How time flies...

Started by US Scout, December 16, 2006, 02:28:59 PM

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US Scout

As I was writing in the date for something today, it occured to me that 36 years ago yesterday, I raised my hand and swore to defend the Constitution. 

Lot of changes in the Corps since then, mostly good.  In some ways I miss being on active duty, but my current line of work allows me to work right alongside some of these outstanding men and women who are serving today, so its not like I'm completely divorced from the military.

US Scout
Bvt Brig Gen, GAF 


Once a Marine, always a Marine. Semper Fi, mon general.

I raised my hand and took the shilling 01 June 1976. First official order given me after joining the Navy: "You will shave off that mustache."
Yours, &c.,

Guy 'Frenchie' LaFrance
Vous pouvez voir par mes vĂȘtements que je ne suis pas un cowboy.

Dr. Bob

All you puppies there!  It will be 41 years in about a month.  Commissioned from ROTC in Jan of 1966!  Brand new butter bar.  Could read a map!  Could shoot an M-14 real well!  Couldn't run a mile for sh*t!  Still can't! :o ;) ;D  But I danced all night with the young pretty girls!! ;D :-* ;D ::) ;D
Regards, Doc
Dr. Bob Butcher,
NCOWS 2420, Senator
HR 4
GAF 405,
NRA Life,
KGC 8.
Motto: Clean mind  -  Clean body,   Take your pick

Reb Tyree

30 years ago, 09 Aug 76, I can recall "Get off my bus, put your feet in the yellow foot prints." and some other words that got my attention!  "Welcome to MCRD San Diego!"  :o "But I joined the Navy! ???  Four hours later I was at Camp Nimitz San Diego.  One hell to another.  My DI was a Navy Seal.  I could run all day and tread water all night!  Best time in the Navy was as a Navy Corpsman with the Marines!!! ;D  Six and half years later.  Welcome to the United States Army and still serving in the Army Reserve.  Never thought about the Army Air Corps aka: Air Force.  You know the gentlemans flying club.  :) ;)

"Semper Fi"

"Non Nobis Domine Non Nobis Sed Nomini Tuo Da Glorium!"
I have the Honor to remain,

Your Obedient Servant,

(SFC) Bvt Lt. Col Reb Tyree, CSA
Chief of Staff, Dept of the Pacific,
Grand Army of the Frontier

Old Top

Dr Bob,

It looks as if you and I date about the same time period, 3 Feb 66 I was out on the footprints at Ft Ord thinking what have I done.  They declared me Gov Surplus in in 2004, it was an interesting trip.

Old Top
I only shoot to support my reloading habit.

Guns Garrett

I filed off the bus at MCRD San Diego at about 2200, 30 Dec 1975.  Got our initial issue, haircuts, and first Marine Corps breakfast all before dawn.  As it now was New Year's Eve, MCRD was like a ghost town, and we didn't do a lot that day - we had a "duty" Drill Instructor in the recieving barracks.  He made it very clear to us he had better places to be than watching us sorry maggots, but he did have us hit the rack finally at 2100, and we got to sleep in till 0600!  We were in recieving for about a week, with a different DI everyday.  Finally our platoon and series was formed up, and we started T-1.  And guess what - our DI was the same one we had that first day!
"Stand, gentlemen; he served on Samar"

GAF #301


How I envy you guys.   I was sitting in H.S. watching the Tet Offensive on TV and thinking I did not want to be in that deep s**t.    I joined the Sheriff Dept and fought the battle of the University riots.  We dodged suitcase bombs thrown at the courthouse and feces/urine cocktails in the jail. And hundreds of long hair hippies were booked and released if they were not too drunk or stoned.

But thanks for your service then and now.  You are much admired.
Deputy(retired) Beau


Sounds like I'm the most senior Marine to reply yet---, I graduated from boot camp in July 1966.  The last Boot Camp platoon of the Old Corps back when it was tough.  That was when we were still eating hardtack and salt pork.  Why, C rations were a treat.  And the drill instructors, Chesty trained em all in my series and pounding recruits was their hobby..  Now this is no s--t,  we had drill instructors who would cuss so much and so loud that the Commandant would call down from 8th and I and complain cuz it hurt his ears.  And he was half deaf from the guns of the First World War.  Ah, for the good old days.  Semper Fi
USMC 1966-70   Viet Nam 69-70
BOSS SSS Henry Shooter

Guns Garrett

Last Cigar,
July '66 huh?  I was always told the "Old Corps" ended the day before I enlisted!
GySgt USMC (Ret) 1975-1996
"Stand, gentlemen; he served on Samar"

GAF #301

US Scout

I always looked at it this way:

Anyone who came in after me was a Boot; anyone who came in before me was a Lifer.

Unfortunately, after about 20 years I was finding more boots than Lifers!  :D

US Scout
Bvt Brig Gen, GAF

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