Guns for competition?

Started by Big Hext Finnigan, August 23, 2004, 07:51:40 AM

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Big Hext Finnigan

Ok.. tell us what brung ya.. or what you think will bring ya.
When you shoot fast, what do ya shoot?



BHF, not really sure what you are asking.

Big Hext Finnigan

Haw!  Sometimes I'm not either!

What I'm asking is:
What guns do you use?  Why?
Have you changed your guns?  Why?



I started with .45's clones, 92, 97 (the manly thing to do) and was getting my butt kicked and could not figure out why. One day while working the unloading table, I started to notice the fast shooters brass and they were much smaller than mine. Light Bulb! Mind you at this time I was not re-loading, I am now. Really makes a difference when you can tailor your loads.
I switched to .38's clones and Marlin and same 97. Now things were working better. After two to three matches, I was into the clones having to work on them, replace springs etc. My Pard keeps saying you need to go to RV's. Finally took his advice and bought RV's in 5 1/2" bbls(same length I had in my clones). Hated them, balance was horrible, SOLD! Back to clones. By chance at the range one day another Pard ask me to check out his wife's new SS RV's 4 5/8" bbls WOW what a difference. Called the Gun store and ordered a new set.
Presently and for last several years I now shoot:
RV's SS 4 5/8" 357/38 completely worked, half cock welded hammer etc. no free spin pawl (back ups are blued set up the same way)
Taylor's '73's short stroked (really slick) made the change about two years ago.
97's with choke tubes full action job.
I went to the 73 a couple of years a go, even though I was not having trouble with the Marlin, 73 was just faster for me and cooler looking 8).

Doc Shapiro

I've changed several times!  I've changed rifles because I wanted one that fit me better.  I've changed pistols for any number of reasons.

What I have now is:
Ruger Vaquero's, 4 5/8 inch barrels, blued, 357.
NA '73.  20 inch barrel, 357.
Win 97, 12 ga, 20 inch barrel.
SKB SxS, 12 ga, 26 inch tubes.

I recently switched from a Marlin to a '73 cause the '73 fits me better and points more naturally.  I switched to .38's because I was shootin a lot and my hands were gettin to hurt a lot from the 45's.  Didn't notice a change in my times though.  I was shootin 1000 rounds a week in practice, and had learned to control the recoil.  But my hands just hurt.


Irish Red O'Toole

Started with 5½" Stainless Steel Ruger Vaqueros in .45LC.  Still use 'em.  Originally got a 92 carbine.  Got tired of it jamming every third match, so I just bought an EMF 73 rifle in .45LC.  Used it in my first match yesterday.  Realy like it.  Now it needs some action work.  Also started with a Stoeger SxS.  Switched to using a Norinco 97 several months ago.  Noticable speed improvement with the 97.  Just gotta practice pulling more than one shell at a time for it..... (right Doc?  ;))

I was going to switch to .38 for all my match guns, but after talking to Lefty Longridge about it, decided not to.  The marginal benefit it would bring to someone at my current skill level didn't outweigh the cost of changing over.

Prof. Bullspit

I started with .45 birdshead Ruger Vaqueros. I gave a try with .357 Blackhawks and then got a pair of regular Vaqueros in .45, one with a 4 3/8 barrel and one with a 5 1/2 barrel. I prefer the shorter one and would love to get a mate for the shorter one.

I think I am faster with the regular Vaqueros.

I use a Marlin Limited rifle in .45 and a Baikal coach gun.

I'm not too bad with the rifle, ok with the pistols. Let's not talk about the shotgun!


