goes my Bucket mouth again.....Dusty.

Rowdy Fulcher

I guess we can either barbecue it or make it up in Jerky . We might want a snort of Jim Beam to hold it down .

dusty texian

Rowdy I say Ifn we gonna have to hold him down, let's give him a snort to .Cause he aint gonna like it ...Dusty


We are just beginning to get mountain lions moving in (back in?) to Alaska but one hunting guide who lives near Fairbanks, Audun, brags about his stir fried lynx.  He went into some detail about how he cubes the thigh meat.

This is another hunting guide, Rick, who hunts just to the east of Fairbanks. 

-Karl  SASS #1772 "Max Degen"


I've eaten a LOT of lion meat, its like super super lean pork, in fact if you cook it with a bit of hog lard I've never met anyone that could tell it from pork, thing is lion tends to be DRY so you need pig grease or some sort of liquid when you cook it.. its rather bland flavored meat, just use in any pig meat recipe and youll do just fine.... makes great Chili Verde..

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