Trooper** Side Match **

Started by Rowdy Fulcher, July 27, 2009, 08:47:11 PM

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Curley Cole

yup I know whatya mean.One of them is a deputy sheriff, not much money to spend, but ya we all had a great time. As you can see Old Top had that goofy grin on his face all ALL weekend

Scars are tatoos with better stories.
The Cowboys
Silver Queen Mine Regulators
dammit gang

Dusty Tagalon

So can a trooper use either a full length or carbine trapdoor?


Curley Cole

Old Top as you see has a full length, and I guess that  is what the infantry carried...he would know better than I
good shootin
Scars are tatoos with better stories.
The Cowboys
Silver Queen Mine Regulators
dammit gang

Old Top


Infantry of the time carried the full leangth rifle and no pistol, about 40 rounds in two macaver (sp) pouches on the front.  Also a riflemans knife, or a troual (sp) bayonet.  Cav carried a carbine and a pistol plus a saber is so told, most of the time they were left at the fort.  The rifle has a sling and the carbine has a sling ring on the left and then cliped on the carbine and worn like a bandoler.  Ammunition for the carbine was carried in a macaver pouch and pistol ammunition was carried in a modified cap pouch.  Pistol was carried in a holster worn butt forward on the right side behind macacer pouch, the cap pouch was on the left in front of the saber hanger.  Hope this answers your questions.  In this instance I would say that any uniform, pistol and rifle (carbine) combanation would work.

Old Top
I only shoot to support my reloading habit.

Dusty Tagalon

Old Top, I fully understand the difference between Calvary & Infantry. Also that by definition,  trooper is Calvary.

That was not what my question was. My question was where do I fit in? Not in any of the 3 below, unless I could use the full length 1873 as a Trooper.  I think it odd to make a separate category because of rifle length.

none of these
the Trooper uses a Trapdoor and a single action
then  the Scout use a Sharps ,Spencer , 1860 colt Single action
The Buffalo Hunter would use single shot rifle and a revolver


French Jack

Brian, there were numerous instances of Cavalry Troopers being issued rifles.  In some of the units, only one or two were done so, so the unit would have the ability to engage the enemy at a distance.  We all know that Custer and others believed that the Cavalry was to close with the opposing forces and ride over them.  That did not always happen, especially during the Indian Wars.  In many cases, the rifles with their ability to provide fire at longer ranges saved the bacon and more.

Especially the mounted infantry.  They rode horses to action then dismounted and fought as an infantry unit.
French Jack

Rowdy Fulcher

To answer your question , you are a trooper . Trapdoor and a side arm .

French Jack

Dusty, I can provide documentation that in the 5th Cavalry, at least, it was standard practice to issue 5 and later 10 rifles per company.  They were issued to the best shots, and were well appreciated by the troopers.  Several references of the period refer to the practice of some of the troopers issued carbines, trading their lighter carbine loads to the riflemen for some of the heavier loads which gave them increased range with their carbines.
French Jack

Bow View Haymaker

Have ya alll looked at this thread?,17271.0.html

It outlines a clear presice class structure for the use of milspec rifles and allows for those that don't have (can't afford) mil-spec rifles as well.  It is a known and already accepted set of guidlines.  This can be simplified into 3 catagories.
All using 1 hangun and a rifle.
Single shot rifle.
repeating rifle caliber rifle.
repeating pistol caliber rifle.
each of these can be broke down further into mil-spec or civilian models
and /or smokeless or black powder
Uniforms encoraged if your shooting a mil-spec rifle.
I suggest keeping it simple but consice while still allowing the most number of shooters to participate with what they have.
don't push someone out just because thier rifle was sporterized somewhere in its life or they hapen to have a new rolling block they want toshoot instead of a trapdoor.  Or maybe they dress the part of a "trooper" to the t but only have thier regular CAS rifle, a pistol caliber lever gun. 
Less restrictions are better.
just my $.01worth

Bow View Haymaker

GAF #522  Dept of the Platte
SASS# 67733 (RO II)
NRA life

Paul Arens

Rowdy Fulcher

Howdy Pards
Today we shot a Video about the Trooper side Match . Had a blast hope to have on You Tube in a few days . ;D ;D

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