You just made me think of my foray into big sighted guns (I totally had forgotten). Getting older (senior next month) and with the new addition of modern guns to 49er, I thought I would make the transition. Back in February (right after Winter Range) I set up a pair of Blackhawks, all the trick stuff, half cock welded hammers (borrowed from my RV's) Gunfighter grips. Single Action Jackson sent me pictures for front and rear sight profiles, and had them all set up. I went to the range and dialed in the sights, really working great, great groups, nice big front sight, easy for my old eyes to see. I shot modern at Trailhead (preparing for EoT), by the second or third stage and several pistol misses, I was confused. I took off to the fumble area to see what in the heck was going on. Much to my suprise the sights had walked off and I was at least 6" left of where I should have been. That was my adventure with modern guns, probably something I did or did not do, but I am back to RV's and plan on staying there.

Prof. Bullspit

I haven't had a problem with the sights on my Blackhawks but I just didn't feel right shooting them. I guess I'm still new enough to feel like I prefer to shoot the .45's and little sights.

I'm blessed with better than average eyes and I should use them

Four-Eyed Buck

I started with an EAA BBH in .45 with a 7 1/2" barel and an RV with a 5 1/2"er. a Marlin CB in .45 and an 1898 Marlin 12ga.. after the wife started shooting and we went through two calibers for her, she finally got some revolvers that fit her and I inherited her old .357's. i got one of the CBC's to go with them and by then, had switched to a Stoeger SxS 12ga.! I had carpal tunnel problems and started shooting duelist to favor the healing hand. Last year I added a third brace in 38-40. The revolvers are EMF's with 4 3/4" barrels and the BP frame. the rifle is an 1889 Marlin that's 113 years old and I've just acquired a TTN 1878 hammered SxS to go with them. I forgot to say that the .357 revolvers are an EAA with a 4 1/2" barrel and a Cimarron Model P with a 5 1/2" barrel. I alternate the braces and have been pretty successful at shooting clean with all three. for side matches I have an 1893 Marlin in 38-55 and a Bufalo Classic in 45-70...........Buck 8) ::) ;D
I might be slow, but I'm mostly accurate.....

Sidewinder Sills

I got great advice from a pard prior to loading up with guns. Told me about the SASS Wire (I had no idea about CasCity back then)
Said I should post questions and then sit back. I did just that and after sorting through all the pro's and con's I started with:

2 matched Ruger Vaqueros, .45 w/ 5 1/2" barrels, CCH
1 Winchester '94 Trapper, .45 (didn't know about 10 rounds then either!)
1 Norinco '99 SxS, 12ga.

After playing a while and going over to Classic Cowboy I have replaced everything. The Ruger's and the Winny are my back-up guns now. Currently I shoot with:

2 matched Hartford EMF Bisley's with action jobs in .45, 5 1/2" barrels, CCH
1 Uberti Winchester '73 in .45, 24 1/4" octagonal barrel, CCH
And I'm still waiting to pick up my new TTN 1878 SxS in 12ga.
(I broke the stock in half earlier this month on the Norinco and have replacement stocks coming from Interstate, but it's a back up now...)

And I still need to find a good derringer as well as a nice Sharps 1874 in .45-.70.

Nope, not done yet. My wife wants to shoot now too so I get to buy everything over again, but all in .38/.357 so I may just morf into one of the dirty gamey bastards I heard tell about !!


Camille Eonich

I started with and am still shooting a pair of Ruger Birdheads, 4 5/8" barrels in .45.

The first rifle that I bought for myself for CAS was an EMF 92 in .45.  I really loved the way that gun felt and the way that it shot but it was problem after problem. First jamming up, got that worked on and it quit feeding.  This gun is every bit as slick as any '73 that I have ever held in my hands it's just unreliable.  So I bought a model '73 border rifle.  Had it slicked up and short stroked.  FINE rifle.  Then I decided that I wanted a '73 border delux so it's at the smiths now.

The first and only shotgun that I have had for CAS is Winchester '97.  The action work was done on it before I got it.  See no reason to change it and between me and Stump we have a backup shotgun.

I've started thinking about buying a new set of birdsheads in .38s but I have a couple of goals to make with the .45s first.  I think that I may be able to shave a couple of seconds off with the .38s ....then again maybe not but it never hurts to have another set of guns around. ;D
"Extremism is so easy. You've got your position, and that's it. It doesn't take much thought. And when you go far enough to the right you meet the same idiots coming around from the left."
― Clint Eastwood

Russ T Chambers

I started off with a used 5½ Dakota in .45 colt.  This was back when one handgun was all you needed.  Picked up a Rossi '92 Puma in .357/38 and borrowed a shotgun for my first match.
At that first match I ran across a Rossi coach gun for a steal. (sorry Weedy).  This little puppy is still spittin' out lead pellets, and black smoke for me.
The '92 started giving me problems with feeding about four years ago and was replaced by a '73 in .45 colt.  It's also nice to have everything in the same caliber.
I added a Mitchell Arms 4¾ in .45 colt when it was apparent we were going to need two pistols.  Next came a 4¾ Hartford thanks to the drawing at EOT one year.  The Dakota got bobbed into a 3½ Sheriffs model with birds head grips.
Last year I replaced the Hartford and Mitchell with a pair of 4¾ Frontier Marshalls in .45 from EMF.  I just like the brass grip frames.
I'll probably stick with this for a few more years.
Russ T. Chambers
Roop County Cowboy Shooters Association
SASS Lifer/Regulator #262
SBSS #1441
CRPA Lifer 
NRA Benefactor Member
Brother of the Arrow

Sagebrush Burns

When I first started doing this (about 1985 if i remember right) things were very different.  We only used one pistol, 30-30 and such was Ok for rifles, paper targets, no shotgun.  I used a 4 3/4" Colt SAA 45 and a winchester M94 30-30.  As the game developed I got a M94 trapper 45Colt and a 12 ga. Rossi mele-ear coach gun.  When we needed two pistols I got a Colt SAA 7 1/2" 45.  Since then the sky's the limit.  At one time I shot a pair of 4 3/4" SAAs and then I found I shot better with longer barrels and switched to 7 1/2"ers.  I found a Uberti M73 carbine and switched to that.  That's where I am now, Colt 45 7 1/2", Uberti 73, Rossi coach gun.  Sometimes for a change of pace I shoot a USFA 10" buntline 45 and my origional 4 3/4" SAA.

Sagebrush Burns

Black Mountain Cat (my wife) and I are in this game more for fun and style points then for "competition".  That being said, it's still more fun when you shoot well then when you don't.  We both use Colt SAA 7 1/2" 45s; she shoots a M92 and I shoot a M73, both carbines, both 45s; she shoots a 20ga hammerless double and I shoot a Rossi 12ga mule ear, both w/20" barrels.

Micheal Fortune

I shoot .45 Colt

Two (the twins) 4 3/4 inch Colt Clones, Uberti Cattlemen,

Win94 ae....I know she isn't the best but got to start somewhere.  I still have hopes for her.

Stevens 311a sxs. 12ga.  Now while she is a fine shooter and quite the looker I'm gona hafta do something else cause she just don't dance that well.  Lots of time lost trying to keep her open to feed her again.

Would like a 97, but in this neck of the woods, cause of CAS, they run about $600.00  :o
Saloon Keeper, Gambler, Shootist
Sun River Rangers Shooting Society / SASS 60159 / R.O.-1 / SBSS 1685 / G.O.F.W.G. 89 / RATS 58 / KGC 4 /

Matthew Duncan

Been doing this for about 2 years.

Still using original guns. Uberti clones, 45LC.  Stevens 311 SxS.

I started at the bottom of the pack and now am in the middle.  Except for the winter months I'm at the top.  Guess the "better" shooters don't show up when it's cold?

I've smithed the Stevens so it stays open (most of the time).  Would like to retire it to backup and get one of those TNN muled shotguns. 
Major General J.E.B. Stuart's Division
Captain 1st Maryland Artillery, C.S.A.
SASS# 23189

Disclaimer:  I have not slept in any hotel recently, not a certified CAS rule web lawyer.  Have not attended any RO III or RO VI classes.  Opinions expressed are by a cowpoke who believes the year is 1868.

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